LINQ: Nullable object must have a value. - linq

Let me preface this by saying I'm a novice with LINQ, and that this is code that I didn't originally write but am trying to fix. I've done a lot of research on this error, but I haven't found anything helpful yet. In fact, this error sort of makes my head spin. Anyway...
I have a LINQ query that is selecting some data from three SharePoint lists. Here it is:
private void loadPEGrid(int id)
dc = new SpEntityDataContext(SPContext.GetContext(this.Context).Web.Url);
EntityList<ProductDocumentMapItem> dMaps = dc.GetList<ProductDocumentMapItem>("Product Document Map");
object mappedItems = null;
mappedItems = from m in dMaps
join p in dc.PEProducts on m.ProductID.Value equals p.Id.Value
join d in dc.ProductDocuments on m.DocID.Value equals d.Id.Value
where m.ProductID.Value == id && m.ProductType == "PE"
select new {
Language = d.Language.Title,
DocId = m.DocID };
GridViewProducts.KeyFieldName = "Id";
GridViewProducts.DataSource = mappedItems;
The following fields are nullable:
When I debug, none of this throws an error, but when the page loads it does:
System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value
Does this mean that one of the fields I'm selecting is null, or one of the join fields? Having checked the data, I don't think this is the case. Let me know if you need any more info from me.

System.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value
This exception is thrown when you are trying to get Value property of nullable type. So, that means one or more of following is true:
At least one of objects in dMaps has property ProductID equal to null
At least one of objects in dMaps has property DocID equal to null
At least one of objects in dc.PEProducts has property Id equal to null
At least one of objects in dc.ProductDocuments has property Id equal to null
Exception raised not by query


Unable to create a constant value of type 'System.DBNull'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context

I try to apply left outer join on the basis of two ids one in the primary key of one table while the foreign key of another table also nullable
var yarnPOFilter_Grid = (from yrq in _context.Yarn_Requisition_Details
//join ypo in
_context.Yarn_PurchaseOrder_Details on yrq.YarnRequsitionDetailID
ypo.YarnRequsitionDetailID into t
join ypo in
_context.Yarn_PurchaseOrder_Details on yrq.YarnRequsitionDetailID
DBNull.Value.Equals(ypo.YarnRequsitionDetailID) ? 0 :
ypo.YarnRequsitionDetailID into t
from rt in t.DefaultIfEmpty() //
DefaultIfEmpty preserves left-hand elements that have no matches on the
right side
select new
YarnRequsitionDetailID =
(rt.YarnRequsitionDetailID == null ? long.MinValue :
QuantityBalance_Custom =
yrq.QuantityRequired - rt.QuantityOrdered
return yarnPOFilter_Grid;
I get this error message when I deal with null in joining condition
Unable to create a constant value of type 'System.DBNull'. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
Execute ToList() First before Select as there is no sql equivalent to the conditions you added in the YarnRequsitionDetailID = (rt.YarnRequsitionDetailID == null ? long.MinValue : rt.YarnRequsitionDetailID)
so it will be
from rt in t.DefaultIfEmpty()).ToList().Select(c => new
YarnRequsitionDetailID =
(c.rt.YarnRequsitionDetailID == null ? long.MinValue :
QuantityBalance_Custom =
c.yrq.QuantityRequired - c.rt.QuantityOrdered
i hope this solved your previous problem

Dynamic Linq on DataTable error: no Field or Property in DataRow, c#

I have some errors using Linq on DataTable and I couldn't figure it out how to solve it. I have to admit that i am pretty new to Linq and I searched the forum and Internet and couldn't figure it out. hope you can help.
I have a DataTable called campaign with three columns: ID (int), Product (string), Channel (string). The DataTable is already filled with data. I am trying to select a subset of the campaign records which satisfied the conditions selected by the end user. For example, the user want to list only if the Product is either 'EWH' or 'HEC'. The selection criteria is dynaically determined by the end user.
I have the following C# code:
private void btnClick()
IEnumerable<DataRow> query =
from zz in campaign.AsEnumerable()
orderby zz.Field<string>("ID")
select zz;
string whereClause = "zz.Field<string>(\"Product\") in ('EWH','HEC')";
query = query.Where(whereClause);
DataTable sublist = query.CopyToDataTable<DataRow>();
But it gives me an error on line: query = query.Where(whereClause), saying
No property or field 'zz' exists in type 'DataRow'".
If I changed to:
string whereClause = "Product in ('EWH','HEC')"; it will say:
No property or field 'Product' exists in type 'DataRow'
Can anyone help me on how to solve this problem? I feel it could be a pretty simple syntax change, but I just don't know at this time.
First, this line has an error
orderby zz.Field<string>("ID")
because as you said, your ID column is of type int.
Second, you need to learn LINQ query syntax. Forget about strings, the same way you used from, orderby, select in the query, you can also use where and many other operators. Also you'll need to learn the equivalent LINQ constructs for SQL-ish things, like for instance IN (...) is mapped to Enumerable.Contains etc.
With all that being said, here is your query
var productFilter = new[] { "EWH", "HEC" };
var query =
from zz in campaign.AsEnumerable()
where productFilter.Contains(zz.Field<string>("Product"))
orderby zz.Field<int>("ID")
select zz;
Update As per your comment, if you want to make this dynamic, then you need to switch to lambda syntax. Multiple and criteria can be composed by chaining multiple Where clauses like this
List<string> productFilter = ...; // coming from outside
List<string> channelFilter = ...; // coming from outside
var query = campaign.AsEnumerable();
// Apply filters if needed
if (productFilter != null && productFilter.Count > 0)
query = query.Where(zz => productFilter.Contains(zz.Field<string>("Product")));
if (channelFilter != null && channelFilter.Count > 0)
query = query.Where(zz => channelFilter.Contains(zz.Field<string>("Channel")));
// Once finished with filtering, do the ordering
query = query.OrderBy(zz => zz.Field<int>("ID"));

