Permission denied when trying to import a CSV file from PGAdmin - windows

I'm using PGAdmin 1.14.3.
When I try to execute an import command:
COPY grad(country_code, postal_code, place_name, admin_name1, admin_code1, admin_name2, admin_code2, admin_name3, admin_code3, latitude, longitude, accuracy)
FROM 'C:\\Users\\denis\\Desktop\\BP2Project\\USA\\US.txt';
I get a
ERROR: could not open file
"C:\Users\denis\Desktop\BP2Project\USA\US.txt" for reading:
Permission denied SQL state: 42501
I did look up other similar questions and none of them solved my issue.
I logged in as user "postgres" who is the superuser. I don't see why I'm missing permissions. I'm on Windows 7.

The permissions article mentioned in the answer by Houari and Flimzy is a good reference material, but a direct answer (the quick fix I used) is:
Right click the folder containing the data file(s) that permission was denied to and then click Properties.
In the Folder's Properties window, select the Security tab.
Click the Edit button.
In the "Permissions for the folder" window that opened, click the Add... button.
Type Everyone into the "Enter the object names to select" text area box.
Click OK and the window will close.
Verify that the default Read & Execute permissions were set to Allow via the check checkbox in the previous window.
As JLB notes, Write permission is needed if dumping from PostgreSQL, opposed to copying into it.
Click OK and the window will close.
Click the Apply button in the Folder Properties window.
Now you can run the SQL COPY statement that needs to access those files.
Once done, return to the Folder's Properties window.
Click the Edit button.
Select the Everyone entry in the "Group or user names:" field.
Click the Remove button.
Click OK on the remaining open windows.
The permissions have now been returned to what they were.

The user Postgres must have read access on the file from which you are about to copy.
Look at this article to see how to modify files' security access on Windows.

Ok, this is how got COPY command working,to export a table to CSV, step by step.
Pls note that I am using pgAdmin 111.
Create the target folder you want to export a table to. E.g C:\myExports
Set a read/write permission on this folder following the steps below :
Right click the folder containing the data file(s) that permission was denied >to and then click Properties.
In the Folder's Properties window, select the Security tab.
Click the Edit button.
In the "Permissions for the folder" window that opened, click the Add... button.
Type Everyone into the "Enter the object names to select" text area box.
Click OK and the window will close.
Verify that the default Read & Execute permissions were set to Allow via the >check checkbox in the previous window.
Click OK and the window will close.
Click the Apply button in the Folder Properties window.
This is the tricky part, inside myExports folder create a blank CSV file with your desired name.E.g employee.csv
Then run the Copy command like this :
copy employee to 'C:\myExports\employee.csv' delimiter ',' csv;
employee is the table name in this example..
Hope this helps.

If you don't want to give permissions to Everyone, you can add permissions to the account that started the service. In the Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services, copy the account name in the 'Log On' tab. (On my system the account is called 'Network Service'.) Then share the folder with the CSV-file with this user as shown in the answer above.

To solve this problem you must give permission to the CSV file because that CSV file present in a COPY command are read directly by the server, but not client application. So to make this file accessible to a server we must give full read-write permission so that Postgresql user can read and write on that file.
Reference: article showing step by step procedure.

I just ran into this error and even after adding postgres to permissions on the file folder and the file itself, it still didn't work. So, I put the file in a public folder. On Windows this was the path: "C:\Users\Public\Documents\census.csv." It worked!

Responses to this problem on different threads go something like this
1. "Tell me exactly what command you used"
2. "Make sure you have right permissions"
3. "Just use /copy"
I just tried giving permissions to Everyone on the cvs file I am trying to copy from, and it is still giving me the permission denied error. I think this functionality is broken and has been broken for multiple consecutive releases over multiple consecutive versions of Windows.

