Python C Extension and Xcode 4.5 - xcode

I would like to create a python C extension using XCode 4.5.2 so that I can use the xcode debugger. The extensions require the C file to be linked as a .so file. I have not been able to make .so file in xcode, only dylib files.
I tried as follows:
1. Used the C/C++ Library template, specified dynamic library
2. Change the Mach-O type to Bundle
3. Still could not make an .so so I changed the wrapper extension to .so, with no luck.
The post link below seems to say that I can just manually change the extension. This did not work for me, but I could have made another mistake.
how to make python load dylib on osx
Any thoughts on my problem?

.so files serve the same purpose on Linux (and some other Unixes) that .dylib files on OS X - they're dynamically linked libraries. If everything else fails, and Python cannot recognize your platform (and the fact that on OS X, it should look for .dylib files instead), make a symbolic link from the .dylib file with the same name but with the extension .so.
(Yes, this is a quite ugly hack, but it's simple, straightforward and it works.)


Linking Mac Frameworks using Premake and GNU Make

I have a "cross platform" application that uses two code repositories at the moment, maintained relatively independently, and built with VS / Xcode depending on the target platform (win or mac respectively). I fell in love with Premake after using it on a few previous projects and am trying to pull all of my code for this application together into a single cross-compilable codebase.
I don't want to rely on Xcode, and instead want any developer to be able to build on Mac using either Xcode or gmake. I have a non-standard framework that I want to link to and include in the repository (it won't be located in /Library/Frameworks or any of the default mac framework search paths). I've added the framework file in a directory in my project /lib/TheFramework.framework. My premake file contains the following under the project definition:
includedirs {".", "lib", "lib/TheFramework.framework/Headers"}
libdirs {"lib"}
links {"TheFramework.framework"}
When I compile, (running $ premake5 gmake and then $ make), I get a header file not found error. Is there something wrong with my search paths? Am I missing a path or a flag somewhere?
Before looking at what you need to do with premake, let's first look at what needs to happen under the hood.
When compiling a mac program with a non-standard framework on gcc or clang (which is what your resulting make file does) it is necessary to do two things:
Specify the name of the framework, via -framework TheFramework - This is what premake does when you provide it with links {"TheFramework.framework"
Specify the location of the framework, via -F /Path/To/Framework/ - This is currently not being handled automatically by premake.
I've made a simple test c program that uses the SDL2 framework and compiled it with gcc: - notice how when I leave off the -F /... flag I get an error that is probably similar to what you described.
So what is happening is, although you are providing premake with the include dir, premake will not add that the proper -F flag.
One way around this is to do the following:
configuration {"macosx", "gmake"}
buildoptions {"-F /Path/To/Framework"}
linkoptions {"-F /Path/To/Framework"}
(See here for an example project: )
In premake5 this will blindly append the code provided to both the build step as well as the link step. It is necessary to do it both for build as well as link.
Just keep in mind that, because premake doesn't process or check the build/link options for being valid, a user will receive an error if the provided path doesn't exist on their machine. For example while you might have a framework in your user-specific directory ~/Library/Frameworks, since that folder doesn't exist by default another user might be using the global /Library/Frameworks instead, and when they try to compile your premake project with gmake they will get a warning:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/Users/<NAME>/Library/Frameworks'
At this point, it seems that there is no 'safe' way to get premake5 to try to include the framework path, but that may change in the future.
Check out this issue I posted on the premake repo:

Where does mac osx app require dependent libraries?

I have built a Qt project under mac, but I have problems executing.
Its dependencies have several dylib .
When building the project, the make tool only asks for one of the libs (for example lib.1.0.0,dylib out of lib.1.dylib, lib.1.0.dylib, lib.1.0.0.dylib, lib. - so I know to put it in the .pro file
Some look like links - but it is not always the lib version that looks like a file that is required as a dependency.
But at run time, I don't know which dylib I need, and where to put it.
I tried to place all 4 lib versions in the folder where the app was created - the project folder - but the app didn't execute.
Having done the same in Linux, I had to put the libs in a place set on path - like /usr/local/libs
Where does mac like its libs (shared libs ?) in order to run ?
You should read this document on deploying Qt applications. It will answer your questions. Moving your libraries to a system library path is usually not a good idea.
To sum this up though you need to change the binaries to tell them where the libs are using the otool command.

