I would like to align 2 images wrapped with text but I haven't found any way to do it or any post that could help.
Something like this:
text text text text text image1
text text text text text image2
text text text text text text t
text text text text text text t
You could place it in a table, or like Wesley Murch said, you can use the CSS float and clear properties (float:right;clear:right;) to move it to the right of the page and prevent text from appearing to the right of the images.
Not the foreground/background color, but the color of the text itself.
I need to verify the result text by color (red/green).
The foreground color is the color of the text in case of a Text field.
What kind of Widget are trying to verify?
I am looking for a GUI control element to store a multiline text. TextArea textArea works fine, but it has a border and doesn't fit textArea to text size unless some broilierplate code is added to compute int rowCount to set textArea.setPrefRowCount(rowCount).
Other options like Label don't support copiable text.
What is the most suitable way to display selectable, non-editable text without a scrollbar/empty rows?
I'm working on generating documentation with Sphinx / reStructured Text. I can mark text either bold or as fixed width. How do I mark text with both formats like this: --bold-and-fixed-width ?
When I use
[myNSTextField setStringValue:#"AAA"];
to set the text of a NSTextField
the texts always have black background and look likes they have been selected.
Is it possible to display the text with black text color and white background color?
Welcome any comment
Ask the text field to resignFirstResponder. That will deselect the view.
When I adjust the size of the text field using a divider, if the text is not selected it stretches like this.
A text field ordinarily only holds a single line of text at a time; you wouldn't make it vertically sizable. Perhaps you want a text view instead?