Grails Ajax rendering list action - ajax

Trying to render all the Contacts using ajax (This is a snippet)
So on click, it will list the contacts in a div on the update action. I have tested with a basic date function (see commented out render action Controller) to make sure ajax part could work and that does, but handling the list I have hit a wall with and going round in circles
<g:remoteLink controller="event" action="showContacts" update="divContactList">Show Contacts!</g:remoteLink>
<div id="divContactList">Show contacts Here...
<g:each in="${contactList}" status = "i" var="contact">
def showContacts = {
def contactList = Contact.findAllByUser(lookupPerson())
// render "The time is now ${new Date()}"
render([contactList: contactList])
So overall it's not showing anything from the contactList in the web page, help on this would be appreciated

<g:each in="${contactList}" status = "i" var="contact">
<g:remoteLink controller="event" action="showContacts" update="divContactList">Show Contacts!</g:remoteLink>
<div id="divContactList">Show contacts Here...
<g:render template="layouts/templateName" model="[contactList: contactList]" />
def showContacts = {
def contactList = Contact.findAllByUser(lookupPerson())
// render "The time is now ${new Date()}"
render(template: 'layouts/templateName', model:[contactList: contactList])

Clicking the remote link will send an AJAX call to the showContacts action, get an HTML answer and update the content of divContactList with the returned answer.
The showContacts action will render a template with the same name, passing it the contactList as part of the model.
If you would like the AJAX call to render the list of contacts you can try one of the following options:
Content Centric Ajax - Have the showContacts action render a template which displays the list of contacts
Data Centric Ajax - Have the showContacts action send a JSON/XML response representing the list of contacts and have a client side JavaScript code render this JSON/XML as the contact list


Making an AJAX POST to a class based view

I have a class based view that displays a page and handles POST requests, like so:
class citywall (View):
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
template_name = 'citywall.html'
city_slug = kwargs['city_slug']
context = self.get_context_data(city_slug)
return render_to_response(template_name, context, RequestContext(request))
def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
if request.is_ajax:
if request.POST.has_key('comment'):
#process comment
if request.POST.has_key('vote'):
#process vote
The problem is when I try to POST the form with AJAX, two requests are being sent. The Ajax request and then a regular POST request.
This is my comment form in html:
<form class="comment_form" data-id="{{}}" method="POST" >{% csrf_token %}
<textarea rows = "1" name="comment" class="form-control" placeholder="Write a comment..." ></textarea>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-info">Go!</button>
This is the jQuery code:
var comment_form = $('.comment_form')
var post_id = $(this).data('id');
var comment = $(this).find('textarea[name="comment"]').val();
url: "",
comment: comment,
post_id: post_id,
When I submit the form this is happening:
AJAX POST is made with its json data(post_id, comment, csrf).
Response for the AJAX post is received back in browser.
POST is made with html form data(comment and csrf).
why is a second POST being made?
I have several types of forms on the page for example. comment form, voting form, etc and I want to make all of them AJAX. Is it a good idea to implement all of them with the above mentioned method?
The second POST with your form data is sent because your submit event handler doesn't return False. If you want to prevent the form from submitting when clicking the submit button, you have to return False in the event handler. The event handler can also be told to prevent form submission by calling e.preventDefault() on the event object that is being passed to the submit handler.
The reason for this behaviour is that, by default, the event fired when a submit button is clicked submits the forms at the very end of the event handling chain. So what happens is that in your event handler you are send a AJAX POST call (which is asynchronous), and the very next moment the handler returns without prevent the event from form submission. This results in both AJAX and form being sent.
e.preventDefault() tells the event e to avoid doing the default action specific to this event, in this case form submission. With this added, when $.ajax finishes and all the handlers are done handling the event the default handler is checked if it's allowed to be run. Since you have prevented it, nothing happens.
The very same method can be used to, e.g. prevent the webpage following a link <a> when clicked.

MVC3 Ajax.BeginForm with PartialView and persistent routedata issue

I have a main view and the URL for this view has a Action/Controller/Area and id value, something like:
I have a partialview in this main view, one that calls methods in the controller via Ajax. This partial view needs to know the ID value of the url for the parent page. I found how to do this is through 'ParentActionViewContent'. Something like:
using (Ajax.BeginForm("UpdatePersonalStatusPanel", "Status", new { area = "Tools" , id = ViewContext.ParentActionViewContext.RouteData.Values["id"].ToString() }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "divPersStatus" }))
<p style="text-align: center;">
<span class="editor-label">#Html.LabelFor(m => m.StatusText)</span> <span class="editor-field">#Html.EditorFor(m => m.StatusText)</span>
<input type="submit" value="Change Current Status" />
Now, this works fantastic for calling the controller method. The ID is passed correctly so that the controller can then see it in the routedata. I use the id to perform a database call, and then return the partialview again. The problem is on the return. I get a 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' on the ViewContext.ParentActionViewContext.RouteData.Values["id"].ToString() bit in the ajax.beginform , and my targetid doesn't refresh.
Clearly I must be doing something wrong. Does someone else have a better way to see the parent view's routedata through Ajax?
If I'm understanding you correctly, this partial view calls itself. So ParentActionViewContext works the first time because the first time your main view calls an action using this partial view. However, later an ajax call directly returns this partial view. When the partial view is invoked directly there is no Parent View action hence the null reference on ParentActionViewContext.
Rather than deal with with route data I recommend including the id in the model of your partial view.
new { area = "Tools" , id = Model.Id }

