Joomla 3.0 generic database error handling - joomla

Going from Joomla 2.5 to 3.0 with my extension, I'm struggling with how to do the DB error handling (since GetErrorNum is deprecated, see also Joomla! JDatabase::getErrorNum() is deprecated, use exception handling instead).
The way that seems to be the one to go according to the question linked above, is to add the following code for each db->query() code:
if (!$db->query()) {
throw new Exception($db->getErrorMsg());
In my opinion, that makes DB error handling more awkward than it was before. So far, I simply called a checkDBError() function after a DB call, which queried the ErrorNum and handled any possible error accordingly.
That was independent from how the DB query was actually triggered - there are different ways to do that, and different results on an error: $db->loadResult() returns null on error, $db->query() returns false. So there will now be different checks for different DB access types.
Isn't there any generic way to handle this, e.g. a way to tell Joomla to throw some exception on DB problems? Or do I have to write my own wrapper around the DatabaseDriver to achieve that? Or am I maybe missing something obvious?
Or should I just ignore the deprecation warning for now and continue with using getErrorNum()? I'd like to make my extension future-proof, but I also don't want to clutter it too much with awkward error handling logic.

Just found this discussion:!msg/joomla-dev-general/O-Hp0L6UGcM/XuWLqu2vhzcJ
As I interpret it, there is that deprecation warning, but there is no proper replacement yet anyway...
Unless somebody points out any other proper documentation of how to do it in 3.0, I will keep to the getErrorNum method of doing stuff...

Get getErrorNum() function will solve your problem....
$result = $db->loadResult();
// Check for a database error.
if ($db->getErrorNum())
return false;


Drupal, entity_metadata_wrappers and debugging

For handling entities in Drupal I'm using Entity Metadata Wrappers (the "Drupal way").
It's really easy to start coding and see all the advantages it has... except when you get a fatal error and you are not clear where it comes from.
This is what the database log shows:
EntityMetadataWrapperException: Unknown data property
field_whatever. at EntityStructureWrapper->getPropertyInfo()
(line 335 of
Sadly, many times that "field_whatever" is "nid", "uid" or some very common property, so it's name is spread all over my code, which makes me difficult to get to the origin of the error.
I'm currently doing this:
Write a tiny piece of code and then run to see if something fails.
Using getPropertyInfo when handling entities with "not so common" fields.
Loosing hair.
What is worst is that sometimes the error does not appear when you are coding, but a week later. So it could be anywhere...
Is there any way of handling entity metadata wrapper errors better? Can I get better information in the database log and not just a line? A backtrace maybe?
Well, having the devel module active (just to see the nice krumo message) we can do something like this inside our module:
function exception_with_trace($e)
That will return the backtrace error of the exception thrown by the entity metadata handler on the next page load (some page in your site where everything is running fine).
Also you can set the exception handler exclusively and more elegant just for some pages or some users with some role... or when some parameter in the url is met, or when in some state of your Drupal site is met (ex. when a bool persistent variable 'exception_with_trace' is true). Even, under certain conditions and control, you can use it in production too.
If the site does not work "at all" you can include it in your settings.php file, but instead of printing the trace, you must write the trace to a file and watch the trace in a different context (not Drupal but some php file).
If exceptions are too long and are causing memory problems then getting the trace as string is also possible. See
Hope that helps.

Relevant Http Response Code using graphql-js

Ok here's the thing, I'm trying to figure out how to deal with error handling with graphql-js. (In a case without Relay)
Not specific enough !? Ok so, since graphql-js is catching all errors thrown within resolve functions, I'm kind of confuse on how to deal properly with errors and http responses.
So I had few ideas and would like to know what you think about it !
Always return 200 OK with the graphql response even if containing errors. (Don't like that one)
Switch case on the result.errors[0] and return an http response in respect of the error, returning if no errors. (which could end up being a veeeery long switch case)
Deal with the error handling in the resolve function and throw and object (e.g. { httpCode: 404, msg: 'No X found with the requested id' } )
In the express function(or whatever web framework), having something like:'/graphql', function(req, res) {
let result = await graphql(req.body);
if(result.errors.size) {
let e = result.errors[0];
This doesn't currently work because of the way the error object is marshalled... or at least I haven't found how to get it out of graphql yet. I'm thinking of maybe looking into graphql-js source but I thought I better ask you guys first since I might be missing something obvious.
Obviously, a better idea is welcome !
Cheers :D
I am also trying to figure this out.
The best I have managed to come up with is throwing a custom error in my resolver. Check out apollo-errors. I am not sure if this is the best way, but it could work for you.

