Automatically keep texture's ratio and texture's size when repeating - three.js

I'm using three.js to build a house, i have walls and textures for walls.
Walls are basically CubeGeometry.
I took a unique scale : 1cm = 1px
textures could be bricks or any other construction materials, but textures files are always 512x512 with details in it. for example : One brick in the texture file will be 10px per 4px.
I need to keep this ratio to keep the reality of the scene.
var texture = THREE.ImageUtils.loadTexture("images/wall.jpg");
texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
texture.repeat = new THREE.Vector2(0.2 , 0.2);
var wall = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.CubeGeometry(100, 100, 10), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ map: texture }));
that's works quite well because the case is simple ;), it is also very simple to made a ratio for every walls (which can have any sort of sizes)
But in fact i have plenty of other geometries (procedurally generated and so on), is there by any chance a property like : "THREE.KeepMyTextureSizeAndRepeat" wrapping ? Or will i need to make ratios for each of my custom geometries ?
If you have any advice on this use case, i will be greatfull :)
Many thanks
EDIT : the final goal is to do something like "patterns" in 2D canvas
var pattern = context.createPattern(imageObj, repeatOption);
context.fillStyle = pattern;
when you do something like that, on a rect for example the pattern will be repeated keeping the aspect ratio (e.g

you'll have to calculate every ratio by yourself because a texture doesn't know anything about the pixels. It only knows about the uvs.


Generate shape in three.js from multiple elements

Is there a way in three.js to create a poly from multiple individual elements, rectangle for example.
I have attached an example.
I am using:
for(i = 0; i<5; i++){
var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 50)+1000;
var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
color : "#ff"+i+ rand,
side : THREE.DoubleSide,
transparent : true,
opacity : 1
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );
if(angle) mesh.rotation.y = angle;
mesh.position.set( loop+1, 4,4);
scene.add( mesh );
When I apply roatation mesh.rotation.y = angle; it doesn't come up with my below design, I rather get a cross + because the panel rotates on it's y from center, not from corner...
Thank you
There are 3 ways to achieve what you're trying to do. The problem you are facing stems from transform origin, as you noted, origin defaults to position [0,0,0]. So, your options are:
build a transform matrix using a different transform offset for rotation, this is probably an overkill for simple use-cases.
translate geometry to not be centered on [0,0,0], for example you can move the whole quad (your geometry) right so that the left edge of the quad aligns with [0,0,0], then, when you rotate, left edge will stay put.
embed Mesh inside a Group, rotate the Mesh and translate (position.set(....)) the Group.
no matter which route you take - you will still have to deal with the some trigonometry as you will need to compute the position for the next segment to align with the edge of the previous one.
One more way around that is to build the following type of structure
Mesh 1,
Mesh 2,
Mesh 3,
Group [
Mesh 4,
Mesh 5,
Mesh 6,
Group [
Mesh 7
Last group is unnecessary, it's there purely for consistency.
As far as the trigonometry that I mentioned - it's simple Sin and Cos stuff, so it should be quite simple. Here is some pseudo-code that you'll need:
prevPosition, prevAngle //position and angle of previous segment
// Compute next segment transform
nextPosition.x = Math.cos(prevAngle)*segmentSize + prevPosition.x;
nextPosition.z = Math.sin(prevAngle)*segmentSize + prevPosition.z;

Set transparency of face by index in THREE.js

I've managed to set the colour of a mesh face using:
Is there a function to set the transparency to true and opacity to say 0.5?
I'm sure there is one, just have no idea of the syntax.
Actually, you cannot achieve that by changing your geometry. Because transparency controlled by materials.
But there's way to do this.
First, each face has materialIndex (Face manual).
Next, Each mesh, drawn within three.js scene has material. And there's special material of type THREE.MeshFaceMaterial (MeshFaceMaterial manual), which takes array of materials as argument.
When faces are drawn, three.js renderer takes face's materialIndex and uses corresponding material from this material array or, if mesh contains single material type.
So you could do something like:
var opacMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
var solidMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
color:new THREE.Color(1,0,0)
var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(
new THREE.MultiMaterial([solidMaterial, opacMaterial])
By default, if your geometry have materialIndex == 0 for each faces, you will see solidMaterial drawn.
If you want to make it transparent do something like this;
geometry.faces[i].materialIndex = 1;
Don't forget to update geometry in mesh: (How to update geometry in mesh question.)
Also, aware, if you have materialIndex in your faces greater than length of material array, you will get awkward error inside of deep of THREE.js

