How to identify an unknown exit code? - xcode

I have the problem that a Mac application I wrote often suddenly exits with a for me unknown exit code 33 and without any further indication of what went wrong. I already searched the whole source code for the number 33, but I couldn't find anything (I was hoping for a line of code like exit(33)).
Can you give me any hint how I could track down this problem? Is there a way for example to set a breakpoint into the exit-function or something like that?

There are no predefined meanings for a processes exit code. The C standard defines EXIT_SUCCESS and EXIT_FAILURE without numeric values. On Unix-like systems they are defined to 0 and 1. Unix limits those exit to an unsigned 8-bit integer, so they range from 0 to 255, but the meaning for each exit code (except 0 for success) is up to the developer.
FreeBSD defines a couple of values as documented on the sysexits(3) manpage. But the number 33 is not among them.
Your best way to debug this problem would be to set a breakpoint to the various exit functions (exit, _exit) and see when and where they get called.

The problem was that there was an exit-call exit(12321) in my code, which gets reported in the console as 33. It seems the status-parameter of exit(int) can not be an arbitrary int-value.


Best practices on setting exit status codes

When implementing my own scripts, is it the best practice to exit with different exit codes for different failure scenarios? Or should I just return exit code 1 for failure and 0 for success providing the reason on stderr?
Providing a descriptive error message to stderr is fine and well for interactive users, but if you expect your scripts to be used by other scripts/programs, you should have distinctive error codes for different failures, so the calling script could make an informed decision on how to handle the failure.
If the calling program does not wish to handle different failures differently it could always check the return code against > 0 - but don't assume this is the case.
There are some recommendations, see wikipedia, but not normative, except the one of 0 iff success:
*In Unix and other POSIX-compatible systems, the wait system call sets a status value of type int packed as a bitfield with various types of child termination information. If the child terminated by exiting (as determined by the WIFEXITED macro; the usual alternative being that it died from an uncaught signal), SUS specifies that the low-order 8 bits of the exit status can be retrieved from the status value using the WEXITSTATUS macro in wait.h;[6][7] when using the POSIX waitid system call (added with POSIX-2001), the range of the status is no longer limited and can be in the full integer range.
POSIX-compatible systems typically use a convention of zero for success and non zero for error.[8] Some conventions have developed as to the relative meanings of various error codes; for example GNU recommend that codes with the high bit set be reserved for serious errors,[3] and FreeBSD have documented an extensive set of preferred interpretations.[9] Meanings for 15 status codes 64 through 78 are defined in sysexits.h. These historically derive from sendmail and other message transfer agents, but they have since found use in many other programs.[10]*

Is there a way to remove "getKey"'s input lag?

