I want to use inline validation function in jsp - spring

hear is the code
<spring:form modelAttribute="commonBean" action="saveStock.htm">
<div class="content" align="center">
<div class="box"><br>
<spring:label path=""> Stock Entry</spring:label>
<th align='left'><spring:label path="">Item Name: </spring:label>
<td colspan='5'><spring:input path="" ></spring:input>
<span style="font-style: italic;color: red;">
<spring:errors path="" id="iname" onkeyup="iname()">
<img src="green.png" class="def" id="iname_true"/>
<img src="cross.png" class="def" id="iname_false"/>
and its giving error like
/WEB-INF/jsp/corefiles/stock.jsp(19,22) PWC6239: According to TLD, tag spring:input must be empty, but is not
Plz some one suggest me how to achive that

<spring:input path="" ></spring:input>
<spring:input path="CommonBeanPropertyName" />
You have to set a path, so that Spring will be able to bind the input field to the corresponding bean property.
Have a look to the documentation .


Passing computed string to x-teleport in alpine.js

I want to append an element to a specific element when the user clicks the button. The scenario goes like this. Is there another way to deal with that kind of problem?
<button x-on:click="edit(passIdToFunc)">edit</button>
<tr id="one" style="display: hidden"></tr>
<!-- append x-teleport dom node to here when current value is id = one -->
<tr id="two" style="display: hidden"></tr>
<tr id="three" style="display: hidden"></tr>
For the initial render, or if there is no table data,
I would like to append it to somewhere else with display none.
<template x-teleport="computedString">
This looks like the wrong usage for x-teleport, though it's not clear from the example where you are teleporting to. You can just use x-show to toggle display:none if that's what you're looking for.

How to XPATH for Table element which have dynamic Ids

I have to get the XPATH for dynamic Ids . The code look like this
<table width="100%" role="presentation">
<td id="DWT10" role="presentation">
<div id="zl__TV-main__rows" class="DwtListView-Rows" style="height: 130px; width: 377px;">
<div id="zli__TV-main__654" class="RowDouble RowEven " role="treeitem" tabindex="0" aria-label="Unread, hello everyone, Wilkerson, 12:26 AM" aria-posinset="1" aria-level="1">
My XPATH goes like this :
//div[starts-with(#id='zl__CLV-main') and ./div [contains(#aria-posinset,'1')]]
I am getting:
Could not evaluate XPATH error.
XPAth only works if you have a valid XML source file. In your example there are no closing tags.
Your XPATH is invalid. the start-with function must be changed to
comma instead of =

Getting href by looking for another tag

I'm trying to extract href links from a web page that has multiple rows like below but I only want the a href of the ones that have the <b> block
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
<a href="?6384593.html" style="background-color: transparent;">
<span class="ts">
<font size="1">
<font color="#006633">
<b>Lee Swanson Research Update</b>
<font color="#7777CC"> - Swanson Health Products</font></span>
In this case I use the xpath expression "//b" to find the bold tag, but what I specifically want is the a href link. Is this possible with xpath?
Try something like the above
The below XPATH will work :
UPDATE AS #Jens Erat suggested.

Selenium IDE: How to detect the xpath's if div id's , class are randomly generated every time?

I am trying to detect the xpath or css but everytime I run the script, the div id's and class names change which there by fails the script.
<div class="yui-dt-bd" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;">
<table id="yuievtautoid-0" summary="" style="margin-top: 0px;">
<tr id="yui-rec28" class="yui-dt-rec yui-dt-first yui-dt-even yui-dt-selected" style="">
<td id="yui-gen52" class="yui-dt23-col-professorId yui-dt-col-professorId yui-dt- sortable yui-dt-first" headers="yui-dt23-th-professorId ">
<div id="yui-gen51" class="yui-dt-liner">1</div>
<td id="yui-gen44" class="yui-dt23-col-professorName yui-dt-col-professorName yui-dt-sortable yui-dt-last" headers="yui-dt23-th-professorName ">
<div id="yui-gen43" class="yui-dt-liner">John Power</div>
I had written xpath=//*[#id="yui-gen46"], but id's keep changing. Tried writing table id too. But it does not work.
Appreciate some input .
You can specify a part of class or id that is not changed. For example:
//*[contains(#class, 'col-professorName')]
//*[contains(#id, 'yuievtautoid')]
or CSS versions:

knockout 2.0 doesn't work in IE8

This view works well with IE9 and Chrome. However, not with IE8.
When the page is rendered, this is how it looks like:
My HTML (MVC3 View) is as shown below.
<div id="machinedisplay" data-bind="with: selectedMachine" >
<h2><span data-bind="text: MachineDesciption" /></h2>
<!-- ko with: my.vm.machineData -->
<th>Point Name</th><th>Description</th><th>Points Data</th>
<tbody data-bind="foreach: Points">
<td data-bind="text: PointName()"></td>
<td data-bind="text: PointDesciption()"></td>
<table style="width:100%;">
<tbody data-bind="foreach: Params">
<td data-bind="text: ParameterName"></td>
<td data-bind="text: ParameterDescription"></td>
<td data-bind="text: StringValue"></td>
<!-- /ko -->
Any ideas on IE8 work around?
To illustrate this problem on a simpler model, check out this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ericpanorel/nzKvb/
I figured that I am running into problems because I am using the "with" or "if" bindings. I read somewhere that this causes problems with IE8.
I used IE9, and if you use your developer tools to switch from IE9 to IE8, this Fiddle doesn't work properly anymore. This fiddle is actually derived from one of knockout's samples (http://knockoutjs.com/examples/gridEditor.html)
I updated the fiddle... http://jsfiddle.net/nzKvb/20/
It has something to do with short-hand closing of tags inside the nested containerless bindings
<!-- ko if: Allowed-->
<span data-bind="text: Dummy"/> <===== This will bomb in IE8
The jsFiddle had an extra comma at the end of the array, which IE8 was treating as a null object:
var viewModel = new GiftModel([
{ name: "Tall Hat", price: "39.95"},
{ name: "Long Cloak", price: "120.00"},
{ name: "HK 416", price: "2420.00"}, <-- HERE !!!
The fiddle works fine without the comma:
Not sure if this solves your underlying problem but at least the fiddle is working now :-)
The problem is here because
<!-- ko if: Allowed-->
Older IE versions can be picky about using JavaScript reserved words
for property names.
So you should write 'if'
Check Same problem in another link!
