getting a NSTextField to grow with the text in auto layout? - macos

I'm trying to get my NSTextField to have its height grow (much like in iChat or Adium) once the user types enough text to overflow the width of the control (as asked on this post)
I've implimented the accepted answer yet I can't seem to get it to work. I have uploaded my attempt at
Ideally, when the text grows, the containing window should grow with it, but I'm trying baby steps here.

Solved it! (Inspired by )
Reading the Apple Documentation is usually helpful. Apple has engineered all this text layout stuff to be powerful enough to handle all sorts of complicated edge cases which is sometimes extremely helpful, and sometimes not.
Firstly, I set the text field to wrap lines on word break, so we actually get multiple lines. (Your example code even had an if statement so it did nothing at all when wrapping was turned off).
The trick to this one was to note that when text is being edited, it’s printed by a ‘field editor’ – a heavy weight NSTextView object, owned by an NSWindow, that’s reused by whatever NSTextField is currently the ‘first responder’ (selected). The NSTextView has a single NSTextContainer (rectangle where text goes), which has a NSLayoutManager to layout the text. We can ask the layout manager how much space it wants to use up, to get the new height of our text field.
The other trick was to override the NSText delegate method - (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification to invalidate the intrinsic content size when the text is changed (so it doesn’t just wait to update when you commit changed by pressing return).
The reason I didn’t use cellSizeForBounds as you originally suggested was I couldn’t solve your problem – even when invalidating the intrinsic content size of the cell, cellSizeForBounds: continued to return the old size.
Find the example project on GitHub.
#interface TSTTextGrowth()
BOOL _hasLastIntrinsicSize;
BOOL _isEditing;
NSSize _lastIntrinsicSize;
#implementation TSTTextGrowth
- (void)textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)notification
[super textDidBeginEditing:notification];
_isEditing = YES;
- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification
[super textDidEndEditing:notification];
_isEditing = NO;
- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
[super textDidChange:notification];
[self invalidateIntrinsicContentSize];
NSSize intrinsicSize = _lastIntrinsicSize;
// Only update the size if we’re editing the text, or if we’ve not set it yet
// If we try and update it while another text field is selected, it may shrink back down to only the size of one line (for some reason?)
if(_isEditing || !_hasLastIntrinsicSize)
intrinsicSize = [super intrinsicContentSize];
// If we’re being edited, get the shared NSTextView field editor, so we can get more info
NSText *fieldEditor = [self.window fieldEditor:NO forObject:self];
if([fieldEditor isKindOfClass:[NSTextView class]])
NSTextView *textView = (NSTextView *)fieldEditor;
NSRect usedRect = [textView.textContainer.layoutManager usedRectForTextContainer:textView.textContainer];
usedRect.size.height += 5.0; // magic number! (the field editor TextView is offset within the NSTextField. It’s easy to get the space above (it’s origin), but it’s difficult to get the default spacing for the bottom, as we may be changing the height
intrinsicSize.height = usedRect.size.height;
_lastIntrinsicSize = intrinsicSize;
_hasLastIntrinsicSize = YES;
return intrinsicSize;
As a last note, I’ve never actually used auto layout myself – the demos look amazing, but whenever I actually try it myself, I can’t get it to work quite right and it makes things more complicated. However, in this case, I think it actually did save a bunch of work – without it, -intrinsicContentSize wouldn’t exist, and you’d possibly have to set the frame yourself, calculating the new origin as well as the new size (not too difficult, but just more code).

The solution by DouglasHeriot only works for fixed width text fields. In my app, I have text fields that I want to grow both horizontally and vertically. Therefore I modified the solution as follows:
#interface AutosizingTextField : NSTextField {
BOOL isEditing;
#implementation AutosizingTextField
- (void)textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)notification
[super textDidBeginEditing:notification];
isEditing = YES;
- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification
[super textDidEndEditing:notification];
isEditing = NO;
- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
[super textDidChange:notification];
[self invalidateIntrinsicContentSize];
NSText *fieldEditor = [self.window fieldEditor:NO forObject:self];
NSTextFieldCell *cellCopy = [self.cell copy];
cellCopy.stringValue = fieldEditor.string;
return [cellCopy cellSize];
return [self.cell cellSize];
There's a minor issue remaining: When typing spaces, the text jumps a bit to the left. However, that's not a problem in my app, because the text fields shouldn't contain spaces in most cases.

