installing behat on windows 7: not getting the autoexec - windows

I'm trying to install behat on a Windows Virtual Machine, but I'm getting stuck with the windows command prompt. Here is what I did:
Installed xampp
Installed Composer for windows
Donwloaded behat using the git method (other methods do not
work for me) to C:\behat so that
C:\behat\bin\behat.bat and C:\behat\bin\behat both exist
open windowns control panel
search for "environment"
click "edit the system environment variables"
system and security > edit the system environment variables: add the the end of PATH "C:\behat\bin"
At this point I expect to be able to type in behat anywhere on my system using the command prompt as administrator, because the "bin" directory containing "behat.bat" is contained in the PATH, but typing in "behat" gives me "Could not open input file #bin_dir#\behatcd". typeing in behat.bat does not work either
I have never used Windows before so, this is probably obvious but I'm just not getting it.
Any advice greatly appreciated, thanks.

try typing
php behat
windows doesn't know behat is a php file and you need to tell it what to execute it with

Here you can find the step by step guide to install Behat on windows machine. openguider


How to add Cargo to PATH required for pywinpty when deploying to Heroku?

I am getting the following error on Windows:
Cargo, the Rust package manager, is not installed or is not on PATH.
remote: This package requires Rust and Cargo to compile extensions.
I've installed Rust and cargo is in the path, but the problem persists. Does anybody know why this is happening?
Error message is the same as in this post.
Heroku's stack runs on Ubuntu. Cargo is required by pywinpty but that's a library required for communicating with Windows processes. You may need it for your local environment but you don't need it for Heroku. You should try removing pywinpty from your requirements.txt when you deploy to Heroku.
If you want a temporary solution
Open a command line prompt (cmd) and execute
that will show you the actual, current path. Inspect it to see whether the necessary directories are really absent. If they are, execute
path=%path%;directory you want to add;other directory you want to add
The path will be available in the command prompt for as long as it's open. If they are present, reboot the computer, the addition to the path may have been delayed after installation.
The permanent solution
For Win10 but I guess instructions are not very different for other flavors.
Open System properties, find Environment Variables. In the dialog that pops up you will see System Variables, among which you will see Path. Select it, click edit and add the directories you need via the New button. Close all popup boxes and reboot (always a good idea when Windows is stubborn ;-) )

Oracle bi config.cmd not run in windows 10

I am trying to install oracle bi on Windows 10.
I ran the install file and set weblogic and repository, but when I go to this directory:

and try to run the config.cmd, the command prompt opens and immediately closes. It doesn’t show me the setup window.
How can I solve this problem?
Very simple solution: not trying to install OBI on an unsupported platform!
By the way the response in here will stay the same as on the Oracle communities ...
I had the same issue as you and I was to gave up but I decided I don't do it and I start to search for this problem. The first things to have to do is check your PATH JAVA_HOME. My native language is Spanish and my windows OS is in Spanish.
My JAVA_HOME was C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_181 and I have a problem to time installing so I change by C:\Progra~2\Java\jdk1.8.0_181 then I restart my laptop and I open CMD as Admin and put cd C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\bi\bin because in this route was installed my OBI. After that just put C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\bi\bin>config.cmd and I can continue to the configure of OBI.
Progra~1 = 'Program Files'
Progra~2 = 'Program Files(x86)'
If you forgot anything, just enter to link to refer:

Composer setup - "The system cannot find the file specified"

I'm trying to install composer, but it showing an error message. I'm using Windows 8.1, and download composer Windows Installer from
The command interpreter did not run correctly:
The system cannot find the file specified
The cmd file is existing on C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe. And it run normally
I strongly suggest posting questions regarding the windows installer #
The maintainer of our windows installer binary can answer most questions and is very friendly and helpful :-)
1- Open cmd.exe ( administrator mode ).
2- Write this command sfc /scannow (My be take long time for scanning).
2- Re-install composer.

Unable to add Composer dependency using PhpStorm in Windows 8.1

The error is:
Cannot run program "C:\Users\Shahzaib
Imtiaz\PhpstormProjects\CodeCept\composer.json" (in directory
"C:\Users\Shahzaib Imtiaz\PhpstormProjects\CodeCept"):
CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application –
Is there any solution for that?
A little bit late, but...
This issue could be a part of an incorrect composer command-line tools settings in the PHPStorm (or there was no configurations for that for your project).
Possible cause:
PHPStorm calls an incorrect startup file.
Incorrect composer installation on Windows.
In Windows PHPStorm doesn't recognize the composer.phar file correctly
In Windows in PHPStorm it's usually calling the composer.phar instead of calling the composer.bat file to run the specific command and an error occurs.
One of the possible solutions:
1. I suggest you to install (or check your current installation) composer with the special windows installer
2. Check Windows system Path variable and there must to be the basic path to the folder, where composer were installed:
(for me it is C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin)
3. Go to your PHPStorm settings (press Shift+Alt+S)
4. Go to Tools -> Command Line Tool Support -> Press Add button
5. Select the "Tool based on Symfony Console" and press OK button:
6. Add an alias to composer (I am usually using composer or c aliases e.t.c)
7. Set the correct path to your php interpreter (in my case it is C:\xampp\php\php.exe )
8. Set the path to your (global i suppose) bin composer folder (in my case it is C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin\composer.bat) and you must to select a composer.bat file (NOT the composer.phar file) and press Ok.
9. Go to Tools -> Run Command (or press Ctrl+Shift+X) and run the command you wanted.
Hope it will help to someone!

Unable to install SASS on Windows machine using ruby

I have just install Ruby Installer 2.3(x64), on my Windows machine as I wanted it for SASS.
On typing
gem install sass in "Start command prompt with Ruby" , it shows the error:
'gem' is not recognised.
Please Help
Try running ruby -v on the command line. If it throws up an error, try adding ruby to path. To add this:
Go to Computer.
Click on properties at the top left
Click on Advanced System Settings
Click on Environment Variables at the bottom right of the popup
Open another tab and look in the C: drive to find Ruby is installed. It should be C:\Ruby23-x64\bin or so. Copy the path.
Go back to the environment variable and click on PATH.
Choose edit option and add the a semi-colon ; before pasting the ruby path copied.
Your windows machine may be slightly different. I am using Surface Pro 3 which runs on Windows 8.
