flash player or silver light? - asp.net-mvc-3

i want to create a help video and put theme on my web site.
i did some search i internet to find whats the best way to do it.
use flash player or use Microsoft silver light technology to do this?
what s the best open source video player for my case?
my site is on mvc3 razor on .net4.0
and my video are in .wvm format off course i can convert theme
to any other format
please guide me which one of them is better and have advantage rather than other?
thanks all

My suggestion would be to use neither and use HTML 5 and the Video element.
Flash and Silverlight are becoming deprecated technologies for Web UI's now.
You could use third party libraries such as modernizr to detect the browser capabilities and respond accordingly.
This page contains cross-browser polyfills, search the page for Video


Bigcommerce product image customization with text change

Currently I am trying to build such customization of product in Bigcommerce Storefront that allows to display image with dynamic text, which was entered in Textbox. That means product image preview should be shown INSTANTLY with new image with written text.
so that the end user will know how the final product will looks like and also same image should go in shopping cart as well.
I know that there is an app on Shopify named as Product Builder.
Is this possible to do it on Bigcommerce?
Thanks in Advance
It's definitely possible with some fairly advanced client-side code. Unfortunately I don't know of any plug and play systems or apps for Bigcommerce that will achieve what you're looking for, but there are a couple ways to get a live updating product preview if you're willing to get your hands dirty.
Here's an example from my site. Click the button under "personalize this item", and you'll see a live preview image like you describe in the modal. Enter some text and change the monogram style and color, the preview image should update pretty quickly every time you change an option. A solution exactly like mine may not be feasible for you, since that site is using a pretty complex React/Redux implementation built on an extensively customized Stencil theme... it's far from a turnkey solution. That said, you could implement something similar without needing a totally custom app.
The image preview itself in the example above is powered by IMGIX.com. They offer a great service at a fantastic price. Basically my system translates the user-selected Bigcommerce option into a URL string per IMGIX's URL-based API. Displaying the live preview is then as simple as changing the image's src attribute to the corresponding IMGIX URL on every input change. I do this in a React component that consumes a Redux store, but something similar could definitely be done in the framework of your choice, or plain old vanilla JavaScript. Cloudinary offers a similar (maybe even a little bigger) feature set to IMGIX, but I found IMGIX to be a bit faster, and the pricing was considerably less for my usage.
You could also write something that uses the HTML5 canvas to overlay text and effects on an image, and thereby avoid using a third-party service. I found such a solution to be way more work and way more taxing on the client-side device, but it'd definitely be another way to skin the proverbial cat.
There may be other viable solutions out there, but the above has been my experience in implementing something similar to what you're looking for on Bigcommerce. I hope this is helpful!

Display video on asp.net form

My application is allowing users to upload videos(avi and wmv) and then those videos should be displayed on users home page. Uploaded file is saved on server and path to the file is saved in database.
What is the best way to display those videos on page?
I'm using ASP.NET forms.
ASP.net does not have any video or media controls natively. Some people have tried the MediaPlayer control, however this is an ActiveX control so browser compatibility is a major issue. Depending on what formats you are accepting a variety of solutions from simple to complicated exist and can be broken down to two categories:
HTML5 Video
You can use the basic HTML5 Video, depending on what formats you have (avi, mp4, oog, etc.) you will need to have multiple source files for compatiblity across all browsers.
A list of compatible formats for each browser can be found here:W3 Schools HTML5 Video Tutorial
You can add runat="server" and access the properties directly. I've found adding multiple sources requires setting inner text and adding a new src tag.
Third Party Tools
These can be great for cross-browser compatibility and include FlowPlayer, Telerik's Media Player Control, jVideo and others. Solutions like FlowPlayer can fallback to Flash in the event a browser is not compatible with the format and still play. Some are free, some are not. You can wrap a control without server-side methods (FlowPlayer) into a user control depending on what you need.

How to make thumbnails in wordpress play audio after click through stratus

I probably searched through the entire web but couldn't find any help on this. Before I ask the question I must mention that I am a complete novice in web development.
I went through a lot of websites that enable you to play audio through stratus after clicking on a thumbnail. Although websites like indieshuffle.com and themusicninja do not use stratus, I was wondering how they get their photos to play songs in their audio players.
Similarly, I don't want my thumbnails to link to the post but instead I want people to play the corresponding soundcloud track after clicking on the thumbnail. Also, if it is possible to have play/pause buttons on the thumbnails it will be great.
Of course, I have ajax and stratus as well as the full width audio player installed as plugins.
I am guessing this has to do with embedding the shortcode for the track somewhere in the image.
Please help!!!
since you are complete new your best bet here is an album plugin or something
that will let you attach an image and have a mp3 file to relate to, and be displayed without much knowledge in coding.

Fullscreen Youtube (or other flash apps) in tab

I have this question mainly about youtube video's, but extentable to any flash app that plays in fullscreen. Is there a possibility to make fullscreen not take over the entire screen, but just inside the tab where the video is loaded? Is there any addon or setting I can use to make this happen?
If other browsers (eg Chrome) do support this functionality, please feel free to reply!
Thanks in advance, Tom
Quick and dirty code for scratchpad or bookmarklet to view a youtube video as full page:
Note: Snippet omits encodeURIComponent and parsing query parameters, which you probably should implement if you're going to use it in an actual bookmarklet/userscript/addon.

Is there a standard Control for creating an in-app video player?

Im making a videoplayer in a wp7 app. Im using mediaelement to show the video, and sets its source from a url. Functionality i wanted are play/stop-buttons, forwarding/rewinding, a progressindicator (for the progress of the video itself) and show a progressbar when it buffers. I have accomplished all above, using some customized grids, buttons and so on.
I did get some trouble though, which i dont want to bother you with here (its a mess) and which is why im asking the following:
Is there a standard (or downloadable) control for wp7 that does all these things for me and that works perfectly. Ive searched "everywhere" but couldnt find anything. It surprises me that this isnt an easy to use, built in control that is easy to customize, since standard videoplayers are something id guess alot of apps could take advantage of.
Here is a tutorial on how to create a Windows Phone 7 View Model Style Video Player.
