Why won’t Jenkins running on my Mac connect to a local git repo? - xcode

I am trying to implement automated builds using Jenkins for my iOS projects. I added the Git plugin, but as soon as I try to put the URL for git in the git configuration for the project, it is showing the error in the screen shot below. Here Jenkins cannot clone from the repo to its workspace.

For the "Repository URL" field it is expecting a remote repository URL, something like git#github.com:github/hubot.git. It will use that url to copy down code to run the job against.
If you just want to run a job in a particular directory where you already have the code you want to work against, then leave this section empty. You can set the directory that you want to run a job in by
1. scroll to the "Advanced Project Options" section
2. click "Advanced"
3. Check "Use custom workspace"
For one off things, this is fine, but if you use this a lot, I think you'll find it more useful to commit your code to github and have jenkins clone down a fresh copy of code for each run.

You will get that error if you miss the following cases:
Whenever the clone URL is wrong.
When you are trying to clone from a place where you don't have the
access to git server.
Whenever your Pem key is not added to the list of keys on the git

In most cases git bare repo has extension .git
I mean (other)/test1 dont look correct, i think it should be (other)/test1.git had this same error on my mac.

Actually i solved the issue . it was because of the permission the remote git is not updating properly


Jenkins without Git Repository

I have a source code using which I want to test some processes through Jenkins.For that I've installed Jenkins and plugins as well. But I do not have internet access to my machine so I have my source code in a local folder instead of Git.
Please help me to configure Jenkins without git.
Thanks a ton in advance.
in the build steps, you can do something like
cd C:\users\user\Documents\Projects\
// build here
if you're in a different directory, you need to do:
cd D:\Projects
// build here
But deleting the workspace option won't work now. since your artifacts will be stored in the current directory and the workspace is a different directory. you can add an additional step, in this case, to clean up things or you can change the workspace from the advanced option in the general tab.

Jenkins execute a job from work space instead of SVN path

I want to trigger a Jenkins job for a maven(v3.5.3) project from my local work space folder location instead of configuring SVN Repository URL in the Source code management section. Is there a way to achieve this?. I need to test with code modifications in the project and not wanting to commit the changes, that is the purpose.
I am using Jenkins (v2.161) and it is installed in another machine.
Thanks in Advance.
Although it might look like a sort of tinkering, the source code can be pulled to the Jenknins' host from your local machine, provided that they are properly configured to communicate via ssh.
In the project build configuration on Jenkins' host:
Do not use "Source Code Management" (choose "None").
Check "Delete workspace before build starts", to avoid conflicts with previous changes.
As the very first build step, add "Execute shell" and write a few commands that pull the data, for example:
scp myusername#myhost:/path/to/myworkspace/myproject/src .
scp myusername#myhost:/path/to/myworkspace/myproject/pom.xml .
# etc for all the files/dirs you need to build the project
Then continue with the build steps that were already used for building the project from SCM.

go get: Git settings ignored

I'm using Golang and GitLab CI, and I've got a GitLab CI configuration which works perfectly for 12 projects, but not for a 13th.
The problem I have is that I'm trying to go get some private repositories, which go get tries to run over HTTPS, which is turned off.
The solution, that works in the other repos, is this:
git config --global url."git#gitlab.my.site:".insteadOf "https://gitlab.my.site/"
However, in the runner for this one project, on the same GitLab, with the exact same config (except for the service name), this happens:
$ git config --global url."git#gitlab.my.site:".insteadOf "https://gitlab.my.site/"
$ cd ${APP_PATH}
$ go get
# cd .; git clone https://gitlab.my.site/group/project.git /go/src/gitlab.my.site/group/project
Cloning into '/go/src/gitlab.my.site/group/projects'...
GitLab: The project you were looking for could not be found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Why is it suddenly trying to clone over HTTPS? It happens in this one project only, consistently, but works in all the other ones. The only reason I can think about is that this one project uses a lot of different repos, rather than just one or two, but I have a hard time seing that this would be the actual issue.
How can I troubleshoot this?
Found the answer, and it's silly, and of course, my fault. I hadn't added the deploy key to the projects, of course rejecting the clones.
To fix the problem, in GitLab, go to the repository and then "Settings" > "Repository" and fold out "Deploy keys". There, make sure that the key you're trying to clone with is available and enabled.

