KendoMobile ui template not rendering css How to make the template render with kendo stylng in view? - kendo-ui

Basically the template wont render to a ScrollView using kendo.render(template, response) but WILL work with content = template(response) - BUT this has no styling in view -- see comment below
How to make the template render with kendo stylign in view?
BTW response from api call is JSON:
{"event_id":"5","stamp":"2013-01-24 06:00:00","type":"Event Type","loc":"Location","status":"1"}
<!-- eventDetail view -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
<div data-role="view" id="view-eventDetail" data-show="getEventDetailData" data-title="eventDetail">
<header data-role="header">
<div data-role="navbar">
<span data-role="view-title"></span>
<a data-align="right" data-role="button" class="nav-button" href="#view-myEvents">Back</a>
<div id="eventDetail" data-role="page"></div>
<script id="eventDetail-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
--><form id="addEventForm"><p>
<input name="event_type" id="event_type" data-min="true" type="text" value="#= type #" />
<input name="event_loc" id="event_loc" data-min="true" type="text" value="#= loc #" />
<input name="event_date_time" id="event_date_time" data-min="true" type="datetime" value="#= stamp#" />
Share this
<input data-role="switch" id="event_share" data-min="true" checked="checked" value="1"/></p>
<input type="button" id="eventCancelButton" style="width:30%" data-role="button" data-min="true" value="Cancel" />
<input type="submit" id="eventDoneButton" style="width:30%" data-role="button" data-min="true" value="Done" />
//eventDetail engine
function getEventDetailData(e) {
url: 'http://localhost/mpt/website/api/event_details.php?',
type: "GET",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
data: { userID: 2, eventID: },
success: function(response) {
var template = kendo.template($("#eventDetail-template").html()),
content = template(response);//works but no kendo css
//content = kendo.render(template, response);not working
.content("<!--" + content + "-->");

The widget classes (like km-button) are not added until the widget is initialized.
The template() and render() functions just return the template as a string with the data replaced (replaces #=foo# with the value of the foo property) but does not init all the widgets. In fact, it coldn't initialize the widgets if it wanted to singe it just returns a text string, not DOM elements. The initialization of the widgets is usually done by the parent widget that is using the template.
render() is not working in your case because its 2nd argument is supposed to be an array. All it does is call the given template function once per item in the array and concatenate the results. If you instead did:
var content = kendo.render(template, [response]); // wrap response in an array
it would return the same text string as template(response). It just provides a way to apply the same template to many items at once.
Normally when you create a widget, in your case calling .kendoMobileScrollView() you would expect it to turn any HTML contents of that element into widgets too, but it looks like the ScrollView widget doesn't do this. I think its intent may have been to just display pages of static content, not other widgets.
There is a Kendo method that isn't listed in the docs,; that you might be able to use to turn your template string into widgets. When I tried it in a jsFiddle it threw some error for me, but you could try something like:
var content = template(response); // apply response to template
var contentElements = $(content); // turn the string into DOM elements; // turn elements into widgets (this throws error for me)
$("#eventDetail").html(contentElements); // add contents to the desired element
$("#eventDetail").kendoMobileScrollView(); // create the scroll view
Also, what is with the end and begin comment bits hanging off the ends of the template? I don't see why those are needed. Might be better to remove them.
The ScrollView widget is supposed to take a series of <div> elements as its children. It then pages between them as you swipe left/right across the control. I don't see you adding a series of <div>s anywhere.


