Mac replacement for fiddler's auto-responder feature - macos

Fiddler lets me intercept http requests and respond with files from from my local machine. I am looking for a tool that does exactly that, on mac.
I tested charles but its "rewrite tool" does not allow that. I tried also httpscoop which allows only looking at requests, and wireshark where I could not even find the gui (probably due to my noobness on mac)

As far as I understand it, Charles' Map feature offers what you're looking for.
If you have a Windows PC or VM on your Mac, you can use Fiddler to capture the Mac's traffic. Also worth noting is that I'm at Telerik now and one of our goals is to support more platforms with Fiddler. An alpha version of Fiddler for the Mono framework is now available.

you can try a free chrome extension: Trumpet
Wildcard pattern
RegEx pattern
File drag

Try Tamper, it's based on mitmproxy and it allows you to see all requests made by the current tab, modify them and serve the modified version next time you refresh.


Disable Firefox Same Origin Policy without installing a plugin

Is there a way to disable the same origin policy on the Mozilla Firefox browser by toggling a flag in the browser?
This is strictly for development, for not production use.
Please note:
A similar question asked 3+ years ago yielded an accepted answer that recommends users to install a plugin. I consider this less secure and more cumbersome than toggling a flag (e.g. in the about:config, or passing a parameter when starting the browser like in Chrome).
After having tried to find a Firefox setting for various hours, and after having opened a bounty, I think the right answer to this question is:
At the moment of writing (March 2018), it is not possible to disable the same policy origin in Firefox by simply setting a flag.
I would personally recommend people to use Chrome instead for this kind of work, because disabling this setting is very easy, quick and doesn't involve installing third-party software.
There is a boolean in Mozilla Firefox that should allow toggling of the same origin policy called security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy.
Go to about:config in your browser and accept the risk:
Then search for security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy and double click it to toggle it to false like so:
I have not tested this but in my experience, this is the flag controlling the same origin policy.
Rather than directly answer your question, this alternative might be viable if you also have ownership of the server
Get your server to add the following response header. (+ Apply a DevOps process or piece of code to ensure only apply this code during development)
.. With the value of your origin domain, e.g. or alternatively * for all domains.
So I wasn't able to do this using Firefox. I was able to do this inside of chrome using the following. My purpose was for testing endpoint access to a server without CORS being setup.
google-chrome disable-web-security -allow-file-access-from-files — allow-file-access
Your google chrome executable can vary to whatever you have linked it to.

How to monitor browsers and capture urls without extensions

How can I monitor browsers and capture URLs when they want to download files without using extensions and plugins? For example Internet Download Manager (the version I have) captures URLs from Chrome and Firefox without using extensions, or Free Download Manager does the same thing with Chrome (no extension is installed) but for Firefox it uses an extension and they also provide this service for almost all browsers out there.
Can this be done without extensions and plugins?
Can this be done for other operating systems like OSX and Linux ?
Thank you so much
One option would be to simply intercept all traffic by browsers, and offer the option to download when uncommon filetypes (those that browsers would typically download rather than open) are navigated to. There is probably a more elegant solution, but I might have it act as an odd sort of firewall--one that blocks certain types and instead downloads them on its own.
I found the answer. IDM Uses Layered Service Provider (LSP), which Windows provides it.

Firefox plugin to detect server side software?

I remember a plugin that could detect which OS and what programming language was used on the server side. I don't know anymore what the name was. It could be Firebug or something like that, but I can't find the function.
Firebug makes it easy to look at the headers send by the Server. But be aware, that server could fake or hide this parts of header, so it does not work always.
This is a Browser Plugin called wappalyzer if you are using firefox plugins site just search for wappalyzer.

Whats the accepted way of testing IE and other Windows browsers?

I develop web applications on a Mac, so I can test the standard Mac browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc). But I'm wondering what is the accepted way for testing Windows browsers and especially IE? How does one test different versions of IE?
Some possible solutions I can think of:
Dual boot - This seems like a pain if you are developing code in a Mac environment, but want to test in Windows.
Windows virtual machine - This has always sent my laptop fan haywire and caused general slowness
Buy a Windows laptop - This certainly works, but is a cost I'm not in the mood to pay for just a test machine.
Something else I'm missing?
I'm not looking for an absolute right or wrong answer here, I'm just curious what other developers do, and if there's any accepted practice.
Another option, if you can run Virtual PC or have a virtualization application that can use VPC virtual hard drives, is to download the IE Application Compatibility vhds from Microsoft.
Adobe BrowserLab
Easiest way is virtual machines that contain their separate versions of IE since you can not easily have multiple versions of IE running with the update to IE8.
If you want to do automated stuff, you always can use Selenium Web Driver
virtual box looks like a good option... except you need to get a hold of a windows os.
apparently there is also something called winebottler... check out this other post from stack overflow for more details.
Is there a IE tester for mac?
IE tester is a not a bad option, allowing you to switch between different versions of IE at the click-of-a-mouse. It's not perfect, there are a few things it wont mimic exactly, but if you're on a budget it's great (and free). But of course you will need access to a windows box. Beg/borrow/steal one? To be honest, if you're doing a lot of web dev, you should have access to a machine for testing.
The alternative is to use an online rendering service, but that will cost you.

monitor traffic to and from my pc

I want to see each url request made my by browser.
I want to see the url requests made by ajax.
Which software should I use? Some java code would also help.
You can use Fiddler or if you need to "go deep" (as their web page says), you can use Wireshark.
Firefox has a great plugin called LiveHTTPHeaders that I think will get you what you are looking for. I'm not positive on the AJAX part of the question, but it's worth a shot. I consider LiveHTTPHeaders to be an indispensable tool for anyone doing web development.
Use Firebug
Otherwise use Wireshark if you want the swiss army knife of network capture tools.
There are lots of great programs out there that will do this. My answer would really depend on what you are trying to do.
Adding an HTTP proxy that logs requests will easily do the job.
You can also leverage browser plugins such as FireBug and Google's Page Speed to see the requests fly in realtime.
I don't really understand where do you want to see the traffic. But if what you mean is browser and if you are using Firefox then Firebug will come handy.
So many great extensions for Firefox that'll give you that info:
You could also try using the developer tools in Safari or Chrome if you're not a Firefox fan.
If you use IE... why are you using IE? ;-)
Any personal proxy will do. Fiddler was already suggested.
For Firefox I would use the TamperData plugin.