The solution of DouglasHeriot works great for me.
Here is the same code on Swift 4
class GrowingTextField: NSTextField {
var editing = false
var lastIntrinsicSize =
var hasLastIntrinsicSize = false
override func textDidBeginEditing(_ notification: Notification) {
editing = true
override func textDidEndEditing(_ notification: Notification) {
editing = false
override func textDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
override var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize {
get {
var intrinsicSize = lastIntrinsicSize
if editing || !hasLastIntrinsicSize {
intrinsicSize = super.intrinsicContentSize
// If we’re being edited, get the shared NSTextView field editor, so we can get more info
if let textView = self.window?.fieldEditor(false, for: self) as? NSTextView, let textContainer = textView.textContainer, var usedRect = textView.textContainer?.layoutManager?.usedRect(for: textContainer) {
usedRect.size.height += 5.0 // magic number! (the field editor TextView is offset within the NSTextField. It’s easy to get the space above (it’s origin), but it’s difficult to get the default spacing for the bottom, as we may be changing the height
intrinsicSize.height = usedRect.size.height
lastIntrinsicSize = intrinsicSize
hasLastIntrinsicSize = true
return intrinsicSize

This solution also works when setting the string value of the text field and when it's resized by AutoLayout. It just uses the attributed text property to calculate the intrinsic content size whenever it's needed.
class AutoGrowingTextField: NSTextField {
var maximumHeight: CGFloat = 100
override var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize {
let height = attributedStringValue.boundingRect(
with: NSSize(width: bounds.width - 8, height: maximumHeight),
options: [NSString.DrawingOptions.usesLineFragmentOrigin]
).height + 5
return NSSize(width: NSView.noIntrinsicMetric, height: height)
override func textDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
override func layout() {

And if you want to limit the size of the TextField (e.g.):
if (intrinsicSize.height > 100)
intrinsicSize = _lastIntrinsicSize;
_lastIntrinsicSize = intrinsicSize;
_hasLastIntrinsicSize = YES;
One thing I’m having trouble with is getting the NSTextField embedded in an NSScrollView and having it work properly (especially within an NSStackView). Going to look at whether it wouldn’t be easier with NSTextView instead.

I came up with an alternative solution that works well for me:
- (NSSize)intrinsicContentSize {
return [self sizeThatFits:NSMakeSize(self.frame.size.width, CGFLOAT_MAX)];
- (void)textDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification {
[super textDidChange:notification];
[self invalidateIntrinsicContentSize];
Basically we're just constraining the width to the given width of the element and based on that calculate the fitting height.