jquery mobile trigger create enchances some elements but not all

I think this may be a bug in Jquery Mobile, but it could also be user error (mine).
For a jquery mobile page, I am manually calling $(..).trigger("create") after loading in some html asynchronously. I am finding an odd - to me anyway - behaviour, which is that <input>s of type text on the loaded html are not enhanced to have JQM's styling, whereas <input>s that are of type button are.
Here's a stripped-down version that replicates the problem. Basically, a page loads and injects foo.html. Part of foo.html is a placeholder div that is subsequently loaded and injected with bar.html. bar.html contains a link that opens a popup. When it's clicked and the popup opens, buttons are styled correctly; inputs are not.
Note: I call trigger("create") on the parent of the injected content.
Further note: calling trigger("create") on the grandparent of where bar.html is injected makes everything be styled correctly, including inputs on the popup. See below for code.
in the body of my basic html page:
<div data-role="page" id="grandparent" data-theme="a">
<h3>A very basic page</h3>
the script in that page's head:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var path = "pathToFiles/";
$("#grandparent").load(path + "foo.html", null, function() {
//now load bar
$("#bar_placeholder").load(path + "bar.html", null, function() {
/*this does NOT enhance text <input> on popup*/
/*this DOES enhance text <input> on popup*/
here is foo.html
<div data-role="content" id="foo">
<h3>Foo before placeholder...</h3>
<div id="bar_placeholder" data-role="content"></div>
<h3> after placeholder</h3>
<label for="foo_input" class="ui-hidden-accessible">foo input IS enhanced:</label>
<input id="foo_input" value="" placeholder="i AM enhanced" data-theme="a" type="text" />
<input type="button" id="foo_button" value="Foo Button"/>
and here is bar.html:
bar popup button
<div data-role="popup" id="popupLogin" data-theme="a" class="ui-corner-all">
<h3>Bar header</h3>
<label for="bar_input" class="ui-hidden-accessible">bar text input NOT enhanced</label>
<input name="bar_input" id="bar_input" placeholder="i am NOT enhanced" data-theme="a" type="text"/>
<input type="button" data-theme="a" value="bar button"/>

Is it possible to open CKEditor Insert-Image Component programmatically?

For example, if I have a ready instance of CKEDITOR, and on that same page I have a list of pictures, with this markup:
<div class="galleryPictures">
<a href="#image-id-1" data-id="1" data-img-src="/pictures/image-1.jpg" class="galleryPicture">
<img src="/pictures/image-1.jpg" />
<a href="#image-id-2" data-id="2" data-img-src="/pictures/image-2.jpg" class="galleryPicture">
<img src="/pictures/image-2.jpg" />
<a href="#image-id-3" data-id="3" data-img-src="/pictures/image-3.jpg" class="galleryPicture">
<img src="/pictures/image-3.jpg" />
And I have following jQuery click handler delegated to these a.galleryPicture items:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.galleryPictures').on('click', 'a.galleryPicture', function() {
// when this accours I would like to open CKEditor's
// Insert-Image Component, and to get the "url" field filled with
// $(this).data('img-src'); value
Is it possible to trigger / open Insert-Image programmatically?
Found it. Might be of help to someone else:
With a simple inspection with Firebug I've seen that the <a> which on click triggers the opening of the Insert-Image component contains this function call in it's onclick attribute:,{});
// second argument is {} (an empty js-object), it the original the <a> onclick it was like this:
//, this); meaning it was sending the instance of that element
After this call it is possible to do something like this:,{});
// a failsafe if jQuery doesn't find the specified element after the function is executed
setTimeout(function() {
}, 50);

What is the proper way to edit items in a listview when using Kendo UI Mobile & MVVM?

What is the proper way to edit items in a listview when using Kendo UI Mobile & MVVM?
I don't get the expected results when using the following:
<div id="itemsView"
<ul data-role="listview" data-bind="source: items"
<script id="itemsTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<input type="text" data-bind="value: newValue" />
<button data-role="button" data-bind="click: update">update</button>
var vm = kendo.observable({
items: [{
Name: "Item1"}],
newValue: '',
update: function(e) {
var item = this.get("items")[0];
item.set("Name", this.get("newValue"));
//adding the follwoing line makes it work as expected
kendo.bind($('#itemsView'), vm);
kendoApp = new, {
transition: "slide"});​
I expect the listview to reflect the change to the Name property of that item. Instead, a new item is added to the listview. Examining the array reveals that there is no additional item, and that the change was made. (re)Binding the view to the view-model updates the list to reflect the change. Re-Binding after a change like this doesn't seem to make any sense.
Here is the jsfiddle:
Not sure if I understand your question properly: but this is how I did something similar with Kendo Web UI, I expect mobile is not so different from Web UI from API perspective.
dataSource: list,
template: idt,
editTemplate: iet,
autoBind: true
The way I bind the listview is different, but I guess you can get similar results with your method as well.
I pass two templates to the list view, one for displaying and one for editing.
Display template contains a button (or any element) with css class k-edit to which kendo will automatically bind the listview edit action.
display template:
<div class="item">
# if (city) { #
#: city #<br />
# } #
# if (postCode) { #
#: postCode #<br />
# } #
<div class="btn">
<span class="k-icon k-edit"></span>Edit
<span class="k-icon k-delete"></span>Delete
Edit template
<div class="item editable">
<input type="text" data-bind="value: city" name="city" required="required" validationmessage="*" />
<span data-for="city" class="k-invalid-msg"></span>
<div>Post Code</div>
<input type="text" data-bind="value: postCode" name="postCode" required="required" validationmessage="*" />
<span data-for="postCode" class="k-invalid-msg"></span>
<div class="btn">
<span class="k-icon k-update"></span>Save
<span class="k-icon k-cancel"></span>Cancel
Clicking that element will put the current element on edit mode using the editTemplate.
Then on the editTemplate there is another button with k-update class, again to which kendo will automatically bind and call the save method on the data source.
Hopefully this will give you more ideas on how to solve your issue.
The problem was caused by the <li> in the template. The widget already supplies the <li> so the additional <li> messes up the rendering. This question was answered by Petyo in the kendo ui forums