I've recently decided to try ti-basic programming, and while I was playing with getKey; I noticed that it had a 1s~ input lag after the first input. Is this built into the calculator, or can this be changed?
I recognize that "Quick Key" code above ;) (I'm the original author and very glad to see it spread around!).
Anyway, here is my low-level knowledge of the subject:
The operating system uses what is known as an interrupt in order to handle reading the keyboard, link port, USB port, and the run indicator among other things. The interrupt is just software code, nothing hardware implemented. So it is hardwired into the OS not the calculator.
The gist of the code TI uses is that once it reads that a key press occurred, it resets a counter to 50 and decrements it so long as the user holds down the key. Once the counter reaches zero, it tells getKey to recognize it as a new keypress and then it resets the counter to 10. This cause the initial delay to be longer than subsequent delays.
The TI-OS allows third party "hooks" to jump in and modify the getkey process and I used such a hook in another more complicated program (Speedy Keys). However, this hook is never called during BASIC program execution except at a Pause or Menu( command, where it isn't too helpful.
Instead what we can do is setup a parser hook that modifies the getkey counters. Alternatively, you can use the QuickKey code above, or you can use Hybrid BASIC which requires you to download a third-party App. A few of these apps (BatLib [by me], Celtic 3, DoorsCS7, and xLIB) offer a very fast getKey alternative as well as many other powerful functions.
The following is the code for setting up the parser hook. It works very well in my tests! See notes below:
#include "" ; ~~This column is the stuff for manually
_EnableParserHook = 5026h ; creating the code on calc. ~~
.db $BB,$6D ;AsmPrgm
.org $9D95 ;
ld hl,hookcode ;21A89D
ld de,appbackupscreen ;117298
ld bc,hookend-hookcode ;010A00
ldir ;EDB0
ld hl,appbackupscreen ;217298
ld a,l ;7D
ret ;C9
hookcode: ;
.db 83h ;83
push af ;F5
ld a,1 ;3E01
ld (8442h),a ;324284
pop af ;F1
cp a ;BF
ret ;C9
hookend: ;
Notes: other apps or programs may use parser hooks. Using this program will disable those hooks and you will need to reinstall them. This is pretty easy.
Finally, if you manually putting this on your calculator, use the right column code. Here is an animated .gif showing how to make such a program:
You will need to run the program once either on the homescreen or at the start of your main program. After this, all getKeys will have no delay.
I figured out this myself too when I was experimenting with my Ti-84 during the summer. This lag cannot be changed. This is built into the calculator. I think this is because of how the microchip used in ti-84 is a Intel Zilog Z80 microprocessor which was made in 1984.
This is unfortunately simply the inefficiency of the calculator. TI-basic is a fairly high-level language and meant to be easy to use and is thus not very efficient or fast. Especially with respect to input and output, i.e. printing messages and getting input.
Quick Key
This is a getKey routine that makes all keys repeat, not just arrows and there is no delay between repeats. The key codes are different, so you might need to experiment.

MPI : Wondering about process sequence and for-loops

I am trying to build something with MPI, so since i am not very familiar with it, i started with some arrays and printing stuff. I noticed that a plain C command (not an MPI one) works simultaneously on every process, i.e. printing something like that :
printf("Process No.%d",rank);
Them i noticed that the numbers of the processes got all scrambled and because the right sequence of the processes would fit me, i tried using a for-loop like that :
for(rank=0; rank<processes; rank++) printf("Process No.%d",rank);
And that started a third world war in my computer. Lots of strange errors in a strange format that i couldn't understand and that made me suspicious. How is it possible since an if-loop stating a ranks value , like the master rank:
if(rank==0) printf("Process No.%d",rank);
cant use a for-loop for the same reason. Well, that is my first question.
My second question is about an other for-loop i used, that it got ignored.
printf("PROCESS --------------->**%d**\n",id);
for (i = 0; i < PARTS; ++i){
printf("Array No.%d\n", i+1);
for (j = 0; j < MAXWORDS; ++j)
printf("%d, ",0);
I run that for-loop and every process printed only the first line:
$ mpiexec -n 6 `pwd`/test
PROCESS --------------->**0**
PROCESS --------------->**1**
PROCESS --------------->**3**
PROCESS --------------->**2**
PROCESS --------------->**4**
PROCESS --------------->**5**
And not the following amount of zeros (there was an array there at first that i removed cause i was trying to figure out why it didn't get printed).
So, why is it about MPI and for-loops that don't get along?
--edit 1: grammar
--edit 2: Code paste
It is not the same as above, but same problem in the the last for-loop with fprintf.
This is a paste zone, sorry for that, i couldn't deal with the code system here
--edit 3: fixed
Well i finally figured it out. For first i have to say that the fprintf function when used inside MPI is a mess. Apparently there is a kind of overlap while every process writes in a text file. I tested it with the printf function and it worked. The second thing i was doing is, i was calling the MPI_Scatter function from inside root:
if(rank==root) MPI_Scatter();
..which only scatters the data inside the process and not the others.
Now that i have fixed those two issues, the program works as it should, apart a minor problem when i printf the my_list arrays. It seems like every array has a random number of inputs, but when i tested using a counter for every array, it's only the data that is printed like this. Tried using fflush(stdout); but it returned me an error.
usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.2.2/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: final link failed: `Input/output error collect2: ld returned 1 exit status`
MPI in and of itself does not have a problem with for loops. However, just like with any other software, you should always remember that it will work the way you code it, not the way you intend it. It appears that you are having two distinct issues, both of which are only tangentially related to MPI.
The first issue is that the variable PARTS is defined in such a way that it depends on another variable, procs, which is not initialized at before-hand. This means that the value of PARTS is undefined, and probably ends up causing a divide-by-zero as often as not. PARTS should actually be set after line 44, when procs is initialized.
The second issue is with the loop for(i = 0; i = LISTS; i++) labeled /*Here is the problem*/. First of all, the test condition of the loop always sets i to the value of LISTS, regardless of the initial value of 0 and the increment at the end of the loop. Perhaps it was intended to be i < LISTS? Secondly, LISTS is initialized in a way that depends on PARTS, which depends on procs, before that variable is initialized. As with PARTS, LISTS must be initialized after the statement MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &procs); on line 44.
Please be more careful when you write your loops. Also, make sure that you initialize variables correctly. I highly recommend using print statements (for small programs) or the debugger to make sure your variables are being set to the expected values.