for me and I've just spent some long hours on this.
I have a central db residing on a HP box running 14.04 postgresql-9.5 pgAdmin3 postgis-2.2, shares are made through a tweeked Samba share. My clients are using a mixture of windows 10.1, 7, 8.1 and I have one ubuntu 14.04 desktop.
I'm working with large tables updating records and normalising data and have built the routines around SQL copy statements from CSV files which were made from the core COPY public.table_1 TO (the share folder I'd set up in Samba '/srv/samba/share/[filename].csv'
I can then update the database once the tables have been amended with COPY table_1 from '/srv/samba/share/test.csv' USING DELIMITERS ',' WITH NULL AS '' CSV HEADER; from any of my clients.
The key as far as I have been able to determine is that the clients doing the updating must be superusers, also everything must tie up in terms of users as there are 4 servers working together here Postgresql, Samba, UNIX and WINS
All of my users are registered on each of the servers with the same username and password homogeneity is the main factor.
I had tried for a long time moving things about and trying various naming conventions but in the end it was that sorted me out it was like a big switch clicking in. chown 777 on your shares and group management was an important learning curve but., the hours I've spent on this will reap rewards down the line... Loving Ubuntu loving life and loving the spirit of open source but that just might be sleep deprivation kicking in... IT WORKS

I am trying to execute SQL commands directly from a file in psql 14, and landed the same error.
The reason is that "postgres" user is different from the 'admin' or the main user of the operating-system. So, this main user denies "postgres" to access files from its file system.
Although there is a way to bypass it.
Windows lets any user access the files in 'C:\Users\Public' and Linux distros allow files in '/tmp' folder to do the same.
So, whatever files you are trying to access from postgres' terminal, keep the files in
'C:\Users\Public' for Windows
'/tmp' in Ubuntu
Read from the orginal source of this answer

use \copy command from psql instead with this config:
sudo psql -U postgres -d <your-db> -c "\copy <your-query-or-table> TO '<pat-to-save-file>' WITH (FORMAT CSV)"


Windows: XAMPP install folder ini file permission error, Access denied upon configuration save

After installing XAMPP to Windows 10 (all default/recommended installation attributes), I now have an issue changing its configuration after opening it.
Error: Cannot create file "C:\xampp\xampp-control.ini".
Access is denied
Clicking Save to a change in Configuration of Control Panel:
This "Configuration of Control Panel" box opens after clicking the "Config" button at the top right of the running XAMPP app:
I've tried a suggestion to run the XAMPP app with Administrator (elevated) access… but that seems like a major security issue, considering I don't know exactly what XAMPP would or could do with my files that require that permission, whether intended by the people who run XAMPP or not.
I've tried re-installing to another folder, like to C:\Users\Me, or a sub-folder like Documents or a custom one, but I just got different permissions issues that I struggled to figure out.
If you know a solution that worked for you, that avoided running XAMPP with Admin privileges, please let me know. I've gone through a handful of seemingly-related questions here but they seem to be related to MySQL/PHP questions and not Windows file system permissions.
I found a solution after noticing that the file already existed from apparently a past workaround I tried with running XAMPP as Admin... based on the permissions of the file being different than its parent folder. I discovered this by right-clicking the xampp folder or the xampp-control.ini file then selecting Properties and clicking the Security tab, then clicking into each attached user account's permissions.
So, my C:\xampp folder has these permissions: for Admin, basically full access; for my user account, Read, Execute, and Write.
The xampp-control.ini file has only Admin permissions; my user account is not attached to it.
Adding my user account to the xampp-control.ini file's Security, and adding Write permission then allowed XAMPP's config panel to save my changes.
Note that I typed my username into the "Enter the object names to select" box, then clicked Check Names; this auto-populated my username reference (?), though I'm not sure how it would work if it finds multiple results. Then I could click OK to get back to the Permissions box to add "Modify" and "Write" for it. I'm completely OK giving my user account permission to modify and write to this file through the XAMPP app.
Now, that fixes that file for that scenario; now I'm wondering if there will be other permissions issues with other files, because I noticed some other files (that I checked randomly) don't all share the same permissions for my user account!
Maybe I should have instead modified the xampp folder's permissions recursively to give my user account Write and/or Modify access (I'm not sure of the difference, Windows permissions seem far more complicated to understand and use than Linux's and Mac's do).
I think the file permissions were all set by XAMPP during install; I don't know yet that expanding permissions on certain files will not create new problems...
I found a solution after noticing that error, here is my solution
go to xampp installation folder on the c drive
Xampp Destination
then find xammp control panel.exe
Xampp Control Panel
then right click and go to properties(or press ALT+ENTER)
Click Properties
then go to compatibility and enable Run this program as an administrator
Compatibility tab
Your Problem is now fixed

Location of postgresql database on OS X?