Qt installation directory woes

I want to use Qt in my new project. An installer for my target compiler (VS2010 64bit), does not exist.
I am using Windows 7 64-bit with Qt 5.1.1.
A colleague of mine is also planning on using Qt and has managed to compile it for my target compiler (which he uses as well). He has built it in some directory, say DirA. He graciously gives me a copy of his entire Qt SDK build (binaries, examples, headers, and all), and I copy it to DirB on my machine.
I need it in DirB, because that is where all my 3rd party libraries are installed, and my CMake scripts know how to find them. I also added the Qt bin folder to my path.
Problems ensue. Qt binaries for some reason have the install path (in this case the build path) hard coded within them. So even though the Qt bin folder is in my path (so DLLs are found), Qt's DLL(s) are looking in the wrong place for the windows "plugin". They are looking in DirA, which does not exist on my machine.
So from what I found researching, using a qt.conf file specifying the install path root, is supposed to be the way to go. I add one to my Qt bin dir, and now Qt binaries (assistant, qmake, etc) can run.
But now I build one of the examples. Builds fine. Run the exe, Qt DLLs load, and then it crashes because it can't find plugin directory.
A work-around my colleague and I found that seems to work, is to copy my qt.conf file to the directory my exe resides in. After doing that the exe runs.
But this does not seem right. My exe can find the Qt DLLs, but the Qt DLLs it loads can't find qt.conf. They don't know to look in their own containing folder. I must have qt.conf in my working directory (my exe dir) for it to be found and used.
Does anyone know why this might be happening, and know of a way for me not to be forced to have a qt.conf file in my exe's dir? I can't accept this requires a rebuild of Qt. There must be some other way.
You can put qt.conf into your binary. Using the resource system.
From the Qt docs:
Without qt.conf, the Qt libraries will use the hard-coded paths to
look for plugins, translations, and so on. These paths may not exist
on the target system, or they may not be accesssible. Because of this,
you need qt.conf to make the Qt libraries look elsewhere.
QLibraryInfo will load qt.conf from one of the following locations:
:/qt/etc/qt.conf using the resource system
Using QApplication::addLibraryPath() or
QApplication::setLibraryPaths(). This approach is recommended if you
only have one executable that will use the plugin.
If you add a custom path using QApplication::addLibraryPath it could look like this:

Adding library to Xcode project

I'd like to add the libevent library to my Xcode project. I want to include it in the executable, because libevent isn't installed by default on Mac OS X.
I can compile the library from source using ./configure && make. I expected to find a .a library file, but there isn't. What do I do then? What files are relevant and how do I add them to Xcode?
Sorry for this very basic question, but I don't even know where to start.
First off, let's find out if your library truly got built. In the terminal, type in cd / and then find . -name libevent\* -print and see if the path for your libevent.a file actually appears.
If you can't find it, try running sudo make install from the top level of the library source code and then the library may end up getting installed in /usr/local/lib or some other appropriate place.
Once you do find the library, you can drag & drop it into your Project's list of Files in Xcode. Or you can include -levent in the link settings for your project.
Note that Xcode has this nasty "feature" that if it sees both dynamic and static versions of a library, it will always link against the dynamic one, even you specify the static one (.a) in your project. There's no way to override this "feafure" and you have to move or delete the dynamic one out of the library search paths.

Xcode, building and dylibs

I've looked at a few related questions and cannot seem to find a solution for myself.
Basically I'm using the libmp3lame.dylib in my Xcode project. The install process for lame produced the .dylib and placed it in usr/local/lib and to get Xcode to build and run the project I changed the Library Search Paths to include the above folder. This works fine.
Now it's come to producing a release version and I want to include the .dylib in the bundle so that the user doesn't have to put up with an install phase or anything similar. I created a copy files phase of the target and this dumps the .dylib into the Frameworks folder in the contents of the bundle. However, running otool on the binary shows that instead of using the .dylib inside the bundle, the compiler has linked it to the usr/local/lib version (even if I delete that version).
Looking at the other results in the otool output I have other frameworks being linked to inside the bundle, just not the .dylib. Looking at the properties for both these frameworks and the .dylib in Xcode I can't see any differences other than file type.
My searching suggests I need to use rpath or similar, but I've no clue where to apply this in Xcode.
My workaround for this issue was to do the following in terminal (I've used Automator to, well, automate this):
install_name_tool -id #executable_path/../Frameworks/libmp3lame.0.0.0.dylib ~/path/to/lib/in/app/libmp3lame.0.0.0.dylib
install_name_tool -change /usr/local/lib/libmp3lame.0.dylib #executable_path/../Frameworks/libmp3lame.0.0.0.dylib ~/path/to/app/Contents/MacOS/AppName
Basically swapping the path to the library from the one in the usr local lib to the one included in the bundle.
My tip is to look at the build output, how does it actually run ld?
