Facebook Sinatra app won't login - ruby

I am trying to develop a Facebook Application using the Ruby Heroku pack provided. I have experimented with this before but just created a new app to develop. I am having an issue where I am unable to log in with the app. I click on a button to log in, but after the redirects, I find that nothing has happened. Once in every 20 or so attempts though, it will log me in correctly.
For those who've never used the Heroku hosting for Facebook, here is the template that gets installed. The only changes I have made were to modularize the app.
The relevant routing is as follows:
get "/auth/facebook" do
session[:access_token] = nil
redirect authenticator.url_for_oauth_code(:permissions => FACEBOOK_SCOPE)
get '/auth/facebook/callback' do
session[:access_token] = authenticator.get_access_token(params[:code])
redirect '/'
Has anyone ever experienced this before? If one would like to try themselves, this is the location of the app. I have a similar one running that doesn't exhibit this problem, so I really can't figure it out.
EDIT: I think I found the problem. I had set Unicorn preload_app to false, following this piece of information from New Relic. Setting preload_app to true has since fixed the problem. Unfortunately, I cannot remember why I set it to false in the first place (I have adapted some configuration stuff from a previous app). Maybe someone has better knowledge than myself.


can't get ruby omniauth-ebay-oauth gem example code working

I am trying to setup and use omniauth-ebay-oauth (https://github.com/evilmartians/omniauth-ebay-oauth) gem to use eBay rest APIs in my app without success.
I set up the required environment variables and run the example code but get a message saying "Sinatra doesn’t know this ditty.". It does not recognise the '/auth/ebay' route, not sure if I have to declare that route myself nor what to put in it if I do. I'm new to ruby and Sinatra so do apologise if this is just something silly and obvious that I'm missing.
require 'omniauth-ebay-oauth'
use Rack::Session::Cookie
use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :ebay_oauth, ENV['EBAY_CLIENT_ID'], ENV['EBAY_CLIENT_SECRET'],
callback_url: ENV['EBAY_RU_NAME'], name: 'ebay'
get '/' do
redirect '/auth/ebay'
get '/auth/ebay/callback' do
"Hello, #{request.env['omniauth.auth'].dig('info', 'name')}"
I appreciate any help and insight in getting this working. I've googled everywhere and asking here as my last resort.
I opened an issue on the GitHub repository and the gem creator replied in 3 hours. Totally life saver. I will post the solution here to help others.
It is because of security settings of OmniAuth 2.x.
Add the following line at the top, after requires:
OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods += %i[get]
This worked like a charm and I can now move forwards with the project.

Heroku not applying environment variable changes in Okta OAuth 2.0 PKCE VueJs app

I' trying to execute the OAuth 2.0 PKCE demo with a VueJs app outlined here:
Once in the Heroku App I have these Environment Variables:
Everything appears to be running fine except for the fact that the variables OKTA_CLIENT_ORGURL and OKTA_OAUTH2_ISSUER were refering to an incorrect dev-XXXXXX address, the correct one is the one shown on the picture (dev-371167), before it was someone else's url (dev-739491) for some reason.
The problem is that after making the changes shown in the image to the correct dev url, it's still making the calls to the old dev-739491 url.
Heroku doesn't seem to be refreshing or making the desired changes in the app.
Am I missing an option to refresh? Is it possible to rebuild so it reads the new changes? Could the problem be in the code/build itself?
EDIT: As per the suggestion in the comment I turned the app off then on again and it still didn't make the changes.
This is what my screen looks like:
EDIT 2: I have since deployed the same app two more times and reading the build logs it assigns a random CLIENT_ID and URls. Each deployed app has a different pair of these. I don't know where they come from.
I wrote the Okta Heroku Add-On. I'm looking into the behavior you're seeing.
When you change the environment variables, heroku should restart your app automatically.
So, the two issues are that the environment variables didn't match you saw in Heroku didn't match with what you expected them to be and that the app doesn't seem to be picking up on the environment variables.
How did you know that dev-371167 was the correct org and that dev-739491 was incorrect?
When you say you deployed the app two more times, what exactly are you doing to deploy? Are you using the Heroku cli?

