Testing that an array is ordered randomly - sorting

I am testing my code with PHPunit. My code has several ordering-methods: by name, age, count and random. Below the implementation and test for sorting by count. These are pretty trivial.
class Cloud {
public function sort($by_property) {
usort($this->tags, array($this, "cb_sort_by_{$by_property}"));
return $this;
private function cb_sort_by_name($a, $b) {
$al = strtolower($a->get_name());
$bl = strtolower($b->get_name());
if ($al == $bl) {
return 0;
return ($al > $bl) ? +1 : -1;
* Sort Callback. High to low
private function cb_sort_by_count($a, $b) {
$ac = $a->get_count();
$bc = $b->get_count();
if ($ac == $bc) {
return 0;
return ($ac < $bc) ? +1 : -1;
Tested with:
* Sort by count. Highest count first.
public function testSortByCount() {
//Jane->count: 200, Blackbeard->count: 100
//jane and blackbeard are mocked "Tags".
$this->tags = array($this->jane, $this->blackbeard);
$expected_order = array("jane", "blackbeard");
$given_order = array();
foreach($this->object->get_tags() as $tag) {
$given_order[] = $tag->get_name();
$this->assertSame($given_order, $expected_order);
But now, I want to add "random ordering"
* Sort random.
public function testSortRandom() {
//what to test? That "shuffle" got called? That the resulting array
// has "any" ordering?
The implementation could be anything from calling shuffle($this->tags) to a usort callback that returns 0,-1 or +1 randomly. Performance is an issue, but testability is more important.
How to test that the array got ordered randomly? AFAIK it is very hard to stub global methods like shuffle.

Assuming you are using shuffle your method should look like this
sortRandom() {
return shuffle($this->tags);
Well, you don't need to test if keys are shuffled but if array is still returned.
function testSortRandom(){
You should test your code, not php core code.

This is actually not really possible in any meaningful sense. If you had a list with just a few items in, then it'd be entirely possible that sorting by random would indeed look like it's sorted by any given field (and as it happens the odds of it being in the same order as sorting by any other field are pretty high if you don't have too many elements)
Unit testing a sort operation seems a bit daft if you ask me though if the operation doesn't actually manipulate the data in any way. Feels like unit testing for the sake of it rather than because it's actually measuring that something works as intended.

I decided to implement this with a global-wrapper:
class GlobalWrapper {
public function shuffle(&$array);
In the sort, I call shuffle through that wrapper:
public function sort($by_property) {
if ($by_property == "random") {
Then, in the tests I can mock that GlobalWrapper and provide stubs for global functions that are of interest. In this case, all I am interested in, is that the method gets called, not what it outputs[1].
public function testSortRandomUsesShuffle() {
$global = $this->getMock("GlobalWrapper", array("shuffle"));
[1] In reality I have Unit Tests for this wrapper too, testing the parameters and the fact it does a call-by-ref. Also, this wrapper was already implemented (and called DrupalWrapper) to allow me to stub certain global functions provided by a third party (Drupal). This implementation allows me to pass in the wrapper using a set_drupal() and fetch it using drupal(). In above examples, I have called these set_global_wrapper() and global_wrapper().


How do you access/modify specific elements in a List in Haxe?

I am new to Haxe and I am looking for an equivalent data structure to Java's ArrayList, which is resizable and indexed. Haxe's List only allows access to its first and last element.
This is my use case:
I have a class Deck which represents a deck of 52 playing cards. The objects of type Card are stored in a List<Card>.
class Deck {
var cards:List<Card>;
public function new() {}
public function init() {
cards = new List<Card>();
for (i in 1...5) { // iterate over suits
for (j in 1...14) { // iterate over values
cards.add(new Card(j, SuitFunctions.toSuit(i)));
Now I want to implement a function shuffle which shuffles the cards.
public function shuffle() {
var j:Int, k:Int;
var c:Card;
for (i in 1...1000000) {
j = Std.random(cards.length);
k = Std.random(cards.length);
c = getCardAt(j);
setCardAt(j, getCardAt(k));
setCardAt(k, c);
But Lists in Haxe are not indexed. How would I implement the functions getCardAt(Int) and setCardAt(Int, Card)? This is what the signatures should look like:
function getCardAt(i:Int):Card {
// ToDo
return new Card(0, Suit.ERROR);
function setCardAt(i:Int, c:Card) {
// ToDo
Alternatively, is there a different data structure that fits this scenario better? Are for example Arrays resizable and indexed in Haxe?
Best regards.
I am looking for an equivalent data structure to Java's ArrayList, which is resizable and indexed.
Array is what you want, they are "dynamic arrays", so they resize automatically.
List is a linked list, and it's not used much.

