CakePHP - JsHelper - AJAX - Parse Response Data in Independent Function - ajax

I think CakePHPs JsHelper is pretty neat to use for AJAX form submissions. Normally you just set the DOM element to update with the new content and the JsHelper takes care of the rest. A normal submit button could look like:
echo $this->Js->submit('Submit', array(
'update' => '#a-div',
'url' => 'some-url'
Now, I want to update 2 or 3 different DOM elements and my AJAX response type will be JSON with 2 or 3 key pairs. So to my question.
How can I capture the JSON response data and pass THAT DATA to an independent callback function that I have written myself where I can parse the response and update the relevant DOM elements with the value pairs? What is the correct syntax for that? I realise I could probably skip using the JsHelper and create my own submission, but I don't want to do that in this instance.

I found the right answer:
echo $this->Js->submit(
'Lägg en i varukorgen',
'url' => array('controller' => 'products', 'action' => 'ajax_basket'),
'id' => 'basket-add-submit',
'success' => 'myFunction(data);',
At the success callback, data holds the JSON being returned.

Forget the JsHelper and write jquery code yourself.


is there a way to show data in repeater field form after repeater is extended?

i did this in plugin.php boot function to addfield in repeater field
if(!$model instanceof Kebaktian) return;
if(!$form->model->kebum) return;
if(!$form->isNested) return;
'addition' => [
'label' => 'addition label',
'span' => 'storm',
'cssClass' => 'col-sm-4',
'type' => 'text']
the result produce additional field perfectly.. the problem is after data is saved, it doesn`t show in the form but data exist in database,,
how should i solve this..
yes, you are correct we dont need to worry about database fields.
as repeater field is build of json so in database its json and when you fetch from database its array
just take structured input from user then use : extend-form-fields
now you can add and remove fields from the repeater as user needed.
if any doubts please comment

Symfony2, dynamically refresh form choices

I am creating a simple Blog system with symfony2. Each blog Post is bound to a certain amount of Tags.
Tags can be selected with checkboxes when creating a new blog post. Now I want to be able to dynamically add new tag-checkboxes to the form.
The AJAX part is done and working, I can add new tag names to the Tag entity and append the new checkboxes to the form.
The problem is when I submit the form, symfony2 doesn't recognize the new added tags because they don't belong to the Tag entity yet (at the time the form was generated).
For example: after submitting the form, I dump:
$tags = $form->get('tags')->getData();
The controller ignores the tags that were added through ajax.
I know it has to be solved with events somehow, I already read this documentation: but can't figure out how to implement it for this specific case.
Here is my form builder for "PostType":
->add('content', 'textarea')
->add('tags', 'entity', array(
'class' => 'Bundle:Tag',
'property' => 'name',
'multiple' => true,
'expanded' => true,
->add('save', 'submit')
You can try to use this: Form Collection
Make sure you persist the newly added Tags before submit the form, and the checkboxes has the right names and values.
Names should be like "post[tags][]" and values should be the database ids of the Tag entities.

Drupal ajax form, partial render

Good day.
I created custom form in my module and defined submit button like this:
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save'),
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => 'fmg_addbanner_ajax_callback',
'method' => 'replace',
'wrapper' => 'banner_add_wrapper'
Then outputted my form like this:
$form = drupal_get_form('fmg_banner_add_form', $region_id);
print render($form);
But ajax requests don't work. I think because of there are no needed drupal js files. How can I solve this problem? Thanks.
The normal case will be to have #ajax attached to a common input, like checkbox, text box etc.
The behavior is that when user change the input value, it'll fire your callback through ajax and send entire form over, and then you can process this form behind the scene and adjust certain things before sending the form back and change the element to the wrapper you defined.
One of the question that I had for partial form rendering is when I need to do some ajax call or inject partial form element to certain area of the page while keeping the integrity of the form rendering. (I don't know exactly what form build did, i guess i don't want to know)
Since form rendering uses the renderable array, if you just want to extract certain element, you could just do
$form = drupal_get_form('application_form');
$body = render($form['body']);
The following is a real example that i took a form and split into header, footer and the rest of form elements.
// get a form for updating application info.
$form = drupal_get_form('pgh_awards_review_application_form', $app);
$elements = array();
$form_render = render($form);
$elements = array(
'qualify' => render($form['qualify']),
'threshold_met' => render($form['threshold_met']),
'submit' => render($form['submit']),
if (preg_match('/<form.+div>/', $form_render, $matches)) {
$elements['header'] = $matches[0];
if (preg_match('/<input type="hidden".+form>/s', $form_render, $matches)) {
$elements['footer'] = $matches[0];
$vars['form'] = $elements;
It's definitely not pretty approach, it just serves the needs at the moment.

cakephp ajax remote function select input parameter

I try to do two inputs in cakePHP (category, subcategory).
And if i change category input i want ajax to load values to subcategories.
What i can do it?
Im using remote function like this:
'url' => array( 'controller' => 'categories', 'action' => 'loadSubcategories', AND NOW I WANT PUT HERE CATEGORY ID FROM MY INPUT ),
'update' => 'subcategories'
<select name="categories" id="categories" onhange="MY REMOTE FUNCTION">
<select name="subcategories" id="categories" onhange="MY REMOTE FUNCTION">
I hope you can understand me :)
All you need is:
a Cake action that outputs a list of items based on the data it receives (shouldn't be hard)
a bit of JS that figures out which categories are selected (which you already have)
another bit of JS that packages that data and sends it to the Cake action
another bit of JS that updates the site with the list of items you received back
I'd take a look at jQuery's AJAX functions to accomplish this task. If you POST the data in a format like this, it's very easily accessible in $this->data in Cake:
'data[ModelName][categories]' : $("#category").val()

How to use ajax on a field widget submit button in Drupal 7 without validating the rest of the form

I'm making a new widget for taxonomy term references where a submit button makes an ajax call back to drupal to alter the form. Here's what I have:
$element['my_module_wrapper']['add'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Add'),
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => 'my_module_ajax',
'wrapper' => $field_name . '_my_module_container',
I have the ajax call working properly, but it validates the whole form, and throws errors when unrelated fields that are required aren't filled out. How can I stop this?
Also possibly related, it doesn't seem to call my hook_field_widget_form() function when ajax is called... is this stemming from the same problem?
Have you tried making your field #type = 'button' instead of 'submit'? As far as I know, a submit button will always run through the for validate array whether it's an ajax form item or not.
Look at the example from Poll module given here:
The full function shows how it's done with '#limit_validation_errors'.
