SolrJ with Maven - maven

I am a newbie in Solr and maven and i want to make a small application that index all my database tables via SolrJ .
For that i looked up at this tutorial where they are using MAVEN .
I installed the librairies and jars (except maven) but i had this exception:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/HttpRequestInterceptor
I looked into the tutorial and i saw that for resolving this problem we need to add this to my maven configuration:
Is there anyway to do that without maven?
Thank you

Use maven. Even with it, it took me a fairly considerable amount of time to get the dependencies right. The tutorials were all a bit lacking. Below is my pom.xml with the relevant dependencies that I had maven bring in. Perhaps it will help you.

Maven is the suggested build technology for the Solrj, because it automates the management of 3rd party dependencies. Without dependency management it's a royal pain to decipher these relationships (Jar hell).
What I could suggest is to use ivy, which has a command-line mode.
First download the ivy jar
To retrieve the following Maven module and all it's dependencies:
Then run it as follows:
java -jar ivy.jar \
-dependency org.apache.solr solr-solrj 1.4.0 \
-retrieve "lib/[artifact]-[revision](-[classifier]).[ext]" \
-confs default
Retrieves into the lib directory:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/HttpRequestInterceptor
This is due to a missing httpcore.jar file. I found this out by browsing Maven Central:|ga|1|fc%3A%22org.apache.http.HttpRequestInterceptor%22
The recommendation on using the "slf4j-simple" is to provide a logging implementation in case your application doesn't have one.
Finally... This demonstrates what I've tried to say. In the absence of a dependency management tool (ivy, groovy, Maven) you're on your own in deciphering the 3rd party jar dependencies.


Adding maven dependency fro Jira plugin development

I am developing a Jira plugin from starter code at
I added some third party maven dependencies
When I started Jira, I faced Jira Locked error. When I removed those maven dependencies and restarted again, everything is normal. Jira is working. Where am I going wrong? Is there any special way to add maven dependencies for Jira plugins?
If you have not tried official Atlassian troubleshooting guide, then this is the first thing you should do.
You can try stop Jira, remove these files:
and try to start Jira again.
Also ensure Jira has sufficient memory.

Excluding "provided" libraries from MobileFirst Maven builds

I have added a <scope>provided</scope> dependency to my Maven pom.xml for my Java adapter, because the referenced jars are provided by my application server, but Maven install is still including the jars in the .adapter file.
Is this the expected behavior? Is this a Maven issue, or something related to MobileFirst platform foundations use of it? The MFP provided libraries seem to not be included.
Not included in .adapter file:

Hadoop/Hbase: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HBaseConfiguration

I have hadoop and Hbase installed, both working fine as far as I can tell. When trying to the built jar with hadoop, I get a
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hbase/HBaseConfiguration
error, using Hbase version 0.90.2 in my maven dependency.
I think this is quite an old version of Hbase and I am unsure if this old version is compatible with hadoop 2.7.2 or even Java 8. Thus I tried using Hbase version 0.99.2 in my maven dependency, but then I get a
Failed to execute goal on project exercise_2: Could not resolve dependencies for project Failure to find org.apache.hbase:hbase:jar:0.99.2 in was cached in the local repository
error from the maven plugin. What am I doing wrong?
Here is my pom.xml:
Seems like this is jar caching issue, I think HbaseConfiguration is common class regardless of which version of hbase used.
Can you manually delete local repository file of hbase and try mvn XXXX command once again.
Maven will then try to download and fix the class path.
for cross checking, use mvn ... -X option to see which version of jar its trying to download.
Since scope of this jar is
Cross check the hbase version of this jar in your cluster. by using "hbase classpath" and check whether this jar version is closely matching with your jar file version of maven repository of your pom.xml.
That should fix.

pom.xml tomEE 1.6.0

I would like to find/create a pom.xml containing all libraries included in tomEE, using "provided" scope. Goal of this is to make it as "pom parent" of a webproject, and have no risk to use other library version, or other implementation.
Does a such pom.xml exist? or is there a simple way to create it?
thanks in advance
Because JavaEE is a specification, there are several available.
I use this one for several reasons. This is in my organization's parent pom so all the projects automatically pull it in:
Thanks to exabrial, the maven dependency i was looking for is this one :

Maybe bad jasper report dependency in pom.xml

I'm developing my first application with vaadin and spring. I'm using also maven for dependency management. Now i have this trouble, when i try to add a the followed jasper report dependency
I get the following error
The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library 'C:\Users\Alex.m2\repository\bouncycastle\bcprov-jdk14\138\bcprov-jdk14-138.jar'
then i also try to add this dependency:
but doesn't work.
Where i wrong?
