Join LINQ queries from multiple contexts - linq

I am trying to create a ViewModel for data that I want to display in my view. The issue is, the data being displayed is spread across 2 databases and multiple tables within each. I've read that you cannot join Linq queries across multiple contexts, which makes sense, and I've also read that we can't use Code-First in EF5 to use Stored Procedures....which led me to using 3 different Linq queries and attempt to combine them into 1 ViewModel...I'm just not sure how to get there.
Here's my Linq queries:
var csdContext = new CSDContext(CustomerCode);
var masterContext = new MasterContext();
//Only returns 1 row - which is what we want.
List<Site> sites = (from s in csdContext.Sites
join sa in csdContext.SiteAddresses
on s.SiteID equals sa.SiteID
join a in csdContext.Addresses
on sa.AddressID equals a.AddressID
join spv in csdContext.SiteProductVersions
on s.SiteID equals spv.ProductVersionID
where s.SiteID == id
select s).ToList();
List<States> states = (from s in masterContext.StatesTable
select s).ToList();
My ViewModel looks like this:
public class SiteDetailsViewModel
public string Address { get; set; }
public string Address2 { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string StateCode { get; set; }
public string ZipCode { get; set; }
public string OfficePhone { get; set; }
public string MobilePhone { get; set; }
public string AlternativePhone { get; set; }
public int ProductVersionID { get; set; }
Basically, I need the following data from these tables:
csdContext - Address
csdContext - Sites
csdContext - SiteProductVersions
masterContext - States
Here's how the tables are joined in SQL:
SELECT csd_a.Address, csd_a.Address2, csd_a.City, mstr_st.StateCode, csd_a.ZipCode, csd_s.OfficePhone, csd_s.MobilePhone,
csd_s.AlternativePhone, csd_spv.ProductVersionID
FROM CSD.dbo.Sites AS csd_s
INNER JOIN CSD.dbo.SiteAddress AS csd_sa ON csd_sa.SiteID = csd_s.SiteID
INNER JOIN CSD.dbo.Address AS csd_a ON csd_a.AddressID = csd_sa.AddressID
INNER JOIN CSD.dbo.SiteProductVersions AS csd_spv ON csd_s.SiteID = csd_spv.SiteID
INNER JOIN MasterDB.dbo.States AS mstr_st ON mstr_st.StateID = csd_a.StateID
I can't figure out how to merge these 3 results to create the ViewModel data for SiteDetailsViewModel. Can anyone help?

If you materialize your queries as described in OP you can use this:
var query = sites.Join(
si => si.StateID,
st => st.StateID,
(si, st) => new SiteDetailsViewModel
Address = si.Address,
Address2 = si.Address2,
City = si.City,
StateCode = st.StateCode,
ZipCode = si.ZipCode,
OfficePhone = si.OfficePhone,
MobilePhone = si.MobilePhone,
AlternativePhone = si.AlternativePhone,
ProductVersionID = siProductVersionID

One possible alternate solution is to create views in DB #2 of the tables in DB #1. Then you can model/map those views in EF for DB #2. You would of course still need a context for DB #1 if you need to update any of the tables. But the benefit of this solution is that you can do all of your read access on a single context and get joins at the server instead of in memory.

So why don't you write it like this:
from ...
where s.SiteID == id
select new SiteDetailsViewModel()
Address = sa.Address,
Address2 = as.Address2,


