Center a map in d3 given a geoJSON object - d3.js

Currently in d3 if you have a geoJSON object that you are going to draw you have to scale it and translate it in order to get it to the size that one wants and translate it in order to center it. This is a very tedious task of trial and error, and I was wondering if anyone knew a better way to obtain these values?
So for instance if I have this code
var path, vis, xy;
xy = d3.geo.mercator().scale(8500).translate([0, -1200]);
path = d3.geo.path().projection(xy);
vis ="#vis").append("svg:svg").attr("width", 960).attr("height", 600);
d3.json("../../data/ireland2.geojson", function(json) {
return vis.append("svg:g")
.attr("class", "tracts")
.attr("d", path)
.attr("fill", "#85C3C0")
.attr("stroke", "#222");
How the hell do I obtain .scale(8500) and .translate([0, -1200]) without going little by little?

My answer is close to Jan van der Laan’s, but you can simplify things slightly because you don’t need to compute the geographic centroid; you only need the bounding box. And, by using an unscaled, untranslated unit projection, you can simplify the math.
The important part of the code is this:
// Create a unit projection.
var projection = d3.geo.albers()
.translate([0, 0]);
// Create a path generator.
var path = d3.geo.path()
// Compute the bounds of a feature of interest, then derive scale & translate.
var b = path.bounds(state),
s = .95 / Math.max((b[1][0] - b[0][0]) / width, (b[1][1] - b[0][1]) / height),
t = [(width - s * (b[1][0] + b[0][0])) / 2, (height - s * (b[1][1] + b[0][1])) / 2];
// Update the projection to use computed scale & translate.
After comping the feature’s bounding box in the unit projection, you can compute the appropriate scale by comparing the aspect ratio of the bounding box (b[1][0] - b[0][0] and b[1][1] - b[0][1]) to the aspect ratio of the canvas (width and height). In this case, I’ve also scaled the bounding box to 95% of the canvas, rather than 100%, so there’s a little extra room on the edges for strokes and surrounding features or padding.
Then you can compute the translate using the center of the bounding box ((b[1][0] + b[0][0]) / 2 and (b[1][1] + b[0][1]) / 2) and the center of the canvas (width / 2 and height / 2). Note that since the bounding box is in the unit projection’s coordinates, it must be multiplied by the scale (s).
For example,
There’s a related question where which is how to zoom to a specific feature in a collection without adjusting the projection, i.e., combining the projection with a geometric transform to zoom in and out. That uses the same principles as above, but the math is slightly different because the geometric transform (the SVG "transform" attribute) is combined with the geographic projection.
For example,

The following seems to do approximately what you want. The scaling seems to be ok. When applying it to my map there is a small offset. This small offset is probably caused because I use the translate command to center the map, while I should probably use the center command.
Create a projection and d3.geo.path
Calculate the bounds of the current projection
Use these bounds to calculate the scale and translation
Recreate the projection
In code:
var width = 300;
var height = 400;
var vis ="#vis").append("svg")
.attr("width", width).attr("height", height)
d3.json("nld.json", function(json) {
// create a first guess for the projection
var center = d3.geo.centroid(json)
var scale = 150;
var offset = [width/2, height/2];
var projection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(scale).center(center)
// create the path
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
// using the path determine the bounds of the current map and use
// these to determine better values for the scale and translation
var bounds = path.bounds(json);
var hscale = scale*width / (bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]);
var vscale = scale*height / (bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]);
var scale = (hscale < vscale) ? hscale : vscale;
var offset = [width - (bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0])/2,
height - (bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1])/2];
// new projection
projection = d3.geo.mercator().center(center)
path = path.projection(projection);
// add a rectangle to see the bound of the svg
vis.append("rect").attr('width', width).attr('height', height)
.style('stroke', 'black').style('fill', 'none');
.attr("d", path)
.style("fill", "red")
.style("stroke-width", "1")
.style("stroke", "black")

With d3 v4 or v5 its getting way easier!
var projection = d3.geoMercator().fitSize([width, height], geojson);
var path = d3.geoPath().projection(projection);
and finally
.attr('d', path)
.style("fill", "red")
.style("stroke-width", "1")
.style("stroke", "black");
Enjoy, Cheers