How to refactor cascade if statements

I found this question on https://github.com/arialdomartini/Back-End-Developer-Interview-Questions#snippets
And I am curious about your opinion, I just can't find an decent solution of this refactor, and what pattern would apply in this very common case.
HRESULT error = S_OK;
return error;
Do you have any idea of how to refactor this?
Actually, I feel there is way more space for refactoring than what suggested by Sergio Tulentsev.
The questions in the repo you linked are more about starting a conversation on code than closed-ended questions. So, I think it is worth to discuss the smells and design flaws of that code, to set up the refactoring goals.
I see these problems:
The code violates some of the SOLID principles. It surely violates the Open Closed Principle, as it is not possible to extend it without changing its code. E.g., adding a new operation would require adding a new if/else branch;
It also violate the Single Responsibility Principle. It just does too much. It performs error checks, it's responsible to execute all the 4 operations, it contains their implementations, it's responsible to check their results and to chain their execution in the right order;
It violates the Dependency Inversion Principle, because there are dependencies between high-level and low-level components;
It has a horrible Cyclomatic complexity
It exhibits high coupling and low cohesion, which is exactly the opposite of what is recommended;
It contains a lot of code duplication: the function Succeeded() is repeated in each branch; the structure of if/elses is replicated over and over; the assignment of error is duplicated.
It could have a pure functional nature, but it relies instead on state mutation, which makes reasoning about it not easy.
There's an empty if statement body, which might be confusing.
Let's see what could be done.
Here I'm using a C# implementation, but similar steps can be performed with whatever language.
I renamed some of the elements, as I believe honoring a naming convention is part of the refactoring.
internal class TestClass
HResult SomeFunction()
var error = HResult.Ok;
error = HResult.Operation4Failed;
error = HResult.Operation3Failed;
error = HResult.Operation2Failed;
error = HResult.Operation1Failed;
return error;
private string Operation1()
// some operations
return "operation1 result";
private string Operation2()
// some operations
return "operation2 result";
private string Operation3()
// some operations
return "operation3 result";
private string Operation4()
// some operations
return "operation4 result";
private bool Succeeded(string operationResult) =>
operationResult == "some condition";
internal enum HResult
For the sake of simplicity, I supposed each operation returns a string, and that the success or failure is based on an equality check on the string, but of course it could be whatever. In the next steps, it would be nice if the code is independent from the result validation logic.
Step 1
It would be nice to start the refactoring with the support of some test harness.
public class TestCase
[InlineData("operation1 result", HResult.Operation1Failed)]
[InlineData("operation2 result", HResult.Operation2Failed)]
[InlineData("operation3 result", HResult.Operation3Failed)]
[InlineData("operation4 result", HResult.Operation4Failed)]
[InlineData("never", HResult.Ok)]
void acceptance_test(string failWhen, HResult expectedResult)
var sut = new SomeClass {FailWhen = failWhen};
var result = sut.SomeFunction();
Our case is a trivial one, but being the quiz supposed to be a job interview question, I would not ignore it.
Step 2
The first refactoring could be getting rid of the mutable state: each if branch could just return the value, instead of mutating the variable error. Also, the name error is misleading, as it includes the success case. Let's just get rid of it:
HResult SomeFunction()
return HResult.Ok;
return HResult.Operation4Failed;
return HResult.Operation3Failed;
return HResult.Operation2Failed;
return HResult.Operation1Failed;
We got rid of the empty if body, making in the meanwhile the code slightly easier to reason about.
Step 3
If now we invert each if statement (the step suggested by Sergio)
internal HResult SomeFunction()
if (!Succeeded(Operation1()))
return HResult.Operation1Failed;
if (!Succeeded(Operation2()))
return HResult.Operation2Failed;
if (!Succeeded(Operation3()))
return HResult.Operation3Failed;
if (!Succeeded(Operation4()))
return HResult.Operation4Failed;
return HResult.Ok;
we make it apparent that the code performs a chain of executions: if an operation succeeds, the next operation is invoked; otherwise, the chain is interrupted, with an error. The GOF Chain of Responsibility Pattern comes to mind.
Step 4
