How do I interactively pass arguments to cURL from the shell? - shell

I want to create an alias to get a file using cURL which prompts for the:
output path
username and password of a proxy
How would I be able to do this interactively rather than hardcoding everything?

The following works as expected:
alias proxyget='read userid?"Userid: "; read passwd?"Password: "; read url?"URL: "; read local?"Local: "; curl -x -U $userid:$passwd $url -o $local;'
Using cURL to automate HTTP jobs
curl - Manual
read Man Page - Bash -


How do I format a variable inside the broken double quotes of a curl command?

I am trying to test the Sumo Logic API by updating the information of my collector. The second curl command is the one that is causing the issue 'curl: (55) Failed sending PUT request'. It works in my terminal but not in the bash script.
readonly etag=$(curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -I -X GET<id> | grep -Fi etag | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d \''"\')
echo ${etag}
curl -vvv -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "If-Match: \"${etag}\"" -T updated_collector.json<id>
set -x
The first curl command is assigned to the variable called 'etag' which stores the necessary etag. The etag is used in the second curl command to make a request to update the information stored in the 'updated_collector.json'. The updated_collector.json file is not the issue as I have successfully updated the information via the terminal with it. I suspect the content-type is not being sent in the header because someone ran the script on their end and it was not showing that information with the -vvv tag.
Here you can find the Sumo Logic Collector API Methods and Examples from which I got the curl commands to test the API:
Update: I retieved the etag and then ran the second command in a bash script. I manually inserted the etag into the ${etag} portion of the second curl command. I then ran the script and it worked. Therefore, the etag variable isn't correctly formatted inside the second curl command. I do not know how to fix this.
The issue was partially the syntax but after fixing that, I was still getting an error. "If-Match: \"${etag}\" in my command should be "If-Match: ${etag}" instead. I had to add the --http1.1 flag for it to work. I'm sure this is a sumo logic issue. I am able to execute GET requests no problem using http2.0.

Curl Upload-File inside Shell Runner

I am trying to upload a single file via curl from within a gitlab-shell-runner.
Basically I need to use this command:
curl --user <user:password> --insecure --upload-file <file>
Following error is shown:
Invoke-WebRequest : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument "<user:password>"
Which adjustments do I need to make, to run this inside gitlab-ci?
I have already tried to use a variable for the address and different variation of quotations.
Thank you in Advance!
As mentioned in "Running cURL on 64 bit Windows" you are running a CmdLet called Invoke-WebRequest, which has a curl alias in Powershell.
Start by removing it:
Remove-item alias:curl
Then check if your script does call the actual curl command (or you might need to call it explicitly).
Or: use Invoke-WebRequest (aliased 'curl') with a Basic $encodedCredentials header.

Uploading the content of a variable as a file into FTP server using Bash

Using Bash scripting, I'm trying to upload the content of variable into an FTP server.
The variable is $HASHED and it contains some hashed password
echo $HASHED
The output of the above command is: M0eSl8NR40wH
I need to do the following:
Create a time/date stamped file in the FTP server (i.e. PASSWORD_18_02_2014)
The file needs to have the same content of the $HASHED value (i.e. the PASSWORD_18_02_2014 needs to have M0eSl8NR40wH inside it).
Trying Curl, I couldn't get it working using the following:
UPLOAD="curl -T $HASHED --user username:password"
Your help is very much appreciated.
Something like this might help you (tested on Linux Mint 13):
FILENAME=PASSWORD_`date +%d_%m_%Y`
ftp -n your_ftp_site <<EOF
user your_user_name_on_the_ftp_server
A few caveats:
You have to export HASHED, e.g. when you set it, set it like this: export HASHED=M0eSl8NR40wH
The above assumes you will be running this from a terminal and can type in your password when prompted
You may have to add some cd commands after the line that starts "user" and before the line that starts "put", depending on where you want to put the file on your ftp server
Don't forget to make the script executable:
chmod u+x your_command_script_name
You can code the password after the user name on the line that starts "user", but this leaves a big risk that someone can discover your password on the ftp server. At the very least, make the bash command script readable only by you:
chmod 700 your_command_script_name
Please try this:
echo "$HASHED" | curl --silent --show-error --upload-file \
-$(date +PASSWORD_%d_%m_%Y) --user username:password
--silent : prevents the progress bar
--show-error : shows errors if any
--upload-file - : get file from stdin
The target name is indicated as part of the URL

Sanitizing read entry in Bash

I have a script which prompts for user credentials in order to phrase a curl command. The issue I am having is if the password has a special character it can mess up the curl command.
example code:
curl -k -o ~/Desktop/output.txt
example inputs
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: 55w0rd!; nodename nor servname provided, or not known
I understand that the curl command is hitting the "#" in the password and trying to connect to 55w0rd! in stead of
How do I "sanitize" the input to escape special characters?
Thank you!
Try to use the "-u" parameter for curl. On the other hand try to use " for start and end the parameters and finally use ${varname} format to access to variables to prevent bash escaping problems.
curl -k -u "${name}:${password}" -o "~/Desktop/output.txt" "${enduser}"
You want to urlencode your password (Pp%340ssword!). AFAIK there is no simple way to do it in bash, this previous thread has some suggestions involving Perl etc. Testing or looking at the curl source might reveal that just replacing # with %40 is sufficient, I haven't tried for the general case.
curl -k -o ~/Desktop/output.txt "https://${name}:${password}${enduser}"

NCFTPPUT command problem

I using passive mode FTP command provide by NCFTP, Currently i want to pass a raw ftp command after file transferred. i found that got an option to do that:
ncftpput -u user -p password -X "rename 123.exe 1234.exe" host /path C:\123.exe
however, it is not working. It can put the file, but rename command not working.
Have anyone did that before?Pls help
-X use RAW FTP commands
Use the following syntax:
ncftpput -u user -p password -X "RNFR 123.exe" -X "RNTO 1234.exe" host /path/123.exe
It works with ncftls as well. It is more immediate if you what you have to do is just a rename without actually uploading anything on the FTP server.
(-W is like -X. The only difference is that it does the rename immediately after logging in)
Here is the syntax:
ncftpls -u name -p psw -W "RNFR FTPfolder/anotherFolder/OLDname.txt" -W "RNTO FTPfolder/anotherFolder/NEWname.txt"