Correct interpretation of SQL request by EF Core

I have a certain table in the database that stores the following objects:
public partial class Invoice
public string DocumentNumber { get; set; }
public DateTime? DocumentDate { get; set; }
public string DocumentReference { get; set; }
public string SerialNumber { get; set; }
public string ProductCode { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Certificate { get; set; }
public string Language { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
I also have a query that returns me the number of specific elements:
SELECT Count(*)
SELECT DocumentNumber,DocumentDate,DocumentReference
FROM vInvoiceSwivelInfoWeb
WHERE Email = '' AND Language = 'FR'
GROUP BY DocumentNumber,DocumentDate,DocumentReference
) AS T
The answer looks something like this:
How to use EF to make such a request and get a numerical answer?
I tried like this:
_context.Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync($"..some SQL query..")
but I do not get the expected result.
UPD: Having received the answer about the impossibility of fulfilling this request through EF, the following question reasonably arose: Is it possible to make this request using LINQ?
You can Leverage ADO.NET via the Context.Database property.
Unfortunately, there is no way to get the count from the database using EF Core execute methods if you have a custom query that is not related to your entities.
using (var command = context.Database.GetDbConnection().CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = "SELECT Count(*) From Table1";
using (var result = command.ExecuteReader())
// do something with result
for Updated question
var count = from a in _context.vInvoiceSwivelInfoWeb
where a.Email == "" && a.Language == "FR"
group new { a.DocumentNumber , a.DocumentReference , a.DocumentDate } by a into g
select g.Count()
also, it's important to know which version of EF-Core are you using:
currently, if you are using EF-Core 3 group-by doesn't translate to SQL command so you have to do it on client-side:
check this link :
for EF-Core 3.0 - 3.1.1
var count = _context.vInvoiceSwivelInfoWeb
.Where(a => a.Email == "" && a.Language == "FR" ).ToList()
.GroupBy(a => new { a.DocumentNumber ,a.DocumentDate, a.DocumentReference }).Count();

EF6 Linq Query - How to make a query when two Foreign Key Constraints are in place

For the most part EF seems to handle itself quite well, using the following query in linq, I am able to get all the related table data using FK's without having to specify the one to many relationship.
join cp in db.ClinicalPATs on s.ClinicalAssetID equals cp.ClinicalAssetID into AP
from subpat in AP.DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby s.ClinicalAssetID descending
select new ClinicalASSPATVM
ClinicalAssetID = s.ClinicalAssetID,
ProductName = s.ProductName,
ModelName = s.ModelName,
SupplierName = s.SupplierName,
ManufacturerName = s.ManufacturerName,
SerialNo = s.SerialNo,
PurchaseDate = s.PurchaseDate,
PoNo = s.PoNo,
Costing = s.Costing,
TeamName = s.TeamName,
StaffName = s.StaffName,
InspectionDocumnets = subpat.InspectionDocumnets ?? String.Empty,
InspectionOutcomeResult = subpat.InspectionOutcomeResult
the above code pulls in the relationship data from the ViewModel.
public Product ProductName { get; set; }
public InspectionOutcome InspectionOutcomeResult { get; set; }
public Model ModelName { get; set; }
public BudgetCode Code { get; set; }
public AssetType AssetTypeName { get; set; }
public Manufacturer ManufacturerName { get; set; }
public Staff StaffName { get; set; }
public Team TeamName { get; set; }
public Supplier SupplierName { get; set; }
I have a new problem which I have created for myself. I wanted to add an ID Field to the Models entity this helps me filter the data in a drop down list. I called the Field Name: ModelAssetAsignmentID And when someone adds a new ModelName from the Clinical Controller the ModelAssetAsignmentID gets a value of two.
So when i added the Field ModelAssetAsignmentID to the model "Models" i created a second FK as such:
My Original Linq Query is now broken, it no longer displays the modelname. I'm guessing this is due to the two FK Constraints.
Making the following change did not work, the InnerException is null.
var ClinicalASSPATVM = (from s in db.ClinicalAssets
where (s.ModelAssetAssignmentID.Equals(2))
join cp in db.ClinicalPATs on s.ClinicalAssetID equals cp.ClinicalAssetID into AP
from subpat in AP.DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby s.ClinicalAssetID descending
The solution is to remove the second foreign key constraint ModelAssetAssignmentID and use a viewmodel to create a value in the ModelAssetAssignmentID, thus you then do not need to modify the linq query's.

How to Return class with list using LINQ in C#?

I have one "Profiles" and "Addresses" table Profiles table contain one record of person and Addresses table contains its multiple address.
I want to write LINQ query to return single person record with its multiple address in one Query. So I have created one custom class with "profileId" ,"firstName" and list of address.
I need a output like this please help.
1 (profileId)
Mark (firstName)
------Sanday (address one)
------Stronsay (address two)
------Foula (address three)
public class profileDetails
public int profileIdData { get; set; }
public string firstNameData { get; set; }
public List<lstAddress> lstAddressData { get; set; }
public class lstAddress
public int addressId { get; set; }
public string address { get; set; }
//This is my query
var result = (from profile in DbContext.Profiles
join address in DbContext.Addresses
on profile.profileId equals address.addressId
select new profileDetails()
profileIdData = profile.profileId,
firstNameData = profile.firstName,
lstAddressData = new { address.addressId, address.address }.toList()
Have you tried using the Include method? Something like this:
var result = (from profile in DbContext.Profiles
join address in DbContext.Addresses
on profile.profileId equals address.addressId).Include("lstAddressData");
(the lstAddressData name may be incorrect in my example above, it refers to the reference property you want to populate with address items)