We could move each operation to a separate class, and let our function receive a chain of operations to execute in a single shot. Each class would deal with its specific operation logic (honoring the Single Responsibility Principle).
internal HResult SomeFunction()
var operations = new List<IOperation>
new Operation1(),
new Operation2(),
new Operation3(),
new Operation4()
foreach (var operation in operations)
if (!_check.Succeeded(operation.DoJob()))
return operation.ErrorCode;
return HResult.Ok;
We got rid of the ifs altogether (but one).
Notice how:
The interface IOperation has been introduced, which is a preliminary move to decouple the function from the operations, complying the with the Dependency Inversion Principle;
The list of operations can easily be injected into the class, using the Dependency Injection.
The result validation logic has been moved to a separate class Check, injected into the main class (Dependency Inversion and Single Responsibility are satisfied).
internal class SimpleStringCheck : IResultCheck
private readonly string _failWhen;
public Check(string failWhen)
_failWhen = failWhen;
internal bool Succeeded(string operationResult) =>
operationResult != _failWhen;
We gained the ability to switch the check logic without modifying the main class (Open-Closed Principle).
Each operation has been moved to a separate class, like:
internal class Operation1 : IOperation {
public string DoJob()
return "operation1 result";
public HResult ErrorCode => HResult.Operation1Failed;
Each operation knows its own error code. The function itself became independent from it.
Step 5
There is something more to refactor on the code
foreach (var operation in operations)
if (!_check.Succeeded(operation.DoJob()))
return operation.ErrorCode;
return HResult.Ok;
First, it's not clear why the case return HResult.Ok; is handled as a special case: the chain could contain a terminating operation never failing and returning that value. This would allow us to get rid of that last if.
Second, our function still has 2 responsibility: to visit the chain, and to check the result.
An idea could be to encapsulate the operations into a real chain, so our function could reduce to something like:
return operations.ChainTogether(_check).Execute();
We have 2 options:
Each operation knows the next operation, so starting from operation1 we could execute the whole chain with a single call;
Operations are kept unaware of being part of a chain; a separate, encapsulating structure adds to operations the ability to be executed in sequence.
I'm going on with the latter, but that's absolutely debatable. I'm introducing a class modelling a ring in a chain, moving the code away from our class:
internal class OperationRing : IRing
private readonly Check _check;
private readonly IOperation _operation;
internal IRing Next { private get; set; }
public OperationRing(Check check, IOperation operation)
_check = check;
_operation = operation;
public HResult Execute()
var operationResult = _operation.DoJob();
if (_check.Succeeded(operationResult))
return Next.Execute();
return _operation.ErrorCode;
This class is responsible to execute an operation and to handle the execution to the next ring if it succeeded, or to interrupt the chain returning the right error code.
The chain will be terminated by a never-failing element:
internal class AlwaysSucceeds : IRing
public HResult Execute() => HResult.Ok;
Our original class reduces to:
internal class SomeClass
private readonly Check _check;
private readonly List<IOperation> _operations;
public SomeClass(Check check, List<IOperation> operations)
_check = check;
_operations = operations;
internal HResult SomeFunction()
return _operations.ChainTogether(_check).Execute();
In this case, ChainTogether() is a function implemented as an extension of List<IOperation>, as I don't believe that the chaining logic is responsibility of our class.
That's not the right answer
It's absolutely debatable that the responsibilities have been separated to the most appropriate classes. For example:
is chaining operations a task of our function? Or should it directly receive the chained structure?
why the use of an enumerable? As Robert Martin wrote in "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code": enums are code smells and should be refactored to polymorphic classes;
how much is too much? Is the resulting design too complex? Does the complexity of the whole application need this level of modularisation?
Therefore, I'm sure there are several other ways to refactor the original function. In a job interview, or in a pair programming session, I expect a lot of discussions and evaluations to occur.
You could use early returns here.
function() {
if(!SUCCEEDED(Operation1())) {
if(!SUCCEEDED(Operation2())) {
if(!SUCCEEDED(Operation3())) {
if(!SUCCEEDED(Operation4())) {
# everything succeeded, do your thing
return S_OK;

