paraent page :charset is utf8
now want to create a iframe page :charset is gbk
but firefox seem can't set characterSet
var doc = window.content.document;
var iframe=doc.createElement("iframe");
var d;
if(iframe.contentDocument) {
d = iframe.contentDocument;
} else {
d = iframe.contentWindow.document;
d.documentElement.innerHTML="<body><span>some GBK</span></body>";
... "IE has scriptable document.charset property which is officially read/
Gecko-based browsers do have read-only document.characterSet property." ...
It doesn't matter what the Iframe's encoding is since there is no decoding happening when you directly set iframe contents to some string. If there is a problem, then the javascript file that contains
d.documentElement.innerHTML="<body><span>some GBK</span></body>";
has been encoded incorrectly or declared in the wrong encoding.
I'm trying to download a PNG image in Apps Script, convert it to JPEG, and generate a data URI for this new JPEG.
function test() {
var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch('').getBlob();
var jpeg = blob.getAs("image/jpeg");
var uri = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + Utilities.base64Encode(jpeg.getBytes());
When I run this, I get:
The image you are trying to use is invalid or corrupt.
Even something like:
function test() {
var bytes = UrlFetchApp.fetch('').getBlob().getBytes();
var jpeg = Utilities.newBlob(bytes, MimeType.PNG).getAs(MimeType.JPEG);
doesn't work.
Your code is correct. This may be a bug, but it's specific to the file you are using, so may as well be a bug in the file (i.e., the file could indeed be corrupted somehow). Or maybe it uses some features of PNG format that Google doesn't handle. Replacing the URL by another one, e.g.,
var blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch('').getBlob();
both functions work as expected.
Is it possible to convert an NSattributedString with attachments (RTFD not RTF) to ASCII, edit the stream, and convert it back? So far I am able to convert an RTFD to a String stream. But turning it back into an NSData object does not work. Here's the code I'm using in a playground.
import Cocoa
func stream(attr: NSAttributedString) -> String? {
if let d = attr.rtfd(from: NSMakeRange(0, attr.length), documentAttributes: [NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSRTFDTextDocumentType]) {
if let str = String(data: d, encoding: .ascii) { return str }
else {
print("Unable to produce RTFD string")
return nil
print("Unable to produce RTFD data stream")
return nil
if let im = NSImage(named: "image.png") {
let a = NSTextAttachment()
a.image = im
let s = NSAttributedString(attachment: a)
if let str = stream(attr: s) {
print("\(str)\n") //prints a string, which contains RTF code combined with NSTextAttachment string representation
if let data = .ascii) { //this is where things stop working
if let newRTF = NSAttributedString(rtfd: data as Data, documentAttributes: nil) {
else { print("rtfd was not created") }
else { print("could not make data") }
What am I missing? Or is my entire concept wrong here? I am doing this to get around a limitation of the way OS X handles images attached in RTF documents.
The limitation I am trying to address is to set the size of an image in an RTF stream. The text handling system requires that we use NSTextAttachment. Whenever an image is pasted from that, it automatically sizes the image to whatever the pixel height and width are. Unfortunately there is no way to control this property. I have tried here and also using all the techniques here.
As far as the ASCII stream, I'm not trying to edit the image attachment itself. When the stream is printed, the actual RTF code is visible and editable. This works and would be a good workaround for this limitation. All I need is to edit the RTF code and change the \width and \height properties that Apple uses.
After your edit I can see what you are trying to do, interesting idea, but it won't work - at least not easily.
Take a look at the value of d, it is not an ASCII string stored as a value of type Data (or NSData). It is a serialised representation of multiple items; the RTF stream (text), the image data (binary). If you convert this to an ASCII string and back again it is not going to work, you can't represent arbitrary binary data as ASCII unless you encode it (e.g. something like base 64 encoding).
Now you could attempt what you are trying a slightly different way, skip the conversion to ASCII and edit the Data value directly. That is certainly possible, but as you are editing a format you don't know (the serialised representation) you would have to be careful... And even if you succeed in editing the representation there is no guarantee that converting back to an NSAttributedString with an NSTextAttachment will preserve your edits.
I suggest you tackle this another way. You have an NSAttributedString and you don't like the RTF produced after you write this to a file. So edit the RTF after it is written, e.g. open up the RTFD package, open the contained RTF file (TXT.rtf), edit it, write it back.
I'm not able to find a reason why my MVC 3 web site shows arabic font correctly and my pdf not.
I use a bliss font in my web site;
#font-face {
font-family: 'blissregular';
src: url('/Fonts/blissregular-webfont.eot');
src: url('/Fonts/blissregular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('/Fonts/blissregular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;}
All working fine.
After that I want to create the pdf of the output but arabic fonts does not appears.
I've googled and understand that the font must have the arabic character to show up correctly. I've changed to arial font (that contains arabic character) and... pdf worked.
So... How is possible that with bliss font (that does NOT have arabic characters) I see arabic font in web site?
I'm really confused....
thanks a lot to everybody!
