In my project I'm using OpenAl, the 3d effect works fine, but only with the left/right speakers..
my pc have a 5.1 system, so 2 rear speakers, 2 front, 1 head and 1 subwoofer.
in windows is right configured, so if I see a movie or play a game that support a surround system, the sound exits from all the 6 speakers, but in my project not, only 2, like a song or a standard windows sound..
how I need to configure OpenAl to use 5.1 speakers?
In the OpenAL programmer's guide from creative labs there is a section on multi-channel buffers on page 140. The guide is found here. This is an extension to OpenAL as you can see on page 131.
I have a nativescript-app that uses text-to-speech functionality (#nativescript-community/texttospeech).
This is working fine so far.
Now, I open a modal-view with the #nstudio/camera-plus plugin that enables the user to capture a photo.
After closing the camera-view, the audio of the text-to-speech is only half as loud as before.
Is the camera messing up the audio-settings? And if so, how can I avoid that?
Nativescript 8.1
texttospeech 3.0.3
camera-plus 4.0.3
Didn't find the cause for this, but at least a workaround.
I put this above every audio-related task:
AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setCategoryWithOptionsError( AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions.DefaultToSpeaker);
That sets the volume back to full.
I have an existing OSX app (Xcode 7, swift) that collects real time data (both textual and photos) from various local and internet (Json) sources to present in a user window.
I want to present the same data stream as an output stream that will appear as if it were just an OSX add-on camera (so that it can be selected as a camera source in other OSX programs).
Having trouble finding any framework documentation or examples for an app to act as a camera. Any help greatly appreciated.
Have you seen this project? It seems the way to add a video recording source to OSX is to create and install a quicktime component. Unfortunately I don't know much more than that. On the plus side, it all happens in user space!
I have acutaly access to an closed beta of an online application developed with silverlight 5. Within there's a feature, showing some 3D scenes. There have been used XNA for the 3D. From a windows-pc all work fine. But when I test it from an Mac with OSX the Silverlight-App works fine, too. But not the 3D feature. In upper left corner there's a information showing: "Render Mode: Unavailable" and "Reason: "Not3DCapable".
So I pushed this example to my IIS. This time from Windows all is fine but when trying to access from OSX (Firefox) it starts to load Silverlight but after showing 100% nothing happens. The scene is not shown.
Does anyone has any clue, what to do to support mac?
Unfortunately I found some other websites like this Blog (see the 3. FAQ) and this Blog (see comments) whose say the same: 3D doesn't work on mac.
Sadly Microsoft seems to keep this fact officially secret. Found this Page where I had expected to read something like "3D not supported". Isn't this sad? I thought Silverlight should be platform independent? I hope they will change their mind and add a support for OpenGL or something like that.
I know that Microsoft hasn't officially supported doing any video capture applications as of yet. I've found the Clarity Consulting blog entry that highlights how to use the camera through Silverlight (entry is here: But, as of yet, I have been unsuccessful in porting the code to be used by an XNA framework.
Has anyone had any luck either using the Windows Phone 7 camera in an XNA application? If so, care to share your wisdom?
Generally you can access the camera the same way you do it in Silverlight - there is the CameraCaptureTask - you need to add a reference to Microsoft.Phone first and then call it from the game.
Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.CameraCaptureTask task = new Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.CameraCaptureTask();
task.Completed += new EventHandler<Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.PhotoResult>(task_Completed);
That would be for static capture, and your event handler is like this:
void task_Completed(object sender, Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.PhotoResult e)
// Do something with e.ChosenPhoto
Currently, video recording is done through the undocumented way - this will most likely get your app submission disapproved from the Marketplace, but it is possible nonetheless.
What's done that way is a MP4 file is constantly updated in the IsolatedStorage as the recording is in progress. But then again, there are methods present to include the file in the media library.
Think you are a bit unclear about the whole microsoft and supporting cameras.
Microsoft released not too long ago Expression Encoder 4 which allows you not only to video screen capture your screen but as well access all devices connected to your pc.
I would believe this would be much more ideal then being restrained to only using a windows 7 phone especially for an xna game.
Hope this sheds some light.
Nowadays you can use FileSink to save video from a CaptureSource like VideoCaptureDevice into a file.
I am trying to make a simple application which will store the sound said by user , say on click of record button and will play it back to him/her , say on click of play button.
Can anyone suggest me some appropriate way to do this ??
You can use QuickTime Kit's capture APIs to record a movie of the audio, and QTMovie (from the same framework) to convert it to a more conventional format for audio files and to play back both the intermediate file and the converted file.
There used to be a QuickTime Kit Programming Guide, but it didn't cover capturing and is now gone from You should file a bug against the docs.
This answer will work in a Cocoa (Mac) app. If you meant to ask about the iPhone, you should re-tag your question, as the solution will be completely different for a Cocoa app vs. a Cocoa Touch (iPhone) app.
I used direct sound to create an entire internet phone application a few years ago. Your question is far simpler, you won't have to deal with the circular buffer as critically. Direct sound is pretty main stream and you can find a lot of help with it in forums, and it's free!