I'm new to d3 - will try to explain how I understand it but I'm not sure I got everything right.
The secret is knowing that some methods will operate on the cartographic space (latitude,longitude) and others on the cartesian space (x,y on the screen). The cartographic space (our planet) is (almost) spherical, the cartesian space (screen) is flat - in order to map one over the other you need an algorithm, which is called projection. This space is too short to deep into the fascinating subject of projections and how they distort geographic features in order to turn spherical into plane; some are designed to conserve angles, others conserve distances and so on - there is always a compromise (Mike Bostock has a huge collection of examples).
In d3, the projection object has a center property/setter, given in map units:[location])
If center is specified, sets the projection’s center to the specified location, a two-element array of longitude and latitude in degrees and returns the projection. If center is not specified, returns the current center which defaults to ⟨0°,0°⟩.
There is also the translation, given in pixels - where the projection center stands relative to the canvas:
If point is specified, sets the projection’s translation offset to the specified two-element array [x, y] and returns the projection. If point is not specified, returns the current translation offset which defaults to [480, 250]. The translation offset determines the pixel coordinates of the projection’s center. The default translation offset places ⟨0°,0°⟩ at the center of a 960×500 area.
When I want to center a feature in the canvas, I like to set the projection center to the center of the feature bounding box - this works for me when using mercator (WGS 84, used in google maps) for my country (Brazil), never tested using other projections and hemispheres. You may have to make adjustments for other situations, but if you nail these basic principles you will be fine.
For example, given a projection and path:
var projection = d3.geo.mercator()
var path = d3.geo.path()
The bounds method from path returns the bounding box in pixels. Use it to find the correct scale, comparing the size in pixels with the size in map units (0.95 gives you a 5% margin over the best fit for width or height). Basic geometry here, calculating the rectangle width/height given diagonally opposed corners:
var b = path.bounds(feature),
s = 0.9 / Math.max(
(b[1][0] - b[0][0]) / width,
(b[1][1] - b[0][1]) / height
Use the d3.geo.bounds method to find the bounding box in map units:
b = d3.geo.bounds(feature);
Set the center of the projection to the center of the bounding box:[(b[1][0]+b[0][0])/2, (b[1][1]+b[0][1])/2]);
Use the translate method to move the center of the map to the center of the canvas:
projection.translate([width/2, height/2]);
By now you should have the feature in the center of the map zoomed with a 5% margin.

There is a center() method you can use that accepts a lat/lon pair.
From what I understand, translate() is only used for literally moving the pixels of the map. I am not sure how to determine what scale is.

In addition to Center a map in d3 given a geoJSON object, note that you may prefer fitExtent() over fitSize() if you want to specify a padding around the bounds of your object. fitSize() automatically sets this padding to 0.

I was looking around on the Internet for a fuss-free way to center my map, and got inspired by Jan van der Laan and mbostock's answer. Here's an easier way using jQuery if you are using a container for the svg. I created a border of 95% for padding/borders etc.
var width = $("#container").width() * 0.95,
height = $("#container").width() * 0.95 / 1.9 //using height() doesn't work since there's nothing inside
var projection = d3.geo.mercator().translate([width / 2, height / 2]).scale(width);
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
var svg ="#container").append("svg").attr("width", width).attr("height", height);
If you looking for exact scaling, this answer won't work for you. But if like me, you wish to display a map that centralizes in a container, this should be enough. I was trying to display the mercator map and found that this method was useful in centralizing my map, and I could easily cut off the Antarctic portion since I didn't need it.