LINQ query returning a List<> as a class member

Given the follow data class,
public class EmployeeMenu
public int ID { get; set; }
public string HeaderName { get; set; }
public List<string> ItemNames { get; set; }
how can I get a sub-query into the ItemNames field?
My current query of
IQueryable<EmployeeMenu> retValue =
from mh in menuHeaders
select new EmployeeMenu
ID = mh.ID,
HeaderName = mh.HeaderName,
ItemNames = (from mhi in mh.MenuItems
select mhi.MenuItemName).ToList<string>()
doesn't seem to be doing the trick...
The data structure is
MenuHeaders MenuItems
----------- ---------
HeaderName <-(FK)--MenuHeaderID
I ended up just changing from a List to IEnumerable. This fixed it.
Wouldnt you want to just put a where in your sub-select to filter that down to all the menu items with the MenuHeaderID equals mh.HeaderName. You can just .Equals() with the StringComparison type if you want as well.
Here is an example...
IQueryable<EmployeeMenu> retValue =
from mh in menuHeaders
select new EmployeeMenu
ID = mh.ID,
HeaderName = mh.HeaderName,
ItemNames = (from mhi in mh.MenuItems
select mhi.MenuItemName where mhi.MenuHeaderID = mh.HeaderName).ToList<string>()
My guess is that your not initiliazing the list within your class. I basing this off the experience I was having with Nhibernate.
public class EmployeeMenu
public int ID { get; set; }
public string HeaderName { get; set; }
public List<string> ItemNames { get; set; }
public EmployeeMenu()
ItemNames=new List<string>();
Hope this helps.
Okay. Try replacing
(from mhi in mh.MenuItems
select mhi.MenuItemName).ToList<string>()
.Select(mhi => mhi.MenuItemName)
I question if you want a where clause in there somewhere, but this should get you past the runtime exception.
Any time you see an error message of the form "LINQ to Entities does recognize the method ... and this method can not be translated into a store expression" LINQ to Entities is telling you that it can't figure out how to translate part of the expression tree into a SQL statement. This means you need to pull things client side so that LINQ to Entities doesn't try to translate something that it can't translate.

Linq2Sql relationships and WCF serialization problem

here is my scenario
i got
with one to many relationship set between Table1. id and Table2.fid
now here is my WCF service Code
public List<Table1> GetCustomers(string numberToFetch)
using (DataClassesDataContext context = new DataClassesDataContext())
return context.Table1s.Take(int.Parse(numberToFetch)).ToList( );
and my ASPX page Code
<body xmlns:sys="javascript:Sys"
<div id="CustomerView"
dataview:fetchParameters="{{ {numberToFetch: 2} }}"
though i set serialization mode to Unidirectional in Linq2Sql designer i am not able to get the family value and all what i get is this in firebug
any help would be totally appreciated
Well, the point is: your method GetCustomers only ever selects from Table1 - I don't see any reference at all to Table2, where your Family column is located......
You need to check into Linq-to-SQL JOIN's and how to fetch data from a joined table into your result set.
Something along the lines of:
class JoinedResult
public int Table1ID { get; set; }
public string Table1Name { get; set; }
public string Table2Family { get; set; }
public List<JoinedResult> GetCustomers(int numberToFetch)
using (DataClassesDataContext context = new DataClassesDataContext())
var q = from t1 in context.Table1
join t2 in context.Table2 on = t2.fid
select new JoinedResult
{ Table1ID = t1.ID,
Table1Name = t1.Name,
Table2Family = t2.Family };
return q.Take(numberToFetch).ToList();
and btw: you should really make numberToFetch an INT parameter! Let the caller make the conversion......
UPDATE: if you don't want to explicitly include the second table to be queried, you could instead add a DataLoadOption to your context:
DataLoadOptions dlo = new DataLoadOptions();
dlo.LoadWith<Table1>(t => t.Table2);
context.LoadOptions = dlo;
In that case, you tell LINQ to always include all elements from Table2 when it loads anything from Table1 - that should work, too.
