tmux on OSX - lock server/session not working - macos

I am on OSX Mountain Lion. I've configured tmux.conf to lock the screen, but the screen only flashes, no locking takes place. (fyi, when i used GNU-screen, the screen did lock).
My system does not have a lock/slock or vlock, nor could i find these on homebrew or macports. I understand that Screen uses its own internal locking whereas tmux uses external locking. I do not care whether I am asked to enter a new passkey or the system password is used. So how to get tmux to lock the session/terminal ?
# Screen lock
bind-key C-x lock-server
bind-key x lock-server
bind-key -n M-x lock-server
set-option -g lock-after-time 0
set-option -g lock-server on
# set-option -g lock-command "vlock"
p.s. I am aware of other alternatives, but these typically require a mouse (hot corners) or a Mac keyboard (eject key).

As far as I know, OS X does not supply any variation of the tty-locking program that tmux requires.
You will probably need to find a third-party tty-locking program, try to port one from a related OS, or write your own.

This isn't an exact answer as you expected. #chris-johnsen gave the best answer about locking on OSX. I did however find two screen savers for the terminal. It doesn't lock the terminal but it does blank out the screen.
tmux has a built in time function that will blank the screen and display a clock. It is local to the window.
cmatrix is a terminal program that displays the matrix screen like in the movie. The con is that it doesn't lock and it eats up some CPU. But it is fun. It can be installed via homebrew
Here is how to get it working:
brew install cmatrix
Then add this to your ~/.tmux.conf:
set -g lock-command "cmatrix -s -b"
set -g lock-after-time 90
set -g lock-server on
In 90 seconds of inactivity it will display. Use the command tmux lock-server to test it.

I was disappointed to not see any valid responses for actually locking the screen. I'll continue looking for a way to properly lock the terminal session itself, but in the meantime I do have a functional alternative.
By running a command on the command line, you can lock your entire mac. The following command will make it happen:
/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu\ Extras/ -suspend
You can find a lot more about what's happening exactly at this page.
Tie that command into:
set-option -g lock-command
And you should have a way to functionally lock up your session. I know locking the entire machine is not the most desirable outcome, but this is at least a working alternative for now.


Duplicated characters and non-updating input using tmux in zsh

First off:
I'm using tmux 2.5 installed via homebrew on OS X 10.12, in iTerm 2 (though the problem appears in as well). My tmux.conf is on Github, along with my zshrc.
The problem: Seemingly out of nowhere, I started seeing an issue with typing in the prompt. Typing keys once will display them twice, and backspacing will move the cursor forward and redraw characters already present on the line. This only happens inside of a tmux session, and not inside my "regular" terminal.
Here's a gif of the issue. In this gif, I type 1234567890, then hit backspace 9 times, and type ls. Note that 0 only shows up once, and lls with a duplicated l runs the ls command as expected.
Hopefully I just hit a weird key combo on accident, but I've been stuck on this for a while.
Thanks for any help!
Installing tmux-256color for macOS as in this guide solves the problem.
Running the following as mentioned in a github issue solved the problem for me:
brew install ncurses
$(brew --prefix)/opt/ncurses/bin/infocmp tmux-256color > ~/
tic -xe tmux-256color
infocmp tmux-256color | head
I'm also running into this issue as well. I encountered the problem similar to #artemave, by trying to change the set -g default-terminal "screen-256color" to set -g default-terminal "tmux-256color". The goal of doing this was to gain italics, per the tmux FAQ.
#taylor's answer didn't work for me, as I didn't have that command.
I managed to determine that:
The issue doesn't occur with bash
When running a blank .zshrc, backspacing creates new blank lines, but I'm not seeing the character duplication
Using tmux-256color will successfully give italic fonts
Using TERM=xterm-256color and TERM=konsole-256color does not change the above effects
Using xfce4terminal (, Konsole (19.12.3), or URXVT (9.22) doesn't change the above behavior
I wasn't able to really "fix" the issue, as the even going down to a blank .tmux.conf wasn't able to change anything. Instead, I just needed to change it to anything else. xterm-256color was suggested in this issue, but I found nearly anything else would work fine.
I'll keep working on it and update this answer if I find anything else.
Edit: This tmux issue is the exact issue we're running into. I'll see if the solutions there work
Edit 2: I've submitted a GitHub issue with tmux. No real results yet, but it does offer some guidance on things to check on.
The problem seems to be fixed after commenting out this line from my tmux.conf:
set -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l zsh"
I also had to manually run tmux kill-server instead of relying on just re-sourcing my conf file.
When I find some time, I'll look more into what went wrong here...