NSTextFinder + programmatically changing the text in NSTextView

I have a NSTextView for which I want to use the find bar. The text is selectable, but not editable. I change the text in the text view programatically.
This setup can crash when NSTextFinder tries to select the next match after the text was changed. It seems NSTextFinder hold on to outdated ranges for incremental matches.
I tried several methods of changing the text:
[textView setString:#""];
NSTextStorage *newStorage = [[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString:#""];
[textView.layoutManager replaceTextStorage:newStorage];
[textView.textStorage beginEditing];
[textView.textStorage setAttributedString:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:#""]];
[textView.textStorage endEditing];
Only replaceTextStorage: calls -[NSTextFinder noteClientStringWillChange]. None of the above invokes -[NSTextFinder cancelFindIndicator].
Even with NSTextFinder notified about the text change it can crash on Find Next (command-G).
I have also tried creating my own NSTextFinder instance as suggested in this post. Even though NSTextView does not implement the NSTextFinderClient protocol this works and fails just the same as without the NSTextFinder instance.
What is the correct way to use NSTextFinder with NSTextView?
I had the same problem with the text view in my app, and what makes it even more annoying is that all "solutions" you find on the internet are either incorrect or at least incomplete. So here is my contribution.
When you set textView.useFindBar = YES in a NSTextView, this text view creates a NSTextFinder internally, and forwards the search/replace commands to it. Unfortunately, NSTextView does not seem to handle correctly the changes you make programmatically to its associated NSTextStorage, which causes the crashes you mention.
If you want to change this behavior, creating your private NSTextFinder is not enough: you also need to avoid the use by the text view of its default text finder, otherwise conflicts will occur and the new text finder won't be of much use.
To do this, you have to subclass NSTextView:
#interface MyTextView : NSTextView
- (void) resetTextFinder; // A method to reset the view's text finder when you change the text storage
And in your text view, you have to override the responder methods used for controlling the text finder:
#interface MyTextView () <NSTextFinderClient>
NSTextFinder* _textFinder; // define your own text finder
#property (readonly) NSTextFinder* textFinder;
#implementation MyTextView
// Text finder command validation (could also be done in method validateUserInterfaceItem: if you prefer)
- (BOOL) validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
BOOL isValidItem = NO;
if (menuItem.action == #selector(performTextFinderAction:)) {
isValidItem = [self.textFinder validateAction:menuItem.tag];
// validate other menu items if needed
// ...
// and don't forget to call the superclass
else {
isValidItem = [super validateMenuItem:menuItem];
return isValidItem;
// Text Finder
- (NSTextFinder*) textFinder
// Create the text finder on demand
if (_textFinder == nil) {
_textFinder = [[NSTextFinder alloc] init];
_textFinder.client = self;
_textFinder.findBarContainer = [self enclosingScrollView];
_textFinder.incrementalSearchingEnabled = YES;
_textFinder.incrementalSearchingShouldDimContentView = YES;
return _textFinder;
- (void) resetTextFinder
if (_textFinder != nil) {
// Hide the text finder
[_textFinder cancelFindIndicator];
[_textFinder performAction:NSTextFinderActionHideFindInterface];
// Clear its client and container properties
_textFinder.client = nil;
_textFinder.findBarContainer = nil;
// And delete it
_textFinder = nil;
// This is where the commands are actually sent to the text finder
- (void) performTextFinderAction:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)sender
[self.textFinder performAction:sender.tag];
In your text view, you still need to set properties usesFindBar and incrementalSearchingEnabled to YES.
And before changing the view's text storage (or text storage contents) you just need to call [myTextView resetTextFinder]; to recreate a brand new text finder for your new content the next time you will do a search.
If you want more information about NSTextFinder, the best doc I have seen is in the AppKit Release Notes for OS X 10.7
The solution I had come up with seems rather similar to the one offered by #jlj. In both solutions NSTextView is used as client of NSTextFinder.
It seems that the main difference is that I don't hide the find bar on text change. I also hold onto my NSTextFinder instance. To do so I need to call [textFinder noteClientStringWillChange].
Changing text:
NSTextView *textView = self.textView;
NSTextFinder *textFinder = self.textFinder;
[textFinder cancelFindIndicator];
[textFinder noteClientStringWillChange];
[textView setString:#"New text"];
The rest of the view controller code looks like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSTextFinder *textFinder = [[NSTextFinder alloc] init];
[textFinder setClient:(id < NSTextFinderClient >)textView];
[textFinder setFindBarContainer:[textView enclosingScrollView]];
[textView setUsesFindBar:YES];
[textView setIncrementalSearchingEnabled:YES];
self.textFinder = textFinder;
- (void)viewWillDisappear
NSTextFinder *textFinder = self.textFinder;
[textFinder cancelFindIndicator];
[super viewWillDisappear];
- (id)supplementalTargetForAction:(SEL)action sender:(id)sender
id target = [super supplementalTargetForAction:action sender:sender];
if (target != nil) {
return target;
if (action == #selector(performTextFinderAction:)) {
target = self.textView;
if (![target respondsToSelector:action]) {
target = [target supplementalTargetForAction:action sender:sender];
if ((target != self) && [target respondsToSelector:action]) {
return target;
return nil;