To pan/zoom the map you should look at overlaying the SVG on Leaflet. That will be a lot easier than transforming the SVG. See this example and then How to change the map center in leaflet

With mbostocks' answer, and Herb Caudill's comment, I started running into issues with Alaska since I was using a mercator projection. I should note that for my own purposes, I am trying to project and center US States. I found that I had to marry the two answers with Jan van der Laan answer with following exception for polygons that overlap hemispheres (polygons that end up with a absolute value for East - West that is greater than 1):
set up a simple projection in mercator:
projection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(1).translate([0,0]);
create the path:
path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
3.set up my bounds:
var bounds = path.bounds(topoJson),
dx = Math.abs(bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]),
dy = Math.abs(bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]),
x = (bounds[1][0] + bounds[0][0]),
y = (bounds[1][1] + bounds[0][1]);
4.Add exception for Alaska and states that overlap the hemispheres:
if(dx > 1){
var center = d3.geo.centroid(topojson.feature(json, json.objects[topoObj]));
scale = height / dy * 0.85;
projection = projection
.translate([ width/2, height/2]);
scale = 0.85 / Math.max( dx / width, dy / height );
offset = [ (width - scale * x)/2 , (height - scale * y)/2];
// new projection
projection = projection
I hope this helps.

For people who want to adjust verticaly et horizontaly, here is the solution :
var width = 300;
var height = 400;
var vis ="#vis").append("svg")
.attr("width", width).attr("height", height)
d3.json("nld.json", function(json) {
// create a first guess for the projection
var center = d3.geo.centroid(json)
var scale = 150;
var offset = [width/2, height/2];
var projection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(scale).center(center)
// create the path
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
// using the path determine the bounds of the current map and use
// these to determine better values for the scale and translation
var bounds = path.bounds(json);
var hscale = scale*width / (bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]);
var vscale = scale*height / (bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]);
var scale = (hscale < vscale) ? hscale : vscale;
var offset = [width - (bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0])/2,
height - (bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1])/2];
// new projection
projection = d3.geo.mercator().center(center)
path = path.projection(projection);
// adjust projection
var bounds = path.bounds(json);
offset[0] = offset[0] + (width - bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]) / 2;
offset[1] = offset[1] + (height - bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]) / 2;
projection = d3.geo.mercator().center(center)
path = path.projection(projection);
// add a rectangle to see the bound of the svg
vis.append("rect").attr('width', width).attr('height', height)
.style('stroke', 'black').style('fill', 'none');
.attr("d", path)
.style("fill", "red")
.style("stroke-width", "1")
.style("stroke", "black")

How I centered a Topojson, where I needed to pull out the feature:
var projection = d3.geo.albersUsa();
var path = d3.geo.path()
var tracts = topojson.feature(mapdata, mapdata.objects.tx_counties);
.translate([0, 0]);
var b = path.bounds(tracts),
s = .95 / Math.max((b[1][0] - b[0][0]) / width, (b[1][1] - b[0][1]) / height),
t = [(width - s * (b[1][0] + b[0][0])) / 2, (height - s * (b[1][1] + b[0][1])) / 2];
.datum(topojson.feature(mapdata, mapdata.objects.tx_counties))
.attr("d", path)


d3js display only path elements contained in bounding box

I have two topojson files obtained from shapefiles which I append to the same g node of an svg element in a nested loop.
// Layer 1
d3.json("grid.topojson", function(error, grid) {
// Layer 2 (continents)
d3.json("continents.topojson", function(error, continent) {
It is possible to click on the continents to zoom in on a particular region (from
The grid layer is very dense so it slows down the zoom when clicking on the continents in the continent layer. To get around this, I would like to display the grid layer only after zooming in on a particular continent. I have an .on("click") event that triggers the zoom function:
function clicked(path, d, m_width, m_height, _this, grid) {
var this_class = get_classFromPath(_this);
var bounds = path.bounds(d),
dx = bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0],
dy = bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1],
x = (bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0]) / 2,
y = (bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1]) / 2,
scale = .2 / Math.max(dx / m_width, dy / m_height),
translate = [m_width / 2 - scale * x, m_height / 2 - scale * y];
.style("stroke-width", 1.5 / scale + "px")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + translate + ")scale(" + scale + ")");
// .selectAll("path.model-grid")
// .style("display", "inline");
In the clicked function, I want to make the grid visible after the zoom, but it seems unnecessary (and is very slow) to useselectAll since only a small part of the total grid is visible in the display. Unfortunately, the shapefile of the grid does not contain any ids I can use to correlate with the id of the continents, so I cannot select grid path elements by id.
Is there a way to find out which path elements of the grid layer are contained in the bounds box after the zoom?
Any help is much appreciated, thanks!