Why "Missing return statement" is not handled in languages?

Today I was getting introduced to Dart myself. At a point while playing with it, something was going wrong. Later I found that it was nothing but I forgot to put return statement in a function so null was set to the variable that was supposed to get value from that function.
At that point I was thinking, in Java it would be caught as error in the very first place. Why C/C++ or the new Dart don't add this feature? Does this feature slows the code down at a large scale? Or there are any other technical reasons behind this?
Every method returns a value, and if there is no return it is null.
However it looks like this some enhancements could be done in the future. See issue 73 : Missing return statement does not trigger warning or error and issue 13373 : Can get the editor to warn when there is no explicit return for a function returning a type.

Find who's calling the method

I'd like to somehow find out which CFC is calling my method.
I have a logging CFC which is called by many different CFC's. On this logging CFC there's a need to store which CFC called for the log.
Whilst I could simply pass the CFC name as an argument to my log.cfc, I find this to be a repetitive task, that might not be necessary, if I somehow could find out "who's" calling the method on log.cfc
Is there any programmatic way of achieving this?
Thanks in advance
Update: As Richard Tingle's answer points out, since CF10 you can use CallStackGet(), which is better than throwing a dummy exception.
Original answer: The easiest way is to throw a dummy exception and immediately catch it. But this has the downside of making a dummy exception show up in your debug output. For me, this was a deal-breaker, so I wrote the following code (based off of this code on cflib). I wanted to create an object that is similar to a cfcatch object, so that I could use it in places that expected a cfcatch object.
Note: You may have to adjust this code a bit to make it work in CF8 or earlier. I don't think the {...} syntax for creating object was supported prior to CF9.
StackTrace = {
Type= 'StackTrace',
Detail= '',
Message= 'This is not a real exception. It is only used to generate debugging information.',
TagContext= ArrayNew(1)
j = CreateObject("java","java.lang.Thread").currentThread().getStackTrace();
for (i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(j); i++)
if(REFindNoCase("\.cf[cm]$", j[i].getFileName())) {
ArrayAppend(StackTrace.TagContext, {
Line= j[i].getLineNumber(),
Column= 0,
Template= j[i].getFileName()
From ColdFusion 10 there is now a function to do this callStackGet()
For example the following code will dump the stack trace to D:/web/cfdump.txt
<cfdump var="#callStackGet()#" output="D:/web/cfdump.txt">
One kludgey way is to throw/catch a custom error and parse the stack trace. Here are some examples
I don't know of a method to do directly what you are asking, maybe someone else does.
However, I believe you could get the stack trace and create a function to parse the last method call.
This function on cflib will get you the stack trace.

Is it a good or bad idea throwing Exceptions when validating data?

