I'm building an app with RAD Studio 11, but I can't find a way to change the item font of my TListBox.
I tried to change TListBox.Font in the Object Inspector, but when I select my TListBox called ingredientsDataBase in the Object Inspector, I can just change TListBox settings instead of TListBox.Items settings.
I add a TListBoxItem manually as follow:
Then, I can change ListBoxItem1.Font in the Object Inspector, after selecting my ListBoxItem1 (no problem).
The problem is that, when I run my program, the Font change only affects my ListBoxItem1, and I want the same Font for every item that I add to my TListBox.
After your help I tried to convert your Delphi code to C++.
__fastcall TIngredientCreator::addButtonClick(TObject *Sender){
//More code Here
//Then I ADD a new ListBoxItem to my ListBox "ingredientsDataBase"
TListBoxItem *lbItem = new TListBoxItem(ingredientsDataBase);
lbItem->Parent = ingredientsDataBase;
// Remove Family and Size from the items TStyledSettings
lbItem->StyledSettings = lbItem->StyledSettings << TStyledSetting::Family << TStyledSetting::Size;
// You can now set these TextSettings as needed
lbItem->TextSettings->Font->Family = "Algerian";
lbItem->TextSettings->Font->Size = 18;
lbItem->Text = "algerian";
delete lbItem;
There is no syntax error, but I can't associate my new ListBoxItem, in this case the Text or Name of that new ListBoxItem called "newIngredient" (I don't know how to do it in this code), so when I run my program nothing happen to mi new Item at least.
I found a way to associate my newIngredient to TListBoxItem Object as follow:
int index = ingredientsDataBase->Items->IndexOf(newIngredient);
lbItem = ingredientsDataBase->ItemByIndex(index);
When I run the code and I add a new Ingredient, just the Text of the newIngredient is changed to "algerian", because in the first code I have this line lbItem->Text = "algerian" all good here. But Font and Size still without change.
Thanks for your answers
When you add items to the listbox, you need to clear some items from the default StyledSettings property of the new item, if you want to modify the corresponding TextSettings.
Here's an example in Delphi to do what you want:
procedure TForm5.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
lbItem: TListBoxItem;
lbItem := TListBoxItem.Create(ListBox1);
lbItem.Parent := ListBox1;
// Remove Family and Size from the items TStyledSettings
lbItem.StyledSettings := lbItem.StyledSettings - [TStyledSetting.Family,TStyledSetting.Size];
// You can now set these TextSettings as needed
lbItem.TextSettings.Font.Family := 'Algerian';
lbItem.TextSettings.Font.Size := 18;
lbItem.Text := 'algerian';
// In Embarcadero C++Builder you use the ">>" operator to remove members from a set, and "<<" to include them.
After your help my code in a Multi-Device Application C++ Builder project result on the next code:
__fastcall TIngredientCreator::addButtonClick(TObject *Sender){
//More code Here
//Then I ADD a new ListBoxItem to my ListBox "ingredientsDataBase"
int index = ingredientsDataBase->Items->IndexOf(newIngredient);
lbItem = ingredientsDataBase->ItemByIndex(index);
// Remove Family and Size from the items TStyledSettings
lbItem->StyledSettings = lbItem->StyledSettings >> TStyledSetting::Family >> TStyledSetting::Size;
// You can now set these TextSettings as needed
lbItem->TextSettings->Font->Family = "Consolas";
lbItem->TextSettings->Font->Size = 18;
delete lbItem;
If you are trying to do it in a Windows VCL Aplication C++ Builder Project is easier (You can change the font of the entire TListBox once):
ingredientsDataBase->Font->Size = 8.5;
ingredientsDataBase->Font->Name = "Consolas";
Kendo UI 2015.2.805 Kendo UI Editor for Jacascript
I want to extend the kendo ui editor by adding a custom tool that will convert a user selected block that spans two or more paragraphs into block of single spaced text. This can be done by locating all interior p tags and converting them into br tags, taking care not to change the first or last tag.
My problem is working with the range object.
Getting the range is easy:
var range = editor.getRange();
The range object has a start and end container, and a start and end offset (within that container). I can access the text (without markup)
Oddly, other examples I have seen, including working examples, show that
will dump the text, however that does not work in my project, I just get the word 'Range', which is the type of the object. This concerns me.
However, all I really need however is a start and end offset in the editor's markup (editor.value()) then I can locate and change the p's to br's.
I've read the telerik documentation and the referenced quirksmode site's explanation of html ranges, and while informative nothing shows how to locate the range withing the text (which seems pretty basic to me).
I suspect I'm overlooking something simple.
Given a range object how can I locate the start and end offset within the editor's content?
EDIT: After additional research it appears much more complex than I anticipated. It seems I must deal with the range and/or selection objects rather than directly with the editor content. Smarter minds than I came up with the range object for reasons I cannot fathom.
