How to search for people in Google Plus using email?
e.g. this query never returns anything:[email_address]
I tried a db of a thousand emails at least,
Also I have an account with very strange name, when I search by name I get the result, but with email I don't , I tried to url encode the email but still it didn't work.
The email address must be set as a public field in the user's Google+ profile to be able to search and find that entry. The method only searches public fields.
On my iPhone, using Outlook, can I search for a keyword in a mail received from somebody? If I search for the keyword I see all the emails I received from everybody containing the keyword. But is there a way to search for all the emails sent to a particular user containing the keyword?
Search for the name - this should bring it up at the top of the page - select it and recent emails should be shown. If that doesn't work, try searching for "keyword name".
I am trying to search through "my contacts" on my google account. The account belongs to a Google for Business domain. I have already managed to retrieve all contacts which works by querying to the following url:{userEmail}/full
Now, when I search using the q=searchString or myQuery.setFullTextQuery(searchString); (in Java). I only get some of the results. In particular contacts that I have created and do not belong to the same domain as me.
I assume that this has to do with the fact that google has not stored a name entry for contacts tha have a directory profile. Thus it will only search within their email address (and if I'm lucky and the email address contains the name only then it will find it).
As a workaround I also get all the profiles (which does not seem to work with a full text search string) from the domain and then merge/parse them in order to get the results I need.
My question now is, is there a single call in order to retrieve ALL contacts (from my contacts) that contain a specific search string in either the NAME (first and last), EMAIL and perhaps field labels?
I do not see a point of using a full text search string when the contact entries that have a directory profile do not contain any name... (it is stored in the profile).
Many thanks in advance!
You should fill all fields manually(only primary email and photo shared between directory profile and your contact) in contact entry. So you can't find in one request all that you need
I want to register users on the basis of their emaild ids on my website, assuming that there is one to one relationship between users and their emailid strings. But gmail doesn't recongnize .s in email ids. That means and are the same users (or emaild ids).
My concern is not just this one use case, it could be overcome by simply stripping the string of dots. Different email providers might be having different policies regarding email aliases and notations.
My question to community is is there any de facto rules/guidelines for creating unique users based on their email ids as their unique identifiers? Or has someone implemented this successfully before?
NOTES: I have checked a few websites that registers on the basis of email id. They seem consider two gmail ids with different combinations with .s as different email ids. That means same email account holder can possess two accounts on the same site, which I want to avoid.
IMPORTANT: Oauth/OpenID is not an option.
Try facebook login and get username from the facebook API. But if you dont want to access any secondary service for auth, then you might as well ask users to choose a username, and constrain uniqueness there. As far as i know there is nothing more you can do!
Hotmail for example allows you to have any string after a +
for eg. is same as
I am using forms authentication and have provided a couple of searh boxes to allow searching by username and email address.
So, I can do this to search by name
Membership.FindUsersByName(username, page-1, PageSize, out total);
and I can do this to search by email address
Membership.FindUsersByEmail(email, page-1, PageSize, out total);
Problem is that in the case when the user searches for a username and an email address at the same time I am going to bring back all users with a particular email address and then do a search within that to get all users who match the user name specified. I won't be able to page the first call. If there are a large number of users brought back in the first call then this could have a performance impact.
Is there any solution to this?
I'm using to access gmail.
I can search for emails with a particular label, but I'm trying to avoid to search an email twice.
So in order to do that, I thought that I could store the message_id of each email so that in the next searches I would reefer to that message_id to avoid searching for that email.
Do you know how can I do to search emails that are not part of a given email message_id list?
Thanks a lot for your time!
Rather than storing message ids, why don't you just search after a certain message date (which would be the date of your last search)?