sending AT commands to Prolink PHS300 with Mac OS X Lion - sms

Today I am trying to send out SMS with my Prolink PHS300 USB modem by sending AT Commands to it from my machine running OS X Lion.
I have adjusted the settings for my modem such as checking "Connect using a terminal window..." etc. Right now I am trying to send AT Commands to it.
In my terminal window i typed screen /dev/tty.USBModemATPort_ but it tells me messages such as Could not open line '/dev/tty.USBModemATPort_' for R/W: Resource is busy and then Sorry, could not find a PTY.
in a desperate attempt i have even tried chmod 777 the "...ATPort_" but to no avail.
does anyone know if i may have done anything wrong here? thanks so much. :)

found my problem - it was a stupid one. it was because the 3G connectivity app that connects to the internet was opened and hence screen said that the resource was busy.
hope this saves someone some time in future.


Applescript "mixed credentials" error

I asked this question over on the Apple Communities and got a grand total of ZERO responses. You guys seem a whole lot smarter, so thought I would ask here to see what you think.
An error has started occuring when I attempt to trigger an Applescript via an external process. The console error is as follows:
12/09/2012 11:01:39.205 osascript[269]: Scripting addition loading restricted to system domains because this process has mixed credentials (issetugid=0 r/e uid=501/0 gid=20/20)
When I run the script locally on the Mac(Mini - Mountain Lion 10.8.1) it works perfectly.
What is happening is as follows.
I have a MacMini as a music server in a home automation environment powered by a Crestron processor. The MacMini is connected to two zones, one via the Optical output and another to a DAC from one of the USB ports. When I selected "Listen to iTunes" in one of the two zones the controller sends a command via UDP to a program running on the MacMini which triggers the scripts to change to the appropriate audio out.
All was working well until yesterday when all of a sudden the program triggering the script, whilst reporting that it has executed the correct script correctly, isn't switching the output and the above message is appearing on the console.
I have read what I can on here and as such have reset the PRAM and SMC (all three dongs...) and deleted the script triggering program, run Clean My Mac and rebooted, all to no avail.
Can anyone help me with this, it has to be something simple given that it was working...surely? I haven't run an update or changed anything else that I can think of.....
Any and all thoughts and input would be greatly appreciated.
From the error it seems that you have an add-on to applescript called a "Scripting addition" installed, and that's causing the error. Most likely you do not need this add-on to perform your applescript code. So I would remove all scripting additions from my system and see if the applescript still works.
Search your system for scripting additions... ~/Library/ScriptingAdditions and /Library/ScriptingAdditions.
If you do need to do something that the scripting addition is doing for you, then there's probably other ways to perform the same task without the add-on.

Change MAC-Address in iOS5

I Used to change my Mac Adress in Open Networks with the command:
ifconfig eth0 ether 00:11:22:33:44:55
in iOS4 this was no Problem, i remember there was even an App on Cydia for that. For ifconfig i instaklled network-tools from BigBoss Source.
Since iOS5 the Command is going thru Terminal without any error, however the MAC-Address isnt changing anymore... Someone a Idea on how to change it?
It's possible. For some reason, spoofing it in iOS 5 won't work (either via command line or MacX4), but you could always rewrite it in hardware. There are several cons to this and this is not worth during unless you absolutely have to: it will break your music player (so you have to use VLC or the like), is permanent even after reboot, and effectively changes your UDID (so betas will not work and the device will be unregistered).
nvram wifiaddr="XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
Again, the cons definitely outweigh the pros here. I'm sure eventually someone will come up with the software to do a spoof, not a total rewrite.
It can be done. My iPad running 5.01 has an arbitrary MAC. There are no restrictions as far as playing music, and I am still able to access Apple services (at least those that I use personally) without hindrance. It's a moderately tedious process, but after a bunch of failed attempts I was able to successfully (and permanently unless I decide to repeat the process using my originals) change the values with a combination of terminal commands, DFU/recovery cycles, OSX apps, and a clean restore via iTunes. If anyone is still interested, I would be willing to outline the process. I would do so now, but I have to hash out some specifics concerning the iTunes host file.
Because the MAC address is unchangeable for a reason?

Pointers to creating virtual monitor drivers for OS X

I'd like to create a virtual monitor driver for OS X. What I mean by virtual is a monitor driver that does not drive an attached monitor, yet fools OS X into thinking there is such a monitor attached.
The purpose? It can tunnel display data to some other device over some other protocol, say VNC.
I believe this has been done before in one form or another (perhaps those apps that turn your iPad into a secondary display).
Any coding/kernel hackery pointers on this would be appreciated!
After days and days of attempts, I found which works like a charm. Tried EWProxyFramebuffer, tried iDisplay, but this is the first one that actually works!
- Update -
Sounds like ioproxyvideofamily hasn't been kept up to date with new OS's. I haven't tried it (or any alternatives) since 10.7. If you find a better alternative, create a new answer to this question. can do what you want. You have to compile it with xcode yourself and to install EWProxyFrameBuffer.kext to /System/Library/Extensions and EWProxyFrameBufferConnection.framework to /System/Library/Frameworks. Make sure all rights of the installed files are 755 and owner/group is root/wheel. Using, you can then de-/activate the monitor.
I try to get working. Is it Lion or is it me? Because it doesn't show in System Information/Software/Extensions. Also the provided applications doesn't work.
I'm about to check out the source to see if there is something fishy in there.