Querying counts from large datasets using eloquent

I have the following relationships:
A Job has many Roles.
public function roles()
return $this->hasMany(Role::class);
A Role has many Shifts and Assignments through shifts.
public function shifts()
return $this->hasMany(Shift::class);
public function assignments()
return $this->hasManyThrough(Assignment::class, Shift::class);
A Shift has many Assignments.
public function assignments()
return $this->hasMany(Assignment::class);
I need to get a count of all assignments with a certain status, let's say "Approved". These counts are causing my application to go extremely slowly. Here is how I have been doing it:
foreach ($job->roles as $role){
foreach ($role->shifts as $shift) {
$pendingCount = $shift->assignments()->whereStatus("Pending")->count();
$bookedCount = $shift->assignments()->whereIn('status', ["Booked"])->count();
I am certain that there must be a better, faster way. Some of these queries are taking upwards of 30+ seconds. There are hundreds of thousands of Assignments, which I know is affecting performance. How can I speed up these queries?
You're running into the N+1 issue here a few times. You want to lazy load the nested assignment through jobs then you can access the relation and your where() and whereIn() calls are executed on the returned collection instead of on the query builder which is why you have to use where('status', "Pending") instead of whereStatus("Pending") in my example because the collection won't automatically resolve this constraint:
$job = Job::with('roles.assignments')->find($jobId);
foreach ($job->roles as $role) {
$pendingCount = $role->assignments->where('status', "Pending")->count();
$bookedCount = $role->assignments->whereIn('status', ["Booked"])->count();
This should be a lot quicker for you.
You could even take that one step further and map the result and store the results in a property on the role:
$job->roles->map(function($role) {
$role->pending_count = $role->assignemnts->where('status', "Pending")->count();
$role->booked_count = $role->assignments->whereIn('status', ["Booked"])->count();
return $role;

