Ruby string to array conversion - ruby

I have a string that is URL encoded:
a = "%5B%22552A8619-6ECA-4A95-A798-C1E2CE75BFFF%22%2C%2264c19b5b2d0257ddb382dbd3660de3fd%22%2C%22share%22%5D"
If I URL decode this string then it will look like:
From this string I want to get this array:
How to do that without nasty string replacements?


The string is an array encoded using JSON:
require 'cgi'
require 'json'
a = "%5B%22552A8619-6ECA-4A95-A798-C1E2CE75BFFF%22%2C%2264c19b5b2d0257ddb382dbd3660de3fd%22%2C%22share%22%5D"
[0] "552A8619-6ECA-4A95-A798-C1E2CE75BFFF",
[1] "64c19b5b2d0257ddb382dbd3660de3fd",
[2] "share"
JSON[CGI::unescape(a)].last will return "share", putting you home free.
CGI::escape is used to remove the encoding, which turns it back to a "normal" JSON-encoded array.
JSON[] (AKA JSON.parse) converts it from the JSON notation back to a Ruby array.

You could delete characters and split, or evaluate it:
# => ["A798-C1E2CE75BFFF", "643fd", "share"]
eval "[\"A798-C1E2CE75BFFF\",\"643fd\",\"share\"]"
# => ["A798-C1E2CE75BFFF", "643fd", "share"]

You could eval the string:
require 'cgi'
a = "%5B%22552A8619-6ECA-4A95-A798-C1E2CE75BFFF%22%2C%2264c19b5b2d0257ddb382dbd3660de3fd%22%2C%22share%22%5D"
x = eval( CGI.unescape(a))
p x #["552A8619-6ECA-4A95-A798-C1E2CE75BFFF", "64c19b5b2d0257ddb382dbd3660de3fd", "share"]
But eval is evil.
You could use , what you call nasty string replacement:
p CGI.unescape(a).gsub(/\A\["|"\]\Z/,'').split(/","/)
Or you could try JSON:
require 'cgi'
require 'json'
a = "%5B%22552A8619-6ECA-4A95-A798-C1E2CE75BFFF%22%2C%2264c19b5b2d0257ddb382dbd3660de3fd%22%2C%22share%22%5D"
x = JSON.load( CGI.unescape(a))


Extract url params in ruby

I would like to extract parameters from url. I have following path pattern:
pattern = "/foo/:foo_id/bar/:bar_id"
And example url:
url = "/foo/1/bar/2"
I would like to get {foo_id: 1, bar_id: 2}. I tried to convert pattern into something like this:
I failed on first step when I wanted to replace backslash in url:
formatted = pattern.gsub("/", "\/")
Do you know how to fix this gsub? Maybe you know better solution to do this.
It is plain Ruby. I am not using RoR.
As I said above, you only need to escape slashes in a Regexp literal, e.g. /foo\/bar/. When defining a Regexp from a string it's not necessary:"foo/bar") produces the same Regexp as /foo\/bar/.
As to your larger problem, here's how I'd solve it, which I'm guessing is pretty much how you'd been planning to solve it:
def pattern_to_regexp(pattern)
expr = Regexp.escape(pattern) # just in case
pattern = "/foo/:foo_id/bar/:bar_id"
expr = pattern_to_regexp(pattern)
# => /\/foo\/(?<foo_id>.+?)\/bar\/(?<bar_id>.+?)/
str = "/foo/1/bar/2"
# => #<MatchData "/foo/1/bar/2" foo_id:"1" bar_id:"2">
Try this:
regex = /\/foo\/(?<foo_id>.*)\/bar\/(?<bar_id>.*)/i
matches = "/foo/1/bar/2".match(regex)
IRB output:
2.3.1 :032 > regex = /\/foo\/(?<foo_id>.*)\/bar\/(?<bar_id>.*)/i
=> /\/foo\/(?<foo_id>.*)\/bar\/(?<bar_id>.*)/i
2.3.1 :033 > matches = "/foo/1/bar/2".match(regex)
=> #<MatchData "/foo/1/bar/2" foo_id:"1" bar_id:"2">
2.3.1 :034 > Hash[[1..-1])]
=> {"foo_id"=>"1", "bar_id"=>"2"}
I'd advise reading this article on how Rack parses query params. The above works for your example you gave, but is not extensible for other params.
This might help you, the foo id and bar id will be dynamic.
require 'json'
#url to scan
url = "/foo/1/bar/2"
#scanning ids from url
id = url.scan(/\d/)
#gsub method to replacing values from url
url_with_id = url.gsub(url, "{foo_id: #{id[0]}, bar_id: #{id[1]}}")
=> "{foo_id: 1, bar_id: 2}"
If you want to change string to hash
url_hash = eval(url_with_id)
=>{:foo_id=>1, :bar_id=>2}

How to insert variables in an url?

