read all files in directory ksh - ksh

I want to read all files one by one from the /home/ram/files/*.txt
and I want to remove the file If the file has less than or equal to 7 lines.
I am using ksh script
The follwoing code not working for me! pls help
for file in /home/ram/files/*.txt
no_of_lines=$(wc -l "$file")
if [[ $no_of_lines -le 7 ]];
rm "$file"

wc command gives count and the filename as well.
Change it to:
no_of_lines=$(wc -l < "$file")


Shell Script to write to a file upto a certain point and then keep overwriting the file

I am trying to write a shell script , which will write the output of another script in a file and it will keep writing to that upto a certain point and then it will overwrite the file so that file size will remain within a well bounded range.
while true
./ > test.txt
sleep 1
I have tried to use infinite loop and sleep so that it will keep overwrite that file.
But, it shows a different behaviour. Till the point command is running , the filesize keeps on increasing. But, when i stop the command, the file size get reduce.
How can i keep overwriting the same file and maintain the file size along with it.
use truncate -s <size> <file> to shrink the file when its size is out of your boundary
I will do with below script
minimumsize=100000 # define the size you want
actualsize=$(wc -c <"$Logfile")
if [[ $actualsize -ge $minimumsize ]]; then
rm -rf "$Logfile"
sh ./ >> test.txt
#current_date_time="`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`"; #add this to to track when it was written
#echo "********Added at :$current_date_time ********" #add this to to track when it was written
sh ./ >> test.txt
I can try with the option for generating the new file once the old one
is full. … How can make the
script to generate the new file and write to it.
The following script, let's call it, does that; you use it by feeding the output to it, specifying the desired file size and name as arguments, e. g. ./| 999999 test.txt.
File=${2?usage: $0 Size File}
set -- `ls -l "$File" 2>/dev/null` # 5th column is file size
[ "$5" -lt "$Size" ] || mv "$File" "$File"-old
read -r && echo "$REPLY" >>"$File"
do :
The old (full) file would then be named test.txt-old.

what is the purpase of the command rsync -rvzh

im trying to understand what this two command doing:
config=$(date +%s)
rsync -rvzh $1 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/target > /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config
this line appears in a bigger script - looking like this:
#! /bin/bash
config=$(date +%s)
rsync -rvzh $1 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/target > /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config
countS=`wc -l /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config | sed 's/^\([0-9]*\).*$/\1/'`
let countS--
let countS--
let countS--
while read LINEC #read line
if [ "$countC" -gt 0 ]; then
if [ "$countC" -lt "$countS" ]; then
while read LINE
for word in $LINE;
echo "INSERT INTO (word, line, numWordLine, file) VALUES ('$word', '$count', '$countW', '$FILENAME');" >> /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/query
mysql -u root -Alaba1515< /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/query
echo > /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/query
let countW++
let count++
done < $FILENAME
rm -f /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/query
rm -f /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config
let countC++
done < /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config #finish while
i was able to find lots of documentary about rsync and what it is doing but i don't understand whats the rest of the command do. any help please?
The first command assigns the current time (in seconds since epoch) to the shell variable config. For example:
$ config=$(date +%s)
$ echo $config
rsync is a file copying utility. The second command thus makes a backup copy of the directory listed in argument 1 (referred to as $1). The backup copy is placed in /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/target. A log file of what was copied is saved in var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config:
rsync -rvzh $1 /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/target > /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ROOT/DataMining/$config
The rsync options mean:
-r tells rsync to copy files diving recursively into subdirectories
-v tells it to be verbose so that it shows what is copied.
-z tells it to compress files during their transfer from one location to the other.
-h tells it to show any numbers in the output in human-readable format.
Note that because $1 is not inside double-quotes, this script will fail if the name of directory $1 contains whitespace.

Run Command on Multiple of Files or Single File

I needed to convert several pnm image files to jpeg with pnmtojpeg. So I used this script, which I named 'pnm2jpg':
for f in *.pnm;
do pnmtojpeg -quality=85 "$f" > "${f%.pnm}.jpg";
This works very nicely. However, I would like to adapt it further so that it can be used for a single file as well.
In other words, if no files are specified in the command line, then process all the files.
$ pnm2jpg thisfile.pnm # Process only this file.
$ pnm2jpg # Process all pnm files in the current directory.
Your insight is greatly appreciated- Thank you.
Something like:
if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then
for f in *.pnm; do
pnmtojpeg -quality=85 "$f" > "${f%.pnm}.jpg"
pnmtojpeg -quality=85 "$1" > "${1%.pnm}.jpg"
If you execute pnm2jpg without an argument the if block is processed.
if you execute pnm2jpg thisfile.pnm the else block is processed.

Deleting files by date in a shell script?

I have a directory with lots of files. I want to keep only the 6 newest. I guess I can look at their creation date and run rm on all those that are too old, but is the a better way for doing this? Maybe some linux command I could use?
rm -v $(ls -t mysvc-*.log | tail -n +7)
ls -t, list sorted by time
tail -n +7, +7 here means length-7, so all but first 7 lines
$() makes a list of strings from the enclosed command output
rm to remove the files, of course
Beware files with space in their names, $() splits on any white-space!
Here's my take on it, as a script. It does handle spaces in file names even if it is a bit of a hack.
eval set -- $(ls -t1 | sed -e 's/.*/"&"/')
if [[ $# -gt 6 ]] ; then
shift 6
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] ; do
echo "remove this file: $1" # rm "$1"
The second option to ls up there is a "one" for one file name per line. Doesn't actually seem to matter, though, since that appears to be the default when ls isn't feeding a tty.

Using BASH to copy folder if contents are under 4gb total

I have this script copying directories
for dir in $(pwd)/*/
dirsize=$(du -chk "${dir##*/}" | grep total)
if [[ "$kbsize" -lt 4194304 ]]
cp -rv * "$1"
I'm trying to get it to only copy directories if they are under 4GB (because of FAT32 limitation). The problem is it copies everything, not just directories over 4GB.
I'm sure it's something dumb as my BASH knowledge isn't that great. Any ideas?
the * in your cp statement is being expanded to include all directory names in pwd. therefore, if any directory is under 4gb, it will try to copy every directory.
i'd suggest you use the -t option to cp to specify a target directory to which the files should be copied and remove the * from that command.
also, as others have mentioned, check out the -s option to du.
The problem is with your du command. Running this command yields:
$ du -chk .
# ...
18M total
As a result, your kbsize variable contains 18M. And bash doesn't like that:
$ [[ 18M -lt 923898 ]]; echo $?
bash: [[: 18M: value too great for base (error token is "18M")
Replace your command with du -sk:
$ kbsize=$(du -sk . | awk '{print $1}')
$ echo $kbsize
$ [[ $kbsize -lt 4194304 ]]; echo $?
0 # Success!
$ [[ $kbsize -lt 10 ]]; echo $?
1 # Fails, but no errors
