overrideMaterial in CanvasRenderer - three.js

I fall back to CanvasRenderer if user's browser does not support WebGL. I would like to have wireframe only rendering when using CanvasRenderer for performance reasons. However I cannot get overrideMaterial to work with it. It's working with WebGLRendererer quite nicely like this:
scene.overrideMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffffff, wireframe: true });
In CanvasRenderer this seems to have no effect, making FireFox unresponsive because the code is just too heavy for all but the simplest models.
Previously I had replaced all object materials directly with wireframe material by traversing the scene geometries and just overwriting the "real" materials. That kind of works, but makes material and object management guite messy, as I would like to have the material information present in the models even if they are not rendered.
Is it possible use scene.overrideMaterial with CanvasRenderer? Or other way to force wireframe rendering? I'm using r54.

No, CanvasRenderer does not support scene.overrideMaterial. I think you have pretty much exhausted your options.
I would be careful about using MeshBasicMaterial as an override. Only do so if your scene contains meshes only -- no lines, for example.
three.js r.54


Using threeGLTFLoader load gltf get transparency problem

I try to use threeGLTFLoader to load gltf ,problem with the material,the model is a man’s head but now i could see the back
here is the code:
var threeGLTFLoader = new THREE.GLTFLoader();
var objPositions;
threeGLTFLoader.load("../resources/untitled.gltf", function (gltf) {
model = gltf.scene;
model.name = "man";
model.scale.set(300, 300, 300);
root.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
The link of 3D model
Without the model it's hard to guess what's going on here, but I'll wager a guess based on seeing this kind of back-is-in-front rendering before.
I think your glTF model probably has materials that are marked "alphaMode": "BLEND".
In most realtime 3D rendering systems, including ThreeJS, blended or translucent materials will disable the depth buffer, and can be rendered out of order. There are ways for some engines to fix or work around this, but they can cost performance and increase complexity.
For opaque materials in a glTF file, the best thing to do is leave alphaMode set to its default value OPAQUE. Only materials that really need to be translucent should be set to BLEND.
Ed Mackey’s answer on GitHub is a good explanation of why this is happening. If you’re the author of the model, it’s an issue you could fix by disabling transparency on parts of the model that aren’t meant to be transparent. If you’re not the author of the model, you can override the incorrect transparency settings after loading the model in three.js:
model.traverse((object) => {
if (object.isMesh) object.material.transparent = false;
This code will disable transparency everywhere on the model. In more complex cases you may need to select specific parts of the mesh to override, and that is easier to do in Blender, using Alpha Clip or Opaque modes.

Render scene onto custom mesh with three.js

After messing around with this demo of Three.js rendering a scene to a texture, I successfully replicated the essence of it in my project: amidst my main scene, there's a now sphere and a secondary scene is drawn on it via a THREE.WebGLRenderTarget buffer.
I don't really need a sphere, though, and that's where I've hit a huge brick wall. When trying to map the buffer onto my simple custom mesh, I get an infinite stream of the following errors:
three.js:23444 WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: pixelStorei: invalid parameter for alignment
three.js:23557 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'width' of undefined
My geometry, approximating an annular shape, is created using this code. I've successfully UV-mapped a canvas onto it by passing {map: new THREE.Texture(canvas)} into the material options, but if I use {map: myWebGLRenderTarget} I get the errors above.
A cursory look through the call stack makes it look like three.js is assuming the presence of the texture.image attribute on myWebGLRenderTarget and attempting to call clampToMaxSize on it.
Is this a bug in three.js or am I simply doing something wrong? Since I only need flat rendering (with MeshBasicMaterial), one of the first thing I did when adapting the render-to-texture demo above was remove all trace of the shaders, and it worked great with just the sphere. Do I need those shaders back in order to use UV mapping and a custom mesh?
For what its worth, I was needlessly setting needsUpdate = true on my texture. (The handling of needsUpdate apparently assumes the presence of a <canvas> that the texture is based on.)

lightMap / specularMap / shading with meshBasicMaterial

I'm currently working on something along the lines of a plugin for another program to add 3D capability to it, so I'm trying to put all the functionality i can from three.js into it, with the added goal of this being a good way to learn all the functionality of three.js firsthand.
I'm running into an issue now as i implement textures and materials that with mesh basic material, setting some things which the documentation on the main threejs.org site shows are features, doesn't actually do anything.
when i set a texture for either specularmap or lightmap nothing is actually showing up. Im pretty sure its not a mistake im making because setting the texture of the map works, but trying to set this same texture for the specularMap or lightMap is doing nothing. Does a regular texture work for these, or do i have to do something different?
I'd also like to know what the shading property does for mesh basic, because as far as i can see setting it to smoothshading/flatshading/noshading is doing nothing aswell.
MeshBasicMaterial does not respond to lights. Change your material to MeshLamberMaterial or MeshPhongMaterial, for example.
For MeshBasicMaterial and MeshLambertMaterial, the specularMap is used only to modulate the reflection when an environment map is used.
For any material, lightmaps require a second set of UVs. geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 0 ] contains the usual set of UVs; for a lightmap, you need to add geometry.faceVertexUvs[ 1 ], a second set of UVs.
For MeshBasicMaterial, the shading property only applies when an environment map is used. SmoothShading will yield smooth reflections; FlatShading will yield faceted reflections.
three.js r.66

How can I extend CanvasRenderer in Three.js for a custom material?

What's the best way to extend CanvasRenderer in Three.js for a custom material?
I've got a ShaderMaterial for customized dashed lines in WebGL, but I need CanvasRenderer support as well. I figure I could create a custom material that extends the Material class. But I'm sure I'll have to extend Canvas Renderer in some way. How should I go about that? Copy and paste, creating a new class entirely?
Here is a jsFiddle (http://jsfiddle.net/VyP29/1/) . of what I want to do, but in WebGL. I need the lines to stay a consistent length so it will probably have to be implemented by expanding a single line to multiple lines and gaps (for the CanvasRenderer).

Is it a Three.js bug?

I found a great three.js demo here: http://mrdoob.github.com/three.js/examples/canvas_geometry_earth.html
I noticed, that there are some line in the shadow of the earth. Is it a bug, or the author made it by design?
That lines are there because geometry used for shadow has an overdraw: true parameter.
That parameter is used to hide some anti-alias gaps using CanvasRenderer. It works fine for opaque textures, like the earth one, but not for transparent textures, like the shadow, because the "overdrawing" effect.
Remove parameter, or change it to false, and you can see the difference.