GitHub error "Failed to get HEAD"

I'm new to GitHub and mainly going to be using it to backup service and to show off code. Anyhow, I'm trying to get my latest program up there and am getting the error in the title of this thread when I try to push.
Repro steps:
Sit in Starbucks with crappy wifi (Could this be related to the problem? Serious question.)
Open latest version of GitHub for latest Macintosh operating system
File --> New Repository
Local Path --> the folder that contains my XCode project
Name --> give it a name
Push .... Get error
Look in my XCode project's folder and it looks like an empty subfolder with the name of my GitHub project was created there. Huh?
I had these issues, I followed these steps to resolve.
cd /directory
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Name of Repo"
I then opened the github desktop application and dragged the folder over.
All my files are now available and I can make commits. Hope this helps.
I received a similar error using GitHub Desktop on OS X. I got the error when trying to commit files for the first time to a newly created repository. The error message was something along the following: Failed To Get Head (Unborn)
The steps I followed to create the error were:
Created a new repository on GitHub.com
Cloned the empty repository using GitHub Desktop
Created a new project locally on my computer inside the directory I cloned the repository to in step 2.
Using GitHub Desktop, tried to commit the files. This is when I got the error.
To "fix" this, I went to GitHub desktop and created a ReadMe for the repository. I then 'Synced' the repository on GitHub Desktop and was able to commit.
This error can appear if you did not initiate the repository. make sure to check the box saying "Initialize this repository with a README"
In my case all I needed to do was to run:
git add -A
After this I was successfully able to commit through the GitHub client.
I was using Xcode and I copied some files into the folder with my project and they were not automatically added to the git (hence the error).
git reset
And then come back to GitHub Desktop. That works in my case.
Certainly not the Starbucks Wifi.
This happened to me with the official GitHub client when I tried to make an initial commit, I then tried again using the inbuilt versioning module within my code editor (Intellij IDEA) and it worked just fine.
I won't even hazard a guess to the cause of the problem, but try a different GIT client if you need a potential quick fix.
Please try to commit first and try to push. I am also very new to git, I used to SVN a lot, It worked for me after initial commit.

Xcode thinks a remote svn repos is git

I'm running Xcode 4.1 at work and home. I've successfully checked out a project from a remote svn repository (work) on my home setup. The repos was updated, so when I got home, I did an update on the local checkout.
The status of the updated files got flagged "U" (good) and a page appeared showing changes to accept, but when I hit accept, I get a popup that says:
The working copy "ABRA-D" failed to pull. fatal: Not a git repository
(or any of the parent directories): .git
Well, yes... the repo is svn, not git! Closing Xcode and restarting removes the "U" tags and I'm back where I started. Sounds like Xcode is confused about the repo type, though it knew enough to query the svn repo and find out what had been updated. Anyone know a cure?
That issue, already mentioned in "Error : Fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git", has a somewhat curious solution described here:
Recently I created a new project and at some point I uploaded it to SVN. I am not quite sure how to reproduce this situation but somehow the versioning support of Xcode 4 decided to interpret the project as a git repository.
Each time I tried to copy a file per drag and drop into my project I got following error:
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
The result was that the file got copied into the project folder, but the reference didn't get set in the project. I had to go into the folder and drag and drop the file again and uncheck the copy option this time, so that the reference gets set.
The Solution
Open Xcode and go to Window > Organizer
Find under repositories your project. It might be two entries if you use something like SVN.
Make sure it says "Type Git"
Mark the repository entry and hit backspace or delete (on mac)
In my case, when i created my project it was using git. But later i removed all git files from my SVN repository. Then took an update.
Now, when i tried to add files, it gives me same error.
Solution: I removed all repositories against my project in XCode Organizer. Now when i added new files, it works fine.
I had a git and svn against the same project and tried removing the git and got this error
In the end went and manually edited xcshareddata found at and removed all the entries which had anything to do with the git repositoy.