Here is what I have so far:
var range = letterEditor.editor.getRange();
var divSelection;
divSelection = range.cloneRange();
//cloning may be needless extra work...
//here manipulate the divSelection to how I want it.
//divSeletion is a range, not sure how to manipulate it
var sel = letterEditor.editor.getSelection()
Based on Tim Down's Solution I came up with this simple test:
var html;
var sel = letterEditor.editor.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount) {
var container = document.createElement("div");
for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) {
html = container.innerHTML;
html = html.replace("</p><p>", "<br/>")
var range = letterEditor.editor.getRange();
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = html;
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), child;
while ((child = div.firstChild)) {
The first part, getting the html selection works fine, the second part also works however the editor inserts tags around all lines so the result is incorrect; extra lines including fragments of the selection.
The editor supports a view html popup which shows the editor content as html and it allows for editing the html. If I change the targeted p tags to br's I get the desired result. (The editor does support br as a default line feed vs p, but I want p's most of the time). That I can edit the html with the html viewer tool lets me know this is possible, I just need identify the selection start and end in the editor content, then a simple textual replacement via regex on the editor value would do the trick.
Edit 3:
Poking around kendo.all.max.js I discovered that pressing shift+enter creates a br instead of a p tag for the line feed. I was going to extend it to do just that as a workaround for the single-space tool. I would still like a solution to this if anyone knows, but for now I will instruct users to shift-enter for single spaced blocks of text.
This will accomplish it. Uses Tim Down's code to get html. RegEx could probably be made more efficient. 'Trick' is using split = false in insertHtml.
var sel = letterEditor.editor.getSelection();
if (sel.rangeCount) {
var container = document.createElement("div");
for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) {
var block = container.innerHTML;
var rgx = new RegExp(/<br class="k-br">/gi);
block = block.replace(rgx, "");
rgx = new RegExp(/<\/p><p>/gi);
block = block.replace(rgx, "<br/>");
rgx = new RegExp(/<\/p>|<p>/gi);
block = block.replace(rgx, "");
letterEditor.editor.exec("insertHtml", { html: block, split: false });
I have an xml file. In the file there are some elements with some attributes.
I want to select the attributes age and height to put in a dropdown box. If I do the following, I get the age displayed in the drop-down box.
var q = this.test;
var a = (this.lastForm = isoNS.curForm).selectNodes("*[#COLNAME='AGE']"), g = a.length;
while(g--)q.add({isoCID: a[g].getAttribute("ISOCID"),
label: a[g].getAttribute("COLNAME")});
To get the height displayed, I have tried the following (among other thing), but doesn't work
var a = (this.lastForm = isoNS.curForm).selectNodes("*[#COLNAME='AGE' and #COLNAME='HEIGHT']"), g = a.length;
How do I get both values?
If you are using XML files with the same structure in your program, it is better to create a serializable class for it using "Paste XML as classes" command in Visual Studio. Then you will be able to operate it much easier, without getting tired with a hard-code approach like using Xpath
MSDN article on CListCtrl::GetTopIndex() contains a code sample that goes like this:
// Make sure the focus is set to the list view control.
// Select all of the items that are completely visible.
int topIndex = listControl->GetTopIndex();
int lastIndex = listControl+ listControl->GetCountPerPage();
//then there's a for-loop for the items in range from topIndex to lastIndex
Why is the comment insisting on the call to SetFocus()?
I have a DLGTEMPLATE loaded from a resource DLL, how can I change the strings assigned to the controls at runtime programmatically?
I want to be able to do this before the dialog is created, such that I can tell that the strings on display came from the resource DLL, and not from calls to SetWindowText when the dialog is initialized.
Google has found examples of creating DLGTEMPLATE in code, or twiddling simple style bits but nothing on editing the strings in memory.
I am doing this by hooking the Dialog/Property Sheet creation API's. Which gives me access to the DLGTEMPLATE before the actual dialog is created and before it has a HWND.
I want to be able to do runtime localization, and localization testing. I already have this implemented for loading string (including the MFC 7.0 wrapper), menus and accelerator tables, but I am struggling to handle dialog/property sheet creation.
Code examples would be the perfect answer, ideally a class to wrap around the DLGTEMPLATE, if I work out my own solution I will post it.
You can't edit the strings in memory. The DLGTEMPLATE structure is a direct file mapping of the relevent bytes of the resource dll. Thats read only.
You are going to need to process the entire DLGTEMPLATE structure and write out a new one with the altered length strings.
It will frankly be easier to just hook the WM_INITDIALOG and alter the strings by interacting with the controls than building a DLGTEMPLATE writer. Because there arn't a lot of those around. Unless you have an additional requirement to actually save altered dialog resources to disk as raw .res files (or attempt to modify the .dll inplace) Id really recommend you avoid this approach.