dc.js geochoropleth map scaling

I have a geo map. Everything is running just fine but the the map that is drawn is incredibly tiny. I have checked the GEOJSON for errors and it works fine. In the JS Box there is a proper working Demo that is commented out to see a working example.
How Do I get my map to Scale up to fill my svg?
$.getJSON("", function(json){
var max =[0].value;
// create a first guess for the projection
var center = d3.geo.centroid(json)
var scale = 100;
var offset = [width/2, height/2];
var projection = d3.geo.mercator().scale(scale).center(center).translate(offset);
// create the path
var path = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
// using the path determine the bounds of the current map and use
// these to determine better values for the scale and translation
var bounds = path.bounds(json);
var hscale = scale*width / (bounds[1][0] - bounds[0][0]);
var vscale = scale*height / (bounds[1][1] - bounds[0][1]);
var scale = (hscale < vscale) ? hscale : vscale;
var offset = [width - (bounds[0][0] + bounds[1][0])/2, height - (bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1])/2];
// new projection
projection = d3.geo.mercator().center(center).scale(scale).translate(offset);
path = path.projection(projection);
.colors(["#E2F2FF", "#C4E4FF", "#9ED2FF", "#81C5FF", "#6BBAFF", "#51AEFF", "#36A2FF", "#1E96FF", "#0089FF", "#0061B5"])
.colorDomain([0, max])
.overlayGeoJson(json["features"], "Community")
The issue is with your logic for determining the projection.scale(). I am not sure how to modify your logic to give you a custom scale for your map, but here is an example of scale logic I have used in maps before. The factors I am multiplying width and height by are based on the overall aspect ratio of the albersUsa projection, so you would need to tweak those to get a good fit for the mercator projection.
var scale = Math.min(width * 1.2, height * 2.1);
var projection = albersUsaPr()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2]);

Zooming or scaling with d3.js

I've created a graph with d3 to show defects on a surface. The surface itself is about 1000 mm wide but could be a few kilometres long. To see the defects more clearly I've implemented d3 zooming, but, sometimes the defects are spread across the x range, so zooming in that far would result in having to scroll from left to right.
Here's a simplified jsFiddle
I could however change the scale to view a specific defect, say one starts at 1000mm and ends at 1500mm I could do:
var yScale = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([1000 - margin, 1500 + margin])
.range([0, pixelHeight]);
But since my defects are rectangles I need to calculate the width with the yScale like this:
.attr("height", function (d) {
return yScale(d.height);
Which won't work if I changed the scale's domain (the height could be smaller then the domain value, giving negative values).
So how would I solve this problem? Is there a way to calculate the height of the defect relative to the yScale. Or is there another zooming possibillity?
Following Marks suggestion I implemented it and made a second jsFiddle
The problem I'm facing now is also with the scales. I've tried to fix it a bit but as soon as one uses panning or zooming, the scale functions (xScale and yScale) won't give correct values (mostly negative because it's out of the viewport).
.on('click', function (d) {
d3.selectAll('rect').classed('selected-rect', false);'selected-rect', true);
var dx = xScale(d.width)*2.2,
dy = yScale(d.height)*2.2,
x = xScale(d.x) ,
y = yScale(d.y) ,
scale = .9 / Math.max(dx / width, dy / pixelHeight),
translate = [pixelWidth / 2 - (scale*1.033) * x,
pixelHeight / 2 - (scale*1.033) * y];
So, without panning or zooming and clicking directly, the above code works. Can someone give me a clue on what I did wrong?
Ok i figured it out. You can scale and translate with the zoom function. A good example is the zoom to bounding box example, but that example is based on d3.geo without x and y scaling functions.
With x and y lineair scaled objects you could do this:
.on('click', function (d) {
d3.selectAll('rect').classed('selected-rect', false);'selected-rect', true);
zoom.translate([0, 0]).scale(1).event;
var dx = xScale(d.width),
dy = yScale(d.height),
x = xScale(d.x) + xScale(d.width/2),
y = yScale(d.y) + yScale(d.height/2),
scale = .85 / Math.max(dx / pixelWidth, dy / pixelHeight),
translate = [pixelWidth / 2 - scale * x,
pixelHeight / 2 - scale * y];
First off: you have to reset the translate and scale before doing any xScale and yScale calculations. I just do this by this statement:
zoom.translate([0, 0]).scale(1).event;
dx and dy are the scaled width/height of the objects. To get to the middle of the object, one needs to take the scaled x and y value and add half of the width and height to it. Else it will not center properly ofcourse (i say ofcourse now because i've been fiddling with it).
The scale is calculated by taking the max width or height of the object and devide have 0.85 devided by it to get a little margin around it.
Here's a jsFiddle

D3: What projection am I using? / How to simplify with a null projection?