Multiple AJAX Callbacks and Creating a List

I'm sure this is a common question but I have an input field and a button. Whenever the button is pressed an ajax call is performed returning a string. I understand that if you attach it to a div in the original file, that div will erase any strings or numbers in it and replace with the returned string. What would be the most efficient way to allow for every single callback to be displayed on the screen real time? I attempted it but it appears that dynamically changing the javascript variable that assigns which div tag the ajax callback inserts into does not work. Does anyone know either what is wrong with this code or a more efficient way to write this code, i.e. with php, etc.
<div id="part1">
<input type="text" id="text"/>
<input type="button" value="button" id="button"/>
<div id="hidden" class="2"></div>
<div id="part2"></div>
<div id="part3"></div>
<div id="part4"></div>
<div id="part5"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" >
$('#button').click(function () {
var text = $('#text').val();
$.post('ajaxskeleton.php', {
red: text
}, function(){
var number = $('#hidden').attr("class");
$('#part' + number).html(text);
var number = number+1;
var class_name = $('#hidden').attr('class')
Instead of erasing its contents with .html(), you could append the new results to an existing div . For example, suppose you want to append the results to a div with id results:
$('#button').click(function () {
var text = $('#text').val();
$.post('ajaxskeleton.php', { red: text }, function() {
$("<li>" + text + "</li>").appendTo($("#results"));
Here's a DEMO.
I think something like the following would work.
<div id="container">
<input type="text" id="text"/>
<input type="button" value="button" id="button"/>
<ol id="responses"></ol>
$("#button").click(function() {
$.post('ajaxskeleton.php', {red:text}, function(data) {
$("#responses").append("<li>" + data + "</li>");
This just builds up an ordered list with the responses that come back from the Ajax calls, which I think is what your aiming to do.

Can you call ko.applyBindings to bind a partial view?

I'm using KnockoutJS and have a main view and view model. I want a dialog (the jQuery UI one) to popup with another view which a separate child view model to be bound to.
The HTML for the dialog content is retrieved using AJAX so I want to be able to call ko.applyBindings once the request has completed, and I want to bind the child view model to just the portion of the HTML loaded via ajax inside the dialog div.
Is this actually possible or do I need to load ALL my views and view models when the page initially loads and then call ko.applyBindings once?
ko.applyBindings accepts a second parameter that is a DOM element to use as the root.
This would let you do something like:
<div id="one">
<input data-bind="value: name" />
<div id="two">
<input data-bind="value: name" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var viewModelA = {
name: ko.observable("Bob")
var viewModelB = {
name: ko.observable("Ted")
ko.applyBindings(viewModelA, document.getElementById("one"));
ko.applyBindings(viewModelB, document.getElementById("two"));
So, you can use this technique to bind a viewModel to the dynamic content that you load into your dialog. Overall, you just want to be careful not to call applyBindings multiple times on the same elements, as you will get multiple event handlers attached.
While Niemeyer's answer is a more correct answer to the question, you could also do the following:
<input data-bind="value:" />
<input data-bind="value:" />
<script type="text/javascript">
var viewModels = {
VMA: {name: ko.observable("Bob")},
VMB: {name: ko.observable("Ted")}
This means you don't have to specify the DOM element, and you can even bind multiple models to the same element, like this:
<input data-bind="value: + ' and ' +" />
I've managed to bind a custom model to an element at runtime. The code is here:
The interesting bit is that I apply the data-bind attribute to an element I didn't define:
var handle = slider.slider().find(".ui-slider-handle").first();
$(handle).attr("data-bind", "tooltip: viewModel.value");
ko.applyBindings(viewModel.value, $(handle)[0]);
You should look at the with binding, as well as controlsDescendantBindings
