J! not responding when selecting banner image - joomla

I'm experiencing a weird problem:
When creating a new article I click the image button a popup window appears but it doesn't show anything to allow for image upload and it just hangs there. Same thing happens when I try to select an image in the Banner Manager.
I've tried with different browsers and from different locations...
Any idea what might be happening?


Save image after it gets loaded without the right click menu

I was just watching some street view images in this website where if you refresh everytime it loads up a new image. Then I realized a image was too beautiful and I was trying to save that image somehow, and it is when I came to know that I can't right click and same street view (Panorama) images. I thought maybe going to developer tools then network might help but it requires to be opened before I load up the page or I have to refresh the page which is disasters in this case.
I know the images loads up on browsers gets saved in the data folder of the browser. But I don't know how to retrieve them or is there any other ways I can save the image?

Cannot Select image file from external file browser with ckeditor4 but it works perfectly in ckeditor3

Hello to anyone who may be able to help with this.
I had been using Ckeditor3 and had created a simple custom image browser. It worked perfectly. I would click the image button and the dialog box would pop up and then I would click the browse server button. I searched the images and when I found one I wanted to use I clicked it the image browser would automatically close and the image would then show up in the image preview box in the image plugin dialog box.
Unfortunately the image plugin for ckeditor 3 has become incompatible with Internet Explorer 11. So I upgraded to the latest Ckeditor 4.
So now in ckeditor 4 I can still open the image dialog and click the image browser and browse my images but now when I select an image, although the image browser closes as it should the image is not being passed back to the plugins preview box or url field within the dialog box. It just remains blank. If i manually paste in an image url the image will show up in the preview box but no longer from the image browser anymore.
i have spent hours looking for a solution on google and am coming up empty, anyone have any ideas?
To fix the problem I had to change the code in the file browser as follows. I do not know why the first snipped works in ckeditor 3 but not 4.
function selectFile(fileUrl){
window.opener.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(2, fileUrl);
Change to:
function selectFile(fileUrl){
window.opener.CKEDITOR.tools.callFunction(1, fileUrl);
But now everything is forking fine in CK editor 4.

When does firefox take website screen shot for its home page?

When ever I earn a reputation, firefox understand and refresh my thumbnail. I want to know how it works and when does firefox take website screenshot for its home page?
Is there any meta tag or something like this to force firefox to take screenshot?
When you earn reputation firefox has no idea. The javascript code (that stackoverflow loaded into firefox when you loaded the page) does. If you don't have the page loaded and the javascript code running nothing will ever see the change. Look up AJAX if you want to know more.
You can force the images to update but it involves loading the page.
From https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/thumbnails-on-new-tab-page-are-missing?esab=a&s=new+tab+thumbnails&r=1&as=s
Make Firefox create new images for the new tab page
The images will get re-stored as you use the new tab page to go to
those websites again.
Open the new tab page by clicking the + button on the tab strip.
Click on one of the blank images to go to a website. Note, that it works only for left-click, opening in new tab doesn't do the trick.
This is important - let the website finish loading (wait for the spinning green loading icon in the tab to stop).
Open the new tab page again and you will see a new image for the website you just went to.
Repeat this process for the rest of the missing images.

Firefox won't display an image unless the web inspector is open

Firefox sometimes hasn't been displaying my website's logo image. There's nothing in the code I can find that would make this happen. From what I can tell, the image displays fine in WebKit, and displays fine when the FF web inspector is open, and displays fine after a hard reload (Ctrl+R), but sometimes won't appear after a soft reload. When I right-click on the image, or open the web inspector, the image suddenly appears, as if it had been there the whole time. What could be causing this?
i think it can be something about page resizing.
When you open the webkit your website browser window change dimension, and you see the logo.
maybe this two things are connected.
try to resize the browser window without opening the webkit.
hope this works to catch the problem.
I tried disabling all the Firefox plugins, thinking it was some extension that was causing this, but no luck. I finally got it to work as expected by completely resetting Firefox using this guide.

Image Flickering only in Firefox

I have a popop on my page with cross button image.
When I open the popup for the first time everything is fine.
But when I close the popup and open it again, the cross button image flickers.
How can I Fix this.
I am facing this problem only in firefox. Are there any configuration settings which i need to make?
Got the issue. A button click function was written twice because of which the popup was loading twice and the image flickering happened.