I have this code for send a request to an url, and I wanted to place on the url two variables :
talksList = open('{variable1}&key=#{variable2}')
But when I insert my variables like this, it doesn't work. Can you help me ?
Thanks in advance.
As #YuHao said, you're trying to interpolate a variable into a non-interpreted string. But you have a bigger long-term problem.
Don't try to inject unencoded variables into a URL. While it will work, you run the risk of generating nonsensical URLs, which a browser would accept, but code won't. Instead, use the appropriate tools to modify the URL, which will maintain appropriate encoding for you.
Here's an example using URI:
require 'uri'
variable1 = 'foo'
variable2 = 'bar'
uri = URI.parse('')
params = URI.decode_www_form(uri.query)
params << ['id', variable1]
params << ['key', variable2]
uri.query = URI.encode_www_form(params)
uri.to_s # => ""
You can do the same thing using the Addressable gem, which is more full-featured:
require 'addressable/uri'
variable1 = 'foo'
variable2 = 'bar'
uri = Addressable::URI.parse('')
params = uri.query_values
uri.query_values = params.merge('id' => variable1, 'key' => variable2)
uri.to_s # => ""
That's because you are using strings with single quotes. In single quoted strings, nothing is replaced except \\ and \'.
Specifically, interpolation is only available in double quoted strings, try
talksList = open("{variable1}&key=#{variable2}")

Ruby - How to parse string to array of hashes

I have a string stored in a database like so:
images = '[{"id":1,"type":"Image","image_id":"asdf123"},{"id":2,"type":"Image","image_id":"asdf456"},{"id":3,"type":"Image","image_id":"asdf890"}]'
And would like to convert it to an array so I can do something like:
images.each do |image|
puts image.image_id
Is it really just a matter of removing the outer square brackets and then following the procedure from this question Converting a Ruby String into an array or is there a more direct/elegant method?
That format is called JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and can be parsed by a builtin Ruby library:
require 'json'
images_str = '[{"id":1,"type":"Image","image_id":"asdf123"},{"id":2,"type":"Image","image_id":"asdf456"},{"id":3,"type":"Image","image_id":"asdf890"}]'
images = JSON.parse(images_str)
images.size # => 3
images[0].class # => Hash
images[0]['image_id'] # => "asdf123"
images.each { |x| puts "#{x['id']}: #{x['image_id']}" }
# 1: asdf123
# 2: asdf456
# 3: asdf890

Convert JSON to string or hash in ruby

I have tried:
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
require 'pp'
require 'uri'
url = ""
resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(url))
buffer = resp.body
result = JSON.parse(buffer)
#pp result
puts result
And got the output as:
{"id"=>"ABC", "account_id"=>"123", "first_name"=> "PEUS" }
in JSON format but I only need the value of id to be printed as ABC.
Your incoming string in JSON would look like:
After parsing with JSON it's the hash:
{"id"=>"ABC", "account_id"=>"123", "first_name"=> "PEUS" }
So, I'd use:
hash = {"id"=>"ABC", "account_id"=>"123", "first_name"=> "PEUS" }
hash['id'] # => "ABC"
Here's a more compact version:
require 'json'
json = '{"id":"ABC","account_id":"123","first_name":"PEUS"}'
hash = JSON[json]
hash['id'] # => "ABC"
Note I'm using JSON[json]. The JSON [] class method is smart enough to sense what the parameter being passed in is. If it's a string it'll parse the string. If it's an Array or Hash it'll serialize it. I find that handy because it allows me to write JSON[...] instead of having to remember whether I'm parsing or using to_json or something. Using it is an example of the first virtue of programmers.

In Ruby, how do I replace the question mark character in a string?

In Ruby, I have:
require 'uri'
foo = "et tu, brutus?"
bar = URI.encode(foo) # => "et%20tu,%20brutus?"
I'm trying to get bar to equal "et%20tu,%20brutus%3f" ("?" replaced with "%3F") When I try to add this:
bar["?"] = "%3f"
the "?" matches everything, and I get
=> "%3f"
I've tried
And a few other things, none of which work.
require 'cgi' and call CGI.escape
There is only one good way to do this right now in Ruby:
require "addressable/uri"
"et tu, brutus?",
# => "et%20tu,%20brutus%3F"
But if you're doing stuff with URIs you should really be using Addressable anyways.
sudo gem install addressable
Here's a sample irb session:
irb(main):001:0> x = "geo?"
=> "geo?"
irb(main):002:0> x.sub!("?","a")
=> "geoa"
However, sub will only replace the first character. If you want to replace all the question marks in a string, use the gsub method like this:
If you know which characters you accept, you can remove those that don't match.
accepted_chars = 'A-z0-9\s,'
foo = "et tu, brutus?"
bar = foo.gsub(/[^#{accepted_chars}]/, '')
URI.escape accepts the optional parameter to tell which characters you want to escape. It overrides defaults so you'll have to call it twice.
> URI.escape URI.escape("et tu, brutus?"), "?"
=> "et%20tu,%20brutus%3F"
