This is a topic.gemspec: do |s| = 'topic'
s.version = '1.0.0' = '2012-12-30'
s.files = ["lib/models/topic.rb"]
The gem is located in my application root.
in Gemfile:
gem 'topic', :path => '.'
While running the app, I can't see the topic class.
uninitialized constant ApplicationController::Topic
What am I doing wrong?
You should make sure that bundler required your gem. You should have a file lib/topic.rb. Add a puts statement and check if it is shown when you boot your app or the console.
As a side note. I don't think you should have a gemspec in the root of your directory. This will lead to the fact that your lib folder is used for the gem and for the rails app. It's better to create a subfolder for example topic/ and then host the gem inside. You can then add it in the Gemfile with:
gem 'topic', :path => './topic'
I highly recommend you place your gem in it's own directory as Yves mentions.
But you can also have other issues, lets try a few things:
It's seems you are trying to use Topic inside a controller, and maybe it's not searching outside? :s Try to use ::Topic instead. :: tells to look at the "root" so it wont search a ApplicationController::Topic
If that does not work maybe you don't have a namespace in your gem. I think bundle or whatever requires the namespace (module) named the same way as the gem so you should have:
# in topic/lib/topic.rb
module Topic
#require other parts of the gem
require 'topic/foo'
require 'topic/bar'
Hope I could help
So I know that in a Gemfile I can do something like this:
group :development, :test do
gem 'gem1'
gem 'gem2'
What I am looking to accomplish is something like this:
group :production do
gem 'gem1'
gem 'gem2'
group :development, :test do
gem 'gem1', :path => '/Documents/Code/gem1/'
gem 'gem2', :path => '/Documents/Code/gem2/'
So our application uses 2 gems that we also develop locally. In order to improve time while developing on our local machines, we want to be able to point our dev environments to the local copies of the gems - this way it picks up all changes without needing to restart our rails server. Otherwise we would have to rebuild the gem, re-install the gem, and restart rails with every development change in the gem.
However, doing this gives me the following error:
You cannot specify the same gem twice coming from different sources. You specified that gem1 (>= 0) should come from an unspecfied source and source at /Documents/Code/gem1
I have tried even running something like bundle install --without production and I get the same error.
Does anyone know if it IS possible to do what I would like to do?
i think that there is a supported way to do it and some hacks to work around it.
supported way:
use bundle config with the local option as described here:
hacky way:
use env vars and execute bundler before using in production:
there is a feature-request for this problem on github with several related issues and lots of comments:
the github issue phoet linked to is resolved, and is consistent with the supported way.
I dug around through the docs, you'll need to set the config variable and updated your gemfile to reference the branch as well.
edit your Gemfile:
gem <gem_name>, git: <git_url>, branch: <branch>
on command line:
bundle config local.<gem_name> <local_path_to_gem>
I solved this by creating a new Gemfile that's identical to the original except for the target gem's source. Then, in config/boot.rb, I used:
require 'rails'
if Rails.env.development?
ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../DevGemfile', __FILE__)
ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../ProdGemfile', __FILE__)
I created a simple gem by doing:
testgem.gemspec do |s| = 'testgem'
s.version = '0.0.1'
s.summary = "code generation"
s.authors = ['asdf']
created the following file layout:
ran the following:
gem build testgem.gemspec
WARNING: no description specified
WARNING: no email specified
WARNING: no homepage specified
Successfully built RubyGem
Name: testgem
Version: 0.0.1
File: testgem-0.0.1.gem
installed it:
gem install ./testgem-0.0.1.gem
Successfully installed testgem-0.0.1
1 gem installed
tested to see if irb can see it:
require 'testgem'
oadError: cannot load such file -- testgem
I'm using Ruby 1.9.3-p194
It seems to be installed if I do:
gem list
testgem (0.0.1)
What could be the issue?