Calling Several Functions Linked With Classes at Certain Times with AS3

I'm working on a random wave system for a game. The idea is that every 1000 points a movement pattern would be selected from around 50 possibilities. This would affect the speed, direction, and image of the selected item. I have devised a method that I think will work, but I'm unsure if this is going to cost too much memory to run.
public class engine extends MovieClip {
private var countK:Number = 0;
private var newWave:Boolean = true;
public function engine() {
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, update);
private function update():void {
private function checkCount():void {
if (count => 1000) {
count = 0;
private function checkNew():void {
if(newWave) {
Above is my quick idea of getting a random number to be generated every 1000 points. Points can be added in any way you want (just add say 20 to "Score" and 20 to "count" at the same time). Where I can a random number function in checkNew, I won't be pulling another function, it's simply there for the sake of legibility.
var newEnemy:mEnemy =new mEnemy();
Above is some code that can add an instance of mEnemy to the stage. Now where I'm starting to loose it is, how can I translate the random number into a viable method of changing mEnemy's behaviour?
Is it wise to have 50 functions inside the mEnemy class and just before I addChild, I do something like newEnemy.WAVEfuncton1(); ? If that is the case, can I save code by getting it to select the function without writing a whole bunch of if statements?
Instead of;
if (randomN==1) {
if (randomN==2) {
Can I do;
This is also assuming that using functions inside the enemy is the best idea. Is it better to have the behaviours inside the engine class instead?
As you can see, I'm no programmer. I'm very new to this sort of thinking and I don't want to create a mistake that will destroy the performance of the game (not to mention picking up bad habits too!).
If you have taken the time to read this question, thank you! If you tolerate my ignorance, then thank you even more!
If the wave functions are just creating a single enemy of a certain type, it might make more sense to make an array with the details of each type like this: (I'm guessing at how your enemies work of course)
private const ENEMY_TYPES:Array = [
{speed:1, direction:90, image:1},
{speed:2, direction:45, image:2}
then change mEnemy() to set itself up according to the details you give it:
public function mEnemy(details:Object) {
mySpeed = details.speed;
That way, you can just write new mEnemy(ENEMY_TYPES[randomN]);
Alternatively, if you do need to have lots of separate wave functions, you can use the [ ] array access operator to access the properties of an object such as newEnemy by name (or this to reference the current object):
var exampleProperty:String = "Hello.";
So you can run your wave functions by writing:
newEnemy["WAVEfunction" + String(randomN)]();
A 2-year old question and rather non-actual already but let me try myself here as I have just signed up.
As I understood, what are you proposing to do here is writing all 50 behaviour methods for each kind of Enemy, which is of course not good.
First, you can add the "behaviour" entity. So each enemy now has a behaviour property.
Next, you have to create a separate Behaviour class or interface, which will have 50 subclasses (Behaviour1...Behaviour50), each subclass implementing its own run() method. Note that this way you will be able to add or remove behaviours without touching anything else. A basic implementation would look like this:
public class Behaviour() {
public function run(e:Enemy):void {
e.y += 10;
So you see, it's not like enemy is doing something. It's the Behaviour that does something with the enemy it was passed to.
Next, you need a mechanism to get the proper subclass from a given random number.
What you need is a Factory - a static class that will return different types of Behaviours based on input params. Something like this:
public class BehaviourFactory {
public static getBehaviour(n:int):Behaviour {
switch(n) {
case 1: return new Behaviour1();
case 2: return new Behaviour2();
// etc.
Instead of having 50 choices inside a switch, you can also use the class definition:
var c:Class = getDefinitionByName('Behaviour' + your_random_number) as Class;
return new c;
(In further implementatons it can be cached, stored in an Array etc.) After you have a Factory, you just do:
var b:Behaviour = BehaviourFactory.getBehaviour(your_random_number);
Next, you can use different approaches depending of how exactly the behaviour changes. For example, if the enemy is born with a specific current behaviour and it doesn't change during the enemy's lifetime, you can just assign one of Behaviour subclasses to the Enemy's behaviour property:
public class Enemy {
public var behaviour:Behaviour;
public function Enemy(b:Behaviour) {
this.behaviour = b;
var e:Enemy = new Enemy(BehaviourFactory.getBehaviour(random_number));
This property of course can also be changed dynamically so the next time it is run the enemy will behave differently.
If the behaviour is global for all enemies and changes for all of them at once, you don't event need to have a property in an Enemy object. You just have a global Behaviour object and pass there an Enemy instance:
var e:Enemy = enemy_list[i];
it will take care of processing each active enemy according to the currently chosen behaviour.
Finally, there's more interesting way to implement behaviours. Suppose you have several behaviour types that don't have anything in common. Say, the Enemy can be Crawling, Flying, Shooting and Poisonous. So let's say you're attempting to implement all possible combinations: Flying, FlyingShooting, FlyingPoisonous, FlyingShootingPoisonous, etc. You would have to create a Behaviour subclass for each of these combinations despite them having very common basic parts.
There's an other way to go, called the Decorator pattern. You simply write a method for each single quality. Whenever you need a combination of qualities, you simply create object with first quality and wrap it into the object with the second quality and wrap it into the object with the third quality etc. So your base Behaviour class needs one addition:
public class Behaviour {
private var parent_bhv: Behaviour;
public function Behaviour(bhv:Behaviour = null) {
if (bhv) this.parent_bhv = bhv;
public function run(e:Enemy):void {
e.y += 10; // do what we need to do
if (this.parent_bhv) this.parent_bhv.run(e); // pass to a next bhv.
Let's create compound behaviour of number 1, 3 and 15:
var decorated_behaviour:Behaviour = BehaviourFactory.getDecoratedBehaviour([1, 3, 15]);
let's also add the corresponding BehaviourFactory method:
public class BehaviourFactory {
public static function getDecoratedBehaviour(bhv_list:Array):Behaviour {
var b:Behaviour = null;
for (var i:int = 0; i < bhv_list.length; i++) {
var c:Class = getDefinitionByName('Behaviour' + bhv_list[i]) as Class;
b = new c(b);
return b;
Now you're all set without having to code all possible combinations!