Couldn't register with the bootstrap Server

I just changed some code in my program and got this error:
Couldn't register com.yourcompany.XXX with the bootstrap server.
Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already
running or is hung in the debugger.Program received signal:
I tried restoring my program to a version that worked, rebooted, restarted, empty caches and rebuild on versions that even worked before.
Any help would be appreciated.
I was able to recover from this by unplugging the iPad, powering it down and back up, clearing all XCode caches and targets, and doing a clean build.
I'm running XCode 3.5.4 and iOS 4.2.1
UPDATE: Same problem running Xcode 4.3 and iOS5 - just power-cycle the device.
You might wish to kill all Simulator processes, that can cause this error as well.
Here's a one-liner to kill 'em all:
kill -9 `ps ax | grep Simulator | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'`
Or more concise, like #brianegge mentions as a comment:
killall -9 Simulator
My solution was to restart the ipad, wait a while and try again.
If you get the hang when using the simulator, look at this thread: Strange Error When Testing Simulator
You may find this test of interest, as it will tell you ASAP if the only solution is to reboot now or not:
Open Terminal and run this command: ps -Ael | grep Z. If you get two entries, one "(clang)" and the other your app or company name, you're hosed - reboot.
If you are a developer, enter a short bug and tell Apple how absolutely annoying having to reboot is, and mention they can dup this bug to "rdar://10401934" .
I received the same problem, running an app on an iPhone from Xcode. The message that I was getting was the same as above:
Couldn't register with
the bootstrap server. This generally
means that another instance of this
process was already running or is hung
in the debugger.
I tried many things to fix the problem, in this order, all which failed:
force quitting the app on the iPhone
force quitting and then deleting the app the iPhone
opening and closing the project
cleaning the project
restarting XCode
Eventually, I rebooted the iPhone and the problem went away, which leads me to think that the source of the problem is a hung process that Xcode cannot or will not kill. If I am able to reproduce exactly what I was doing during my debugging session to get this strange state I'll add another note here.
I opened a bug report with Apple:
Please let me know if you can't access it.
Summary: XCode debugger is not releasing bootstrap server port
Steps to Reproduce:
While debugging an iPhone iOS5 app in the simulator in Xcode 4.2 Build 4D5163b on Lion 10.7.2, a crash can sometimes result in being unable to start the bugger. Instead, Xcode produces this error:
Couldn't register com.MyApp.MyApp with the bootstrap server.
Error: unknown error code. This generally means that another instance
of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.Program
received signal: “SIGABRT”.
Expected Results:
Should be able to start debugger after a crash.
Actual Results:
Cannot start debugger. The only way I've discovered to make the simulator work again is to restart Mac OS.
Lots of people are having this problem:
iPhone - strange error when testing on simulator
Couldn't register with the bootstrap Server
Bootstrap Server Error in Xcode IPHONE
Quitting XCode and the Simulator (& ensuring ps -Al | egrep "Xcode|Simulator" returns nothing) does not help the problem.
Running "launchtl bslist | grep MyApp" reveals that com.MyApp is still registered with the bootstrap server:
$ launchctl bslist | grep MyApp
A com.MyApp.MyApp.UIKit.migserver
A com.MyApp.MyApp
I wrote some code to find the port and invalidate it, but this too fails:
NSMachBootstrapServer *bsserver = [NSMachBootstrapServer sharedInstance];
NSMachPort *port = (NSMachPort *)[bsserver portForName:#"com.MyApp.MyApp"];
[port removeFromRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:<#(NSString *)#>
NSLog(#"port = %#",port);
NSLog(#"port.isValid=%d",[port isValid]);
[port invalidate];
NSLog(#"port.isValid=%d",[port isValid]);
I got the same issue with Xcode 4. The solution was to change the scheme.
Run set to Debug,
Test set to Debug,
Profile set to Release,
Analyze set to Debug,
Archive set to Release
Restarting my computer solved my problem. This error happened when I connected my new iPod Touch to my mac and ran my project in simulator at the same time.
The easiest way its to change the target name,
Remembert to change it back next day after a restart.
To sum it all up.
Sometimes kill -9 (the process id) helps.
Sometimes (as stated) launchctl list | grep UIKitApplication | grep "(your app name/identifier)" | awk '{print $3}' | xargs launchctl remove works.
But if its a "zombie" process, only a restart will solve your problem.
A temporary solution is to just change the identifier (IOS Application Target, Summary Tab) to something else (like "com.mycompany1.myapp" from "com.mycompany.myapp") but remember to change it back after the reboot and before you submit it.
(of course this will create another app on the simulator, but I guess that's the least of your problems....)
Unfortunately, there is no "easy way to greatness"... ;-)
Here is how I think I solved this 'strange' error:
Couldn't register com.yourcompany.XXX with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger.Program received signal: “SIGABRT”.
(1) Clean all the caches, targets, headers on both Xcode and the simulator.
