Spring Social .NET OAuth confusion - spring

I had originally posted a question about what API to use in regards to making a SharePoint 2010 timer job able to access the twitter API and chose the Spring Social .NET api and have run into another roadblock.
I cannot get the OAuth handshake or 'dance' to work.
I have the consumer key and secret linked to my account, as well as an access token and secret, but any time I try to initialize a TwitterServiceProvider object, any time I attempt to query I get a 401 error.
The console/mvc and wp7.1 examples provided dont give much insight how I can get this code (which should run with no human involvement) to work.
Does anyone have any good resources regarding this?
Thanks in advance

If you already have access token value and secret, you can do something like that:
ITwitter twitter = new TwitterTemplate("consumerKey", "consumerSecret", "accessTokenValue", "accessTokenSecret");
// twitterApi.UserOperations.GetUserProfile();
that is equivalent to :
TwitterServiceProvider serviceProvider = new TwitterServiceProvider("consumerKey", "consumerSecret");
ITwitter twitterApi = serviceProvider.GetApi("accessTokenValue", "accessTokenSecret");
// twitterApi.UserOperations.GetUserProfile();
How do you get the access token secret and value?


Elixir Phoenix Absinthe GraphQL API authentication in both web and mobile app's

I'm working on an Absinthe GraphQL API for my app. I'm still learning the procedure(so please go easy on me).
I've a Absinthe/GraphQL MyAppWeb.schema.ex file in which I use for my queries and mutations. My question is how do I use this API for authenticating the user on both Mobile and Web app?
How do set a cookie(httpOnly & secure) in my web app and access/refresh tokens in a single Absinthe API to serve my website and mobile app. Basically what I'm trying to learn is how do I authenticate the user based on specific platform.
If my question sounds bit confusing, I would be happy to provide more information related to my question. I would really be grateful if someone could explain the procedure, I've been very stuck on this for a while.
I would avoid using authentication mechanisms provided by absinthe(if there are any). Depending on what front-end you are using, I would go with JSON API authentication. The flow on server goes the following way:
Create a endpoint for login that will receive a user and password and will return a refresh token.
Create a endpoint for exchanging refresh token for access token.
Use a library like guardian to generate your refresh/access tokens.
Create a phoenix plug for authentication that will check your tokens, guardian has some built-in plugs for this.
Now on device you have to implement:
Ability to save refresh and access token on device.
Have a global handler for injecting access token on authorized requests.
Have a global handler for case when access token is expired. (you usually check if your request returns Unauthorized, then you should request a new access token from the server using your refresh token)
This seems like a crude implementation, however I would advise in implementing your system instead of using a black box library that you have no idea how it works under the hood.

Coinbase Oauth2 authorization without pop-up dialog

I am working with Spring 5 and Java 8 and creating a RESTful client that will login to CoinBase and make trades for me at given times. I know there is an unsupported Java SDK for Coinbase out there, and I am looking into that code as well for clues.
I am using the CoinBase Oauth2 client in my Spring app, and it has been very successful so far. I make the authorization call with a callback URL. This opens up a dialog box and if I am logged in, asks me to authorize My Coinbase Acct with MyApp and I get an email indicating that this is done. If I am not logged into Coinbase already, then I get asked for my Coinbase username/password and then it is authorized, again I get an email that this is ok.
The next step I see is that my redirect URL is called with a code that is passed back with it. That code, as you all know, then allows me to request an access token. Which I can do, and yes, I get my access token. I can now make calls to Coinbase API with that Access token. However, this access token is only good for 7200 (seconds?), so for two hours? I want to be able to get an access token and have this automatically login to coinbase for me. I don't want to have to re-authorize every time I want to make a trade ... or do I have to?
It seems to me that the "code" that comes back from authorizing is very short lived, and I can use it immediately to get that access token.
So, for me the big question is ... for Coinbase API, how can I keep myself authorized indefinitely? I want to be able to be authorized already, and then get an access token on a regular basis so I can make trades for myself????? Is this even possible with coinbase API?
Do I have to use Coinbase Pro for that ability, which I am fine with using? Is it even possible with Coinbase Pro?
I am a newbie with Coinbase as it's yet another third-party API that I have learn the nuances of. I am not a newbie when it comes to writing Java code to access third-party RESTful api's.
So, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I guess you are missing 'refresh token' in your application.
What is the purpose of a "Refresh Token"?
It is hard to say how to implement it without code snippets but here some steps that should help:
Take a look at coinbase article about refresh tokens they provide
Obtain and save refresh_token as well as token after authorization
Create function that will be using your refresh token to obtain new pair (token, refresh_token). You can find curl example in step (1)
a. Make ExceptionHandler that will call (3) if gets 401 (i guess it is 401 - if token expired)
b. Save 'expires_in' from step 2 and check it before each request. Call (3) if needed

