How to create a ppt slideshow like this? - powerpoint
Seems that I have noticed bundles of ppt of this style( Some blue background, in pdf), is there a templat for this ppt( I am about to give some report)?Thanks for your attention.

These slides are made using the Beamer class in LaTeX.
More info:


How to add a gif/animation onto Beamer (post Adobe retiring Flash)

I'm having trouble adding a gif onto my Beamer. I've searched for answers but I haven't found one that was written after Adobe retired it's Flash Player.
I've tried using the animate package, and it does compile the file, but it doesn't let me play it (the controls appear, but if I click them nothing happens). I've tried the media9 and movie15 packages, but apparently they are obsolete. So, I am very confused on how to add an animation at this point in time. And honestly, I don't even know if the lack of Adobe Flash Player is the problem. I know there has to be a simple answer.
I don't think it's necessary to add my code, since I feel it's such a trivial matter.
Thanks in advance!
You can split your .gif file into individual images. There are many different converters to be found online or you could use image magick from the command line:
convert -coalesce test.gif test.png
This will result in a series of images called test-0.png etc.
You can then include these in your beamer presentation using the xmpmulti package.
To animate this sequence of slides, you can use \transduration<0-16>{0}. Replace 16 with how many images you have and {0} with the duration in seconds each image should be shown. With 0 seconds from my example, the time will be determined by how long your computer takes to render the slide.
If you now open the presentation with adober reader in presentation mode, the slides will change automatically and thus create an animation.
\multiinclude[<+->][format=png, graphics={width=\textwidth}]{test}
Or if abandoning the pdf format is an option, you could have a look at the media4svg package.

markdown or markup to powerpoint?

I need to maintain some slides in both latex beamer and in powerpoint. (This is to make slides available for instructors elsewhere, too, 90% of which do not know how to use latex and are unwilling to learn it. and I am a latex guy on linux.)
I have tried the route via Libreoffice (and opendocument), but this did not come out well. right now, the best method that I have found is to author pdf in beamer, then run it through a nuance OCR program to get MS Word...and not even go all the way to Powerpoint (which is where I really need to be).
If I only had a markup language that produced nice Powerpoint, I could probably code a perl translator from markdown to this intermediate markup language. (going from markdown to latex beamer is relatively easy.)
I don't think this exists, but hope springs eternal. after all, it is almost 2014 now. does anyone know of a solution?
One solution is to use odpdown: It converts markdown to the OpenOffice Presenter format, which can be imported into PowerPoint.
It is not yet complete, i.e. table support is missing and possibly not running on certain Windows setups, but nevertheless it could be a start. Possibly, you have Linux running, where it seems to work.
Steve Rindsberg's answer in the comments works on PP 2007 works! Let me repeat it here:
I suspect that PowerPoint is the likeliest solution. ;-) But what sort
of slides are you creating? If they're simple heading and bullet point
slides, all you need to produce is a simple text file. Any text that
starts in the left column will be the heading of a new slide. Indent
one tab and it becomes a first-level bullet point under the current
heading; indent two tabs, it becomes a second level bullet point and
so on. Simply use File | Open on the text file to pull it into PPT.
Steve: Is this all that PP converts? Or is there a reference of other "sneaky" markup that PP knows about?
(pandoc: unfortunately, the conversion from libreoffice to powerpoint is pretty poor when I tried it last. I also tried to save and understand the powerpoint xml format, but that was REAL bad.)
The easiest way to handle this is to work with:
RStudio (and R if not already installed)
Pandoc 2.0.5 (minimum)
Install those 3 (or 4) items, then read:
The installation time is worth the time saved copy-pasting everything from scratch.
I also am a Linux guy and I also use LateX engines to create nice documents. Based on my experience, here's what you should do :
Stop writing directly in LaTeX and start using org-mode to write documents instead (I spent years writing in LaTeX and now it's over (except when I use modernv package))
Org supports latex math formulas and .org files are easily exported in .tex files
Org can also be easily exported in markdown
Once you have your markdown, there are several tools that will allow you to create a PowerPoint. Two of them are pandoc and md2pptx

program/library to read photoshop gradient .grd file

Does anybody know program or library that can read the photoshop gradient .grd files or the file format because currently I need to export the gradient in Photoshop to another format like svg gradient.
A document describing the Photoshop Gradients File Format has been mentioned in this PS-Scripts forum:
The cptutils package can convert grd to svg (and many other formats). I you just want to convert a couple of files the possibly the online version will meet your needs.
You might try using Gimp; for which this article suggest a free add-on under "Conversion options" (which I have not tried). is what you are looking for

How to import GIF files into Beamer presentation?

I need to import animations from Maple into my LaTeX/Beamer presentation. I save a file in GIF format. But later I have problems converting that file into PNG. All I get is a static PNG file and can't proceed ((( What's the full code to do that in LaTeX?
You can use the animate package to animate a series of PNGs. To get the series of PNGs from an animated GIF, use a tool like ImageMagick's convert.
Does this help: LINK? (This is the same answer as marcog... just wanted to provide a reference to it being asked previously -- the solution was the same: the animate package).
Also, your OS will matter. I don't know that Linux (not saying you're using it) has any ability to play animated PDFs. I've tried embedding movies using LaTeX and while it "works," you can't actually view them in anything Linux offers yet. Okular is working on it, but last I checked (couple months?) it's not possible yet.
Anyway, just wanted to add that just in case you were doing everything completely right and by chance are not seeing the fruits of your labor since you're using a Linux viewer. Check your work with Acrobat on Windows to be sure.

Creating nice pdfs with ruby

I would like to create pdfs with ruby. One special need is embedding a picture into text (or a textblock), which means I need to be able to let the text flow around the image. E.g. the image should be in the rigth upper corner and the text should start left of the image and continue after the image by using the whole width of the page. How can I do this in ruby? Thank you for any suggestions!
In the past to get print quality PDFs in Ruby, I used rtex.
It's fast too, which is a real bonus.
Prawn to the rescue?
I like the html -> pdf approach. Although it is probably not the best option (prawn is) it makes it easy to design the pdf. See this website. You could also go for the approach documented at
Good luck
iText is the heavyweight that will allow you to do anything you want with PDFs you can bridge to it with jRuby.
Another option I used was driving open office (it has a ui less option which you can automate from Ruby)
How about having Ruby generate some LaTeX code, then use pdflatex to produce the PDF?
Although I haven't done it myself I've seen people use a headless Open Office. You can control it from Ruby and use it to generate PDF files. You can even use an Open Office template and just fill in some elements into it.