View with multiple partial views posting back

I'm new to MVC (MVC3) so not sure about the best way to implement this.
I want to create a single "main" view (not strongly-typed). This "main" view will contain multiple strongly-typed partial views that each contain a form. Each partial view will therefore post back to their own POST action that does whatever. The problem I see is that when a partial view posts back, it needs to only update the partial view itself and not affect the other partial views on the page.
When I postback from a partial view now, it just returns the partial view alone back, rather than the entire "main" page.
How can this functionality be achieved in MVC3? (from a high-level perspective)
You can post data by AJAX.
In my example I use jQuery:
<div id="first-form" class="form-container">
<div id="second-form" class="form-container">
// and here go rest forms
Your partial view may be following:
#model YourModelClass
#using (Html.BeginForm())
// some fields go there
<input type="button" value="Save Form Data" class="save-button"/>
Js would be following:
$("").on("click", function () {
var button = $(this);
var container = button.closest("div.form-container");
var url = container.find("form").attr("action");
container.busy($.post(url, function (response) {
return false;

MVC Ajax action Link copies itself and appends, how do i fix

I am using ordered list design to to make my twitter app to view the tweets. Every Time I call the ajax insert, it puts puts another copy of the ajax link on the page . I am just trying to get the next set of tweets from the controller and inserting them so it lines up. I have tried moving the tags around and but the additional ajax buttons keep showing up.
Thinking it was a css problem i stripped it all out. Wasnt the issue. I will have to reformat my list again to put the closing and openning tags before and after the code block.
I just tried to putting it in a partial view and I put the ajax code in the layout.
Ajax Action Link
#Ajax.ActionLink("Update Tweets", "Index", "Home",
new AjaxOptions
UpdateTargetId = "TweetBox",
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.InsertBefore,
HttpMethod = "Get",
Partial View
<div id="TweetBox">
<div class="TwitterMessageBox">
<li class="TweetLineBody">
#foreach (var item in Model)
#Html.Hidden(item.StatusId, item.StatusId)
<div class="TwitProfileImage">
<img src=#Url.Content(item.ImageUrl) alt="#item.ScreenName" />
<div class="TwitRealName">
<div class="TwitNickName">
<div class="TweetText">
<div class="TweetTime">
<div class="TweetRating">
The Controller is just a basic Enumerable List on the Home/ Index
This is the behavior
Lets say you have an ajax call that gets data from a controller action. It inserts before on a targetid thats a div id.
The initial view is perfect
AJAX UPDATE HTML LINK // You click it to get the controller invoke the ajax and get the data
Tweet 1
Tweet 2
etc = its perfect and aligned
You click the Ajax action link in your webpage, It goes out and gets the data but adds a second like like this
Tweet 1
Tweet 2 // alignment is still perfect but you have the 2nd ajax links
Now click the ajax link a 3rd time
// alignment is still perfect but you have the 2nd ajax link at top and one sandwiched
Tweet 1
Tweet 2
// alignment is still perfect but you have the 2nd ajax link at top and one sandwiched
Plus the Tweets results
Tweet 1
Tweet 2 // alignment is still perfect but you have the 2nd ajax links at the top and a 3rd List is inserted betweet 2/3
Controller Code per request:
public class HomeController : Controller
// GET: /Home/
private TwitterContext twitterCtx;
public ActionResult Index()
twitterCtx = new TwitterContext();
List<TweetViewModel> friendTweets = (from tweet in twitterCtx.Status
where tweet.Type == StatusType.Public
select new TweetViewModel
ImageUrl = tweet.User.ProfileImageUrl,
UserId = tweet.UserID,
User = tweet.User.Name,
ScreenName = tweet.User.Identifier.ScreenName,
StatusId = tweet.StatusID,
Tweet = HomeController.AddWebAndTwitterLinks(tweet.Text),
Created = tweet.CreatedAt
return View(friendTweets);
My Desired Behavior is 1 ajax link to call the controller and the data inserts
Without seeing all the code, I can only assume you don't have your views sorted out. Your controller appears to be returning the full Index view. If you put your tweet box into a partial view, your ajax action needs to be returning that partial view.

Updating result from ajax calls in partial views in mvc2

I have a ASP.Net MVC 2 partial view like the one below,
<div id="d1">
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("ManageSources", "Sources",
{ %>
... all this form's html markup goes here
<div id="src_Parameters"></div>
<% } %>
Form 2
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("FetchParameters", "Sources",
{ %>
hidden fields to send values to the action method go here
.. button to post this form
<% } %>
Now, in the fetchAjaxOptions, i have given the target div to be src_Parameters, which resides inside the form1, when i post the second form, i am being returned a partial view as the only view page, instead of populating the results in the src_Parameters div.
How do i accomplish this. Actually the results of the FetchParameters ajax call should be able to be posted for the ManageSources ajax call.
Where is the problem or will nesting the forms workout since this is using ajax forms.. Kindly suggest me the right procedure to do this task.
You haven't posted your server side code, but I suspect you have forgotten to have set the return type to be a partial view.
public PartialViewResult FetchParameters()
//do some stuff
return PartialView(“_ViewName”, viewModel)
It could also be that you fotgot to add a reference to the Microsoft Ajax
<script src="../../Scripts/MicrosoftMvcAjax.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
