Image Retrieving - windows-phone-7

Im doing App with Camera in Windows Phone. Can Any one say that How can I get Image After Clicking with Camera Capture I want to Display that Image in Other Page and I like to add Some Mater About that and than I like to Save. please any One Guide Me


Xcode allow user to input image

How would you go about allowing the user to input an image in an Xcode app on iPhone?
For example setting a profile picture, where the actual user chooses the image from their photo library (or take picture etc.)
To pick a photo, you'll need a PHPickerViewController.
This documentation page should help to understand how to use it: Selecting Photos and Videos in iOS.
The easiest way to take a picture is to present a UIImagePickerController with the sourceType of .camera.

How to use gallery on apps that only allow to get a picture from a camera app?

Is there a way to upload images through gallery on apps that only allows the images to be taken by camera?
I know there are apps like fakecamera which allows the same but a recent update to the app in which I upload images through gallery using FakeCamera has disabled this functionality. Every time I click on camera button in the app only my mobile camera is opened (earlier whenever I clicked the camera button, a selection dialog used to came to select between fake camera or camera to upload image). But now only my default camera is opened every time. If this needs to Mod the apk, I am ready to do that but please someone help me out with this, I am so frustrated.....

Camera and gallery in xamarin ios

I have an application where you need to upload a photograph taken from the camera or the gallery, if you allow me to enter the camera without problems and take the photo, likewise enter the gallery and select one, but when I want to see it in an image redirects me to my main screen

Bind an auto-clickable link in an image

For the marketing point of view, I wish to somehow bind an auto-clickable link in an image such that whenever the image is viewed/opened, the link should be clicked in background. Then we will later come to know from where the image is opened & how many users have seen our image. It would be done through google url shortner analytics.
Link should not be opened in browser but only clicked in background.
Looks like some hacking trick but we need it market our new logo.
Please let me know.

Camera capture task - What to save to DB - Windows Phone

My question is related to Windows Phone 7.1. After the camera capture task, I get the chosen picture which is saved in Camera Roll. How do get a reference to this so that I can save the same in my DB.
I mean, in web designing we save the url for an image for retrieving it in future. What do I save here?
More Details - This is my requirement
I have some items and each item has an image. The image is caputred using camera by the user. I want to save it so that, later when user views the item, the corresponding image should be shown.
I found my answer after more research.
Got the idea from this sample code at Windows Phone Dev Center. Basic Camera Sample is the script.
Capture the picture using the CameraTask from Microsoft.Phone.Tasks namespace
Save the Image in IsolatedStorage as a JPEG. Here we can give a filename
Retrieve the image from IsolatedStorage with the filename specified in step 2
Complete procedure is explained clearly in the same code here.
