Can Jenkins issue a "maven jboss-as:deploy" on my project? - spring

I am trying to use Jenkins and Selenium for CI with my Spring Project that I will be running in AS7.
I would like to know if I can get Jenkins to issue a "maven jboss-as:deploy" command line on my project to deploy it to my AS7 server.
Can someone please let me know if this can be done..

No need to involve Jenkins here. Just add the jboss-as:deploy plugin to your pom.xml, bound to the pre-integration-test phase of your build. Then when you run mvn install (either locally or on Jenkins), your war will be deployed to the AS7 server.


Unable to Build in Jenkins with Maven Build Profile

I am trying to build a maven project in Jenkins with Build Profile ID of pom.xml. But Jenkins is only building with dev profile and not catching any of other profiles. with the same pom.xml.
I've tried building on command prompt and it's working fine, I just cannot do it in Jenkins.
I am having similar issue running maven 3.3.9 from Jenkins ver. 2.138.
So far, with time consuming trial and error, I have found that Jenkins does not tolerate a space between the -P and the profile name AND it can only handle a single profile. So you should be able to get something like this to work:
mvn groupId:artifactId:goal -Pprofile-1-only
how did you set-up your Jenkins to run the command?
Profiles should b specified using the -P option:
mvn groupId:artifactId:goal -P profile-1,profile-2
My guess is that in your Jenkins config (build steps), you have not specified anything, or you provide the wrong profile.
Could you try and let us know?

Deploying AEM projects using Maven

We are new to Adobe and going to start working with it. Our Build Tool is maven, CI tool- Jenkins. As we are using Maven as a build tool. How to deploy our artifacts to jetty web server?
In short, Can we deploy artifacts of adobe project using maven? or do we need to have plugins for jenkins to deploy artifacts to different environment. I have came across
Maven-jetty and cargo plugin for deployments using maven to jetty webserver.
If you want to deploy your project with Maven I suggest that you use the content-package-maven-plugin. You can read more about the details in Adobes official documentation. The basic principal is the following:
This is a simple example that would deploy to a default AEM installation on your local machine (or same machine as mvn runs).
If you are running your build on Jenkins you might want to consider not using Maven to deploy your artifacts. Usually, you have multiple AEM instances running to which you want to deploy your content packages: "author" and "publish".
For the builds running on Jenkins I would suggest deploying your artifacts using curl. I wrote an answer about uploading and installing content packages using curl on Stack Overflow: How to install large (content) packages in AEM.
I would strongly suggest you to use the Aem maven archetype to create your project. It will come with the default settings, POM entries so that you can change your configuration to deploy it to the required environments.
Here is the link -

Getting Artifactory Plugin to work with Jenkins and Maven

I have a large Maven project in Jenkins. It consists of a parent project, and about a dozen local projects. Using Jenkins, I am able to do mvndeploy` and for the build to successfully deploy to my Artifactory repository.
However, I can't seem to get the Jenkin's Artifactory plugin to work itself to work.
My Artifactory setting in Jenkins:
And here's the setting for our job:
When using the Jenkins Artifactory Plugin you should execute mvn install instead of mvn deploy.
This is because the plugin collects the published artifacts from Maven and when executing mvn deploy directly you are kind of by-passing it's behavior.
Use Build Step "Invoke Artifactory Maven 3" when working with Artifactory plugin. And most preferably use goals "clean install"
I had the same problem and resolved by adding details under Build Environment -> Generic-Artifactory Integration as shown in below image
Published Artifacts now started uploading into desired location in artifactory.

run maven project form github in eclipse

I have imported a Git project from this url to my Eclipse.
How can I run this project? I am not familiar to maven and javaEE. please guide me to run this project. I am confused.
I have installed eclipse javaEE Kepler. but i do not know how to configure this project to run? what is type of my run? maven build or junit?

Weblogic Maven Plugin Deployment Issue

I'm using eclipse Kepler, Weblogic 10.3.5 and Maven 3.0.5 with the Weblogic-Maven-Plugin. When I deploy my application using eclipse Run As...Run On Server, this is what I get:
When I deploy this way, you see the application on the Weblogic Server and I'm able to reach my application through my localhost link.
When I use the Weblogic-Maven-Plugin, this is what I get:
You see the application has been placed under the adminServer and I get an error when I try to reach the application through my localhost link (Yes, I even ran the start-app command).
I have few questions:
Why is it that when I use the weblogic-maven-plugin, it deploys under the adminServer?
Is there a way to have the weblogic-maven-plugin deploy in a similar fashion as the Run As option in eclipse?
Why can I not reach the application with my localhost link after deploying with the plugin?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I face this problem some weeks ago but in another environment Jdeveloper 12c with Maven and OJMake and OJDeploy.
The deployment is the last step on your way to run our application on WLS(WebLogic Server)
How do i solve the issue?
I create an Maven Ear projet
I create also Maven War project
I add the war project in the ear project also dependency and later also web_module
My deploy(to WLS) Configuration is in the pom from Ear project.
I you use run as from Eclipse or Jdeveloper there is a complex mechanism which do the work for us. If we want maven to do the job for us, then we must tell him what to do. We must also know what type of archive file we suppose to send/deploy to WLS
