Minimal addition to strongly connected graph - algorithm

I have a set of nodes and set of directed edges between them. The edges have no weight.
How can I found minimal number of edges which has to be added to make the graph strongly connected (ie. there should be a path from every node to all others)? Does this problem have a name?

It's a really classical graph problem.
Run algorithm like Tarjan-SCC algorithm to find all SCCs. Consider
each SCC as a new vertice, link a edge between these new
vertices according to the origin graph, we can get a new graph.
Obviously, the new graph is a Directed Acyclic Graph(DAG).
In the DAG, find all vertices whose in-degree is 0, we define them
{X}; find all vertices whose out-degree is 0, we define
them {Y}.
If DAG has only one vertice, the answer is 0; otherwise, the answer
is max(|X|, |Y|).

Off the top of my head, it seems the simplest (fewest edges) way to make a directed graph strongly connected would be to just have a cycle involving all nodes; so the minimum number of edges would just be N where N is the number of nodes. If there are already edges, just do something like connect longest existing directed path to the next longest path that doesn't overlap with your current path, until you form a complete cycle (once your path contains all nodes, connect the ends to form the cycle.)
Not sure if there is a more formal definition of any of this, but is seems logical to me.

I would find all weakly connected components, and tie them up in a cycle.
To be more explicit, the idea is if you have WCCs W(1),...,W(n),
make all of W(i%n + 1) reachable from any node in W(i), for i=1 to n.


How do I explore a directed graph (DAG) by visting minimum number of starting vertices?

Given a DAG (possibly not strongly connected e.i consisting of several connected components), the goal is to find the minimum number of starting vertices required to visit to fully explore the graph.
One method I thought of was to generate all permutations of the given vertices and run a topological sort in that order. The one with the minimum backtracks would be the answer.
Is there an efficient algorithm to perform the above task?
This a famous problem called minimum path cover, it's a pity that wiki says nothing about it, you can search it in google.
As methioned, the minimum path cover problem is NP-hard in normal graph. But in DAG, it can be solved with Matching.
Dividing each vertex u into two different vertex u1 and u2. For every edge (u->v) in orginal graph, adding edge (u1->v2) in new graph. Then do any matching algorithm you like. The result is n - maximum matching, n is total number of vertex in orginal graph.

How to determine whether removing a given cycle will disconnect a graph

I have seen ways to detect a cycle in a graph, but I still have not managed to find a way to detect a "bridge-like" cycle. So let's say we have found a cycle in a connected (and undirected) graph. How can we determine whether removing this cycle will disconnect the graph or not? By removing the cycle, I mean removing the edges in the cycle (so the vertices are unaffected).
One way to do it is clearly to count the number of components before and after the removal. I'm just curious to know if there's a better way.
If there happens to be an established algorithm for that, could anyone please point me to a related work/paper/publication?
Here's the naive algorithm, complexity wise I don't think there's a more efficient way of doing the check.
Start with your list of edges (cycleEdges)
Get the set of vertices within cycleEdges (cycleVertices)
If a vertex in cycleVertices only contains edges that are part of cycleEdges return FALSE
For Each vetex In cycleVertices
Recursively follow vertex's edges that are not in cycleEdges (avoid already visited vertices)
If a vertex is reached that is not in cycleVertices add it to te set outsideVertices (stop recursively searching this path)
If only vertices that are in cycleVertices have been reached Return FALSE
If outsideVertices contains 1 element Return TRUE
Choose a vertex in outsideVertices and remove it from outsideVertices
Recursively follow that vertex's edges that are not in cycleEdges (avoid already visited vertices) (favor choosing edges that contain a vertex in outsideVertices to improve running time for large graphs)
If a vertex is reached that is in outsideVertices remove it from outsideVertices
If outsideVertices is empty Return TRUE
Return FALSE
You can do it for E+V.
You can get all bridges in your graph for E+V by dfs + dynamic programming.
Save them (just make boolean[E], and make true.
Then you can say for O(1) the edge is bridge or not.
You can just take all edges from your cycle and verify that it is bridge.
Vish's mentions articulation points which is definitely in the right direction. More can be said though. Articulation points can be found via a modified DFS algorithm that looks something like this:
Execute DFS, assigning each number with its DFS number (e.g. the number of nodes visited before it). When you encounter a vertex that has already been discovered compare its DFS number to the current vertex and you can store a LOW number associated with this vertex (e.g. the lowest DFS number that this node has "seen"). As you recurse back to the start vertex, you can compare the parent vertex with the child's LOW number. As you're recursing back, if a parent vertex ever sees a child's low number that is greater than or equal to its own DFS number, then that parent vertex is an articulation point.
I'm using "child" and "parent" here as descriptors a lot because in the DFS tree we have to consider a special case for the root. If it ever sees a child's low number that is greater than or equal to its own DFS number and it has two children in the tree, then the first vertex is an articulation.
Here's a useful art. point image
Another concept to be familiar with, especially for undirected graphs, is biconnected components, aka any subgraph whose vertices are in a cycle with all other vertices.
Here's a useful colored image with biconnected components
You can prove that any two biconnected components can only share one vertex max; two "shared" vertices would mean that the two are in a cycle, as well as with all the other vertices in the components so the two components are actually one large component. As you can see in the graph, any vertex shared by two components (has more than one color) is an articulation point. Removing the cycle that contains any articulation point will thus disconnect the graph.
Well, as in a cycle from any vertex x can be reached any other vertex y and vice-verse, then it's a strongly connected component, so we can contract a cycle into a single vertex that represents the cycle. The operation can be performed for O(n+m) using DFS. Now, we can apply DFS again in order to check whether the contracted cycles are articulation vertices, if they are, then removing them will disconnect a graph, else not. Total time is 2(n+m) = O(n+m)

How to find shortest path in a directed graph that has edge weights either 0 or 1 in linear time?