Label on UIButton not laid out correctly with autolayout

I have an app which I'm updating to auto layout and size classes and I'm getting some weird behaviour with the label on a button.
The button should be a circle and have a label in the centre. I'm implementing my own subclass so I can reuse it.
Here's the storyboard:
and the code for the class which extends UIButton:
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
self = [super initWithCoder:aDecoder];
if (self) {
[self setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"selected-green"] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted ];
self.layer.borderColor = [UIColor tlbWhiteColor].CGColor;
self.layer.borderWidth = 10;
return self;
-(void) layoutSubviews {
self.layer.cornerRadius = self.frame.size.width / 2;
With this the appears as expected but there is no label. On debugging I see that the frame of the label has 0 height and width. So I extended layoutSubviews:
-(void) layoutSubviews {
self.layer.cornerRadius = self.frame.size.width / 2;
if (self.titleLabel.frame.size.width == 0) {
[self.titleLabel sizeToFit];
[self setNeedsLayout];
[self layoutIfNeeded];
The label then appears, but it's in the wrong place:
The only extra info I can offer is that in Reveal the button has weird height and width constraints added:
The titleInsets are all at 0.
Help hugely appreciated.
I don't think you need the layoutSubviews override. I think it's a hack and it's hiding your real issue.
What are the constraints on the 'Go' label? How are you centering it in the UIButton? Also what is the height constraint on the label?
My suggestion would be to put both the UIButton and the Go label inside a container view and centre the label inside the container view. The container view should have the same height and width as the UIButton inside it.
Also are you changing the frames of the views programmatically somewhere in the app? Those weird constraints you talk about in reveal point to that.
As per your requirements:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
view_1.layer.cornerRadius = 10; //view_1 is white color
view_1.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
view_2.layer.cornerRadius = _view_2.frame.size.width/2;//view_2 is green color
view_2.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
Ok, this was a real school boy error.
When the docs said 'The implementation of this method is empty before iOS 6' I for some reason took this to mean there's no need to call super on layoutSubviews.
So the fix was:
-(void) layoutSubviews {
[super layoutSubviews]; // <<<<< THIS WAS MISSING
self.layer.cornerRadius = self.frame.size.width / 2;
self.layer.masksToBounds = YES;

How to collapse an NSSplitView pane with animation while using Auto Layout?