I am attempting to simplify a d3 map on zoom, and I am using this example as a starting point. However, when I replace the json file in the example with my own (, I get a tiny upside-down little map.
Here is my jsfiddle:
var width = 900,
height = 500;
var chesapeake = [-75.959, 38.250];
var scale,
visibleArea, // minimum area threshold for points inside viewport
invisibleArea; // minimum area threshold for points outside viewport
var simplify = d3.geo.transform({
point: function (x, y, z) {
if (z < visibleArea) return;
x = x * scale + translate[0];
y = y * scale + translate[1];
if (x >= 0 && x <= width && y >= 0 && y <= height || z >= invisibleArea), y);
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.size([width, height])
.on("zoom", zoomed);
// This projection is baked into the TopoJSON file,
// but is used here to compute the desired zoom translate.
var projection = d3.geo.mercator().translate([0, 0])
var canvas ="#map").append("canvas")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var context = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
var path = d3.geo.path()
d3.json("", function (error, json) {
.call(zoomTo(chesapeake, 0.05).event)
function zoomTo(location, scale) {
var point = projection(location);
return zoom.translate([width / 2 - point[0] * scale, height / 2 - point[1] * scale])
function zoomed(d) {
translate = zoom.translate();
scale = zoom.scale();
visibleArea = 1 / scale / scale;
invisibleArea = 200 * visibleArea;
context.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
function jump() {
var t =;
(function repeat() {
t = t.transition()
.call(zoomTo(chesapeake, 100).event)
.call(zoomTo(chesapeake, 0.05).event)
.each("end", repeat);
My guess is that the topojson file I am using already has the projection built in, so I should be using a null projection in d3.
The map renders properly if I do not use a projection at all: ( - but then I cannot simplify on zoom.
I feel like I am missing something basic... perhaps I just need to somehow rotate and zoom into the map in my first fiddle.
Either way, I'd appreciate some help. Been struggling with this one.
Edit: I used QGIS to save the geojson file with a "EPSG:3857 - WGS 84 / Pseudo Mercator" projection.
However, when I convert this to topojson with the topojson command-line utility and then display it with D3 using the same code as above I get a blank screen.
Should I specify the projection within the topojson command-line utility? I tried to do that but I got an error message:
topojson --projection EPSG:3857 E:\gitstore\public\res\nws.geojson -o E:\gitstore\public\res\nws.topojson --id-property NAME
[SyntaxError: Unexpected token :]
The TopoJSON file doesn't have a projection built-in, you're simply using the default projection when you don't specify one (which is albersUsa, see the documentation). You can retrieve this projection by calling d3.geo.projection() without an argument. Then you can modify this projection in the usual way for zoom etc.
I set up this fiddle using the Mercator projection and I took a different approach to zooming in and out based on this block, which to me was a simpler approach. I have a feeling that there was an issue in the zoomTo function in the translate bit, but I could exactly what it was. So I replaced with the code below and included a recursive call:
function clicked(k) {
if (typeof k === 'undefined') k = 8;
.attr("transform", "translate(" + width / 2 + "," + height / 2 + ")scale(" + k + ")translate(" + -projection(chesapeake)[0] + "," + -projection(chesapeake)[1] + ")")
.each("end", function () {
(k === 8) ? k = 1 : k = 8;

