Using html within the addSuccess() method - magento

I have to insert an anchor tag within a success message. Magento strips out the html when the message is displayed.
Is there a workaround for this?
Any help would be much appreciated.

Flag Mage_Core_Block_Messages::$_escapeMessageFlag defines if to use htmlEscape() method with the message text, so you can set up your rule for the selected path.


Convert Sitecore 8 XHTML Validation from Error to Warning

I am wondering if anyone knows how to convert an convert a Sitecore Validator to display a warning instead of an error. Specifically the Full Page XHTML validation. Basically we want to keep the warning on the page as a CYA and not remove it completely but still allow content editors to proceed.
How would I accomplish this best if possible? Any pointers are welcome!
You can find the validation rules under /sitecore/system/Settings/Validation Rules.
In the example of Full Page XHTML validation, that would be /sitecore/system/Settings/Validation Rules/Item Rules/Item/Full Page XHtml. You can actually edit the Parameters field. To change the severity of the validation, add the Result parameter, with one of the following values:
In your example to have the error show as warning, set the Parameters field to Result=Warning
Note that this change will show everywhere the rule is used (and breached).

How to extend character limit in custom html module Joomla 3.x?

I've got a very long table that I need to use with a module. But when I paste the table into the custom HTML module, it limits the amount of characters and cuts the code short. I'm not using any editor.
Tried going to the DB, looked for _modules. Followed another suggestion to change Content type from "text" to "mediumtext", but it does not allow me to change it? From the content column, I can only change function or value, but not type. Any ideas?
Attached screenshot.
Try with one of these extensions :

Markup tags in product descriptions

I'm trying to use markup tags to link to info pages within the "description" attribute of a product. However, it's not giving me a clean URL path when the description is printed to the page.
Contact Us
does not give the expected url. I've confirmed i'm doing this outside of WYSIWYG mode too.
When the text is rendered is returned to the browser as this html:
Contact Us
A resulting click on the link then ends up as:
From what I can tell the markup tags aren't designed to be used in this way. Is it possible to extend it so it could work? Otherwise I guess I need to include the actual URL in the description?
Thanks for suggestions.
You can´t use the double-curly syntax because the attributes value is not being processed by magento´s template filter, which does the magic. You can use them e.g. in CMS or email Templates out of the box.

Change text of Please fill out this field tooltip in Joomla 3

It is set by default that when I create input fields and set them to be required, when users don't fill in anything, they got a massage:
Please fill out this field
I am creating a website with Joomla, and this tooltip pops out in every browser displaying the above text. How to change the text.
I tried to look up in Joomla language ini files, but no success. Is there some easy way to change this, or some advice where it could be?
This is not a Joomla string, it's the message displayed by the HTML5 required attribute. To change the message you have to check the loads of suggestions in the following questions:
HTML5 form required attribute. Set custom validation message?
How to change default “please fill out this field” in two field
if you are writing your own component (or module/plugin), it sounds like this is the description - field in the form-xml for your component. If the form is auto-generated from a component-creator, the file should be found in
but some more info on where/what you are doing would help.
regards Jonas

Issues with implementing a custom controller in magento

Basically I have to generate PDF of wishlist items(products) using the chunk of codes as specified in
Now the problem is, I am not able to trace out where and how to call all the methods as specified in above link. Can anyone help me in this or provide any alternate solution, I mean some other ways for generating PDF of wishlist items. Any Help will be highly appreciated!
How you want to do it?
Say more about where you want do this action and i'll point the right direction.
This is controller, its end point of url request.
Method is called when you navigate to specified URL.
