Retrieving full request string using Ruby curl - ruby

I intend to send a request like the following:
c = Curl::Easy.http_post("", json_string
) do |curl|
curl.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'
curl.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
curl.headers['Api-Version'] = '2.2'
I want to log the exact http request that is being made. Is there a way to get the actual request that was made (base path, query parameters, headers and body)?

The on_debug handler has helped me before. In your example you could try:
curl.on_debug do |type, data|
puts type, data

You can reach the solution in differents manner:
Inside your block you can put:
curl.verbose = true # that prints a detailed output of the connection
Or outside the block:
c.url # return the url with queries
c.total_time # retrieve the total time for the prev transfer (name resolving, TCP,...)
c.header_str # return the response header
c.headers # return your call header
c.body_str # return the body of the response
Remember to call c.perform (if not yet performed) before call these methods.
Many more option can be found here:


Ruby Http gem (http client) inside Sinatra POST

I am trying to relay a GET request so when the user does a POST request to the server then the server does another GET request to some other URL and returns the result.
The issue is that when I use puts to print the result I see the correct result that I am expecting but the last line (I believe in ruby the last line of the function automatically returns) does not respond to the POST request (it returns empty response). Coming from JavaScript I believe it is doing an asynchronous GET call and POST response is not waiting until GET client is finished.
Any help would be appreciated.
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require "http"
my_app_root = File.expand_path( File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..' )
set :port, 80
set :bind, ''
set :public_dir, my_app_root + '/public'
post "/weather" do
puts HTTP.get('') # prints correct result
HTTP.get('') # response of POST method is empty string!
link to http gem
Changes to
post "/weather" do
puts HTTP.get('') # prints correct result
The HTTP.get method returns a HTTP::Response object rather than a String object.
From the source code only specific types of object can be returned.
res = [res] if Integer === res or String === res
if Array === res and Integer === res.first
res = res.dup
elsif res.respond_to? :each
body res
nil # avoid double setting the same response tuple twice

Faraday middleware know when something was redirected

I'm using the following code to make a request and follow redirects:
require 'faraday'
require 'faraday_middleware'
conn = do |f|
f.use FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects, limit: 5
f.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
resp = conn.get('')
This code outputs 200 because it followed the redirect, which is great. But is there anyway to know if a redirect existed or not? something like resp.redirected which is set to true if a redirect was followed or false if no redirect was followed?
I didn't see anything obvious in the FollowRedirects code.
Will I need to write my own custom middleware if I want to know this? Does anyone know of middleware out there that might do this already?
I found a solution. You can pass a callback to FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects. The callback should live in a hash that the FollowRedirects takes a second parameter. Since we have to use the use function for middleware you can pass the hash as a second parameter to that function.
redirects_opts = {}
# Callback function for FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects
# will only be called if redirected to another url
redirects_opts[:callback] = proc do |old_response, new_response|
# you can pull the new redirected URL with this line of code.
# since you have access to the new url you can make a variable or
# instance vairable to keep track of the current URL
puts 'new url', new_response.url
#base_client = url, ssl: { verify: true, verify_mode: 0 }) do |c|
c.request :multipart
c.request :url_encoded
c.response :json, content_type: /\bjson$/
c.use FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects, redirects_opts //<- pass hash here
c.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
Actually, I think I just found the answer based on the post here:
I need to compare the original url i passed in with the resulting url. Extending my example from above:
original_url = ''
resp = conn.get(original_url)
was_redirected = (original_url == resp.to_hash[:url].to_s)

Ruby - Problems concatenating array elements within loop

I'm very new to Ruby and am having some problems concatenating strings within a for loop.
Here is what I have so far
# search request
search = ["testOne", "testTwo"]
# Create base url for requests in loop
base_url = ""
# create an empty response array for loop below
response = []
search.each do |element|
response = "#{base_url}#{element}"
I'd like response[0] to hold "". However, after the loop executes, response[0] only holds the first letter (h) of my base variable; response holds "".
I'm thinking this is a simple mistake, but can't find any helpful resources.
Use Array#<< method
# search request
search = ["testOne", "testTwo"]
# Create base url for requests in loop
base_url = ""
# create an empty response array for loop below
response = []
search.each do |element|
response << "#{base_url}#{element}"
response # => ["", ""]
response = "#{base_url}#{element}" means you are assigning in each iteration a new string object to the local variable response. In the last iteration response holds the string object "". Now response[0] means you are calling the method String#[]. So at index 0 of the string "", the character present is h, so your response[0] returning 'h'- which is expected as per your code.
The same code can be written in more sweet way :
# search request
search = ["testOne", "testTwo"]
# Create base url for requests in loop
base_url = ""
response = {|element| base_url+element }
response # => ["", ""]
response =
response # => ["", ""]
or, as Michael Kohl pointed :
response = { |s| "#{base_url}#{s}" }
response # => ["", ""]

How do I get a redirected status code using NET:HTTP?