You need to add your lib to the search path. Just add
$:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__)
on top of your .gemspec
When you use require in Ruby, you are trying to load a file, not a gem. The file could of course be contained in a gem, and by convention a gem will have a file with the same name as the gem itself so that if you wanted to use the gem foo you would use require 'foo'. This isn’t always the case though, for example to use the bcrypt-ruby gem you need to require 'bcrypt'.
Additionally a gem doesn’t necessarily have to contain any filles at all. An example of this is the rails gem, which doesn’t contain any files itself (at least in version 3.2), but has dependencies to the various Rails components, so that you can install them all in one step.
In your case, although you have a lib/testgem.rb file in your gems project directory, you are not including it in your gem. You need to specify which files should be included, the default is to not include anything.
To simply include all the files in your project directory, you can add something like:
s.files = Dir.glob '**/*'
to your gemspec.
You need to require 'rubygems' first.
I'm working on a small Ruby project and within a class I require a gem.
Now since the project has to be portable I have decided to freeze the gem so I have unpacked it.
My project now looks like
How can I specify within xml_generator to use dbf-1.7.3 located locally at vendor/gems/dbf-1.7.3?
I tried several solutions, the last one is
gem "dbf", :path => "../vendor/gems/dbf-1.7.3"
require 'dbf'
but it seems it is not working.
Thanks for your help.
I think you just have to specify the exact version if dbf is installed on your system:
require 'rubygems'
gem 'dbf', '= 1.7.3'
If not you can try to require all the Ruby files under dbf-1.7.3:
Dir['./../vendor/gems/dbf-1.7.3/*.rb'].each{ |f| require f }
I am trying to install a gem from github like this:
gem 'omniauth', :git => "git://", :require => "omniauth"
The problem is that the gem is not actually being loaded. The ruby objects are not there.
So, bundle show omniauth shows me: Users/felipe/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p136/bundler/gems/omniauth-5972c94792cf
The problem is that the gem is being installed to a different location from the regular ones. I expected it to be `/Users/felipe/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p136/gems/``
Any idea on how to fix this?
I think you're missing these two lines:
require "rubygems"
require "bundler/setup"
as you can see in Bundler's source code, "bundler/setup" is going to put gems managed by Bundler in the Ruby's load path:
Hope this helps :)
try changing the bundler line to.
gem 'omniauth', :git => "git://", :require => 'oa-oauth'
The problem is that your :require property was pointing to the wrong file to load. It is not always the same name as the library, by the way, when both lib name and require are the same you don't need to specify it, only when they differs.
I'm helping on the development of a series of interrelated gems. As such, I don't want them to have a hard dependency on each other, but I do want them to run tests in development that use each other. Simple right? Just use add_development_dependency in the gemspec, right? Well, there is one little wrinkle - the git repository contains all the gems, and so I want the Gemfile to point to the local copy of the gem. This works with a hard dependency. In the gemspec, I have this line for my hard dependency:
s.add_dependency "mygem-core"
And then in the Gemfile, I have this line:
gem "mygem-core", :path => "../mygem-core"
This works PERFECT. The dependency exists for when I push this package out, and when I'm testing, it will use the local copy of mygem-core. The problem is that when I put THIS in the gemspec:
s.add_development_dependency "mygem-runtime"
And then this in the Gemfile:
gem "mygem-runtime", :path => "../mygem-runtime"
Then I get an error when I run bundle:
You cannot specify the same gem twice coming from different sources. You specified that mygem-packager (>= 0) should come from source at ../mygem-packager and
Yes, that's not a typo at the end. There is literally a blank, empty space at the end for the second 'location'. Is there any smart ways to work around this? I want to add this as a development dependency, and use the local source. What am I missing?
It's probably better that you leave that gem out of the .gemspec manifest and put it in the Gemfile under the :development group.
# Gemfile
source :rubygems
gem "mygem-runtime", :path => '../mygem-runtime', :group => :development
If your using Gemfile to specificy a local path to a gem you will need to remove it from gemspec. Bundler will parse gemspec and add the dependencies those bundler is installing, so its like having the gem specified twice.