When validating data, I've gotten into a habit of doing the following:
Note: I don't really have individual booleans for each check. This is just for the example.
Another Note: any error handling during the tests are done properly. The ONLY exceptions thrown in the try-catch are my own.
try {
if (validCheckOne = false) {
throw new Exception("Check one is bad");
if (validCheckTwo = false) {
throw new Exception("Failed because of check2");
if(validCheckTen = false) {
throw new Exception("Yet another failure on your part: check10.");
} catch(Exception e) {
MessageBox.Show("Your stupid data is wrong! See for yourself: " + e.Message);
Is this bad practice? Does throwing Exceptions slow the program's execution or is inadvisable?
Personally I like throwing Exceptions for business rule validation (not so much for user input validation) because it forces the problem to be handled upstream. If my business objects returned some kind of validation result, it could be ignored by the caller. Call me a cowboy if you wish :)
Everyone here is repeating the phrase "exceptions are for exceptional circumstances", but that really doesn't give any understanding of why its bad to use them for unexceptional circumstances. I need more than that. Is the performance hit of throwing exceptions really that bad? Are there any benchmarks available?
I'm going to repeat the mantra here: throwing exceptions should be done in exceptional circumstances. Invalid entered data is really not that exceptional.
I support MusiGenesis's answer.
The performance of throwing an exception is a thousand instructions. It's nothing compared to end-user time, but in inner code it is slow.
An additional problem is that, using Exceptions, your validation is limited to reporting the first failure (and you will have to do it all again next time to find the next failure).
In addition to the oft-repeated statement that "exceptions are for exceptional circumstances", here's an additionally clarifying rule I've come to like:
If the user caused it, it's not exceptional.
Exceptions are for system-side things (servers going down, resources being unavailable), not for the user doing odd things, because all users do odd things.
It depends - if you are expecting the data to be there and NOT having the data is unexpected, then throwing an exception is OK. Throwing an exception is very expensive (slow) but is the best way to handle unexpected circumstances.
In the title you call it "validating" data. That can happen on several levels. In (near) the GUI where you are checking user entered data, you should be expecting errors and have ways to report the errors back. Exceptions are inappropriate in this case.
But Data Validation can also happen at other boundaries, say between business-rule classes. There, errors in the data are uncommon and unexpected. You should throw when you detect one.
So maybe in some languages exception throwing and catching is "costly" but in other languages, throwing and catching exceptions is exactly what's called for.
In Smalltalk, for example, one could quickly build a multi-tiered exception catching solution. The validation pass could collect up any number of exceptions representing EVERYTHING that's wrong with a particular input data set. Then it would throw them ALL up to a higher-level catcher, responsible for formatting up a human-readable explanation of, again, EVERYTHING that was wrong with the input. In turn it would throw a single exception further up the chain, along with that formatted explanation.
So... I guess what I'm saying is, exceptions are only bad to throw if you've got no exception handling architecture supporting catching them and doing reasonable things with them, and all your catcher is going to do is EXIT or do something else equally inappropriate.
This is bad behavior. Exceptions are for Exceptional conditions. They take resources to generate the stack etc. Exceptions should not be used to dictate process flow.
In general it is inadvisable to use Exceptions to implement conditional flow. It would be better to do something like this
error = false;
while(true) {
if(validCheckOne == false) {
msg = "Check one is bad";
error = true;
if(validCheckTwo == false) {
msg = "Check two is bad";
error = true;
if (error) {
You should throw an exception when there is a situation you can't do nothing about it. Higher layers of software would have a chance to catch the exception and do something about it - even if that is simply crashing the application.
I would suggest that using exceptions as described in the question (for flow control within a function) is wrong not usually the best idea. I'd go further and saying validation throwing exceptions isn't the best approach; instead return a Boolean and store a list of validation error messages that can be accessed. An accompanying save method could/should throw an exception if it is called on an invalid object.
Thus if validate fails validation error messages can be displayed to the user (logged, returned. whatever). If validation passes then you can call save.
If you call save on an invalid object then get get an appropriate exception.
Another potential problem with your example code (depending on requirements of course) is it only throws the first validation error that occurs. Imagine this from a users POV:
Click save
Get an error message
Correct error
Click save again
Get a different error message. Annoying.
As a user I'd prefer to get all validation errors returned at once so I can correct them all before trying again.
I generally agree with the "exceptions should be exceptional" rule, but I might make an exception (ha!) for Python, where it can be both efficient and considered good practice to use try ... except to control flow.
See Using Exceptions For Other Purposes, for example.
This question is still interesting, mainly because of the answers.
