Hiding AJAX with JSON communication from user - ajax

We are currently working on a web client that communicates with the server using AJAX with JSON. The client is based on gwt, and communication is over https.
The communication can be easily inspected by browser tools - is there some reasonable approach to hide this from the user, i.e. securing the protocol?

Other than standard authentication and encryption techniques used by all browsers, whatever method you come up with, it must be initiated by your JavaScript client. This means that a good hacker can deconstruct your JavaScript and figure out how you submit data.
Security usually deals with either third parties trying to intercept communication or pose as legitimate users, or malicious users trying to get access to where they are not supposed to. Once you verified that a user is legitimate, why would you try to hide user's data from the user? Maybe you can describe your use case.
The only way to prevent bots is to ask a question that only a human can answer (e.g. Captcha) somewhere in the workflow (i.e. before submitting important data). It's usually annoying for users, but there is no other way. Since you build a gaming platform, ask your designer to come up with some fun verification.

Just to Round off Security Checklist
1) HTTPS - you have got it set up already :)
2) Json and XSS/XSRF Web Security -
3) BOT attacks - A decent captcha - Captcha in GWT Widget
4) Miscellaneous - https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/google-web-toolkit/_gViO5aZ-WQ


Is there a CSRF protection implemented in Boomla?

I want to implement a tool (a website that can edit a user's own websites) that receives uploads from the browser and stores them in a website specified in the request. However, I want to protect the user from other sites creating requests to my endpoint and doing dirty things with the user's data.
The industry standard for this is to include a randomized token in every rendering of the page, submit it together with the input data, and check the validity of the token on the server side before processing the submitted request.
Is there an automated mechanism for this in the Boomla framework, or is something like this planned?
Implemented, no. Planned, yes.
Currently (v0.9.1), I believe Boomla does check the Referer header, but it stops there. So long, maybe you could implement a cryptographic solution yourself?
How pressing is the issue for you?
Consider that currently, side effects are not possible (eg. send data), thus data leaks are not possible, it won't cause data loss, since we have built in version control. (We are going to expose a casual version control mechanism that works automatically, without commiting, so you'll be backed up even without commiting.) Thus, in effect, your users are safe.
Please disagree if you think otherwise.

Building A Social Network

So, I'm starting out building a social network web app. I'm looking into how to fit the parts of my stack together and I'm looking for some guidance about what various frameworks will allow me to do. My current stack idea is to have:
Firebase JSON API: serving user, post, comment, and all the other data
EmberFire: to plug that API into EmberJS
EmberJS: my front-end MVC (because I'm new to MVC and Ember seems the most accessible)
What I'm stumbling on at the moment is how I'm going to implement users with this stack. I've looked at basic authentication stuff but I haven't found anything that would allow me to allow certain actions and views for certain users and not others - the basics of a social network really.
Is it sensible to be doing this stuff in front-end MVC? If so what should I be using to do authentication/personalisation? If not, should I just be doing a PHP/SQL setup? I'd rather avoid that because my skills are all front-end.
If you are just getting started, Firebase is a great service to learn on due to their 'back end as a service' model - you will spend more time building/modeling your data and less time running/installing. Not that you won't want to learn more about that later, but it lets you focus on one piece at a time.
From an access perspective, JS/NoSQL vs PHP/MySQL isn't going to be the issue. They each have their own security requirements - it's more that PHP/MySQL has had more time to establish those rules. Additionally, Firebase being a hosted service has it's own set of requirements.
Firebase security rules are a little weird when you first look at them, but they begin to make some sense after you sit with them for a bit. The Firebase docs are actually a pretty great resource. https://www.firebase.com/docs/security/
Basically, if you use a Firebase 'login provider' it makes Firebase act as both a database and a authentication manager, and the combo helps keep users 'fenced' to where you want them. You can use data from other paths, variables, validation rules, etc. You can even make a 'custom login provider' if you need to integrate with an existing one.
Finally, on the client end, your view can respond to whatever Firebase returns - if a user does 'hack' their way through to a page they shouldn't be on client side, no data is returned anyways and no submitted information would be allowed because of the rules.

