Nodejitsu on Windows - windows

I've just started playing around with Node.js and was trying to get Nodejitsu to work on my system (Windows 7, Node version 0.8.15)
I installed Jitsu using the "npm install jitsu -g" command, but beyond that trying to perform jitsu users confirm or deploy returns:
'jitsu' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
I understand that I most probably need to add the jitsu install location in my path, but am not sure where jitsu has been installed.
Help much appreciated. Thanks

on a normal Node.js installation on windows you will find the npm modules located at
C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin
or in
You need to set up the PATH environment variable to the correct path
An then you will be able to use Nodejitsu :)


How to remove "mvn" from windows 10 CMD

I installed node.js and run following command
npm install mvn
now, mvn command is binding to node.js even I uninstalled it.
'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Actually, I need to binding "mvn" to maven which I already setted into system PATH.
but, it doesn't work (still points to node.js)
Please help.
There are a "mvn.cmd" file under the following folder
C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Roaming\npm
Simply delete this file.

how to install watcher on elasticsearch in windows?

I want to install watcher on elasticsearch, but when running
bin\plugin install file:///path/to/file
It says
'bin\plugin' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I have tried many ways but it does not know plugin at all!
If you're seeing examples that state to execute .\bin\plugin, the assumption is that your command prompt's working directory is in the root of your Elasticsearch install.
The two simple ways for you to solve this:
Make sure your working directory for your command prompt is set to the root of your install
Use the absolute path to the plugin script

Specifying JupyterHub Path Variable

I am in the process of installing jupyterhub. I successfully install jupyterhub using:
python3 -m pip install jupyterhub
npm install -g configurable-http-proxy
However, when I run jupyterhub -h in the Windows command prompt it gives:
"jupyterhub" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
program or batch file.
I added C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\jupyterhub\ to my user environment variable, however still receive the message. What path should I be using?
Please note that according to this, Jupyterhub is not officially supported for Windows yet.
That aside, you could dockerize it to make your life easier. For this error, please check if you can see the executable in C:\Program Files\Continuum Analytics\Anaconda3\scripts. The lib directory you're specifying contains python source files and not the executables.
I had this same issue, and I saw this occurred because jupyterhub is a python script rather than an executable. So to run this on Windows I needed to execute it like python C:\Program Files\Continuum Analytics\Anaconda3\scripts\jupyterhub.
However, I still was unable to run jupyterhub on Windows because it depends on the pwd module, which is a Unix/Linux only module.
As others have said, Windows is not a supported platform. JupyterHub is best used on Linux-like platforms where you have Docker or something similar to conatainerize each user's session.
A good alternative is to install Oracle VirtualBox and run a local VM. I run a 64-bit Ubuntu and it's quite good performance. It makes things much easier to run JupyterHub on. Asides depending on pwd, there are also assumptions around user-creation and other activities that Windows isn't going to handle well.
In short, if you want to run on native Windows, you're going to become the first JupyterHub Windows contributor. I looked at doing it but it looked like too much effort.
The upside of running a VM is that behaviour in the VM is going to more closely resemble what you have running on the server anyway. If you don't plan running on a server, then just "jupyter notebook", as this is all JupyterHub ends up running...

Unable to get Docpad to run on Windows

I'm having problems getting Docpad to run on Windows.
I did the following.
Installed the latest version of Node
"NPM Install Docpad"
Then typed "docpad run" in an empty directory
I got an error message that said 'docpad' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Maybe I'm missing a step somewhere? I've also tried submitting the command to the node command prompt, and have also checked the troubleshooting guide and done a general google search.
Unless you installed an NPM module with the -g option (which is not indicated in the docpad web site so I suspect you didn't) the module won't be available on your PATH.
You can still run it by indicating the full path, for example run the following from the folder where you ran the npm install command:
I had this same problem and a restart didn't help me.
What worked for me was installing via the 'nodejs command prompt' rather than the standard windows one.
I ran npm install -g docpad then navigated to my empty folder and ran docpad run and it worked straight away (after 1 hour messing around with the windows command prompt).

cmd 'patch' is not recognised as an internal/external command, operable program or batch file

I'm trying to patch my wordpress installation to protect from user enumeration.
I found a patch - here
It said to use it I need to navigate to the sites root folder, add the patch file then run it using cmd , patch -p0 <wpuserEnum.patch
When I hit enter I get the 'patch' is not recognised as an internal/external command, operable program or batch file' message
Not the most helpful error reporting. I have googled the problem all day and have not found any solutions regarding 'patch' specifically
I have checked PATH and there is a C:\Windows\System32 path there
Can anybody shed any light on what is happening and why?
I am running Windows Server 2008.
patch is not part of Windows so it won't be installed unless you install it yourself. You can get it as part of the GnuWin32 project -
You need to edit your system environment variables, then add the path to patch.exe(in GnuWin32\bin) to the PATH environment variable...after restarting the cmd, patch should be recognized...
It helped me to run the next command:
npm i patch-package
(From here: )
I don't think GnuWin32 works for Win10 (at least they only mentioned Win7 in their website).
The safest way (works for me) is Git for Windows:
It has patch.exe in Git\usr\bin folder. Just add it to your path will work!