Similar to "getting the status code of a HTTP redirected page", but with NET::HTTP instead of curb I am making a GET request to a page that that will redirect:
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(""))
puts response.code #{
puts response['location']
=> 301
The problem is that I want to know the status code of the redirected page. In this case it is 200, but in my app I want to check if it is 200 or something else.
The solution I've seen is to just call get_response(response['location']), but that won't work in my application because the way the redirect is designed makes it so that the redirect can only be followed once. Since the first GET consumes that one redirect, I can't then follow it again.
Is there some way to get the last status code that is a result of a GET?
EDIT: Further clarification of the situation:
The application that I'm sending GET to has a single sign-on authentication mechanism where, if I want to access 'myapp/mypage', I have to first send a post:
postResponse = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(""), {"username" => #username})
Then make the GET request to:
*The postResponse.body is a 'ticket' which can be redeemed once.
That GET verifies that the ticket is valid and then redirects to:
So whether that ticket is valid or not, I get a 301.
I want to check the status code of the final get to
If I manually try to follow the redirect, whether it's a HEAD request or a GET, the original redirect will have already consumed the ticket, so I will get an error that the ticket is expired even if the original redirect was a 200.
The Net::HTTP documentation has example code showing how to deal with redirects. Have you tried it? It should make it easy to get inside the redirect mechanism and grab statuses for later.
Here's their example:
Following Redirection
Each Net::HTTPResponse object belongs to a class for its response code.
For example, all 2XX responses are instances of a Net::HTTPSuccess subclass, a 3XX response is an instance of a Net::HTTPRedirection subclass and a 200 response is an instance of the Net::HTTPOK class. For details of response classes, see the section “HTTP Response Classes” below.
Using a case statement you can handle various types of responses properly:
def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
# You should choose a better exception.
raise ArgumentError, 'too many HTTP redirects' if limit == 0
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(uri_str))
case response
when Net::HTTPSuccess then
when Net::HTTPRedirection then
location = response['location']
warn "redirected to #{location}"
fetch(location, limit - 1)
print fetch('')
A minor change like this should help:
require 'net/http'
def fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
# You should choose a better exception.
raise ArgumentError, 'too many HTTP redirects' if limit == 0
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI(uri_str))
RESPONSES << response
case response
when Net::HTTPSuccess then
when Net::HTTPRedirection then
location = response['location']
warn "redirected to #{location}"
fetch(location, limit - 1)
print fetch('')
puts RESPONSES.join("\n") # =>
I see this when I run it:
redirected to
If it's enough just to make an HTTP HEAD request without 'consuming' your URL (this would be the usual expectation for a HEAD request), you can do it like this:
2.0.0-p195 :143 > result = Net::HTTP.start('') { |http| http.head '/' }
=> #<Net::HTTPFound 302 Found readbody=true>
So in your example you'd do this:
result = Net::HTTP.start( { |http| http.head response.uri.path }
If you want to preserve a history of response codes, you could try this. This retains the last 5 response codes from calls to get_response and exposes them through a Net::HTTP.history method.
module Net
class << HTTP
alias_method :_get_response, :get_response
def get_response *args, &block
resp = _get_response *args, &block
#history = (#history || []).push(resp.code).last 5
def history
#history || []
(I don't entirely get the usage scenario, so adapt to your needs)

Passing data between blocks using sinatra

I'm trying to pass data between blocks using sinatra. For example:
#data =
post "/" do
#data[:test] = params.fetch("test").to_s
redirect "/tmp"
get "/tmp" do
puts #data[:test]
However whenever i get to the tmp block #data is nil and throws an error. Why is that?
The reason is because the browser actually performs two separate HTTP requests.
Request: POST /
Response: 301 -> Location: /tmp
Request: GET /tmp
Response: ...
Two requests means two separate processes thus the #data instance variable is cleared once the first response is sent.
If you want to preserve the information, you need to use cookies or sessions, otherwise pass the data in querystring
post "/" do
test = params[:test]
redirect "/tmp?test=#{test}"
get "/tmp" do
puts params[:test]