Phonegap and Django Authentication

I am in the middle of building a PhoneGap (Cordova) app which I would like to be able to talk to a Django site of mine. The steps needed to get the app working are:
Authenticate the user (stay logged-in across app restarts) (e.g. get session cookie from Django for communication with the service - where to store?). Note: The Django endpoint uses https.
When app receives push notification load some data from my django site.
Make selection on data and submit response back to my django site (will need the csrf token?)
I was able to sort out the push notifications but now I am wondering which solution would work best for the communication with Django.
As I understand there are two possible approaches:
Either to implement a REST service with something like tastypie or
try to setup the communication via ajax (e.g. jQuery)
At the moment I am thinking that going simply ajax might be the best approach since the app is fairly small and there are no additional requirement for a REST API.
It would be great if anyone could give me any pointers on how to solve this or share some experiece / code. Especially the steps of the authentication process are unclear to me.
I am not sure if this is still an open question but it is sure an interesting one.
I would strongly suggest on using the django-tastypie and you could start by using the docs which are indeed a great point of reference.
My experience until now has shown that I should always start by making my api clear(and rest) than choosing an easier faster solution(e.g. ajax) because if your app is a successful one, frameworks like tastypie help you scale.
The authentication process is pretty straightforward if you choose the basic one.
You just ask for the user credentials and there are many clients implementing the client side basic auth.
Fortunately, tastypie supports more than this. For example, the api authentication and you could read more here.
If you need anything else, please let me know.

Browser Overlay for Data Entry: Client or Server Side?

I am developing a Django app that functions basically as a data entry tool for websites. The use case has a trusted user or paid technician browsing the web. As they browse they enter data into an overlaid bar similar to what you see on many proxy websites, but containing a form that allows user to write metadata about the website (in this case, training classification data for an ML algorithm) and submit it to my app.
See http://hidemyass.com/proxy/ for an example of a proxy website that inserts an overlay into browsed sites.
I have heard conflicting suggestions on how to approach this.
Serve Websites as Proxy
Pipe all url requests through the django app with something like http://httpproxy.yvandermeer.net/, and rewrite the responses to include the header.
I can process the responses with sexy scientific libraries like the NLTK
AJAX-free failover. Users can submit human data (albeit with more of a hassle) without the need to submit computed data.
Greatly increased traffic. Now my webapp has to retrieve all websites and upload them to the user.
Some websites might block proxy requests. My intention is to deploy this on Heroku, but they might frown on an app that generates so many requests.
User Browses in an iFrame
The overlay is separated from the content by an iFrame, and I use javascript to inform the overlay on the page that is currently being browsed
Distributed Computing. User machines are used to make requests and do any necessary computations. The server is no longer a bottleneck.
Tighter Ajax integration. I can just post a JSON object representative of my entire Model.
iframes weren't really designed for full-scale browsing. Some websites force themselves out of iframes, and I worry that it won't be a reliable method of browsing.
I don't get to use all those sexy python libraries. My language processing will have to be done in javascript.
I've never done anything like this before. I'm pretty new to all the tools involved, and seriously having trouble choosing between the two very different approaches.
Which method would you suggest? Why? Are there any considerations I have missed?
OKFN's annotator provides imho a good basis for what you are trying to accomplish http://okfn.github.com/annotator/

How do payment gateway servers close client connection after certain time?

I do not know if stackoverflow is the right place to ask this question. But I have this doubt in my mind for a long time, so I am asking it here.
I have seen many payment gateways that have certain time limit before the page expires or server closes connection. The user is expected to enter the password and complete verification before the page expires. This is not done using session or javascript. So, how does the server close the client connection, without getting any request from the client?
How do you know that the client does not make any requests?
This site uses a mixture html, javascript and browser cookies to manage users connections. So if javascript is disabled it falls back into html/cookies for authentication/login/logout and only admits OpenID credentials.
HTML provides methods for sending/recieving information, so you don't have to rely entirely on JavaScript, although JS certainly improves the experience and features.
Sorry if my answer is somehwat vague, as your question was vague as well.