Unable to create a constant value - only primitive types or Enumeration types allowed

I have seen some questions related to this Exception here but none made me understand the root cause of the problem. So here we have one more...
var testquery =
((from le in context.LoanEMIs.Include("LoanPmnt")
join lp in context.LoanPmnts on le.Id equals lp.LoanEMIId
where lp.PmntDtTm < date && lp.IsPaid == false
&& le.IsActive == true && lp.Amount > 0
select new ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails
Id = lp.Id,
Table = "LoanEMI",
loanEMIId = lp.LoanEMIId,
Name = le.AcHead,
Ref = SqlFunctions.StringConvert((double)le.FreqId),
PmntDtTm = lp.PmntDtTm,
Amount = lp.Amount,
IsDiscard = lp.IsDiscarded,
DiscardRemarks = lp.DiscardRemarks
List<ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails> test = testquery.ToList();
This query gives the following Exception Message -
Unable to create a constant value of type CashVitae.ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails. Only primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
I got this Exception after I added the SQL function statement to convert le.FreqId which is a byte to a string as ToString() is not recognized in the LINQ Expression Store.
ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails is a partial class in my model which is added as it is used too many times in the code to bind data to tables.
It has both IDs as long, 'Amount' as decimal, PmntDtTm as Datetime,IsDiscard as bool and remaining all are string including 'Ref'.
I get no results as currently no data satisfies the condition. While trying to handle null, I added DefaultIfEmpty(ObjNull) and ObjNull has all properties initialized as follows.
ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails ObjNull = new ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails()
{ Id = 0, Table = "-", loanEMIId = 0, Name = "-", Ref = "-",
PmntDtTm = Convert.ToDateTime("01-01-1900"),
Amount = 0, IsDiscard = false, DiscardRemarks = "" };
I need this query to work fine as it has Union() called on it with 5 other queries. All returning the same ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails columns. But there is some problem as this query has no data satisfying the conditions and the Exception Shared Above.
Any suggestions are appreciated as I am unable to understand the root cause of the problem.
#AndrewCoonce is right, the .DefaultIfEmpty(ObjNull) is the culprit here. Entity Framework turns DefaultIfEmpty into something like...
CASE WHEN ([Project1].[C1] IS NULL) THEN #param ELSE [Project1].[Value] END AS [C1]
...but there's no way to coerce an instance of ObjGetAllPendingPmntDetails into something that can take the place of #param, so you get an exception.
If you move the DefaultIfEmpty call to after the ToList it should work correctly (although you'll need to call ToList again after that if you really want a concrete list instance).

