emacs 24 on windows 7, tramp cannot find plink program - windows-7

I am trying to use Emacs 24.2 with Tramp on windows 7 to remotely edit files on a linux server. I installed the Putty suit program and OpenSSH. I also placed the plink.exe in the putty suit into the bin folder under the emacs 24 folder, and added the folder emacs24/bin into the PATH environment variable.
However, when I try to access the remote file from emacs with the command in the minibuffer: /username#host:filename, I get the following error message from emacs: plink is not recognized as an internal or external command. It seems that emacs cannot find the plink program. But, when I try to run plink in windows cmd, it can find the plink program. Also, I can ssh to the remote server in windows cmd.
Can anyone tell me what's my problem? Do I need to install cygwin to make it work? Thanks a lot.

To get tramp with plink to work, I had to add my PuTTY path to my system search path.
On Windows 10:
control panel >> System & Security >> System >> advanced system settings >> enviroment variables
To PATH I appended the PuTTY path: C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY
I'm guessing the key is that from PowerShell or the command prompt, you need to be able to run plink without specifying the path.

I was able to resolve this and I did not have to install cygwin.
Try adding the path where putty was installed to your exec-path variable in emacs. Execute the following elisp code in emacs or put it in your .emacs file. Make sure the slashes are forward, not backslashes, as Emacs and Windows use different conventions.
(add-to-list 'exec-path "C:/Program Files (x86)/PuTTy")
check what exec-path is set to by typing C-h v exec-path


adb: command not found- Window 10 shell

I am trying to run the adb command using adb shell. Running well on mac but not in the window.
Add the path to the folder containing adb.exe to the PATH environment variable. If you don't have adb.exe in your computer, download one.
(Off topic) Besides, you seems trying to run a Linux shell script on Windows, please use some software like Cygwin or MSYS2.

WSL (Ubuntu): how to open localhost in browser from bash terminal

I am trying to open http://localhost in (any) browser from WSL bash terminal.
So far I have tried:
How can I open Google Chrome from the terminal with the URL "localhost:3000"?
"Couldn't find a file descriptor referring to the console" on Ubuntu bash on Windows
How to mention C:\Program Files in batchfile
No luck in setting up BROWSER variable for xdg-open, it responds to xdg-open http://localhost with /usr/bin/xdg-open: 851: /usr/bin/xdg-open: /c/"Program: not found.
I have tried escaping with \ and ^. Using %ProgramFiles(x86)% and ofcorse "Program Files (x86)". More or less it is the same answer every time... Any ideas how to set a work flow for opening browser in WSL?
So far I've ended up with:
/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe localhost
But I am looking for more elegant solution.
You can invoke the Windows command line from Bash and use Windows file association to open URL with the default Windows browser.
To do so just type in Bash:
cmd.exe /C start http://localhost
In my case this loads localhost in Chrome, note that the full URL is necessary for Windows to decide what to do.
This is similar to what open does in MacOS, hence you may find useful to directly alias the command and use it also for other type of files:
# add this to .bash_aliases
open='cmd.exe /C start'
Now you can open URL or open file.pdf directly from WSL.
Note: since you are simply redirecting commands to cmd.exe, it needs to have access to the file your working with. As a consequence the above solution will work when you find yourself in the Windows file system, but probably will fail when you are working with files in Linux partition (i.e. in the tmp or in the bin folder). This probably has been fixed in the new version of the WSL but I have not tested it.
You are almost there. Just add an alias for the windows chrome executable
alias chrome="/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"
Now you can simply run chrome localhost and open chrome in any web location you desire.
To open localhost in browser from bash terminal, you need to configure wsl so that it defaults to whatever browser has been set as default in your windows 10 system.
You can do this by using some tools from wslu ("A collection of utilities for WSL").
For this purpose you need.
wslview (-u, --unregister "remove wslview as the default WSL web browser.
-r, --register "register wslview as the default WSL web browser.)
wslpath (-a "force result to absolute path format",
-u "translate from a Windows path to a WSL path (default)")
You need to register your preferred browsers like this...
For Google Chrome:
wslview -r $(wslpath -au 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe')
For Microsoft Edge:
wslview -r $(wslpath -au 'C:\Windows\SystemApps\Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftEdge.exe')
Now you can open localhost as x-www-browser localhost:8080 or www-browser localhost:8080 and x-www-browser or www-browser will default to whatever is your current windows 10 default browser provided it has been registered as described above.
Do not forget to indicate the port; localhost alone did not work for me.
To unregister any browser just change the -r flag to -u.
Have a look at wslview help: info wslview <enter> in the wsl terminal
and wslpath <enter> for help with wslpath.
Install wslu (A collection of utilities for WSL) https://github.com/wslutilities/wslu#feature and then add these two lines to your shell's RC file, e.g. .bashrc or .zshrc.
export DISPLAY=:0
export BROWSER=/usr/bin/wslview
You can set the BROWSER variable as you have done . But xdg-open won't work in WSL as the
xdg-openscripts are setup to work with unquoted environment variables ( in which case ,
the path breaks due to spaces in the pathname ).
You can use the wsl-opennpm utility to do the same for WSL .
Once you have npm installed , install wsl-open utility :
sudo npm install -g wsl-open
To open any URL with default Windows Browser :
wsl-open http://google.com
You can also set wsl-open as default program for a file type in WSL :
wsl-open -w // sets wsl-open as the Shell Browser
Then you can use the standard xdg-open for URLs as well with default windows browser :
xdg-open http://google.com
I created a script that basically forwards xdg-open to powershell -c start
Not tested much though.
sudo tee /usr/local/bin/xdg-open <<EOF
powershell.exe -c start "'\$#'"
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/xdg-open
Came across this article that worked for me:
In short:
Step 1 - Generate config for Jupyter Notebook:
jupyter notebook --generate-config
Step 2 - Edit the config file using "nano" or other editor
The config fileshould be under your home directory under ".jupyter" folder:
Step 3 - Disable launching browser by redirecting file
First comment out the line, then change True to False:
c.NotebookApp.use_redirect_file = False
Step 4 - add a line to your .bashrc file to set the BROWSER path
export BROWSER='/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe'
For me it was Chrome under my Windows Program File. Otherwise any linux installation under WSL doesn't have a native browser to launch, so need to set it to the Windows executable.
Step 5 - restart .bashrc
source .bashrc
That should work!
export BROWSER='eval "/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe"'
xdg-open https://google.com # nice work
solved the spaced path problem.
it worked for me.
Now you can simple use :
sensible-browser http://www.google.com
it already comes with wsl and it opens the default browser in windows
ps: you can also use wslview . to open the file explorer from the bash terminal
i'll give you a suggestion, it could be opened via visual studio code in wsl. And install the live server plugin.
Ok so first of all, I don't use windows anymore so I can't post a full solution that I've personally tested, but back when I did use windows, I use to do this and it worked. (This should probably be a comment, but a while back I deleted some unaccepted answers and lot the associated reputation :/)
Don't try to launch your windows programs from inside WSL, instead install the linux version of the program and an X server, such as Xming. Here is an example tutorial for forwarding X apps back to Xming on windows.
Summarized, install Xming (on Windows). Then export the DISPLAY variable:
export DISPLAY=:0
Install google-chrome inside WSL and launch it via the CLI. It should show up on your desktop.
Note: There's also a way to use PuTTY alongside XMing for remote viewing, but you'll need to disable Windows firewalls and install the full openssh-server inside WSL first.