I'm sure this has been answered but I cannot seem to find an answer.
I installed postgresql using Homebrew (brew install postgresql) which installed to /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql. Afterwords per the instructions I did this:
If this is your first install, create a database with:
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres
As I understand it, initdb creates a new cluster of databases. So when I did the above is "postgres" the database name and the database itself or just all the necessary bits that all postgresql databases will need?
Where does the actual database end up living? I am new to postgresql and looking for a file or binary that is the database. So, where is the database, and when I create a new one where does it go?
initdb just sets up the directory structure and such that is needed to create new databases. To create a database, use createdb:
createdb [ option... ] [ dbname ] [ description ]
createdb creates a new PostgreSQL database.
Normally, the database user who executes this command becomes the owner
of the new database. However a different owner can be specified via the -O option,
if the executing user has appropriate privileges.
createdb is a wrapper around the SQL command CREATE DATABASE [create_database(7)].
There is no effective difference between creating databases via this utility and
via other methods for accessing the server.
initdb is sort of like creating a new file system on a hard disk: first you create the file system (initdb), then you create a files and directories (createdb).
The actual database files will be under /usr/local/var/postgres after you create the database. So, just create a database and then see what's new or changed under /usr/local/var/postgres. There isn't a single "dbname.db" file or anything like that, each database is a collection of files with names that are only meaningful to the database server.
Run the following query:
In my case (not homebrew) the data location is found in this file /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.edb.launchd.postgresql-9.3.plist
The current behavior of the different installers is documented at Homebrew does not, as someone commented above, put the data under /Library.
System: MAC OS X 10.9.5
Now (ver. 9.4) this is under the dir called /Library/PostgreSQL
If you go there, open the folder named as the ver. of your PG and then go to the folder data you will find your DB. This is really a set of many-many-many different both binary and text files (most of those are named with long numbers like "92891" or so...
Note, to open the data folder you have to open its properties (right mouse click and select "Get info") and allow you to read this folder.
I wdn't suggest you to open the RW permissions if you aren't familiar with this as any smallest change can affect you whole DB which is would be sad..
Good luck!
Since there are three different libraries in Mac, developers are usually confused with the three scenarios. However, you can find out your PostgreSQL directory with one of the two methods on the Mac Computer.
1. Directory--Absolute Path
1). Scroll up your mouse to the left top of Mac Screen
2). Click the menu "Go"
3). Select the "Go to Folder..."
4). Input the path
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Postgres
Please change "username" to your name such as "jack" listed as follows.
/Users/jack/Library/Application Support/Postgres
5). Choose the button "Go" to the directory of Postgres.
You will eventually find out Postgres.
2. Find the directory step by step
1). Scroll up your mouse to the left top of Mac Screen.
2). Click the menu "Go".
3). Select the button "Library"
4). Double click the file holder "Application Support".
5). Find out "Postgres" according to the alphabetic order.

WIndows file access control

I have a file on a Windows 2003 NTFS file system. It is called C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt. First grant a user read access to the file. Then I remove the user's read access to the parent folder.
Now the user cannot use Windows Explorer to browse the folder and double click to open in Notepad. The user can go to Start (menu) Run and enter "C:\MyFolder\MyFile.txt" and the file will load in Notepad.
Can someone point me to some MSDN documentation that explains why this is? I've tried all the google and bing queries I can think of.
thanks much
See the 'Traverse Folder' permission in the table on this page:
It sounds more like a TechNet article than an MSDN one to me.
If you think about a directory/folder as not a file cabinet folder but rather a index card stuck to the front of the cabinet to say what is in the cabinet. This is effectively what a folder is on the file system (a index to where the files are.)
Because you have denied the user rights to what is in the folder you have denied them access to the index card. However, if they know the precise file they want then they can still access to the file which they have permissions for as this doesn't require a check on the index card.
Behind the scenes it is obviously a little more complicated but that is the basic view. I saw this technique used quite a bit on the *nix environments when I was at Uni to hide previous years assignments from the current batch of students. However, because they hadn't removed permissions from some files the tutors could still direct them to specific examples from previous years.