You say you are already doing this for accellerator tables and menu strings - if you can guarantee that the patched in strings are going to be shorter, then just make a binary copy of the DLGTEMPLATE struct, and write the non trivial scanning code necessary to find each string so you can patch the copy in place.
There is a file out there somewhere (which I think originated at Microsoft but I am not completely sure) called RESFMT.ZIP which explains this with some code examples. Raymond Chen also does some excellent explanations of this on his blog. Note that the format of DIALOGEX and DIALOG controls are different.
As noted in some other answers you would need to create the structure again from the start. This isn't all bad as you already have the basic information. Adding the controls is where is gets hard.
Basically, allocate a largish block of memory into a WORD *lpIn. Then add the structure up on top of that. adding the basic information for the DIALOG (see DLGTEMPLATE) and the controls is pretty obvious as the information is there in MSDN.
The two biggest problems you will encounter are: Making sure that the various part start on an alignment boundary, and interpreting the values of DIALOG controls, especially when to add a just a string or, a string or ordinal. Each control needs to start on an even boundary.
For the first (borrowed from somewhere I think RESFMT.ZIP):
WORD *AlignDwordPtr (WORD *lpIn)
ul = (ULONG) lpIn;
ul +=3;
ul >>=2;
What I did was build a series of functions like this one following that allowed me to assemble DIALOGS in memory. (My need was so I could have some common code that didn't need an associated RC file for some very basic messages).
Here is an example...
WORD *AddStringOrOrdinalToWordMem( WORD *lpw, char *sz_Or_Ord )
LPWSTR lpwsz;
int BufferSize;
if (sz_Or_Ord == NULL)
*lpw++ = 0;
if (HIWORD(sz_Or_Ord) == 0) //MAKEINTRESOURCE macro
*lpw++ = 0xFFFF;
*lpw++ = LOWORD(sz_Or_Ord);
if (strlen(sz_Or_Ord))
lpwsz = ( LPWSTR ) lpw;
BufferSize = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, sz_Or_Ord, -1, lpwsz, 0 );
MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, sz_Or_Ord, -1, lpwsz, BufferSize );
lpw = lpw + BufferSize;
*lpw++ = 0;
return( lpw );
The header file to the complete module included these functions:
WORD *AddControlToDialogTemplateEx(MTDialogTemplateType *dlgtmp,
char *Title,
char *WinClass,
DWORD Style,
short x,
short y,
short cx,
short cy,
DWORD ExStyle,
int HelpID);
int DestroyDlgTemplateEx(MTDialogTemplateType *dlgtmp);
MTDialogTemplateType *CreateDlgTemplateEx( char *Name, // We use name just for reference, so it can be NULL
short x,
short y,
short cx,
short cy,
DWORD ExtendedStyle,
DWORD Style,
char *Menu,
char *WinClass,
char *Caption,
char *FontTypeFace,
int FontSize,
int FontWeigth,
int FontItalic,
int Charset,
int HelpID,
int NumberOfControls);
Which allowed me to assemble whole dialogs easily from code.
See the API function ::EnumChildWindows( HWND, WNDENUMPROC, LPARAM )
You can call this in a CFormView::Create or CDialog::OnInitDialog to give yourself a chance to replace the control captions. Don't worry, the old strings don't flicker up before you replace them.
In your dialog resource, set the control captions to a key in some kind of dictionary. If you're compiling /clr you can use a managed string table resource. In your callback, look up the translated string in your dictionary and set the control's caption to the translation. Another benefit of /clr and managed string table is that you can automatically look up the right language by Windows (or you) having already set System::Threading::Thread::CurrentThread->CurrentUICulture.
Something like this
(LPARAM)this )
BOOL CALLBACK CMyDialog::UpdateControlText( HWND hWnd, LPARAM lParam )
CMyDialog* pDialog = (CMyDialog*)lParam;
CWnd* pChildWnd = CWnd::FromHandle( hWnd );
int ctrlId = pChildWnd->GetDlgCtrlID();
if (ctrlId)
CString curWindowText;
pChildWnd->GetWindowText( curWindowText );
if (!curWindowText.IsEmpty())
CString newWindowText = // some look up
pChildWnd->SetWindowText( newWindowText );
You'll have to locate the string you want to modify in the mem buffer that represents the template. The only way to do that is to traverse the whole template. Which is not easy.
Once you've done that, either insert bytes in the buffer if your new string is longer than the original one. Or shrink the buffer if the new string is shorter.
As Chris wrote, it would be much easier to modify the text in WM_INITDIALOG and try to re-phrase you requirement that says you may not call SetWindowText().
Thanks all, I actually had 24 hours rest on the problem, then went with a global windows hook filtering WM_INITDIALOG which was a much simpler method, worked out just fine, no API hooking required, 2 pages of code down to just a few lines.
Thanks for all the answers.