Help required to optimize LINQ query

I am looking to optimize my LINQ query because although it works right, the SQL it generates is convoluted and inefficient...
Basically, I am looking to select customers (as CustomerDisplay objects) who ordered the required product (reqdProdId), and are registered with a credit card number (stored as a row in RegisteredCustomer table with a foreign key CustId)
var q = from cust in db.Customers
join regCust in db.RegisteredCustomers on cust.ID equals regCust.CustId
where cust.CustomerProducts.Any(co => co.ProductID == reqdProdId)
where regCust.CreditCardNumber != null && regCust.Authorized == true
select new CustomerDisplay
Id = cust.Id,
Name = cust.Person.DisplayName,
RegNumber = cust.RegNumber
As an overview, a Customer has a corresponding Person which has the Name; PersonID is a foreign key in Customer table.
If I look at the SQL generated, I see all columns being selected from the Person table. Fyi, DisplayName is an extension method which uses Customer.FirstName and LastName. Any ideas how I can limit the columns from Person?
Secondly, I want to get rid of the Any clause (and use a sub-query) to select all other CustomerIds who have the required ProductID, because it (understandably) generates an Exists clause.
As you may know, LINQ has a known issue with junction tables, so I cannot just do a cust.CustomerProducts.Products.
How can I select all Customers in the junction table with the required ProductID?
Any help/advice is appreciated.
The first step is to start your query from CustomerProducts (as Alex Said):
IQueryable<CustomerDisplay> myCustDisplay =
from custProd in db.CustomerProducts
join regCust in db.RegisteredCustomers
on custProd.Customer.ID equals regCust.CustId
custProd.ProductID == reqProdId
&& regCust.CreditCardNumber != null
&& regCust.Authorized == true
select new CustomerDisplay
Id = cust.Id,
Name = cust.Person.Name,
RegNumber = cust.RegNumber
This will simplify your syntax and hopefully result in a better execution plan.
Next, you should consider creating a foreign key relationship between Customers and RegisteredCustomers. This would result in a query that looked like this:
IQueryable<CustomerDisplay> myCustDisplay =
from custProd in db.CustomerProducts
custProd.ProductID == reqProdId
&& custProd.Customer.RegisteredCustomer.CreditCardNumber != null
&& custProd.Customer.RegisteredCustomer.Authorized == true
select new CustomerDisplay
Id = cust.Id,
Name = cust.Person.Name,
RegNumber = cust.RegNumber
Finally, for optimum speed, have LINQ compile your query at compile time, rather than run time by using a compiled query:
Func<MyDataContext, SearchParameters, IQueryable<CustomerDisplay>>
GetCustWithProd =
(MyDataContext db, SearchParameters myParams) =>
from custProd in db.CustomerProducts
custProd.ProductID == myParams.reqProdId
&& custProd.Customer.RegisteredCustomer.CreditCardNumber != null
&& custProd.Customer.RegisteredCustomer.Authorized == true
select new CustomerDisplay
Id = cust.Id,
Name = cust.Person.Name,
RegNumber = cust.RegNumber
You can call the compiled query like this:
IQueryable<CustomerDisplay> myCustDisplay = GetCustWithProd(db, myParams);
I'd suggest starting your query from the product in question, e.g. something like:
from cp in db.CustomerProducts
join .....
where cp.ProductID == reqdProdID
As you have found, using a property defined as an extension function or in a partial class will require that the entire object is hydrated first and then the select projection is done on the client side because the server has no knowledge of these additional properties. Be glad that your code ran at all. If you were to use the non-mapped value elsewhere in your query (other than in the projection), you would likely see a run-time exception. You can see this if you try to use the Customer.Person.DisplayName property in a Where clause. As you have found, the fix is to do the string concatenation in the projection clause directly.
Lame Duck, I think there is a bug in your code as the cust variable used in your select clause isn't declared elsewhere as a source local variable (in the from clauses).

What is the correct way of reading single line of data by using Linq to SQL?

I'm very new to Linq, I can find multi-line data reading examples everywhere (by using foreach()), but what is the correct way of reading a single line of data? Like a classic Product Detail page.
Below is what I tried:
var q = from c in db.Products
where c.ProductId == ProductId
select new { c.ProductName, c.ProductDescription, c.ProductPrice, c.ProductDate };
string strProductName = q.First().ProductName.ToString();
string strProductDescription = q.First().ProductDescription.ToString();
string strProductPrice = q.First().ProductPrice.ToString();
string strProductDate = q.First().ProductDate.ToString();
The code looks good to me, but when I see the actual SQL expressions generated by using SQL Profiler, it makes me scared! The program executed four Sql expressions and they are exactly the same!
Because I'm reading four columns from a single line. I think I must did something wrong, so I was wondering what is the right way of doing this?
Using the First() extension method would throw the System.InvalidOperationException when no element in a sequence satisfies a specified condition.
If you use the FirstOrDefault() extension method, you can test against the returned object to see if it's null or not.
FirstOrDefault returns the first element of a sequence, or a default value if the sequence contains no elements; in this case the default value of a Product should be null. Attempting to access the properties on this null object will throw ArgumentNullException
var q = (from c in db.Products
where c.ProductId == ProductId
select new { c.ProductName, c.ProductDescription, c.ProductPrice, c.ProductDate }).FirstOrDefault();
if (q != null)
string strProductName = q.ProductName;
string strProductDescription = q.ProductDescription;
string strProductPrice = q.ProductPrice;
string strProductDate = q.ProductDate;
Also, you shouldn't have to cast each Property ToString() if you're object model is setup correctly. ProductName, ProductDescription, etc.. should already be a string.
The reason you're getting 4 separate sql queries, is because each time you call q.First().<PropertyHere> linq is generating a new Query.
var q = (from c in db.Products
where c.ProductId == ProductId
select new { c.ProductName, c.ProductDescription, c.ProductPrice, c.ProductDate }
).First ();
string strProductName = q.ProductName.ToString();
string strProductDescription = q.ProductDescription.ToString();
string strProductPrice = q.ProductPrice.ToString();
string strProductDate = q.ProductDate.ToString();