Windows 7 file access permission question

I installed my application in Windows 7 and as part of the installation, it installs some text files. Now, if I open the text file in notepad and try to save it, I get an "Access denied" error. I'm logged in as administrator on the machine and the file is not marked read only and security permissions seem to be fine.
However, I could delete or rename the file without any problem and I could create a new file with the same name/location using notepad and the save works fine.
I understand it has something to do with UAC. I'm wondering what UAC does in order to block access to the file. Our application is not installed in Program files folder as I believe UAC restrict any changes to files in Program Files folder
Can anyone throw light on what is going on.
With UAC, just because you're logged in as a user with administrator privileges does not mean a program actually runs with them. The program has to either request privilege elevation (which gives the "Do you want to allow this program to _____" UAC pop-up) or explicitly be run as administrator (right-click on the program/shortcut and choose Run as Administrator).
By default most areas of the drive outside of the standard "user files" (a.k.a. My Documents & co.) are restricted to administrator-only access, but the folder permissions can be changed to add access for a particular user if desired.
You will find that saving files almost anywhere except the "my documents" area for the user will be restricted, this includes saving to other drives on the system etc.
If you check the permissions for the directory you are trying to write to, all you have to do is expressely give the user permission. Otherwise only the admins have permission, which requires UAC approval from the user to get the admin token.
You normally get "Access Denied" error when the file is in use. UAC could not be an issue here. Check out if the file is in use by anyother process.
You can use tools like Process Explorer from sysinternals to do that.
You have to right click the file and select properties. THen open the security tab and you can see different accounts with differet privelages. Click USERS and it should highlight. The box under it should have a bunch of check marks that indicate what this user can do. Click Full Control. Apply and Okay. Then you can save!!!

Find out who is locking a file on a network share

I want to known who is locking a file on a network share.
Here is the problem : the network share is on a NAS, so I can't log on. I need a tool to find out remotely who is locking the file. It is not practical to reboot the NAS every time, because there are several users.
Handle.exe, Process Explorer and PsFile seems to be limited to files on the local machine, so they don't work for me.
Just in case someone looking for a solution to this for a Windows based system or NAS:
There is a built-in function in Windows that shows you what files on the local computer are open/locked by remote computer (which has the file open through a file share):
Select "Manage Computer" (Open "Computer Management")
click "Shared Folders"
choose "Open Files"
There you can even close the file forcefully.
On Windows 2008 R2 servers you have two means of viewing what files are open and closing those connections.
Via Share and Storage Management
Server Manager > Roles > File Services > Share and Storage Management > right-click on SaSM > Manage Open File
Via OpenFiles
CMD > Openfiles.exe /query /s SERVERNAME
PsFile does work on remote machines. If my login account already has access to the remote share, I can just enter:
psfile \\remote-share
(replace "remote-share" with the name of your file server) and it will list every opened document on that share, along with who has it open, and the file ID if I want to force the file closed. For me, this is a really long list, but it can be narrowed down by entering part of a path:
psfile \\remote-share I:\\Human_Resources
This is kind of tricky, since in my case this remote share is mounted as Z: on my local machine, but psfile identifies paths as they are defined on the remote file server, which in my case is I: (yours will be different). I just had to comb through the results of my first psfile run to see some of the paths it returned and then run it again with a partial path to narrow down the results.
Optionally, PsFile will let you specify credentials for the remote share if you need to supply them for access.
Lastly, a little known tip: if someone clicks on a file in Windows Explorer and cuts or copies the file with the intent to paste it somewhere else, that act also places a lock on the file.
If its simply a case of knowing/seeing who is in a file at any particular time (and if you're using windows) just select the file 'view' as 'details', i.e. rather than Thumbnails, tiles or icons etc. Once in 'details' view, by default you will be shown;
- File name
- Size
- Type, and
- Date modified
All you you need to do now is right click anywhere along said toolbar (file name, size, type etc...) and you will be given a list of other options that the toolbar can display.
Select 'Owner' and a new column will show the username of the person using the file or who originally created it if nobody else is using it.
This can be particularly useful when using a shared MS Access database.
The sessions are handled by the NAS device. What you are asking is dependant on the NAS device and nothing to do with windows. You would have to have a look into your NAS firmware to see to what it support. The only other way is sniff the packets and work it out yourself.
Partial answer: With Process Explorer, you can view handles on a network share opened from your machine.
Use the Menu "Find Handle" and then you can type a path like this
sounds like you have the same problem i tried to solve here. in my case, it's a Linux fileserver (running samba, of course), so i can log in and see what process is locking the file; unfortunately, i haven't found how to close it without killing the responsible session. AFAICT, the windows client 'thinks' it's closed; but didn't bother telling the fileserver.
Close the file e:\gestion\yourfile.dat, open by any user (/a *)
openfiles /disconnect /a * /op "e:\gestion\yourfile.dat"
more in:
