Unit Test Only Passes in Debug Mode, Fails in Run Mode - visual-studio-2010

I have the following UnitTest:
public void NewGamesHaveDifferentSecretCodesTothePreviousGame()
var theGame = new BullsAndCows();
List<int> firstCode = new List<int>(theGame.SecretCode);
List<int> secondCode = new List<int>(theGame.SecretCode);
List<int> thirdCode = new List<int>(theGame.SecretCode);
CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(firstCode, secondCode);
CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual(secondCode, thirdCode);
When I run it in Debug mode, my code passes the test, but when I run the test as normal (run mode) it does not pass. The exception thrown is:
CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual failed. (Both collection contain same elements).
Here is my code:
// constructor
public BullsAndCows()
Gueses = new List<Guess>();
SecretCode = generateRequiredSecretCode();
previousCodes = new Dictionary<int, List<int>>();
public void NewGame()
var theCode = generateRequiredSecretCode();
if (previousCodes.Count != 0)
SecretCode = theCode;
previousCodes.Add(previousCodes.Last().Key + 1, SecretCode);
SecretCode = theCode;
previousCodes.Add(0, theCode);
previousCodes is a property on the class, and its Data type is Dictionary key integer, value List of integers. SecretCode is also a property on the class, and its Data type is a List of integers
If I were to make a guess, I would say the reason is the NewGame() method is called again, whilst the first call hasn't really finished what it needs to do. As you can see, there are other methods being called from within the NewGame() method (e.g. generateRequiredSecretCode()).
When running in Debug mode, the slow pace of my pressing F10 gives sufficient time for processes to end.
But I am not really sure how to fix that, assuming I am right in my identification of the cause.

What happens to SecretCode when generateRequiredSecretCode generates a duplicate? It appears to be unhandled.
One possibility is that you are getting a duplicate, so SecretCode remain the same as its previous value. How does the generator work?
Also, you didn't show how the BullsAndCows constructor is initializing SecretCode? Is it calling NewGame?
I doubt the speed of keypresses has anything to do with it, since your test method calls the functions in turn without waiting for input. And unless generateReq... is spawning a thread, it will complete whatever it is doing before it returns.
--after update--
I see 2 bugs.
1) The very first SecretCode generated in the constructor is not added to the list of previousCodes. So the duplicate checking won't catch if the 2nd game has the same code.
2) after previousCodes is populated, you don't handle the case where you generate a duplicate. a duplicate is previouslySeen, so you don't add it to the previousCodes list, but you don't update SecretCode either, so it keeps the old value.
I'm not exactly sure why this is only showing up in release mode - but it could be a difference in the way debug mode handles the random number generator. See How to randomize in WPF. Release mode is faster, so it uses the same timestamp as seed, so it does in fact generate exactly the same sequence of digits.
If that's the case, you can fix it by making random a class property instead of creating a new one for each call to generator.


How to do a prophecy for current testing class in PHPUnit?

I have this case that I want to run PHPUnit test and check behaviour of current testing class as follows:
public function it_allows_to_add_items()
// Create prophesies
$managerProphecy = $this->getProphet(ListingManager::class);
$listingItemProphecy = $this->getProphet(ListingItemInterface::class);
$listing = factory(\App\Misc\Listings\Listing::class)->create();
$manager = new ListingManager($listing);
$item = factory(\App\Misc\Listings\ListingItem::class)->make(['listing_id' => null]);
$item2 = factory(\App\Misc\Listings\ListingItem::class)->make(['listing_id' => null]);
is that even possible ?
Of course I'm getting
1) GenericListingManagerTest::it_allows_to_add_items
Some predictions failed:
Expected exactly 2 calls that match:
Double\App\Misc\Listings\ListingManager\P2->validate(exact(Double\ListingItemInterface\P1:00000000058d2b7a00007feda4ff3b5f Object (
'objectProphecy' => Prophecy\Prophecy\ObjectProphecy Object (*Prophecy*)
but none were made.
I think your way to approach this test is a bit off. If I understand correctly you want to verify that addItem(object $item) works properly, i.e. the manager contains the item and the item is the same you added. For this you should not need prophecies and in fact your test does not actually use the prophecies you created. Depending on what your Manager looks like you could write something like this:
function test_manager_add_items_stores_item_and_increases_count()
$manager = new ListingManager(); // (2)
$item = new ListingIem(); // (3)
$initialCount = $manager->countItems(); // (1)
$this->assertEquals($initialCount + 1, $manager->countItems());
// Assuming offset equals (item count - 1) just like in a numeric array
$this->assertSame($item, $manager->getItemAtOffset($initialCount));
(1) Assuming your manager has a count()-method you can check before and after whether the count increased by the number of added items.
(2) We want to test the real manager - that's why we don't need a mock created by prophecy here - and we can use a real item because it's just a value.
(3) I'm not sure why you have a ListingItemInterface. Are there really different implementations of ListingItem and if so, do you really want a generic ListingManager that possibly contains all of them or do you need a more specific one to make sure that each Manager contains only it's specific kind of item? This really depends on your use case, but it looks like you might violate the I (Interface Segregation Principle) or L (Liskov Substitution Principle) in SOLID.
Depending on your use case you might want to add real items, e.g. 2 different types to make clear that it's intended that you can put 2 different implementations of the interface in there or you can do it like above and just add a ListingItem and verify that each item in the manager implements the interface - I leave finding the assertion for that to you ;). Of course you can use your factory to create the item as well. The important thing is that we test with assertSame() whether the managed object and the one we created initially are the same, meaning reference the exact same object.
You could add additional tests if you want to ensure additional behaviour, such as restricting the kind of items you can put in the manager or how it behaves when you put an invalid object in there.
The important thing is, that you want to test the actual behaviour of the Manager and that's why you don't want to use a mock for it. You could use a mock for the ListingItemInterface should you really require it. In that case the test should probably look something like this:
function test_manager_add_items_stores_item_and_increases_count()
$manager = new ListingManager();
$dummyItem = $this->prophecy(ListingIemInterface::class);
$initialCount = $manager->countItems();
$this->assertEquals($initialCount + 1, $manager->countItems());
$this->assertSame($dummyItem, $manager->getItemAtOffset($initialCount));
edit: If addItem checks the validation which you want to skip, e.g. because the empty item you provide is not valid and you don't care. You can use PHPUnit's own mock framework to partially mock the manager like this:
$item = new ListingItem();
$managerMock = $this->getMockBuilder(ListManager::class)
->with($this-> identicalTo($item))
You don't have to assert anything at the end, because expects() is already asserting something. Your Manager will work normally, except for validate(), meaning you will run the code in addItem() and if in there validate is called (once per item) the test will pass.

