How to invoke TraceListener.Write(object) through TraceSource - system.diagnostics

We have a custom TraceListener implementation which only logs when a specific object (LogMessage) is received. This all works well when using directly with the Trace.Write(object) method.
Due to Performance reason, I want to separate the Listener, so all non-relevant Trace messages are not passed to the listener. Therefore I created a specific TraceSource whith only this listener attached.
Now I struggle to pass my custom log object (LogMessage) to the listener using the TraceSource. The TraceSource.TraceData(TraceEventType, int, object) always invokes the TraceListener.Write(string) method, not the TraceListener.Write(object) method.
Is there any way I can pass the custom object to the Listener using the TraceSource?
Sample code:
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Sample
public class LogMessage
public byte[] Data { get; set; }
public class Sample
public void Foo()
var ts = new TraceSource("Test");
var lm = new LogMessage();
//lm.Data = ...;
//this works: calls the Write(object) method in listener
//this doesn't work: calls the Write(string) method in listener
ts.TraceData(TraceEventType.Information, 0, lm);
public class MyListener : TraceListener
public override void Write(string message)
//not in use
public override void WriteLine(string message)
//not in use
public sealed override void Write(object o)
if (o is LogMessage)
//do someting with the LogMessage

maybe it's too late for an answer but anyway :
By using a tool like JustDecompile you can easily see that TraceSource.TraceData uses TraceListener.TraceData method which itself basically calls WriteLine with object.ToString() for message.
So you'll have to override the ToString method for your class LogMessage in order to do as you want.


How to specify response type in ASP.NET Core middleware

My controllers return unified RequestResult:
public Task<RequestResult> SomeAction()
return new RequestResult(RequestResultType.NotFound);
public class RequestResult
public RequestResultType Type { get;set; }
... //actual data
public enum RequestResultType
Success = 1,
NotFound = 2
So basically RequestResult combines actual Action data and error type (if it happened). Now I need to specify Response Type at some point in case if Action returned Error. My best guess here is to use Middleware:
public class ResponseTypeMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate next;
public ResponseTypeMiddleware(RequestDelegate next)
{ = next;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
await next(context);
var response = context.Response.Body; //how to access object?
but I can't figure out what to do with it. What I'd perfectly like to do is to check if response is of type RequestResult, then specify ResponseType equal BadRequest. But I don't see how I can do it here as what I have is just a stream. May be I can hijack into pipeline earlier, before result was serialized (Controller?).
P. S. The reason why I don't use Controller.BadRequest directly in Action is that my Action's logic is implemented via CQRS command/query handlers, so I don't have direct access to Controller.
As you are going to process controller's action result (MVC), the best way is to use ActionFilter or ResultFilter here, instead of Middleware. Filters in ASP.NET Core are a part of MVC and so know about controllers, actions and so on. Middleware is a more common conception - it is an additional chain in application request-response pipeline.
public class SampleActionFilter : IActionFilter
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
// do something before the action executes
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
// do something after the action executes
// get or set controller action result here
var result = context.Result as RequestResult;

Entity Framework 6 "DbContext has been disposed" exception

Something very strange is happening in production, and it only happens in production. I have a Web API running and in one of the APIs, there is a repository created in the constructor and used in the functions. This is how the flow of a request works:
HTTP request comes in
MVC API controller decides which "worker" class to instantiate and creates it using Activator.CreateInstance
API controller calls worker.OnExecute inside of a Task.Run() and returns the http response
Worker calls _engine.Execute
Each worker instantiates another "engine" class that has all of the logic.
The engine in case constructs 3 repositories created using a UnitOfWork that is created per engine instance, like so:
public class MyWorker : Worker
private readonly MyEngine _engine;
public MyWorker()
_engine = new MyEngine();
protected override WorkerResult OnExecute(JObject data, CancellationToken cta)
return new WorkerResult(HttpStatusCode.OK, _engine.Execute(data));
public class MyEngine : EngineBase
private BaseRepository<Order> OrderRepo { get; set; }
private BaseRepository<OrderItem> OrderItemRepo { get; set; }
public MyEngine()
OrderRepo = new BaseRepository<Order>(MyUnitOfWork);
OrderItemRepo = new BaseRepository<OrderItem>(MyUnitOfWork);
public string Execute(JObject data)
return IsOrderValid(data).ToString();
public bool IsOrderValid(JObject data)
var orderId = data.Value<int>("OrderId");
// Without this line it crashes. With this line it crashes
//OrderRepo = new BaseRepository<Order>(InternationalWork);
// This is where it crashes
Order order = OrderRepo.First(x => x.OrderID == orderId);
// more code
public class EngineBase : UnitOfWorker, IDisposable
private UnitOfWork _myUnitOfWork;
public EngineBase() { }
public UnitOfWork MyUnitOfWork
return _myUnitOfWork ?? (_myUnitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(new DbContextAdapter(new MyDbContext())));
This is the actual stack trace:
The operation cannot be completed because the DbContext has been disposed.
at System.Data.Entity.Internal.LazyInternalContext.InitializeContext()
at System.Data.Entity.Internal.LazyInternalContext.get_ObjectContext()
at System.Data.Entity.Internal.Linq.InternalSet`1.CreateObjectQuery(Boolean asNoTracking, Nullable`1 streaming, IDbExecutionStrategy executionStrategy)
at System.Data.Entity.Internal.Linq.InternalSet`1.InitializeUnderlyingTypes(EntitySetTypePair pair)
at System.Data.Entity.Internal.Linq.InternalSet`1.get_InternalContext()
at System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbQuery`1.System.Linq.IQueryable.get_Provider()
at System.Linq.Queryable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IQueryable`1 source, Expression`1 predicate)
The stack trace shows "FirstOrDefault" because OrderRepo.First internally calls DbSet.FirstOrDefault, like so:
public virtual T First(Expression<Func<T, bool>> query)
return _dbSet.FirstOrDefault(query);
I'm stumped because each worker is created per http request. Each DBContext is created per engine instance so I don't know how it could be disposed when it was just created in the constructor. And this only happens on the production web server where I presume it's being called more. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

