Does sonar analyse code in test directory of a Maven project? - maven

Does sonar analyse code in test directory of Maven project ?
In the project I'm working on I don't think it does but I'm unsure if this has been turned off or is enabled by default ?

for sure not every metrics is applied to tests. sonar counts number of tests (but it's probably from junit's report) but checkstyle etc will not analyse tests - unfortunately. at least not with default settings

Actually Sonar checks unit test files against PMD unit test rules and of course creates violations on test files if any of them(rules) are broken. By default, however, these rules are disabled so you need to enable them in profile administration


Differences between sonar-maven-plugin and sonar-scanner

We currently use the sonar-scanner utility to run sonar analysis on our maven multi-modules java project.
I wanted to move from the sonar-scanner to the sonar-maven-plugin, but the first tests shows a big discrepancy in the reported metrics.
For example the number of lines of code went from 466'000 to 154'000.
The main difference seems to be that the maven plugin does not analyse the src/test directories whereas the scanner does. Another reason could be that the maven plugin only analyses the modules which are enabled.
Do this behavior seems normal to you ?
or did I miss some configuration in the plugin or the scanner. They both should pull the config from our sonarqube server.
If this is the normal behavior then should I stay with the scanner and keep the metrics history or should I start over with the maven plugin ?
I could redo some analysis for all versions we released to have some comparisons and trends.
Thanks for your advices.
Settings the sonar.sources and sonar.inclusions like mentioned there gives some better results...
sonar-maven-plugin: extending sonar.sources in multi-module project

Integration Test Code Coverage using jacoco and maven

I have a maven test project which tests our dev code. These 2 are different maven projects.
Test project access dev project via maven dependency.
I want to measure integration test code coverage against dev project using jacoco and maven plugin.
Previously I have done it using jacoco and sonar where test code generates jacoco.exec file and then I manually built dev project passing jacoc.exec as arg in jenkins and get code coverage report.
I was not basically looking for 100% automated way of doing this.
Have read couple of articles which uses jacoco with maven but all those uses single project.
Appreciate any help/pointer.
The 'dirty trick' here is to accumulate Jacoco coverage reports. As you have different projects there is no legal way to do this as by design maven projects are to be built without direct dependency.
But in real world nothing is ideal:
You point JaCoco report file with fixed path. By the way you can do it relatively to your Maven repository which is pretty clean approach.
You build your projects in 2 phases: first phase build all projects running all possible tests. It's better to have separate JaCoco report files per unit and integration tests. But they should be the same among projects and projects shall be configured to accumulate reports.
Doing second pass you run your mvn sonar:sonar magics. This will bring you 2 sonar projects (as I understand now you have the same picture) but coverage will be much more precise. The key is unified reports calculated on previous stage.
Here is complete enough illustration of this idea and lot of references to more simple projects. And here is another question which illustrates idea.
Hope this helps. I do the same approach for my multi-module projects to get coverage for 'lower layer' modules when doing tests for 'higher layer' ones.

How to prevent SonarQube from skipping additional surefire executions?

My Maven project has multiple surefire executions configured to make sure different test groups get rund with slight modifications to the classpath etc. (see the pom.xml). When running the build job, the tests are executed as expected.
The build job running the Maven Sonar plugin only runs the default test execution and skips the other test configurations which effectively leads to Sonar reporting 0% test coverage. How can I tweak the Maven Sonar plugin to not skip the additional test executions. The relevant section from the log is here, the full log here.
I'd be interested in why the additional executions are skipped as well.
The objective of SonarQube is not to run your unit tests, especially when the configuration is not standard. For you information, our long-term goal is to remove such a feature and only allow one mode: reuseReports.
Therefore you should run your unit tests first and reuse those generated reports while running the SonarQube analysis. See

Manage multiple Surefire ReportPaths with Sonarqube/Jenkins

In my company we develope eclipse plugins continuously built by a Jenkins CI Server (with tycho & maven) which also executes the tests (Unit Tests and SWTBot Tests). As a post build action we send the test data (JaCoCo & Surefire reports) via maven to a SonarQube server for analysis. Our sources and tests are each located in an own module.
In src/com.mycompany.projectA/ we have the source from Project A.
In test/com.mycompany.projectA.tests.ut/ we have the unit tests from Project A.
In test/com.mycompany.projectA.tests.swtbot/ we have the swtbot tests from Project A.
In order to allow Sonar to find the Jacoco and Surefire reports for the tests of each source plugin we set the report paths in our pom.xml:
But this only allows one test per plugin. To also see the SwtBot test coverage in SonarQube, we added the SWTBot tests as integration tests (yeah I know, not very neat...)
Like this, we can at least see the unit test coverage as well as the SWTBot test coverage in SonarQube. But as we are only able to set one report path for the surefire reports, those are ignored by Sonar and we can not see how many SWTBot test passed/failed.
Is there a convenient way to add multiple locations of surefire reports to be considered in the analysis?
This is not possible yet, but there's a ticket open for that:
Feel free to watch it and vote for it.
Maybe you can append the jacoco.exec of each project together and put the integrated jacoco report to Sonar. The following link is a good example to integrate the jacoco report.

COBERTURA configuration within SONAR

I am using SONAR for Code Quality checks of my projects. In one project I would like to know the code coverage of a library which is included in the classpath (maven dependency).
Is it possible to configure SONAR (with embedded COBERTURA) to also instrument the specific library for code coverage analysis? As cobertura instruments the bytecode this should be possible but I do not know if it is supported by cobertura (even indepentend from SONAR).
Any hints are welcome.
You would have to set up cobertura(maven target) yourself and import the results(See dynamic analysis)
But I will not help much:
you would need the src files of the jar to see the coverage, otherwise you would just get % numbers and I'm not even sure sonar will show the extra covered files
the coverage for your whole project will always include the % of the library, so it will go down
It is better to test each project with its own unit tests on its own.
