How to add 2 templates for joomla 2.5 modules - joomla

I want to build my first module for Joomla 2.5 but I have a problem. I want to have multiple templates for my module, and the admin of the site can choose the templates from the config of the module. How can I do this ?

You are planning to create a joomla 2.5 front end module.then you can achieve your requirement as follows
You can use the joomla module override concept.
For each template you are using you can write module inside template folder for overrides.
like as follows
for more details take a look at this.
I hope this will solve your issues..


Edit joomla template according to my design template

I just want to know can I customized joomla template to looks like my design template ? I already designed a template for customer. But he needs to develop his website using joomla. So I have to put my template to the joomla. is that possible ? if it is please send me some reference. I'm going thought with references.
Joomla templates are based around a PHP index file and allow you to create overrides for each of the content types output by Joomla.
The Joomla Doc's site has a section on templates that you should start with.
Make sure you read up on Template Overrides and Module Chrome as well. Reviewing the templates installed by Joomla is also a good place to start. You can get a good feel for how they are structured and what they're capable of by looking at the default templates.
By the way if your client is only just building their website now they should be starting with Joomla 3.2 not 2.5, it has a lot of great features and is very Bootstrap friendly. In fact the tag line for the 3 series is "Mobile Ready"
Template systems like JooStrap also have Bootstrap 3 integrated already.
I just want to know can I customized joomla template to looks like my
design template ?
That's tedious works; the opposite is easier. Your design can be turned to Joomla template. Just add template codes to your HTML and your design can be used as Joomla template.
For example, you need to add the following code before <html>:
<?php defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' );?>
For a basic guide, visit:!_template
There are also codes to display your website contents and modules.

How do I add a base target="_self" to my Joomla site's header?

I'm trying to add a simple base target="_self" to my Joomla! 2.5 site's head HTML file. Where do I find that? Thanks!
Joomla! uses templates to format it's pages, it comes with several pre-installed and you can install a new template from various libraries or by creating a template.
You will need to look in the directory /templates/your-template/ where your-template is the name of your active template.
Depending on the complexity of the template you may find the head section in the index.php file or in an included sub-file.

Add static javascript to every page of joomla

Im completely new to Joomla development. I need to develop Joomla plugin that adds static javascript to the footer of all the pages of a Joomla site. Also, the plugin would need to save 2 fields in database, and access these fields on per page basis. Also, Admin panel is needed.
Now, my questoion is, where do i start? Joomla plugin development is a big task, so if I can get some pointers as to where to start, it would be very supporting.
Im not asking for direct code, but just the right direction to start.
Thanx in advance....
Joomla has three types of extensions (what you refered to as plugin): components, modules and plugins, where each has a different purpose.
If you need to add javascript to all pages, the best place is your template. If you don't have access to template, just building an extension, then you have to create a content plugin.
If you need to create extension with admin panel which also works with database, you need to create a component. The best place to get started is tutorial Developing a MVC component for Joomla 2.5

Multistore, template code from code/local/

I'm prepare a multistore on magento.
I have a three template, and I was change a few file from code/core and replace in code/local, but only one template take a changing code from code/local
a rest template should take file from code/core/
Now every template take files from code/local/
How can I'm set app to resolve a problem
thx for help
You should NOT overwrite core files in local. Better try to develop your own module which rewrites the core functionality. In this module you can integrate a configuration, so it's only used for one store view, and not for all.

How to create multiple module instances in joomla 1.5?

I have installed joomla module. It seems that I can only display the same module with the same configuration on any page.
How do you have this same module, with a different configuration on different page ? (I do not want to display the same rss feed under each joomla article)...
Is it possible to have multiple "instances" of a module ?
I have taken an rss feed module for example, but I could have taken any joomla module.
Thank you for your answer
Frd...its easy..
Pls follow my link:
Administrator--> Extensions--> module manager-->Select ur module(Which module u need)-->click new Button (in top right menu)-->here u got all module (select ur required module)--> now u can get it...!!! pls check it..!!
Modules can be assigned to specific menu items. In 1.5 you have the option to assign a module to All, Selected, or None menu items. Simple make multiple copies of the module you want to use then assign each version to the menu items you wish with the associated variations in configuration.
You can create multiple instances of a module through module manager in Admin side of your site. And different instances can have different configurations.