I've tried everything I can think of, including all the suggestions I've found here on SO and on other mailing lists, but I cannot figure out how to programmatically collapse an NSSplitView pane with an animation while Auto Layout is on.
Here's what I have right now (written in Swift for fun), but it falls down in multiple ways:
#IBAction func toggleSourceList(sender: AnyObject?) {
let isOpen = !splitView.isSubviewCollapsed(sourceList.view.superview!)
let position = (isOpen ? 0 : self.lastWidth)
if isOpen {
self.lastWidth = sourceList.view.frame.size.width
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ context in
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
context.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn)
context.duration = self.duration
self.splitView.setPosition(position, ofDividerAtIndex: 0)
}, completionHandler: { () -> Void in
The desired behavior and appearance is that of, which animates really nicely.
I have a full example app available at
[[splitViewItem animator] setCollapse:YES]
splitViewItem.animator().collapsed = true
From Apple’s help:
Whether or not the child ViewController corresponding to the
SplitViewItem is collapsed in the SplitViewController. The default is
NO. This can be set with the animator proxy to animate the collapse or
uncollapse. The exact animation used can be customized by setting it
in the -animations dictionary with a key of "collapsed". If this is
set to YES before it is added to the SplitViewController, it will be
initially collapsed and the SplitViewController will not cause the
view to be loaded until it is uncollapsed. This is KVC/KVO compliant
and will be updated if the value changes from user interaction.
I was eventually able to figure this out with some help. I've transformed my test project into a reusable NSSplitView subclass:
For some reason none of the methods of animating frames worked for my scrollview. I didn't try animating the constraints though.
I ended up creating a custom animation to animate the divider position. If anyone is interested, here is my solution:
Animation .h:
#interface MySplitViewAnimation : NSAnimation <NSAnimationDelegate>
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSSplitView* splitView;
#property (nonatomic) NSInteger dividerIndex;
#property (nonatomic) float startPosition;
#property (nonatomic) float endPosition;
#property (nonatomic, strong) void (^completionBlock)();
- (instancetype)initWithSplitView:(NSSplitView*)splitView
completionBlock:(void (^)())completionBlock;
Animation .m
#implementation MySplitViewAnimation
- (instancetype)initWithSplitView:(NSSplitView*)splitView
completionBlock:(void (^)())completionBlock;
if (self = [super init]) {
self.splitView = splitView;
self.dividerIndex = dividerIndex;
self.startPosition = startPosition;
self.endPosition = endPosition;
self.completionBlock = completionBlock;
[self setDuration:0.333333];
[self setAnimationBlockingMode:NSAnimationNonblocking];
[self setAnimationCurve:NSAnimationEaseIn];
[self setFrameRate:30.0];
[self setDelegate:self];
return self;
- (void)setCurrentProgress:(NSAnimationProgress)progress
[super setCurrentProgress:progress];
float newPosition = self.startPosition + ((self.endPosition - self.startPosition) * progress);
[self.splitView setPosition:newPosition
if (progress == 1.0) {
I'm using it like this - I have a 3 pane splitter view, and am moving the right pane in/out by a fixed amount (235).
- (IBAction)togglePropertiesPane:(id)sender
if (self.rightPane.isHidden) {
self.rightPane.hidden = NO;
[[[MySplitViewAnimation alloc] initWithSplitView:_splitView
to:_splitView.frame.size.width - 235
}] startAnimation];
else {