When it comes to exception, there is a lot of arguments involved. We can defend a point to any direction we want to, from performance to exception philosophy. And they all sounds right to me.
But sometimes we have to stick to a direction. In this case, I think it's the validation itself.
When we want to validate something we also want to know (to log, or to show the user) whats wrong when the parameter is invalid. Even thought there are layers of validation such as Business Validation mixed with User Input validations.
For instance, when dealing with user input, a lot of weird cases can happen. A pasted data from a website full of hidden char (\t \n etc), typos, and a really huge kinds of cases that a specific exception could allow further analysis or message to the uses much more precisely than a simple "false" return.
When you go to the grocery and ask the seller if he's got cheese, and the seller replies with no, would that be an unexpected or exceptional response?
What about if you do the same but the seller just looks at you and does not respond!
Another example, you are talking to your friend and ask if there is something wrong, you may get 2 responses:
They tell you that they are sad because of something.
Or they just look at you and say nothing, turn their back and walk away and you are sure that this means you're in deep trouble :)
Same way with exceptions, unexpected behavior is an exception, but an invalid but expected response should not - IMHO - throw exceptions.
I often write similar code for validation, especially in express.js, and similar request/response loop style applications. When something is invalid, I throw a ValidationError, it's caught by the top level error handler, which knows to send a 422 response with the additional information that's attached to the ValidationError.
It's a very convenient way to handle validation. You don't have to pass around an error object (potentially up through a dozen stack frames, in some cases). And it's a simple and consistent way to trigger an invalid input response. I haven't experienced any serious problems with this approach.
I've thought about the "don't use exceptions for flow control" maxim in relation to this practice, and decided the benefits outweigh any disadvantages. I would say if you understand the reasoning behind "don't use exceptions for flow control", but you determine that it's a good idea anyway in a certain case, then go ahead and do it. We don't need to be too dogmatic about these things.
Throwing exceptions is relatively slow, but that will only matter if you're doing it repeatedly in a loop.
It really only matters if your data validation is in a tight loop. For most cases, it doesn't matter what you choose as long as you are consistent in your code.
If you have a lot of code that looks like your sample above then you might want to clean it up by introducing a helper method to throw...
private void throwIf( bool condition, String message )
if( condition )
throw new ApplicationException( message );
(also, doing this will help zero in on errors such as "validCheckOne = false" versus "validCheckOne == false" :)
Well, i know it's an old question. But i'll let my opinion here for the googler's who falled here like me:
If you are using a language with a bad try/catch support AVOID
THROWING exceptions for data validation;
DO NOT THROW a exception that will not be handled by the caller or
DO NOT THROW a exception if you need to validate the rest of the received data;
You can THROW a exception in cases where the code block cannot continue
without the invalid data; And if you do not interrupt the process you
can get a unhandled exception;
An example:
* Here it's a common problem i have: Someone pass a list of products i need to
* retrieve from the database and update some information;
//This is a class to represent the product
function Product(id, name, price) { = id; = name;
this.price = price;
//This is an example function to retrieve the product from the database
function findProductInDatabase(productId) {
//If the product exists on the database, the function will return it
if (productId == 12) {
var product = new Product(12, "Book", 20.5);
return product;
//If the product do not exists, it will return null
return null;
//This is a function that will receive the productID and will update the received parameters
function updateProduct(productId, newProductName, newProductPrice) {
var productFromDatabase = null;
var errorMessage = "";
//Retrieve the product
productFromDatabase = findProductInDatabase(productId);
//If the product do not exist, i need to interrupt de method imediatily and alert the caller
if (!productFromDatabase) {
throw "Product not found";
//Validate the other parameters, but in this case i can validate all the parameters
if (newProductPrice < 10) {
errorMessage += "the price is too low";
if (newProductName.includes("<")) {
//If already has a error message in the variable i append " and " to the message make sense
if (errorMessage) {
errorMessage += " and ";
errorMessage += "the new name has invalid characters";
if (errorMessage) {
//if theres any error, i will throw a exception with the messages
throw errorMessage;
//This parte is where the method id called;
try {
updateProduct(9, "Book", 10.5);
} catch (exception) {
console.log("Case 1: " + exception);
try {
updateProduct(12, "<Book", 9);
} catch (exception) {
console.log("Case 2: " + exception);
In test, sure, but in a live environment, you'd hope they're never raised.
You'd hope to refactor your code to the extent that all data into your system are validated at source, and either the user, or the system that generated the input to your system, is notified of the issue.
Exceptions should occur if you've missed something and should be a fallback that is handled gracefully.
You could store anything that's causing these exceptions separately, so that they don't make it into your system without being checked over first.
You don't want, e.g. an invalid value that falls outside a range of values to skew your results.
