Request/Acknowledge pattern ASP.NET WebAPI -

Does WebAPI have any built in support to fire off some work and return immediately to the caller with an acknowledgement. I am looking to build a data processing server which has some long running processes that need to be ran. The client never expects the results straight away and can query for them later.
With this being the case I am looking for a way to fire off some work in such a way that wont block the controller from returning.

There's nothing in WebAPI keeping you from starting off some background work and returning immediately. So you could have an action implementated like this:
public HttpResponseMessage Post()
Task.Factory.StartNew(() => DoWork());
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Accepted);
This is just a simple example, but you would probably want to track the Task in some kind of dictionary, so you could return the results when the client queries for them later.


FireAndForget call to WebApi from Azure Function

I want to be able to call an HTTP endpoint (that I own) from an Azure Function at the end of the Azure Function request.
I do not need to know the result of the request
If there is a problem in the HTTP endpoint that is called I will log it there
I do not want to hold up the return to the client calling the initial Azure Function
Offloading the call of the secondary WebApi onto a background job queue is considered overkill for this requirement
Do I simply call HttpClient.PutAsync without an await?
I realise that the dependencies I have used up until the point that the call is made may well not be available when the call returns. Is there a safe way to check if they are?
My answer may cause some controversy but, you can always start a background task and execute it that way.
For anyone reading this answer, this is far from recommended. The OP has been very clear that they don't care about exceptions or understanding what sort of result the request is returning ...
Task.Run(async () =>
using (var httpClient = new HttpClient())
await httpClient.PutAsync(...);
If you want to ensure that the call has fired, it may be worth waiting for a second or two after the call is made to ensure it's actually on it's way.
await Task.Delay(1000);
If you're worried about dependencies in the call, be sure to construct your payload (i.e. serialise it, etc.) external to the Task.Run, basically, minimise any work the background task does.

MVC ActionResult trigger Async Task before return View()

I'm trying to achieve something like this:
public ActionResult PostData()
// 1. Need to trigger an async operation for some long processes
// Trying to trigger SideProcess() async controller
// Return to view to allow user do other stuff without waiting for above process to complete
return View("Listing", "Users");
public async Task<ActionResult> SideProcess()
Can I use async task method like above? Because I definitely have to call PostData() first on a button click. Otherwise most likely I have to use a different method.
You can, by not await-ing the result. This has some drawbacks though. (E.g. what happens if an error occurrs?)
It is better to run the async operation in via Task.Run() in such cases, since unhandled exceptions will trigger the TaskScheduler.UnobservedTaskException and don't mess with your controller action.
I tend to use Hangfire for such problems in all of my projects and never had an issue. I would recommend and prefer it over the above solution. Comes with very handy oob features for managing BackgroundJobs (including a dashboard, automatic retry mechanisms and many more) while beeing testable too.
Doing that, you won't have any guarantees that your long running process will finish. ASP.NET was purposely not built for that.
But if you have to queue some background work, use HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem.
Beware of the remarks:
Differs from a normal ThreadPool work item in that ASP.NET can keep track of how many work items registered through this API are currently running, and the ASP.NET runtime will try to delay AppDomain shutdown until these work items have finished executing. This API cannot be called outside of an ASP.NET-managed AppDomain. The provided CancellationToken will be signaled when the application is shutting down.

Running a Mono in background while returning a response when using Spring Webflux

This questions is related to Return immediately in spring web flux but I don't think it's the same (at least the answer there is not satisfactory for me).
I have a function returning a Mono that when invoked starts a long-running job. This function is invoked when a call is made to a Spring Webflux HTTP API. Here's an example:
fun startNewJob(#PathVariable("jobId") jobId: String,
request: ServerHttpRequest): Mono<ResponseEntity<Unit>> {
val longRunningJob : Mono<Job> = startNewJob(jobId) { job ->
val jobUri = generateJobUri(request,
The problem with the code above is that "201 Created" is created after the long running job is completed. I want to kick-off the longRunningJob in the background and return "201 Created" immediately.
I could perhaps do something like this:
fun startNewJob(#PathVariable("jobId") jobId: String,
request: ServerHttpRequest): Mono<ResponseEntity<Unit>> {
val jobUri = generateJobUri(request,
val response = ResponseEntity.created(jobURI).build<Unit>()
But it doesn't seem very idiomatic to me to have to call subscribe() manually (e.g. intellij is complaining that I call subscribe() in non-blocking scope). Isn't there a better way to compose the two "streams" without using an explicit subscribe? If so how do I modify the startNewJob function above to achieve this?
AFAIK, using one of the subscribe methods is the only way to really start a job in the background with its own lifecycle (not tied to the returned publisher).
If you were to use one of the operators to combine the job publisher and the response publisher (e.g. zip or merge), then the lifecycle of the job publisher would be tied to the response publisher, which is not what you want for a background job.
One thing you might want to consider is kicking off the background job within the response publisher stream, rather than directly in the method body. e.g. via doOnSubscibe or from an operator upstream of the response.
This would tie the start of the background job to the onSubscribe events of the response publisher, but still allow it to complete in the background.
Also note, that if you want to be able to cancel the background job (e.g. maybe during application shutdown), you'll need to save the Disposable returned from subscribe so you can later call dispose on it. This might be better done from some type of BackgroundJobManager that could keep track of all the jobs running.
private static final Scheduler backgroundTaskScheduler = Schedulers.newParallel("backgroundTaskScheduler", 2);
backgroundTaskScheduler.schedule(() -> doBackgroundJob());