For every character your browser encounters it looks for a matching glyph in the current font. If the font doesn't have that glyph it looks for any fallback fonts to see if they have that glyph. Ultimately every browser has a core set of default fonts that are the ultimate fallback. When you specify the font Bliss but use Arabic characters you are probably just seeing your browser's fallback fonts.
PDFs don't work that way. If you say something is using font XYZ then it will try to render it using that font or fail.
The easiest way probably is to just add a font to your CSS that supports those characters.
.myclass{font-family: blissregular, Arial}
If that doesn't work you might need to inject the fonts manually. (Actually, I'm not 100% certain the iText support #font-face, either.) iText has a helper class that can figure things out for you that Bruno talks about it here but unfortunately the C# link isn't working anymore. It's very simple, you just create an instance of the FontSelector class, call AddFont in the order that you want characters to be looked up up in and then pass a string to the Process() method which spits back a Phrase that you can add. Below is basic sample code that shows this off. I apologize for my sample text, I'm English-native so I just searched for something to use, I hope I didn't mangle it or get it backwards.
You'll need to jump through a couple of extra hoops when processing the HTML but you should be able to work it out, hopefully.
//Sample string. I apologize, this is from a Google search so I hope it isn't backward
var testString = "يوم الاثنين \"monday\" in Arabic";
var outputFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "Test.pdf");
//Standard PDF setup
using (var fs = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) {
using (var doc = new Document()) {
using (var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, fs)) {
//This is a font that I know *does not* support Arabic characters, substitute with your own font if you don't have it
var gishaFontPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "gisha.ttf");
var gishaBaseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(gishaFontPath, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
var gishaFont = new iTextSharp.text.Font(gishaBaseFont, 20);
//Add our test string using just a normal font, this *will not* display the Arabic characters
doc.Add(new Phrase(testString, gishaFont));
//This is a font that I know *does* support Arabic characters
var arialFontPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "ARIALUNI.TTF");
var arialBaseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(arialFontPath, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
var arialFont = new iTextSharp.text.Font(arialBaseFont, 20);
//Create our font selector specifying our most specific font first
var Sel = new FontSelector();
//Have the font selector process our text into a series of chunks wrapped in a phrase
var newPhrase = Sel.Process(testString);
//Add the phrase, this will display both characters
//Clean up
How would I write a bookmarklet that applies a given XSLT stylesheet to XML file that is displayed in, e.g., firefox? The XML Document is already loaded in the browser and displayed without a stylesheet, and the XSLT is available under a fixed URL which should be encoded in the bookmarklet.
Here is an example:
A bookmarklet for applying an XSLT stylesheet to an XML document - just insert the base64 encoded xsl in atob("") - tested on firefox
javascript: (function() {
var parser = new DOMParser();
var ss = parser.parseFromString(atob(""), 'application/xml');
var xsltProcessor = new XSLTProcessor();
var newdoc = xsltProcessor.transformToDocument(content.document);
var myWindow ="data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(newdoc.documentElement.innerHTML), "_blank", "");
You can add the script to apply xslt on xml in the bookmark within parenthesis of 'javascript()'.
Here is the reference:
Firstly, host the xslt and xml so as to avoid any access issues of files from javascript.
There are some modifications which are needed in the script:
In the reference above, update the following:
Save the output in a file as per the output set in your xslt(xml/html/text) or simply display it in alert for copying and using.
Our site is using tags like <# TAGNAME #> but CKEditor converts < and > to < and > which breaks these tags for use in our software.
I've discovered this option: config.protectedSource.push( /<#[\s\S]*##>/g ); which seems to stop the conversion if the data is saved from Source mode, but in WYSIWYG mode I can't find a way to stop the conversion. I've tried many options in their API but none of them seem to have helped, how can I fix this problem?
Were were looking at using CKEDitor to edit Smarty templates. The problem we were hitting was that it was replacing all the angle brackets and ampersands within the curly brackets, which messed everything up. This came up in a Google search so our solution should help anyone with similar issues.
CKEditor rebuilds the HTML every time you switch to Source mode and when you save, so you need to add to the HTML htmlFilter.
This worked for us:
//replace Form_content with whatever your editor's id is.
htmlParser = CKEDITOR.instances.Form_content.dataProcessor.htmlFilter;
//We don't want HTML encoding on smarty tags
//so we need to change things in curly brackets
htmlParser.onText = function(text) {
//find all bits in curly brackets
var matches = text.match(/\{([^}]+)\}/g);
//go through each match and replace the encoded characters
if (matches!=null) {
for (match in matches) {
var replacedString=matches[match];
replacedString = matches[match].replace(/>/g,'>');
replacedString = replacedString.replace(/</g,'<');
replacedString = replacedString.replace(/&/g,'&');
text = text.replace(matches[match],replacedString);
return text;
The onText function processes all the bits that aren't in tags or comments.
I'd imagine you can do something similar by altering the code above - I've left it as is as I think our problems and required solutions are very similar.
editor.on( 'mode', function(ev) {
if ( ev.editor.mode == 'source' ) {
var str=ev.editor.getData();
str=str.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/"/g, "\"");
If you type < or > in any WYSIWYG editor, they will be converted to their HTML entities in source mode.