I am looking for a way to augment the BFS method used to find the single source shortest paths in an unweighted directed graph and solve the above problem in O(N+M) time.
where N is the number of vertices, M is the number of edges
I have thought the following:
Contract the vertices of the graph that have an edge weight 0 between them. But this would definitely be wrong as then I would be changing the graph's properties and adding new edges to vertices that originally had none.
Changing the edge weights to 1 and 2. And then creating dummy vertices in the paths that are of length 2 to convert those edges to edges of weight 1. But this would give the wrong answer.
In more generality, how can I find single source shortest paths in a directed graph when the edge weights are between 0 and MAX in linear time. (MAX is the maximum edge weight)
You can use bfs with some modifications: maintain a deque instead of a queue and add a vertex to the front of the deque if 0 edge is used and to the back of the deque otherwise.(I mean 0-1 case now)
I think you can work this out with vertex contraction. Just a hint here:
First form connected components of vertices that are connected by 0-weight edges and select one representative member in every component. This will give you a contracted graph.
Then solve the unweighted problem.
The true path will be formed of "inter-edges" (weight 1) joining the representative members, and "intra-edges", joining vertices within the component, from the incoming inter-edge to the outgoing inter-edge. In other words, you need to be able to find the path from any representative to any other representative.

Minimize set of edges in a directed graph keeping connected components

Here is the full question:
Assume we have a directed graph G = (V,E), we want to find a graph G' = (V,E') that has the following properties:
G' has same connected components as G
G' has same component graph as G
E' is minimized. That is, E' is as small as possible.
Here is what I got:
First, run the strongly connected components algorithm. Now we have the strongly connected components. Now go to each strong connected component and within that SCC make a simple cycle; that is, a cycle where the only nodes that are repeated are the start/finish nodes. This will minimize the edges within each SCC.
Now, we need to minimize the edges between the SCCs. Alas, I can't think of a way of doing this.
My 2 questions are: (1) Does the algorithm prior to the part about minimizing edges between SCCs sound right? (2) How does one go about minimizing the edges between SCCs.
For (2), I know that this is equivalent to minimizing the number of edges in a DAG. (Think of the SCCs as the vertices). But this doesn't seem to help me.
The algorithm seems right, as long as you allow for closed walks (i.e. repeating vertices.) Proper cycles might not exist (e.g. in an "8" shaped component) and finding them is NP-hard.
It seems that it is sufficient to group the inter-component edges by ordered pairs of components they connect and leave only one edge in each group.
Regarding the step 2,minimize the edges between the SCCs, you could randomly select a vertex, and run DFS, only keeping the longest path for each pair of (root, end), while removing other paths. Store all the vertices searched in a list L.
Choose another vertex, if it exists in L, skip to the next vertex; if not, repeat the procedure above.

How to find the minimum set of vertices in a Directed Graph such that all other vertices can be reached

Given a directed graph, I need to find the minimum set of vertices from which all other vertices can be reached.
So the result of the function should be the smallest number of vertices, from which all other vertices can be reached by following the directed edges.
The largest result possible would be if there were no edges, so all nodes would be returned.
If there are cycles in the graph, for each cycle, one node is selected. It does not matter which one, but it should be consistent if the algorithm is run again.
I am not sure that there is an existing algorithm for this? If so does it have a name? I have tried doing my research and the closest thing seems to be finding a mother vertex
If it is that algorithm, could the actual algorithm be elaborated as the answer given in that link is kind of vague.
Given I have to implement this in javascript, the preference would be a .js library or javascript example code.
From my understanding, this is just finding the strongly connected components in a graph. Kosaraju's algorithm is one of the neatest approaches to do this. It uses two depth first searches as against some later algorithms that use just one, but I like it the most for its simple concept.
Edit: Just to expand on that, the minimum set of vertices is found as was suggested in the comments to this post :
1. Find the strongly connected components of the graph - reduce each component to a single vertex.
2. The remaining graph is a DAG (or set of DAGs if there were disconnected components), the root(s) of which form the required set of vertices.
[EDIT #2: As Jason Orendorff mentions in a comment, finding the feedback vertex set is overkill and will produce a vertex set larger than necessary in general. kyun's answer is (or will be, when he/she adds in the important info in the comments) the right way to do it.]
[EDIT: I had the two steps round the wrong way... Now we should guarantee minimality.]
Call all of the vertices with in-degree zero Z. No vertex in Z can be reached by any other vertex, so it must be included in the final set.
Using a depth-first (or breadth-first) traversal, trace out all the vertices reachable from each vertex in Z and delete them -- these are the vertices already "covered" by Z.
The graph now consists purely of directed cycles. Find a feedback vertex set F which gives you a smallest-possible set of vertices whose removal would break every cycle in the graph. Unfortunately as that Wikipedia link shows, this problem is NP-hard for directed graphs.
The set of vertices you're looking for is Z+F.