Getting Screen Positions of D3 Nodes After Transform

I'm trying to get the screen position of a node after the layout has been transformed by d3.behavior.zoom() but I'm not having much luck. How might I go about getting a node's actual position in the window after translating and scaling the layout?
mouseOver = function(node) {
screenX = magic(node.x); // Need a magic function to transform node
screenY = magic(node.y); // positions into screen coordinates.
Any guidance would be appreciated.
EDIT: 'node' above is a force layout node, so it's x and y properties are set by the simulation and remain constant after the simulation comes to rest, regardless of what type of transform is applied.
EDIT: The strategy I'm using to transform the SVG comes from d3's zoom behavior, which is outlined here: SVG Geometric Zooming.
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.call(d3.behavior.zoom().scaleExtent([1, 8]).on("zoom", zoom))
.attr("class", "overlay")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
.attr("r", 2.5)
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d + ")"; });
function zoom() {
svg.attr("transform", "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ")scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")");
It's pretty straightforward. d3's zoom behavior delivers pan and zoom events to a handler, which applies the transforms to the container element by way of the transform attribute.
EDIT: I'm working around the issue by using mouse coordinates instead of node coordinates, since I'm interested in the node position when the node is hovered over with the mouse pointer. It's not exactly the behavior I'm after, but it works for the most part, and is better than nothing.
EDIT: The solution was to get the current transformation matrix of the svg element with element.getCTM() and then use it to offset the x and y coordinates to a screen-relative state. See below.
It appears the solution to my original question looks something like this:
(Updated to support rotation transforms.)
// The magic function.
function getScreenCoords(x, y, ctm) {
var xn = ctm.e + x*ctm.a + y*ctm.c;
var yn = ctm.f + x*ctm.b + y*ctm.d;
return { x: xn, y: yn };
var circle = document.getElementById('svgCircle'),
cx = +circle.getAttribute('cx'),
cy = +circle.getAttribute('cy'),
ctm = circle.getCTM(),
coords = getScreenCoords(cx, cy, ctm);
console.log(coords.x, coords.y); // shows coords relative to my svg container
Alternately, this can also be done using the translate and scale properties from d3.event (if rotation transforms are not needed):
// This function is called by d3's zoom event.
function zoom() {
// The magic function - converts node positions into positions on screen.
function getScreenCoords(x, y, translate, scale) {
var xn = translate[0] + x*scale;
var yn = translate[1] + y*scale;
return { x: xn, y: yn };
// Get element coordinates and transform them to screen coordinates.
var circle = document.getElementById('svgCircle');
cx = +circle.getAttribute('cx'),
cy = +circle.getAttribute('cy'),
coords = getScreenCoords(cx, cy, d3.event.translate, d3.event.scale);
console.log(coords.x, coords.y); // shows coords relative to my svg container
// ...
EDIT: I found the below form of the function to be the most useful and generic, and it seems to stand up where getBoundingClientRect falls down. More specifically, when I was trying to get accurate SVG node positions in a D3 force layout project, getBoundingClientRect produced inaccurate results while the below method returned the circle element's exact center coordinates across multiple browsers.
(Updated to support rotation transforms.)
// Pass in the element and its pre-transform coords
function getElementCoords(element, coords) {
var ctm = element.getCTM(),
x = ctm.e + coords.x*ctm.a + coords.y*ctm.c,
y = ctm.f + coords.x*ctm.b + coords.y*ctm.d;
return {x: x, y: y};
// Get post-transform coords from the element.
var circle = document.getElementById('svgCircle'),
x = +circle.getAttribute('cx'),
y = +circle.getAttribute('cy'),
coords = getElementCoords(circle, {x:x, y:y});
// Get post-transform coords using a 'node' object.
// Any object with x,y properties will do.
var node = ..., // some D3 node or object with x,y properties.
circle = document.getElementById('svgCircle'),
coords = getElementCoords(circle, node);
The function works by getting the transform matrix of the DOM element, and then using the matrix rotation, scale, and translate information to return the post-transform coordinates of the given node object.
You can try node.getBBox() to get the pixel positions of a tight bounding box around the node shapes after any transform has been applied. See here for more: link.
getBBox doesn't work quite the way I thought. Since the rectangle is defined in terms of the transformed coordinate space it is always relative to the parent <g> and will therefore always be the same for contained shapes.
There is another function called element.getBoundingClientRect that appears to be quite widely supported and it returns its rectangle in pixel position relative to the top left of the browser view port. That might get you closer to what you want without needing to mess with the transform matrix directly.