[[[MySplitViewAnimation alloc] initWithSplitView:_splitView
from:_splitView.frame.size.width - 235
self.rightPane.hidden = YES;
}] startAnimation];
/// Collapse the sidebar
func collapsePanel(_ number: Int = 0){
guard number < self.splitViewItems.count else {
let panel = self.splitViewItems[number]
if panel.isCollapsed {
panel.animator().isCollapsed = false
} else {
panel.animator().isCollapsed = true
I will also add, because it took me quite a while to figure this out, that setting collapseBehavior = .useConstraints on your NSSplitViewItem (or items) may help immensely if you have lots of constraints defining the layouts of your subviews. My split view animations didn't look right until I did this. YMMV.
If you're using Auto-Layout and you want to animate some aspect of the view's dimensions/position, you might have more luck animating the constraints themselves. I've had a quick go with an NSSplitView but have so far only met with limited success. I can get a split to expand and collapse following a button push, but I've ended up having to try to hack my way around loads of other problems caused by interfering with the constraints. In case your unfamiliar with it, here's a simple constraint animation:
- (IBAction)animate:(NSButton *)sender {
/* Shrink view to invisible */
NSLayoutConstraint *constraint = self.viewWidthConstraint;
[NSAnimationContext runAnimationGroup:^(NSAnimationContext *context) {
[[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:0.33];
[[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setTimingFunction:[CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionDefault]];
[[constraint animator] setConstant:0];
} completionHandler:^{
/* Do Some clean-up, if required */
Bear in mind you can only animate a constraints constant, you can't animate its priority.
NSSplitViewItem (i.e. arranged subview of NSSplitView) can be fully collapsed, if it can reach Zero dimension (width or height). So, we just need to deactivate appropriate constrains before animation and allow view to reach Zero dimension. After animation we can activate needed constraints again.
See my comment for SO question How to expand and collapse NSSplitView subviews with animation?.
This is a solution that doesn't require any subclasses or categories, works without NSSplitViewController (which requires macOS 10.10+), supports auto layout, animates the views, and works on macOS 10.8+.
As others have suggested, the solution is to use an NSAnimationContext, but the trick is to set context.allowsImplicitAnimation = YES (Apple docs). Then just set the divider position as one would normally.
#import <Quartz/Quartz.h>
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
- (IBAction)toggleLeftPane:(id)sender
[NSAnimationContext runAnimationGroup:^(NSAnimationContext * _Nonnull context) {
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = YES;
context.duration = 0.25; // seconds
context.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseOut];
if ([self.splitView isSubviewCollapsed:self.leftPane]) {
// -> expand
[self.splitView setPosition:self.leftPane.frame.size.width ofDividerAtIndex:0];
} else {
// <- collapse
_lastLeftPaneWidth = self.leftPane.frame.size.width;
// optional: remember current width to restore to same size
[self.splitView setPosition:0 ofDividerAtIndex:0];
[self.splitView layoutSubtreeIfNeeded];
Use auto layout to constrain the subviews (width, min/max sizes, etc.). Make sure to check "Core Animation Layer" in Interface Builder (i.e. set views to be layer backed) for the split view and all subviews — this is required for the transitions to be animated. (It will still work, but without animation.)
A full working project is available here:

How to detect when NSTextField has the focus or is it's content selected cocoa

I have a NSTextField inside of a NSTableCellView, and I want an event which informs me when my NSTextField has got the focus for disabling several buttons, I found this method:
-(void)controlTextDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)obj{
NSTextField *textField = (NSTextField *)[obj object];
if (textField != _nombreDelPaqueteTextField) {
[_nuevaCuentaActivoButton setEnabled:FALSE];
[_nuevaCuentaPasivoButton setEnabled:FALSE];
[_nuevaCuentaIngresosButton setEnabled:FALSE];
[_nuevaCuentaEgresosButton setEnabled:FALSE];
but it triggers just when my textfield is begin editing as this says, I want the buttons disabled when I get the focus on the textField, not when I already started to type
EDIT: Gonna put my code based on the help received by Joshua Nozzi, it still doesn't work
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#class MyNSTextField;
#protocol MyNSTextFieldDelegate
#optional -(BOOL)textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender;
#optional -(BOOL)textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender;
#interface MyNSTextField : NSTextField
#property (strong, nonatomic) id <MyNSTextFieldDelegate> cellView;
#import "MyNSTextField.h"
#implementation MyNSTextField
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super becomeFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:self];
return status;
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super resignFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:self];
return status;
on my viewcontroller EdicionDeCuentasWC.m
#import "MyNSTextField.h"
#interface EdicionDeCuentasWC ()<NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate, NSControlTextEditingDelegate, NSPopoverDelegate, MyNSTextFieldDelegate>
#implementation EdicionDeCuentasWC
#pragma mark MyNSTextFieldDelegate
-(BOOL)textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender{
return TRUE;
-(BOOL)textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender{
return TRUE;
#pragma mark --
it's important to say in visual editor, already changed all my NSTextFields to MyNSTextField class and set delegate to my File's Owner (EdicionDeCuentasWC)
I think I nailed it. I was trying subclassing NSTextFiled to override becomeFirstResponder() and resignFirstResponder(), but once I click it, becomeFirstResponder() gets called and resignFirstResponder() gets called right after that. Huh? But search field looks like still under editing and focus is still on it.
I figured out that, when you clicked on search field, search field become first responder once, but NSText will be prepared sometime somewhere later, and the focus will be moved to the NSText.
I found out that when NSText is prepared, it is set to self.currentEditor() . The problem is that when becomeFirstResponder()'s call, self.currentEditor() hasn't set yet. So becomeFirstResponder() is not the method to detect it's focus.
On the other hand, when focus is moved to NSText, text field's resignFirstResponder() is called, and you know what? self.currentEditor() has set. So, this is the moment to tell it's delegate that that text field got focused.
Then next, how to detect when search field lost it's focus. Again, it's about NSText. Then you need to listen to NSText delegate's methods like textDidEndEditing(), and make sure you let it's super class to handle the method and see if self.currentEditor() is nullified. If it is the case, NSText lost it's focus and tell text field's delegate about it.
I provide a code, actually NSSearchField subclass to do the same thing. And the same principle should work for NSTextField as well.
protocol ZSearchFieldDelegate: NSTextFieldDelegate {
func searchFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField)
func searchFieldDidResignFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField)
class ZSearchField: NSSearchField, NSTextDelegate {
var expectingCurrentEditor: Bool = false
// When you clicked on serach field, it will get becomeFirstResponder(),
// and preparing NSText and focus will be taken by the NSText.
// Problem is that self.currentEditor() hasn't been ready yet here.
// So we have to wait resignFirstResponder() to get call and make sure
// self.currentEditor() is ready.
override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
let status = super.becomeFirstResponder()
if let _ = self.delegate as? ZSearchFieldDelegate where status == true {
expectingCurrentEditor = true
return status
// It is pretty strange to detect search field get focused in resignFirstResponder()
// method. But otherwise, it is hard to tell if self.currentEditor() is available.
// Once self.currentEditor() is there, that means the focus is moved from
// serach feild to NSText. So, tell it's delegate that the search field got focused.
override func resignFirstResponder() -> Bool {
let status = super.resignFirstResponder()
if let delegate = self.delegate as? ZSearchFieldDelegate where status == true {
if let _ = self.currentEditor() where expectingCurrentEditor {
// currentEditor.delegate = self
self.expectingCurrentEditor = false
return status
// This method detect whether NSText lost it's focus or not. Make sure
// self.currentEditor() is nil, then that means the search field lost its focus,
// and tell it's delegate that the search field lost its focus.
override func textDidEndEditing(notification: NSNotification) {
if let delegate = self.delegate as? ZSearchFieldDelegate {
if self.currentEditor() == nil {
You will need to change NSSerachField to ZSearchField, and your client class must conform to ZSearchFieldDelegate not NSTextFieldDelegate. Here is a example. When user clicked on search field, it extend it's width and when you click on the other place, search field lost it's focus and shrink its width, by changing the value of NSLayoutConstraint set by Interface Builder.
class MyViewController: NSViewController, ZSearchFieldDelegate {
// [snip]
#IBOutlet weak var searchFieldWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
func searchFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField) {
self.searchFieldWidthConstraint.constant = 300
func searchFieldDidResignFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField) {
self.searchFieldWidthConstraint.constant = 100
It might depend on the behavior of the OS, I tried on El Capitan 10.11.4, and it worked.
The code can be copied from Gist as well.
I have a custom NSTextField subclass that overrides -becomeFirstResponder and -resignFirstResponder. Its -cellView property requires conformance to a protocol that declares -textDidBecome/ResignFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender but it's enough to give you the general idea. It can easily be modified to post notifications for which your controller can register as an observer. I hope this helps.
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super becomeFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:self];
return status;
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super resignFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:self];
return status;
I found the following code on the macrumors forums.
Is the first responder a text view (the field editor is a text view).
Does the field editor exist?
Is the text field the field editor's delegate
It seems to work.
- (BOOL)isTextFieldInFocus:(NSTextField *)textField
BOOL inFocus = NO;
inFocus = ([[[textField window] firstResponder] isKindOfClass:[NSTextView class]]
&& [[textField window] fieldEditor:NO forObject:nil]!=nil
&& [textField isEqualTo:(id)[(NSTextView *)[[textField window] firstResponder]delegate]]);
return inFocus;
Just in case, as a slight variation over the idea of #sam, we can observe NSWindow.firstResponder property itself, it's KVO-compliant according to the documentation. Then compare it with textField or textField.currentEditor() to figure out whether the field is focused.