(2) Restart your iPhone when it is not connected to the computer and make sure no versions of the program that gave you problems are left on your iPhone.
(3) Restore any previous version of your program that you know absolutely worked at one point in time.
(4) Shut down your computer/laptop. (I needed to do it 4 times.) Makes no sense to me.
(5) Restart your machine and try running a different program to see if you still get the error. If you do not get the error on another program.
(6) Compile the program that gave you the error:(1) First with an earlier version that worked. And then, the version that gave you the error. Naturally, you may have to re-add code on a step-wise basis to make sure you know what code caused the error.
This happened to me because another application was eating up the computer's resources. I quit the simulator, quit the application which was hanging my computer and restarted the simulator, and it worked then. The error means that a previously killed process couldn't reach the end of the queue, and is holding up the current one.
Lot's of good answers have been provided for fixing the problem.
I have found that I can recreate this bug by creating a breakpoint in my code so that the execution pauses. Then if I press on the Stop Button the bug will now appear when I try to run the code again. Resuming the execution before pressing the Stop Button therefore avoids this issue.
Hope this helps.
closing down xcode then starting it, and restarting my iphone solved my problem
I didn't find a better solution than mentioned above: restart the iPhone. It seems that there's a daemon that connects to the Xcode debugger not properly killed.
You can avoid this behavior ALWAYS stopping the debugging session through the "Stop" button in Xcode, and waiting for the app to exit automatically on the iPhone. I always have to reboot if I click "Start" without stopping first, or exiting with the iPhone's button, or something like that. Hope it helps
I encountered this issue myself just now while evaluating AppCode. I discovered that XCode had somehow attached itself to my application while I was attempting to attach AppCode to my application. I simply stopped the XCode debug session and it worked as expected. I hope this will help somebody.
Just rebooting the device should solve the problem. See the analogous question about the simulator: iPhone - strange error when testing on simulator
This may be caused by an instance of your app running in the background. This simplified process worked for me without even having to close xCode or shutdown my computer.
Close simulator
Stop the app from running in xCode.
Open activity monitor and search for a process running with your App NAME.
Kill this process in Activity Monitor
Rebuild your project and you should be all set
In theory Pål's command line solution should work as well. The issue definitely seems to be caused by an extra instance of the app running in the background. The app does not always seem to be getting killed properly after each test in simulator or on the device. I first noticed this when jumping between simulator and a device frequently.
As a preventive measure it is good practice to always hit the stop button in xCode after each test.
Very interesting results when trying to restart my computer. It said, and this is no joke, that 103 users where "sharing" the system. When I restarted, it back down to the usual four (I have Time Machine stuff for all of my computers going through this computer). I stopped the problem by simply setting up an app that monitors that activity, and does not allow additional users to "share" my computer without my permission. What it does is create a window every time someone wants access, and I have to press "Approve" before they can get in. This didn't work properly until I made the changes below.
I made sure it would tell me when somebody stopped sharing. Whenever Xcode has this problem, I know long before it returns the errors.
This is now useful for almost everything, but annoying during gaming of any kind.
I then wrote a script that fixed the problem by, basically, clearing the Simulator processes that might possible cause problems.
This app will be very useful to developers, so I am "polishing" it up a bit, then it is off to the App Store. When it gets to that point, I will post a link to it here (it will be free).
Okay, I've got a workaround for the hardware issue that doesn't involve rebooting the phone. I assume this will also work on the simulator but I haven't tried it.
Force Springboard to relaunch by changing the language. Settings -> General -> International -> Language.
I just changed it to Spanish, waited for Springboard to relaunch, changed it back to English, and was good to go.
This evening I got the same issue saying
"Couldn't register with the bootstrap server. Error:
unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already
running or is hung in the debugger.(lldb)"
and I got solved
1.Just disconnect my Device (for me its iPhone) from Xcode/ Mac machine
2.Reboot the Device (my iPhone)
3.Removed previously installed/corrupted app
4.Again connect device and started exception
It works well
Hope this will help someone there.

Instruments refuse to run

I am having problem running my Instruments on my iPhone app, below is the message I got. Any idea what's causing this and what I can do?
alt text
Assuming that your Xcode/Mac OS X installation is not compromised in some fashion, one of the few reasons that might happen is if you failed to authenticate for debugging purposes.