How to start GVim on Windows with vimfiles at custom location?

I am using Cygwin most of the time with my vimfiles on /usr/share/vim8/ and my runtimefiles at %HOME%\.vim.
I installed GVim for Windows and I would like to use the Vim files from Cygwin. When I start GVim it cannot find the runtimefiles. How can I configure it?
It does find my .vimrc tough.
If you want to share the configuration between Vim in Cygwin and native GVim, you could create a NTFS symlink from the Cygwin $HOME/vim directory to the Windows %HOMEPATH% directory. I use the same set of configuration files for Vim regardless of whether it’s running on a GNU/Linux system, Cygwin or native Windows. Here’s the Windows command that I used to create my NTFS symlink (with Windows 7, the mklink command must be run in a command window with elevated privileges).
mklink /D %HOMEPATH%\vimfiles C:\cygwin64\home\anthony\.vim
Also, instead of using _vimrc (MS Windows)or ~/.vimrc (Unix-like) for the primary vimrc, I use $HOME/.vim/vimrc. With the above symlink, this will automatically be found (and used) by GVim as $HOME/vimfiles/vimrc.
For configuration settings that only apply in a Windows environment, you can include a configuration block in your vimrc similar to the following:
if has("win32") || has("win64")
set guifont=Consolas:h10:cANSI
" Other Windows-specific configurations, e.g., key mappings
source $VIM\_vimrc

How can I open a cygwin terminal?

I'm using a windows 8 and have cygwin installed. However, when I navigate to the folder it's contained in, the only subfolders are usr and var, and neither contains something that looks like a terminal. How can I open a cygwin terminal?
You should use mintty executable for this. In case of a default install path it is located here: c:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe
Cygwin installation puts a shortcut to the start menu, but perhaps this feature was broken in win8.
I checked this shortcut on my computer, and it contains this command as a "Target":
C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -
You should create a shortcut like this. Replace the given path, if your cygwin is located anywhere else. -i command line argument is not necessary. For further info check the manual page of mintty, which is located here.
You can run
c:\program files\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
inside the Windows CMD.
When you install cygwin, it normally installs a ".bat" file at the top of the directory-tree containing cygwin, which can run a command-window. For example:
#echo off
chdir C:\cygwin64\bin
bash --login -i
The exact location of the cygwin tree is relevant to the script, of course, and details change occasionally. But the bash executable, starting in cygwin's bin-directory is enough to start a window.
Outside cygwin, you will not see things such as mounted directories and symbolic links. So (from the Windows file explorer) it may look incomplete.

What file explorer can I use in Cygwin with UNIX like paths?

I'm fed up with using Windows Explorer as my file browser as I use
Cygwin bash as my primary command line environment.
Windows Explorer shows the full path in the address bar.
Usually, I copy that, pasting it to the cygwin command prompt as in
cygpath ""
I then copy paste the output of cygpath so I can
cd to it. I've also set up cpath "Bash Shell Here"
but this only works on right clicking directories.
I've used WinSCP via SSH.
ie. Start an SSH daemon in cygwin and connect to it via WinSCP.
What file explorer can I use in Cygwin with UNIX like paths?
Is there a cygwin X Windows file explorer?
Have you tried Midnight Commander (mc)? It's in the Cygwin package repository.
If you surround the path from Windows Explorer with single or double quotes, there is no need to use the cygpath command.
In regard to your quest for a compatible file manager, I've heard that KDE's Konqueror runs on Windows.