Sporadic redirects on secondary magento store page

Recently transferred my Magento 1.7 store to a new host, and started having a frustrating problem.
We've got the store sitting behind a login shell - you can see it at http://www.seacadetshipsstore.com. Base exchange takes you to the root store (/magento/), and the gearlocker login takes you to a secure sub-store (/magento/gearlocker/).
The problem is, ever since transferring to the new host, /magento/gearlocker/ is sporadically redirecting to /magento/. I can only reproduce it 1 in every 10 times, but customers are constantly complaining that they can't access the secure store for this reason.
I've also noticed that if I turn off the security and have clients navigate to /magento/gearlocker/ directly, it seems to fix the problem for most - they no longer get the redirect after logging in. Only a few of them still have the error, and they're all PC users on various browsers.
I've set up a demo login for stack:
U: stack_login
P: thanks
I doubt it's an issue with the base url or base link url, otherwise the error would be much more consistent. I've gone through magento's official tutorials and made sure the secondary store was set up properly (remember, it was working fine on the old host). I also know it's not anything to do with the login shell - all it does is validate the user's login and redirect to /magento/gearlocker/.
Can anyone reproduce this error? Can anyone tell me what's going on, or how I might fix it? Thanks in advance!

500 error when integrating multiple apps in one code base

I'm trying to set up an MVC application that will service several facebook applications for various clients. With help from Prabir's blog post I was able to set this up with v5.2.1 and it is working well, with one exception.
At first, I had only set up two "clients", one called DemoStore and the first client, ClientA. The application determines what client content and facebook settings to use based on the url. example canvasUrl: http://my_domain.com/client_name/
This works for ClientA, but for some reason when I try any DemoStore routes I get a 500 error. The error page points to an issue with the web.config.
Config Error:
Cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name' set to 'facebookredirect.axd'
I am able to add additional clients with no problem, and changing DemoStore to something like "demo" while using the same facebook application settings works fine also.
Working calls:
http:// localhost:2888/ClientA/
http:// localhost:2888/ClientB/
http:// localhost:2888/Demo/
Failing call:
http:// localhost:2888/DemoStore/
I was thinking this might be an MVC issue, but the Config Error points to the facebookredirect handler. Why would the SDK try to add this value to the config during runtime, and only for this specific client?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I managed to figure out what went wrong here. Silly mistake..
After I had set up the application routes to require the client_name I changed the Project Url in the project properties to point to demostore by default. When I hit ctrl+S a dialog popped up that I promptly entered through without reading.
When I changed the Project Url, IIS Express created a new virtual directory for the project. This was the source of my problem. Why? I'm not sure, but once I removed the second site from my applicationhost.config I was able to access the DemoStore routes.
Moral of the story: read the VS dialog messages!

Recieving a 404 HTTPError on a working page in Ruby Script

This is my first time asking a question, please be gentle!
I have a Rails application that handles content for a whole bunch of domains (over 100 so far). Each domain either points to where my app is hosted (Heroku, if you're interested), or the original place it was hosted. Every time a domain is ready, it needs to point to the heroku servers, so that my app can serve content for it.
To check to see if a domain has successfully been changed over from its original location to my application, I'm writing a script that looks for a special hidden tag I included in them. If it finds the tag, then the domain is pointing to my app. If not, it hasn't been changed, which I record.
The problem is that, at least for one domain so far, I'm getting a 404 OpenURI::HTTPError exception for my script. Which is strange, because I can visit the site just fine and I can even get it via curl. Does anyone know why a working site would get an error like this? Here's the important snippet:
require 'rubygems'
require 'open-uri'
require 'hpricot'
url = "http://www.#{domainname}.com"
doc = Hpricot(open(url)) #<---- Problem right here.
Thanks for all of your help!
Welcome to SO!
Here would be my debugging method:
See if you can replicate in irb with open-uri alone, no Hpricot:
$ irb -rubygems -ropen-uri
>> open('http://www.somedomain.com')
Look in your Heroku log to see if it even touches the server.
Look in your original server's log for the same.
Throw open something like Wireshark to see the HTTP transaction, and see if a 404 is indeed coming back.
Start with that, and come back with your results.