Securing spring boot endpoint using Azure AD

I am trying to secure an endpoint in spring boot using Azure spring boot libraries. I'm following the samples from https://github.com/microsoft/azure-spring-boot/tree/master/azure-spring-boot-samples/azure-active-directory-spring-boot-sample
I can't get a clear answer if I should use Id_token or Access_token when making the API call from my front end application written in React.
I think docs from this link above states that I should use Access_token to secure the endpoints but, in that azure-spring-boot-samples, they used id_token to make the API calls.
I've tried to use the same code and test an API call. API call is successful if I use id_token in header. It fails signature check if I pass access_token in header.
I figured this out after understanding the big picture. All applications either front end or back end most likely should be using different app IDs. On Azure portal I would define which app have permission to call which API. Then, when I get access token, I would have to specify what app I am getting access to. This is laid out in MSAL doc from Microsoft. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-acquire-cache-tokens
Also, only the access_token allows you to assert claims for things like Role Based Access Control in the token. The ID token is usually shorter lived and has less information. In general it is a better practice to use the access_token.

How to use 2 legged oauth on Google Admin Directory API

I am trying to write code to get all user accounts in our Google Apps domain using Google Admin Directory API with 2 Legged OAuth. Unfortunately, I can hardly find any documents or sample code for directory API. I tried the code below:
AdminService adminService = new AdminService();
Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2LeggedAuthenticator authenticator= new Google.Apis.Authentication.OAuth2LeggedAuthenticator(mydomainName, domainConsumerSecret, adminId, mydomainName);
UsersResource usrRes = new UsersResource(adminService, authenticator);
UsersResource.ListRequest listReq = usrRes.List();
Google.Apis.Admin.directory_v1.Data.Users allUsers = listReq .Fetch();
foreach (Google.Apis.Admin.directory_v1.Data.User usr in allUsers.UsersValue)
{ ... }
But I got the 401 unauthorized error.
Then I tried the low level way using the old GData Lib.
Google.GData.Client.OAuth2LeggedAuthenticator authenticator = new OAuth2LeggedAuthenticator("MyAPP", mydomainName, domainConsumerSecret,adminId, mydomainName, "HMAC-SHA1");
HttpWebRequest request = authenticator.CreateHttpWebRequest("GET", new Uri("https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/users?domain=mydomain.com"));
HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;
the above code got the same 401 error.
Based on the source code of Directory API, I think 2LO is supported. However, I just cannot make it work. Anyone can help to point out my problem? Thanks.
Another question: Is the userid (xoauth_requestor_id parameter) necessary for 2LO directory API request? I know this parameter is required for other APIs when using 2LO, but not clear if it is required for the Directory and Provisioning API.
BTW: I would like to construct the 2LO HTTP requests from scratch without using any lib, but I haven't started this yet. I need to make sure that 2LO works on the Directory API requests.
If anyone else stumbles across this, Google deprecated the Provisioning API about a month before the original post. I recently had the same problem when trying to authorize API access to my Google Apps domain using the Admin Directory API. After finally figuring it out, I decided to document it, and I'm actually in the midst of putting together a series on how to make some sense out of Google Apps Directory API and OAuth 2.0... Keep in mind that Google now strongly encourages the use of OAuth 2.0, so 2LO is a thing of the past, and the above "fix" may no longer be relevant.
In case folks don't want to click the link, I would recommend using Google's API Explorer to find out how a successful POST/GET request is formulated using specific APIs. This saved me heaps of time. Also, be forewarned, if you're trying to use the directory.users.list API and have thousands of accounts in the domain, it will take a very long time to retrieve the users. I would suggest starting with the directory.users.get API to retrieve a specific user and check out what a successful API request/response looks like.

Twitter OAuth Request Token Using Grackle

I am currently trying to use the Grackle Ruby GEM to integrate with the Twitter API, but I have encountered a little snag.
I am attempting to perform a GET to twitter.com/oauth/request_token, but according to the OAuth spec I need to provide the following values:
I am a little stumped, as at this point Twitter has only given me a Consumer Key and a Consumer Secret. Am I just going about this the hard way? Because I cannot figure out how to correctly populate those values. No matter what I supply Twitter keeps returning:
Failed to validate oauth signature and
It sounds like my problem is just a general misunderstanding on how to properly integrate with Twitter and OAuth in general, and not so much the specifics of Grackle... but perhaps too much information is best in this case :-)
First of all, you should probably be reading the latest OAuth rev, which is 1.0a. There are no differences when obtaining the request token though so you should be fine in that regard.
Apart from that, it looks like a combination of general misunderstanding of the OAuth process and the scope of Grackle:
The process of acquiring the access
token and token secret are outside the
scope of Grackle and will need to be
coded on a per-application # basis.
Grackle comes into play once you've
acquired all of the above pieces of
information (source).
So, I would first look towards a library that can get you an access token before continuing with Grackle. Moomerman's twitter_oauth looks like a good choice: http://github.com/moomerman/twitter_oauth
Hope that helps!
I encountered this same issue, and all the examples for the oauth gem online I could find were out of date. I wrote an explanation with sample code here, but the basic flow is:
Get a Request Token from Twitter and save the details
Send the user to Twitter with that token
Get the user back, use details and response from Twitter to generate an Access Token
Use the Access Token's token and secret with your Consumer token and secret to make API calls.