How can I debug a Fortran READ/WRITE statement with an implicit DO loop?

The Fortran program I am working is encountering a runtime error when processing an input file.
At line 182 of file ../SOURCE_FILE.f90 (unit = 1, file = 'INPUT_FILE.1')
Fortran runtime error: Bad value during integer read
Looking to line 182 I see a READ statement with an implicit/implied DO loop:
182: READ(IT4, 310 )((IPPRM2(IP,I),IP=1,NP),I=1,16) ! read 6 integers
183: READ(IT4, 320 )((PPARM2(IP,I),IP=1,NP),I=1,14) ! read 5 reals
Format statement:
310 FORMAT(1X,6I12)
When I reach this code in the debugger NP has a value of 2. I has a value of 6, and IP has a value of 67. I think I and IP should be reinitialized in the loop.
My problem is that when I try to step through in the debugger once I get to the READ statement it seems to execute and then throw the error. I'm not sure how to follow it as it reads. I tried stepping into the function, but it seems like that may be a difficult route to take since I am unfamiliar with the gfortran library. The input file looks OK, I think it should be read just fine. This makes me think this READ statement isn't looping as intended.
I am completely new to Fortran and implicit DO loops like this, but from what I can gather line 182 should read in 6 integers according to the format string #310. However, when I arrive NP has a value of 2 which makes me think it will only try to read 2 integers 16 times.
How can I debug this read statement to examine the values read into IPPARM as they are read from the file? Will I have to step through the Fortran library?
Any tips that can clear up my confusion regarding these implicit loops would be appreciated!
NOTE: I'm using gfortran/gcc and gdb on Linux.
Is there any reason you need specific formatting on the read? I would use READ(IT4, *) where feasible...
Later versions of gfortran support unlimited format reads (see link
Then it may be helpful to specify
310 FORMAT("*(1X,6I12)")
Or for older compilers
310 FORMAT(1000(1X,6I12))
The variables IP and I are loop indices and so they are reinitialized by the loop. With NP=2 the first statement is going to read a total of 32 integers -- it is contributing to the determination the list of items to read. The format determines how they are read. With "1X,6I12" they will be read as 6 integers per line of the input file. When the first 6 of the requested 32 integers is read fron a line/record, Fortran will consider that line/record completed and advance to the next record.
With a format of "1X,6I12" the integers must be precisely arranged in the file. There should be a single blank, then the integers should each be right-justified in fields of 12 columns. If they get out of alignment you could get the wrong value read or a runtime error.

How to debug Erlang code?