Adding custom data for an operation to Application Insights telemetry

I'm trying to add a bunch of custom data fields to every piece of telemetry I can, and this data is consistent across a single operation, but varies from operation to operation.
I have a custom ITelemetryInitializer, and within that I can do something like:
public class MyInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
public void Initialize(Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Channel.ITelemetry telemetry)
telemetry.Context.Properties[ "platform" ] = "PC";
But I don't understand how I'm suppose to push this data into this initializer.
I've added something like this:
public class MyInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
private string mPlatform = "unknown";
public void Initialize(Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Channel.ITelemetry telemetry)
telemetry.Context.Properties[ "platform" ] = mPlatform;
public void SetPlatform(string platform)
mPlatform = platform
And then at the controller level I do something like this:
foreach (var init in TelemetryConfiguration.Active.TelemetryInitializers)
var customInit = init as MyInitializer;
if (customInit != null)
But this is horribly clunky, and prone to error (e.g. if a piece of telemetry gets sent before this function is called), and I'm not really sure if this is thread-safe.
What's the intended way of passing around this kind of data?
I think I've solved this now, the solution is to write to the properties of the TelemetryClient within the controller like this:
[Route( "[controller]" )]
public class MyController : Controller
private readonly TelemetryClient mTelemetryClient;
public MyController(
TelemetryClient TelemetryClientArg )
mTelemetryClient = TelemetryClientArg;
[Produces( "application/json" )]
public IActionResult Post( [FromBody] RequestClass RequestData )
mTelemetryClient.TrackTrace("Test trace 1"); // doesn't have platform set
mTelemetryClient.Context.Properties["platform"] = RequestData.platform;
mTelemetryClient.TrackTrace("Test trace 2"); // has platform set correctly
This seems to be safe as the controller constructor appears to be called before each http request is processed and the context within the TelemetryClient is unique per thread. I would like to get confirmation from the team that this is reasonable.

How can I access previously set fields in a seam #Observer method?

My current setup is JBoss Seam 2.2 on JBoss 4.2.3.GA.
I have two Beans like so:
public class MailingMgr {
private Mailing selectedMailing;
public void recordSuccess(final Object arg) {
if (null != selectedMailing) { // store arg }
public void send() {
selectedMailing = new Mailing();
if ('EMAIL' == determineType()) {
EmailSender mailer = (EmailSender) Component.getInstance(EmailSender.class);
// ... more options
public class EmailSender {
public void send(final Set<String> addresses) {
for (String addr : addresses) {
// ... create a mail
Events.instance().raiseEvent("mailing.letter.success", getGeneratedMail());
The problem is that when recordSuccess() is called selectedMailing is always null.
As a workaround I'm setting selectedMailing in the conversation context manually before calling any code that could potentially trigger my events, and then annotate my field with #In(required=false) to inject it again before recordSuccess is called. But is there a more elegant solution (keeping the decoupling intact)? And why isn't the calling bean reused to handle the event?

Assert that a mocked (MOQ thus DynamicProxy) event has no handlers attached

This is quite straight forward(ish) to do is the event is 'real' as in now created by DynamicProxy, but I can't work anything out for a mocked event.
The best way to explain what I'm trying to achieve is with code, please see the comment lines in the test method:
using System;
using Moq;
using NUnit.Framework;
namespace MOQTest
public class EventsMoqTest
public void DetachTest()
var hasEventMock = new Mock<IHasEvent>();
using (var observer = new Observer(hasEventMock.Object))
//Assert that hasEventMock.Object has handler attached
//Assert that hasEventMock.Object DOES NOT have handler attached
public interface IHasEvent
event EventHandler AnEvent;
public class Observer : IDisposable
private readonly IHasEvent _hasEvent;
private readonly EventHandler _hasEventOnAnEvent;
public Observer(IHasEvent hasEvent)
_hasEvent = hasEvent;
_hasEventOnAnEvent = _hasEvent_AnEvent;
_hasEvent.AnEvent += _hasEventOnAnEvent;
void _hasEvent_AnEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void Dispose()
_hasEvent.AnEvent -= _hasEventOnAnEvent;
Unfortunately, you can't. This isn't really a moq issue, but the way the C# event keyword works with delegates. See this SO answer for more information.