THREE.js: Looking for an alternative to MeshFaceMaterial

According to various posts at the three.js github, MeshFaceMaterial will be deprecated eventually.
I currently use this for my terrain. Granted it's not the best way to do it. Actually its pretty crappy. For one I cannot use BufferGeometry which is not good considering I generally have 2 layers of 128x128 (segmented) planes for terrain. Very high memory usage.
I've adapted all my code to allow for the terrain to be BufferGeometry except two things don't work. MeshFaceMaterial and BufferGeometry.merge(). The merge doesn't work on indexed geometry which to me is weird considering THREE creates this geometry, yet it can merge non-indexed geometry from blender. It cannot merge geometry it creates itself but can merge geometry from external sources... Oh well that's another post there, back to MeshFaceMaterial.
I currently use a 128x128 "MaterialMap". Each pixel represents a materialIndex for each face of the plane. This has two serious drawbacks. Squared up sections of terrain (no curves) and harsh distinctions on the borders of textures.
My question is: How can I generate this terrain with multiple textures without using MeshFaceMaterial. The highest res texture I have is 2048x2048 and zone size can easily be 10000x10000 making repeat necessary (right?).
Ultimately my goal is to use BufferGeometry and get rid of MeshFaceMaterial.
MaterialMap example:
Terrain Example (terribly cropped sorry {work pc}):
You helped me out a while back via email with advice on culling meshes so I would like to return the favor (with my humble strategy) :)
If you want to use THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry (which, as you know, is where all geometry in THREE.js is soon headed), then my advice would be to layer different PlaneBufferGeometries right on top of each other. For instance in the above example picture, you could have
var stoneFloorGeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(arenaWidth, arenaHeight, 1, 1);
var stoneFloorMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
depthWrite: false, // This is always underneath every other object
map: stoneFloorTexture
var stoneFloor = new THREE.Mesh(stoneFloorGeometry, stoneFloorMaterial);
stoneFloor.rotation.x = Math.PI / -2; // rotate to be flat in the X-Z plane
stoneFloor.position.set(0, 0, 0);
// now add the grass plane right on top of that with its own texture and shape
var grassGeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(lawnWidth, lawnHeight, 1, 1);
var grassMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
depthWrite: false, // this is rendered right on top of the stone floor
map: grassTexture
var grass = new THREE.Mesh(grassGeometry, grassMaterial);
grass.rotation.x = Math.PI / -2;
grass.position.set(0, 0, 0);
// finally add the stone path walkway on top of the grass, leading to the castle
var walkwayGeometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(walkwayWidth, walkwayHeight, 1, 1);
var walkwayMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
depthWrite: false, // this is rendered right on top of the grass
map: stoneFloorTexture // uses same texture as large stoneFloor before
var walkway = new THREE.Mesh(walkwayGeometry, walkwayMaterial);
walkway.rotation.x = Math.PI / -2;
walkway.position.set(0, 0, 0);
As long as you layer the level from bottom to top and disable depthWrite, all the various textures will correctly show up on top of each other, and none will Z-fight. So, stoneFloor is added to the scene first, followed by grass, followed by walkway.
And since depthTest is still active, your moving game characters will render on top of all these various textures. Initially, it also looked like it worked with just disabling 'depthTest', but the textures ended up rendering over ('above') the characters/models which is incorrect.
Eventually when THREE.js moves ShapeGeometry over to BufferGeometry, it would be nice to define an arbitrary polygonal shape (like an octagon or something) and then texture map that and lay down shapes on top of each other for the game level in a similar manner, thus avoiding the 'square' problem you mentioned.
As for this current solution, on the modern CPU/GPU I don't think you will see much performance cost in creating 3 PlaneBufferGeometries instead of 1 large one with multiple faces/indexes. This way you have the advantages of using THREE's BufferGeometry while still having everything 'looking' like it is all texture-mapped to one large plane.
Hope this helps!
-Erich (erichlof on GitHub)

Make text always appear orthogonal to the plane when rotating a cube

I'm creating text labels that appear on a 3D cube using the following pattern:
canvas = createTextCanvas(text, color, font, size);
texture = new THREE.Texture(canvas);
geom = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(canvas.width, canvas.height, segW, segH);
material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({map: texture, transparent: true});
mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geom, material);
mesh.position.x = x;
mesh.position.y = y;
mesh.position.z = z;
texture.needsUpdate = true;
The labels and their positions get set within a for loop for each edge of the cube. This results in labels appearing similar to this:
But then when I rotate the cube (using OrbitControls), you'll see that the label no longer appears vertically like above:
So using the Cost label as an example, I would want the text to remain vertically oriented whenever the cube is rotated. Basically, I'm trying to mimic the behavior of axis labeling in VTK.
So I believe the solution here is to set the up vector of the label to a vector that's always orthogonal to the plane. But I'm not sure how to implement this. Any suggestions or examples would be greatly appreciated.
If it helps, I'm constructing the cube using a BoxGeometry and MeshNormalMaterial.
Do you mean the label keeps moving with the cube or not?
If not, there is a example: The label keeps facing to you but may not vertical.
Else ,you may need a canvas texture,the label is a object just like the cube and you can set its position to keep it vertical.But it doesn't look good sometime.the example:
I think you just want the label always facing to you when you change your sight.

Three.js pixel perfect at z=0 plane

Is there any way to configure the camera in Three.js so that when a 2d object (line, plane, image) is rendered at z=0, it doesn't bleed (from perspective) into other pixels.
var plane = new THREE.Mesh(new THREE.PlaneGeometry(1, 1), material);
plane.position.x = 4;
plane.position.y = 3;
// Get canvas pixel information
If you example the data from readPixels, I always find that the pixel is rendering into its surrounding pixels (ex: 3,3,0 may contain some color information), but would like it to be pixel perfect if the element that is draw is on the z=0 plane.
You probably want to use THREE.OrthographicCamera for the 2d stuff instead of THREE.PerspectiveCamera. That way they are not affected by perspective projection.
Which pixels get rendered depends on where your camera is. If your camera for example t z=1 then a lot of pixels will get rendered. If you move your camera to z=1000 then you see, due to perspective, maybe only 1 pixel will get rendered from your geometry.