System default voice doesn't change on `say` command within tmux sessions

Recently I've changed my default system voice via "System Preferences > Dictation & Speech > Text to Speech > System Voice". If I open a new Terminal window and use the say command, the correct voice is used. However, the previous voice is still used if I use the say command within a tmux session.
I've tried restarting, shutting down tmux completely, and opening an entirely new tmux session with tmux new-session -s foobar and still it doesn't pick up the new preferred voice.
This is really a minor issue, but it eats at me that I have no idea why it's happening. Any ideas?
I'm pretty sure this is the same root cause as that other issue: many tools that need to interact with the UI (graphics, sounds...) fail within a tmux session: say, pbcopy/pbpaste, nohup, launchctl export|getenv|setenv, subl (Sublime Text command line tool), Retina rendering of apps launched under tmux, tools trying to access KeyChain (curl, ssh...), etc.
I remember GNU screen used to have the same problem but Apple patched it and now it works fine, but tmux still has the problem.
Solution (2017-05)
Borrowing from answers in linked issue, for tmux you can do this if you have Homebrew:
brew install reattach-to-user-namespace
Then put the following in your ~/.tmux.conf:
set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l $SHELL"
I reproduced your issue on macOS 10.11.4, and the above fixed it.
See here for more info on the nature of the problem, and its workaround (using undocumented macOS APIs)
Better solution soon?
As mentioned in comment, future versions of tmux might do this dance natively, at least it's being worked on, and current master has the fix.

What is the tmux option which causes hiding of status messages?

I have recently started trying out the tool tmuxomatic and observed the following behavior which I find undesirable.
In my .tmux.conf, I have the following keybinding.
bind u set synchronize-panes
When I launch tmux normally, if I use the u command, it will synchronize panes and also briefly flash a message in the status bar to let me know that my command went through.
However, when I launch tmux using tmuxomatic, the u binding still works, but there's no flash at the bottom.
I skimmed the source code for tmuxomatic but did not see anything obvious that would cause the suppress the flashing behavior.
Does anyone know which tmux option would cause the status bar to no longer flash on a command, or possibly flash so quickly I cannot see it?
I also tried the command :set synchronize-panes directly and reproduced the same problem, so it is independent of the keybinding.
The output of version commands.
tmux -V
tmux 1.8
tmuxomatic -V
tmuxomatic 2.18
After searching for a while in all the wrong places (tmux source code), I returned to the tmuxomatic source code, and noticed that it had a command line option -p which printed out the tmux commands it executed.
Among the commands printed, I saw the following command, which looked promising.
/usr/bin/tmux set-option -t tmuxomatic_Test.mux quiet on
I ran all the commands manually while excluding this command, and observed that the hiding of status messages no longer occurred, indicating that this was indeed the culprit.

Page Up & Page Down don't work in tmux when SSHed from Mac

I work on a Mac, using the Terminal to SSH into a Linux box. On the Linux box I have tmux 1.6.
I cannot get page up or page down to work correctly. If I am not running tmux, when I hit Page Up the screen scrolls up correctly. However, when I am in tmux, Page Up moves the window above the tmux contents. That is, it does not scroll the tmux contents; it scrolls the tmux window up (and, if I hit Page Up enough, off the screen).
I have played with a lot of options in .tmux.conf, but I just cannot pin this down.
cat ~/.tmux.conf
#set -g history-limit 100000
# Sane scrolling
set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup#:rmcup#'
#set -g terminal-overrides ",*:XT#"
set -g mode-mouse on
As you can see, I tried several Terminal overrides. The current terminal overrides works perfectly if I am using PuTTy on a Windows computer, but nothing I have tried modifies the behavior when I am logging in from my Mac.
When you're in a tmux session, you can't page up and page down normally. You must hit the prefix key (Control-b by default) followed by PageUp (which is fn-Up on a Mac keyboard), and then you'll be in "copy-mode", where you can PageUp and PageDown to your heart's content.
See the tmux man page for more info:

tmux Escape key exits server

I'm using tmux on a macOsX moutain lion (10.8)
Whenever i'm in a terminal, pressing the Escape button results in the connection to the server being lost and tmux actually exiting. I experience the same behavior regardless in iterm2, terminal and while using any of zsh, bash or a normal login shell.
That's how it looks like:
Any hints? :)
I finally figured out that it was related to iterm2-tmux integration.
As you can read here in the Usage section just below the code box, the tmux-iterm2 integration makes the ESC key actually kill tmux, unless you actually use tmux -C.
This effect was actually undersirable for me since I was not using tmux -C and the ESC key is extremely important in programs like vim or mc.
