cocoa mac osx grid display of images of different sizes - image

what i'm trying to do is displaying a set of images in a grid like fashion but with different sizes as for images in landscape or portrait position, this excludes using the NSCollectionView because the item prototype's size can only be set once...
i'd go and add subviews programmatically to a scrollView but this yet again when the window's size changes and the scrollView get a bigger width, there will be just blank spaces on the right side...
you can checkout the image below for a better understanding...
thanks in advance you guys...

what i ended up doing was implementing a purely mathematic algorithm where i calculated the (x,y) position for every new added photo depending on the previously added photos and it did a pretty good job... the container holding the photos was embedded in a scrollView, needless to say that i had to calculate the height of this container as well.


How to get background images to scale to the same size in Xcode Autolayout?

The Problem:
I am currently trying to get the background image of launch page of my app and the first view controller to match in size.
On left, launch screen on the right first view controller.
However as you can see the navigation bar appears to resize the background image.
Both back ground images are currently set to centre vertically and horizontally and both have equal width and height to the view.
What Ive tried
I have obviously tried messing around with auto layout to now avail,
I have also tried toggling the Extend Edges “under Top Bars” option, it is currently set to true in the above image. This didn't work either.
How do I get both background images to have the same sizes (consistent) between the launch screen and the first view controller, for all iPhone devices (in auto layout)?
Found the answer for anyone with this problem.
Tick extend edges under Opaque bars for the view controller.

Autolayout just not working for every screen size

My app is a game and the menus have many labels and buttons and I cannot get all of the different screen sizes(iPhone 4/5/6/6+) to look acceptable from the same set of constraints.
Is there a way that you use to synchronize all the views together to look the same on all different screen sizes?
The project is locked to only portrait so I don't need to consider rotation.
For Autolayout, you
Consider the screen sizes you want to support.
Which view/buttons/labels/imageview etc you want to remain fixed while in
different screen size.
Which view/buttons/labels/imageview etc can be scaled to fit the screen.
Now if by scaling the things you can fit on the screen then you are good to go. But if you still can't find way then you would probably need to you use scrollview and and add a UIView (let's call it content view) to it put your all stuff in it and constraint them vertically all the way from top to bottom.This video can help you if you want to use scrollview

Xcode 6.0/6.1 Interface Builder resizes views to fit whole content when clicked on the corner grip to resize

I think this is an obvious bug on Xcode 6.0.1 but I'm searching for at least a workaround. In interface builder, I have an image view that is smaller in dimensions than the image that it contains. Here is my newly created, fresh nib with just an image view, the heart image is a larger PNG file than the containing image view:
So far so good. However, when I click on the any of the grips at the corners/edges of the view to resize the image view, it immediately changes to this the very moment I click on the grip:
This happens whenever I try to resize by hand (I can resize using width/height values at inspector though) and I have hard time trying to fit my design into the nib. The problem happens both on nibs and the storyboards. Does anyone know a workaround?
UPDATE: I've updated to Xcode 6.1 but I'm still having the same problem.
The same result I've noticed when close and reopen the project. The view continues to grow up every time. I have created a simple project to search the cause of the wrong behavior of the autoresizing mask (flexible width AND align to right).
So, try to disable "flexible width/height" and "align to right". Keep the "align to left" only.
This answer is for autolayout-enabled views/nibs. For autoresizing mask solution, see Nicolai Nita's answer: Xcode 6.0/6.1 Interface Builder resizes views to fit whole content when clicked on the corner grip to resize
I've solved the problem by setting the content compression resistance priority (both vertical and horizontal) to 250 from 750. I don't know why it wasn't the case before Xcode 5 though.

Cocoa Scrolling Image Menu

I want to make a menu with a wide image that scrolls horizontally (it's a continuous image). What technique could I use for this?
The standard way to do this is to create a NSScrollView and nest a NSImage in it. You could run into problems if your continuous image is too large, however. In that case you'd want to split it into multiple NSImages and arrange them next to each other in the NSScrollView.

Center image horizontally & vertically on page with % margins and be resizable with window

It seemed so simple just a day ago, but I can't figure it out:
How do I center an image on a page, giving it fixed % margins (10% on all sides) and still have it scale with the window on resize?
It's very important that the page and the image display well on all platforms, without scrollers (!).
The page itself is very simple and only contains the image (which on different versions of the page has different dimensions), and a bar on the top with a link to send it to another page.
The max size of the image would be 1500x1000px, no minimum size.
I wholeheartedly hope someone can help me out with this, thanks so much!
Best way to do that is using JavaScript. Get the window size, subscribe for window.onresize event and update the image size and position accordingly.
Using CSS only will NOT work, because any position properties depend on the container. In your case the container is the window, which will size itself based on the content. This creates a sort of circular dependency (window size depends on the image, the image size and position depend on the window size).
For information about getting the exact available window size in cross-browser way you could check this post: Get the size of the screen, current web page and browser window - haven't done that in a while to provide you with exact code.
Also note that you don't mention keeping the aspect ratio of the image. If it should not be maintained there is no way to do it HTML/CSS only, because all operations with them do maintain AR of images.