How to call delegate only once / one time with moles?

How is it possible to call a delegated Method only once / one time with moles?
MyClass.AllInstances.ResultateGet = delegate { return new ResultatInfoCollection(); };
I want to call the Method "ResultateGet" only one time because the init is quite complex the first time without a delegate.
target.UpdateResultate(); //calls delegate "ResultateGet"
//Assert some stuff
target.Verify(); //needs original function "ResultateGet" so unit test is useful
I am generally interested how to call a moles delegate one time ore a specific number of times before the original function is called and not the delegate.
I found a way, that seems a little bit cumbersome. Any better Solution?
ResultatInfoCollection x = new ResultatInfoCollection();
MolesContext.ExecuteWithoutMoles(() => x = target.Resultate);
Also, see my answer to: How to assign/opt from multiple delegates for a 'moled' method? This provides an example of gating logic inside the anonymous method.
Ooh, good question! I have encountered this, myself. What you are looking for is called a "fallthrough" behavior (execution of the original code). The anonymous method to which Moles detours must contain a switching mechanism that falls through, after the first call. Unfortunately, I don't believe a fallthrough feature is included in Moles, at this time.
Your updated workaround is exactly what you need -- calling fallthrough would do the same thing. I suggest adding a sentinel value, doFallthrough, that gates the calls:
bool doFallthrough = false;
ResultatInfoCollection x = new ResultatInfoCollection();
MyClass.AllInstances.ResultateGet = delegate {
if (!doFallthrough)
doFallthrough = true;
return new ResultatInfoCollection();
MolesContext.ExecuteWithoutMoles(() => x = target.Resultate);
Calling a specific number of times simply requires a change to the sentinel value type:
int doFallthrough = 0;
ResultatInfoCollection x = new ResultatInfoCollection();
MyClass.AllInstances.ResultateGet = delegate {
if (++doFallthrough < 5)
return new ResultatInfoCollection();
MolesContext.ExecuteWithoutMoles(() => x = target.Resultate);
Old question, but since I found it when I was searching, I'll answer it for the next person with my solution.
Using MolesContext.ExecuteWithoutMoles to call the original function works just fine in most cases, however, if you are moling any other functions or classes downstream from this call, they won't be moled, either.
Given the following class:
public class TheClass
public int TheFunction(int input){
return input + TheOtherFunction();
public int TheOtherFunction(){
return DateTime.Now.Minutes;
If you use the MolesContext.ExecuteWithoutMoles approach:
MTheClass.AllInstances.TheOtherFunctionInt = (instance) => {
return 5;
MTheClass.AllInstances.TheFunctionInt = (instance, input) =>
//do your stuff here, for example:
var result = MolesContext.ExecuteWithoutMoles<int>(() => instance.TheFunction(input));
//do more stuff, if desired
return result;
Your mole for OtherFunction will not be hit, because it was (indirectly) executed within the "without moles" scope.
However, you can add and remove moles delegates at any time, so that allows you to do the following, as outlined in the Moles Documentation (p. 24)
MTheClass.AllInstances.TheOtherFunctionInt = (instance) => {
return 5;
MolesDelegates.Func<TheClass, int, int> molesDelegate = null;
molesDelegate = (instance, input) =>
//do your stuff here, for example:
int result = 0;
MTheClass.AllInstances.TheFunctionInt = null;
result = instance.TheFunction(input);
MTheClass.AllInstances.TheFunctionInt = molesDelegate;
//do more stuff, if desired
return result;
MTheClass.AllInstances.TheFunctionInt = molesDelegate;
The OtherFunction moles is still hit. With this method, you can remove moling just from the specific method without impacting your other moles. I've used this, and it works. The only trouble I can see is that it won't work if you have a recursive function, or possibly a multi-threaded situation.
