Draw roadmap for a vehicle positioning - bing-api

We have a vehicle tracker service which basically returns the vehicle position (latitude and langitude) at every minute. I need to draw the vehicle position on the road map as soon as service retuns it. I'm exploring the bing-map features but not able to find out any solution yet.
Just to clear the requirements, I know the feature where we can design the map with single latitude/langitude point. But with realtime, my requirement is to show multiple positions of the vehicle on the map. Can you please help me on this ASAP.
Thanks & Regards,

In order to create static imagery based on Bing Maps, you can use the dedicated Imagery service in REST or SOAP:
For SOAP: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc981090.aspx
For REST: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701724.aspx
You should be able to generate map in road style for the several location of your vehicle.


Slashing/Validator reward /Treasury Reward in NEAR

I want to capture all the balance changing operations for any near address provided.
I have got the info of all the action types and archival apis to pull out the transactions. Can any one help with the apis to get the slashing and reward distribution apis. Rewards again are distributed to the validator and some part goes to treasury.
Please help me with the blocks and apis using which I can validate the theoretical concept so that i can capture all the balance changing operations.
We have already collect this information here, there is a read-only access to the DB. You need account_changes table.
Rewards are marked with account_changes.update_reason = 'VALIDATOR_ACCOUNTS_UPDATE'.
Slashing is turned off for now, so you will not see anything about it.

Filter Calendars or Event Resource using lastmodifiedDateTime on Microsoft Graph APIs

My aim is to check the last time an event was modified in my calendar using Microsoft Graph.
I am trying to filter on lastModifiedDateTime but it seems to not be working.
Sample query :
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendarview?startdatetime=2020-08-01&enddatetime=2020-09-01&$filter=lastModifiedDateTime ge 2020-08-30T14:46:00.3343565Z
You can't use a Filter with a CalendarView so you need to choose either one or the other. For what your trying to do change tracking would probably be a better approach though https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/delta-query-events

Is there a way to get train lines that connect to a given Place of type 'train_station' [duplicate]

I've seen that you can retrieve nearby subway stations for a location using the Google Maps Places API, as explained here:
Google Maps: Retrieve nearby subway station's latitude and longtitude?
But in addition to that data, I would also like to retrieve the subway lines available at that station. Is this possible?
Currently the Places API doesn't expose this information for transit stations. There is a feature request in Google issue tracker to make it possible to retrieve lines numbers for each stop. You can find this feature request at
Please feel free to star this feature request to express your interest and subscribe to further notifications from Google.

Graphite adding new resolution to a metric

Given I have a metric (stats.counters.PROD.FailedBuildMessages) and I want to extend its resolution (stats.counters.PROD.FailedBuildMessages.1, stats.counters.PROD.FailedBuildMessages.2, stats.counters.PROD.FailedBuildMessages.3 etc') but I don't want to lose my previous data and still use it as long as I can, how can I overlay the data? It seems once I add the sub counters to the FailedBuildMessages node it loses the data.
is there a way to do it?
You should send the old metric alongside the new one. They are completely different metrics even if they share the same hierarchy.
I do that in order to have coarser/finer details on a metric and it works quite well.

Best strategy for Foursquare venue/search caching

We are looking to use Foursquare as the location database for our application. Their API states that an application can make up to 5,000 userless requests per hour to venues/* endpoints. In order to help reduce the amount of requests, they recommend that you utilize caching to avoid making repetitive calls to the Foursquare API when different users are requesting the same information.
For our application, we are looking to use the venues/search endpoint to get checkin data around a location. What is the best way to go about caching this data to allow for the least amount of calls to the Foursquare API?
The current idea we have is to cache km by km “boxes” that represent an area on the earth. When a user requests nearby venues, we would make a call from the center point location of the box they are currently in to Foursquare, and cache the results for that box. Now when another user comes along, if they are too in that box we can return the results that we had cached for that box that are closest to the user. If a user is close to the edge of a box, we would return the close results from the box they are currently in, as well as the close results in the adjacent box.
Is this a good way to go about things to limit the requests? We fear this technique may use way too much memory. How do you go about it in your applications? Any insights would be great, thanks!
This sounds like a good strategy for caching venue searches. However, just to be super clear on Foursquare policies, they state that "Server-side caching of venue details is generally required for apps requesting an increase." We don't make caching of search results an explicit requirement before granting rate limit increases, only calls to venue details.