I have some Ruby and Java background and I'm accustomed to having exact numbers of lines in the error logs.
So, if there is an error in the compiled code, I will see the number of line which caused the exception in the console output.
Like in this Ruby example:
my_ruby_code.rb:13:in `/': divided by 0 (ZeroDivisionError)
from my_ruby_code.rb:13
It's simple and fast - I just go to the line number 13 and fix the error.
On the contrary, Erlang just says something like:
** exception error: no match of right hand side value [xxxx]
in function my_module:my_fun/1
in call from my_module:other_fun/2
There are no line numbers to look at.
And if I have two lines like
X = Param1,
Y = Param2,
in 'my_fun', how can understand in which line the problem lies?
Additionally, I have tried to switch to Emacs+Elang-mode from Vim, but the only bonus I've got so far is the ability to cycle through compilation errors inside Emacs (C-k `).
So, the process of writing code and seeking for simple logical errors like 'no match of right hand side' seems to be a bit cumbersome.
I have tried to add a lot of "io:format" lines in the code, but it is additional work which takes time.
I have also tried to use distel, but it requires 10 steps to just open a debugger once.
What is the most straight and simple way to debug Erlang code?
Does Emacs' erlang-mode has something superior in terms of Erlang development comparing to Vim?
What development 'write-compile-debug' cycle do you prefer? Do you leave Emacs to compile and run the code in the terminal? How do you search for errors in your Erlang code?
Debugging Erlang code can be tricky at times, especially dealing with badmatch errors. In general, two good guidelines to keep are:
Keep functions short
Use return values directly if you can, instead of binding temporary variables (this will give you the benefit of getting function_clause errors etc which are way more informative)
That being said, using the debuggers are usually required to quickly get to the bottom of errors. I recommend to use the command line debugger, dbg, instead of the graphical one, debugger (it's way faster when you know how to use it, and you don't have to context switch from the Erlang shell to a GUI).
Given the sample expression you provided, the case is often that you have more than just variables being assigned to other variables (which is absolutely unnecessary in Erlang):
run(X, Y) ->
X = something(whatever),
Y = other:thing(more_data),
Debugging a badmatch error here is aided by using the command line debugger:
1> dbg:tracer(). % Start the CLI debugger
2> dbg:p(all, c). % Trace all processes, only calls
3> dbg:tpl(my_module, something, x). % tpl = trace local functions as well
4> dbg:tp(other, do, x). % tp = trace exported functions
5> dbg:tp(my_module, run, x). % x means print exceptions
{ok,[{matched,nonode#nohost,1},{saved,x}]} % (and normal return values)
Look for {matched,_,1} in the return value... if this would have been 0 instead of 1 (or more) that would have meant that no functions matched the pattern. Full documentation for the dbg module can be found here.
Given that both something/1 and other:do/1 always returns ok, the following could happen:
6> my_module:run(ok, ok).
(<0.72.0>) call my_module:run(ok,ok)
(<0.72.0>) call my_module:something(whatever)
(<0.72.0>) returned from my_module:something/1 -> ok
(<0.72.0>) call other:thing(more_data)
(<0.72.0>) returned from other:thing/1 -> ok
(<0.72.0>) returned from my_module:run/2 -> ok
Here we can see the whole call procedure, and what return values were given. If we call it with something we know will fail:
7> my_module:run(error, error).
** exception error: no match of right hand side value ok
(<0.72.0>) call my_module:run(error,error)
(<0.72.0>) call my_module:something(whatever)
(<0.72.0>) returned from my_module:something/1 -> ok
(<0.72.0>) exception_from {my_module,run,2} {error,{badmatch,ok}}
Here we can see that we got a badmatch exception, something/1 was called, but never other:do/1 so we can deduce that the badmatch happened before that call.
Getting proficient with the command line debugger will save you a lot of time, whether you debug simple (but tricky!) badmatch errors or something much more complex.
You can use the Erlang debugger to step through your code and see which line is failing.
From erl, start the debugger with:
Then you can choose which modules you want to in interpreted mode (required for debugging) using the UI or using the console with ii:
Adding breakpoints is done in the UI or console again:
ib(my_module, my_func, func_arity).
Also, in Erlang R15 we'll finally have line number in stack traces!
If you replace your erlang installation with a recent one, you will have line numbers, they were added starting with version 15.
If the new versions are not yet available on your operating system, you could build from source or try to get a packaged version here:
You can use "debug_info" at compile time of the file and "debugger"
1> c(test_module, [debug_info]).
{ok, test_module}
2> debugger:start().
More details about how do Debugging in Erlang you can follow by link to video -