Using Autolayout with expanding NSTextViews

My app consists of an NSScrollView whose document view contains a number of vertically stacked NSTextViews — each of which resizes in the vertical direction as text is added.
Currently, this is all managed in code. The NSTextViews resize automatically, but I observe their resizing with an NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification, recalc all their origins so that they don't overlap, and resize their superview (the scroll view's document view) so that they all fit and can be scrolled to.
This seems as though it would be the perfect candidate for autolayout! I set NSLayoutConstraints between the first text view and its container, the last text view and its container, and each text view between each other. Then, if any text view grows, it automatically "pushes down" the origins of the text views below it to satisfy contraints, ultimately growing the size of the document view, and everyone's happy!
Except, it seems there's no way to make an NSTextView automatically grow as text is added in a constraints-based layout? Using the exact same NSTextView that automatically expanded as text was entered before, if I don't specify a constraint for its height, it defautls to 0 and isn't shown. If I do specify a constraint, even an inequality such as >=20, it stays stuck at that size and doesn't grow as text is added.
I suspect this has to do with NSTextView's implementation of -intrinsicContentSize, which by default returns (NSViewNoInstrinsicMetric, NSViewNoInstrinsicMetric).
So my questions: if I subclasses NSTextView to return a more meaningful intrinsicContentSize based on the layout of my text, would my autolayout then work as expected?
Any pointers on implementing intrinsicContentSize for a vertically resizing NSTextView?
I am working on a very similar setup — a vertical stack of views containing text views that expand to fit their text contents and use autolayout.
So far I have had to subclass NSTextView, which is does not feel clean, but works superbly in practice:
- (NSSize) intrinsicContentSize {
NSTextContainer* textContainer = [self textContainer];
NSLayoutManager* layoutManager = [self layoutManager];
[layoutManager ensureLayoutForTextContainer: textContainer];
return [layoutManager usedRectForTextContainer: textContainer].size;
- (void) didChangeText {
[super didChangeText];
[self invalidateIntrinsicContentSize];
The initial size of the text view when added with addSubview is, curiously, not the intrinsic size; I have not yet figured out how to issue the first invalidation (hooking viewDidMoveToSuperview does not help), but I'm sure I will figure it out eventually.
I had a similar problem with an NSTextField, and it turned out that it was due to the view wanting to hug its text content tightly along the vertical orientation. So if you set the content hugging priority to something lower than the priorities of your other constraints, it may work. E.g.:
[textView setContentHuggingPriority:NSLayoutPriorityFittingSizeCompression-1.0 forOrientation:NSLayoutConstraintOrientationVertical];
And in Swift, this would be:
setContentHuggingPriority(NSLayoutConstraint.Priority.fittingSizeCompression, for:NSLayoutConstraint.Orientation.vertical)
Here is how to make an expanding NSTextView using Auto Layout, in Swift 3
I used Anchors for Auto Layout
Use textDidChange from NSTextDelegate. NSTextViewDelegate conforms to NSTextDelegate
The idea is that textView has edges constraints, which means whenever its intrinsicContentSize changes, it will expand its parent, which is scrollView
import Cocoa
import Anchors
class TextView: NSTextView {
override var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize {
guard let manager = textContainer?.layoutManager else {
return .zero
manager.ensureLayout(for: textContainer!)
return manager.usedRect(for: textContainer!).size
class ViewController: NSViewController, NSTextViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet var textView: NSTextView!
#IBOutlet weak var scrollView: NSScrollView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
textView.delegate = self
// MARK: - NSTextDelegate
func textDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let textView = notification.object as? NSTextView else { return }
Class ready for copying and pasting. Swift 4.2, macOS 10.14
class HuggingTextView: NSTextView, NSTextViewDelegate {
//MARK: - Initialization
override init(frame: NSRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
delegate = self
override init(frame frameRect: NSRect, textContainer container: NSTextContainer?) {
super.init(frame: frameRect, textContainer: container)
delegate = self
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
delegate = self
//MARK: - Overriden
override var intrinsicContentSize: NSSize {
guard let container = textContainer, let manager = container.layoutManager else {
return super.intrinsicContentSize
manager.ensureLayout(for: container)
return manager.usedRect(for: container).size
//MARK: - NSTextViewDelegate
func textDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