Synchronize POSTs to an API in Angular

I'm trying to synchronize my POSTs to an endpoint in Angular. I did see some examples of doing a synchronized GET but had trouble understanding the examples well enough to apply them to POSTs.
The POSTs are pretty simple, at least from my perspective as the front-end developer. I send an object with an parent group ID and a sub group ID to a /parentgroups endpoint. On the backend, however, async calls cause the data to get overwritten.
Apologies for lack of an example, but I am pretty far from having one that's close to working how I need. My code is still async and a loop over calls to $
You actually cannot do real synchronous (as in blocking) http calls in Angular, it forces you do use async. If you can't do it with callbacks then you have a problem with your architecture that the entire team should focus on solving ASAP. If your current architecture requires the frontend to do blocking calls then your architecture is quite simply broken and needs to be fixed.
Anyway, while I recommend against it you could always register your request in a list, and then in each callback you pop the next request from the list and run it. That way you can just keep pushing requests into the list without knowing how many there will be. Something like this (untested, but the general principle should work):
var requestList = [];
requestList.push(function() {
$'/someUrl', {})
.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// Remove the next request from list and call it
requestList.push(function() {
$'/someOtherUrl', {})
.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
// Remove the next request from list and call it
// Start the first request
This is fairly clean, but still a bit of a hack. It would probably work fine but I would be taking a good long look at why the API forces you to do something like this.

Angular.JS multiple $http post: canceling if one fails

I am new to angular and want to use it to send data to my app's backend. In several occasions, I have to make several http post calls that should either all succeed or all fail. This is the scenario that's causing me a headache: given two http post calls, what if one call succeeds, but the other fails? This will lead to inconsistencies in the database. I want to know if there's a way to cancel the succeeding calls if at least one call has failed. Thanks!
Without knowing more about your specific situation I would urge you to use the promise error handling if you are not already doing so. There's only one situation that I know you can cancel a promise that has been sent is by using the timeout option in the $http(look at this SO post), but you can definitely prevent future requests. What happens when you make a $http call is that it returns a promise object(look at $q here). What this does is it returns two methods that you can chain on your $http request called success and failure so it looks like $http.success({...stuff...}).error({...more stuff..}). So if you do have error handling in each of these scenarios and you get a .error, dont make the next call.
You can cancel the next requests in the chain, but the previous ones have already been sent. You need to provide the necessary backend functionality to reverse them.
If every step is dependent on the other and causes changes in your database, it might be better to do the whole process in the backend, triggered by a single "POST" request. I think it is easier to model this process synchronously, and that is easier to do in the server than in the client.
However, if you must do the post requests in the client side, you could define each request step as a separate function, and chain them via then(successCallback, errorCallback) (Nice video example here:
In your case, at each step you can check if the previous one failed an take action to reverse it by using the error callback of then:
var firstStep = function(initialData){
return $'/some/url', data).then(function(dataFromServer){
// Do something with the data
return {
dataNeededByNextStep: processedData,
dataNeededToReverseThisStep: moreData
var secondStep = function(dataFromPreviousStep){
return $'/some/other/url', data).then(function(dataFromServer){
// Do something with the data
return {
dataNeededByNextStep: processedData,
dataNeededToReverseThisStep: moreData
}, function(){
// On error
var thirdFunction = function(){ ... };
If any of the steps in the chain fails, it's promise would fail, and next steps will not be executed.