signature and functionality of selection callback of treeview in gtkmm

I have a treeview and want to get notified if the selection changes. What is the signature for the callback?
I found a code snippet like:
Gtk::TreeView *treeview = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::TreeView);
Glib::RefPtr< Gtk::TreeSelection > sel = treeview->get_selection();
sel->set_mode( Gtk::SELECTION_MULTIPLE );
But I can't find anything about the SelFun!
How is the signature
How to find out which rows and columns are selected inside this function?
How to access data from the model with that object
Yes, I have actually no idea how the TreeView/Model/Path/Selection interacts. Every link to an example is highly welcome!
You seem to want multiple selection. I had the same problem too. Once you have enabled mutliple selection, getting the selected rows is a little more difficult. The method of acquiring them varies slightly.
I'll provide the most general method. First, you need to overload the signal_changed() signal after you have enabled multiple selection. Then, assign the TreeView's TreeSelection to a RefPtr for easy access.
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeSelection> TreeView_TreeSelection;
TreeView_TreeSelection = your_TreeView.get_selection();
Next, connect the TreeSelection to the signal_changed() signal.
TreeView_TreeSelection -> signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(your_TreeView,
Now, make sure to make a void function header in "your_Class" named on_selction_changed() or whatever you want. Just make sure to change the name in the connection above to whatever your class' name is.
The final step is to make the function. Here is a simple example of getting a vector of all of the TreePaths of the rows selected, then converting those TreePaths into a vector of TreeModel::Row pointers.
void your_Class::on_selection_changed()
if((TreeView_TreeSelection -> count_selected_rows()) == 0)
vector<Gtk::TreeModel::Path> selected_rows = TreeView_TreeSelection -> get_selected_rows();
vector<Gtk::TreeModel::Row*> selected_TreeRows;
vector<Gtk::TreeModel::Path>::iterator TreePath_iterator = selected_rows.begin();
Gtk::TreeRow *row;
while(TreePath_iterator != selected_rows.end()
selected_row_it = p_TreeModel -> get_iter(TreePath_iterator);
row = (*selected_row_it);
Do you know how to iterate through a TreeModel using the STL-like contain API called children() of a TreeModel? It's most useful for iterating over all of the rows of a TreeModel or getting the size (AKA row count) of a TreeModel. Its use depends on whether you're using a ListStore, TreeStore or a custom TreeModel.

Visual Studio Variable Not Created When Manually Setting Next Statement

I just started using a new Windows 7 x64 machine today and experienced something new during debugging. I have code that can be thought of as the following:
if(/*Some criteria that evaluates to false*/)
int weekNum = (int)DateTime.Now.Subtract(_myObject.StartDate).TotalDays/7;
//Do something with weekNum
I wanted to debug through the code within the if block. In my current circumstances, it's much easier just to set the next statement to the first line inside the block than to make my data meet the criteria so I set the next execution line to int weekNum... This gives a null reference exception because it, apparently, is not instantiating weekNum. I've verified that nothing on the right side expression is null and can successfully get a result by copying and pasting the right side into the watch or immediate window. If I literally replace it with if(true), it works fine. Choosing the next execution statement in scenarios like this has been a pretty routine way of debugging for me. Why is it behaving this way?
Edit: I have verified that the current build configuration is not optimized.
Edit: I cannot reproduce this in another test project. I modified my original code to remove my object from the equation and here is the new full code that gets the exception in the original project:
private void SelectDefaultLearningUnit()
TODLogic.LearningUnit currentLu = null;
//If sce is active get the learning unit for the current week.
if (!_sce.IsCancelled && !_sce.IsCancelled
&& _sce.StartDate <= DateTime.Now
&& _sce.EndDate > DateTime.Now)
//Get number of weeks since semester started
int currentWeek = (int)4; //THIS LINE STILL BLOWS UP
//Find the first learning unit for the current week
currentLu = _LearningUnits.Where(lu => lu.StartWeek <= currentWeek && lu.EndWeek >= currentWeek).FirstOrDefault(); //May be null
if (currentLu == null)
currentLu = _LearningUnits.FirstOrDefault();
cbLearningUnit.SelectedItem = currentLu;
Again, it only gets the exception if I manually set the execution inside of the if block when it would've otherwise been skipped. The only difference I see is if I put a watch on the variable in the test project it says the value of currentWeek is 0 until it hits the line and then it gets assigned. In the project where it blows up, it shows a red excalamation mark to the left of current week and the value says '' is null. I would expect it to either say the value is 0 or 'currentWeek' is undefined! This is why I originally thought it thought currentWeek was "not instantiated" i.e. didn't exist.

emit code crashes at runtime but not in debug, why

I have some code, that build up a proxy from a type. It work perfekt.
Then I have add in the setter emit code, that it has to push a isDirty bit, when it is call. This fail, why?
If I run the code without the isDirty bit, it works.
If I run the code with the isDirty bit, it works in debug, but is start the disassembly window up in visual studio.
If I run the code with the isDirty (without-debug) the program crash (not responding) but when I hit cancel, it starts working and show all de rigth data.
PropertyBuilder property = proxy.DefineProperty(propertyInfo.Name, propertyInfo.Attributes, propertyInfo.PropertyType, null);
MethodAttributes attributes = MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.HideBySig | MethodAttributes.SpecialName | MethodAttributes.Virtual;
MethodBuilder setMethod = proxy.DefineMethod("set_" + propertyInfo.Name, attributes, typeof(void), new Type[] { propertyInfo.PropertyType });
ILGenerator setIL = setMethod.GetILGenerator();
setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // load this on the stack - where this is the type we are creating
setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_1); // load first parameter on the stack
setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Call, propertyInfo.GetSetMethod());
//error here: when this is uncomment, it fails
// // set the isDirty bit
// setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); // load this on the stack
// setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1, 1); // push a number on the stack
// setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, isDirtyField); // save the value on the stack in field
I have a hard time, seeing why this fails? Need some help from the experts :)
// dennis
I'm not sure if this is your only issue, but you are using the wrong Emit overload when emitting your Ldc_I4_1 opcode. You should do either:
setIL.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, 1)
The first option will result in a slightly smaller IL method body since it uses a specialized opcode, whereas the second one is not specific to the number being loaded.

Best practice for incorrect parameters on a remove method

So I have an abstract data type called RegionModel with a series of values (Region), each mapped to an index. It's possible to remove a number of regions by calling:
regionModel.removeRegions(index, numberOfRegionsToRemove);
My question is what's the best way to handle a call when the index is valid :
(between 0 (inclusive) and the number of Regions in the model (exclusive))
but the numberOfRegionsToRemove is invalid:
(index + regionsToRemove > the number of regions in the model)
Is it best to throw an exception like IllegalArgumentException or just to remove as many Regions as I can (all the regions from index to the end of the model)?
Sub-question: if I throw an exception what's the recommended way to unit test that the call threw the exception and left the model untouched (I'm using Java and JUnit here but I guess this isn't a Java specific question).
Typically, for structures like this, you have a remove method which takes an index and if that index is outside the bounds of the items in the structure, an exception is thrown.
That being said, you should be consistent with whatever that remove method that takes a single index does. If it simply ignores incorrect indexes, then ignore it if your range exceeds (or even starts before) the indexes of the items in your structure.
I agree with Mitchel and casperOne -- an Exception makes the most sense.
As far as unit testing is concerned, JUnit4 allows you to exceptions directly:
You would need only to pass parameters which are guaranteed to cause the exception, and add the correct annotation (#Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class)) to the JUnit test method.
Edit: As Tom Martin mentioned, JUnit 4 is a decent-sized step away from JUnit 3. It is, however, possible to also test exceptions using JUnit 3. It's just not as easy.
One of the ways I've tested exceptions is by using a try/catch block within the class itself, and embedding Assert statements within it.
Here's a simple example -- it's not complete (e.g. regionModel is assumed to be instantiated), but it should get the idea across:
public void testRemoveRegionsInvalidInputs() {
int originalSize = regionModel.length();
int index = 0;
int numberOfRegionsToRemove = 1,000; // > than regionModel's current size
try {
regionModel.removeRegions(index, numberOfRegionsToRemove);
// Since the exception will immediately go into the 'catch' block this code will only run if the IllegalArgumentException wasn't thrown
Assert.assertTrue("Exception not Thrown!", false);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Assert.assertTrue("Exception thrown, but regionModel was modified", regionModel.length() == originalSize);
catch (Exception e) {
Assert.assertTrue("Incorrect exception thrown", false);
I would say that an argument such as illegalArgumentException would be the best way to go here. If the calling code was not passing a workable value, you wouldn't necessarily want to trust that they really wanted to remove what it had them do.
